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Plopping down on my bed, I groaned. My grace was exhausted. Lucifer trained with me when he had time, teaching me how to work with the free spirited will that resided with me.

My father had gone to deal with something, leaving me to my own devices. My room was much like the throne room, pillars lined it, a big bed faced the door, the colors a dark red and black.

"Well don't you look exhausted" a voice came from the entrance to my room.

Despite the tiredness, I sat up excitedly, hopping off the bed and throwing my arms around the demon who took a beating for me.

"Riley" I smiled.

"Hey" she stiffened, awkwardly patting me on the back.

"I thought" I pulled back letting the demon go. "I thought Lucifer killed you"

"Not much can hold me down" she winked. "How did you get away from that angel?"

"Oh uh" itching the back of my neck I sighed. "Don't know actually, I woke up in the bunker, Lucifer and the Winchesters explained what happened"

"Why do you look so tired?" Riley leaned against the door frame, her arms crossed.

"Lucifer has been helping me with my grace, after we figure that out, he's gonna teach me to fly" I grinned excitedly.

"Yeah well, when he's distracted with you, it means we demons don't have to worry about our tormentor. He's still getting revenge on those of us that had allegiance to Crowley while he was in the cage" Riley scoffed. "Although you might just help us by softening him up."

"Isn't he supposed to be Satan or something?" I arched a brow.

"but fatherhood changes anyone, hopefully it's for the better, that way Hell won't be so well you know" she gestured toward the faint sound of screams.

"I'll see what I can do" I laughed. "Lucifer won't let me out of wherever we are" I looked around the room "so I've never actually seen Hell before"

"Trust me, you don't want to" the demon shuddered "I want to keep you as naive to that as possible"

I huffed, crossing my arms as well.

"Listen, I better get going before Lucifer returns" she hooked her thumbs behind her. "But stay here, I'm already in enough trouble for letting his princess fight an angel"

Rolling my eyes, I nodded. Within the blink of an eye Riley the demon was gone. My phone rang from my nightstand and I stepped over to it curiously.

I didn't know Hell had cell service.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Andy? I've been trying to call you for the past hour" the panicked voice of Garth filtered over the line.

"Why? What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Got a Wendigo on my tail - no pun intended" his breaths came out it in stuttered gasps as the sounds of running became apparent.

"Where are you?" I demanded.

"Border of Canada up in Minnesota, there's a national preserve, hurry please, I don't know if I'm gonna make it home this time" Garth fretted.

"Hey, I'm gonna get you back to Bess okay, I'll be there as fast as I can" I promised, before I could continue, there was a scream over the line and then it was dead.

Quickly I threw open the door, sneaking down the hall, I couldn't get caught because my father would never let me go.

The exit was surprisingly unguarded, and I managed to slip out undetected. My wings flapped uselessly behind me, as I still haven't learned how to fly.

I didn't know where I was, but it looked like some sort of abandoned asylum. I made my way down the steps toward the street where some parked cars lie in wait.

Drawing a hidden blade from my boot, I used the handle to shatter the window to a red Toyota passenger seat, praying I wasn't drawing more attention, I crawled over the console into the drivers seat, breaking the wires out from under the wheel.

The first time I ever hot wired a car was when I was fourteen and running from CPS. I happened to look up and saw some demons exiting the asylum, looking around. Obviously my great escape wasn't as unnoticed as I had hoped. 

Grinning in satisfaction when the car started, I quickly veered into the road. Thankfully these streets were deserted.

I shimmied my phone out of my pocket, gracefully catching it and dialing the younger Winchester. I set it on speaker, waiting for the man to pick up.

"Andy?" Sam answered. "I thought you were with Lucifer."

"Change of plan Sam, Garth is in Minnesota right now, captured by a Wendigo and I'm not sure I'll make it in time, do you guys have any friends up there that could help?"

"What? Uh yeah, her name's Donna, I'll send her his way, how do you know Garth?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter" I dropped the phone on the console, swerving away from an oncoming vehicle. "Thank you Sam"

Ending the call, I pressed down the gas, hoping to be across state lines before any demon caught up to me.

It was on a lonely road that I came across my first issue. A line of people stood across the highway, similar blades in their hands.

Two of them were familiar however, they stood together and angrily glared at me as if they weren't the ones who orchestrated my entire life.

Castiel and my would be mom.

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