Chapter 1- The beginning

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(Point of view unknown)

"Greta I just can't keep stealing things!"

"But if you don't then we can't survive!"


"Your the one who helped all these orphans escape from their abusive homes! So now you have to provide for them!"

"Fine. Keep trying to get a job Greta in the mean time where do they want me to steal from next?"



"You have to head out tonight..."

"I better go get ready..."

(Your point of view)

I looked around my tiny room that I had built. You see me and my siblings are all orphans and are very poor. But a long time ago I decided to save other orphans from abusing homes so we could all have one big family. Which means I share a room with my two younger sisters. We have bunk beds that I found for a great price at a yard sale for my sisters. We also had some of our older kids go dumpster diving to find things to make pillows and blankets out of. My bed is actually just three pillows laying beside each other and a small blanket. The room was a awful brownish color and the only other furniture was a small table where I kept my stuff.

I still can't believe I have to steal from Kaibacorp. It's not the hard part to get in. The hard part is trying to get out. I mean it's a beautiful day outside yet I have to go and sneak my way into one of the biggest companies in Japan! Especially since I have to steal something all the way in his office. Which he's in half the time, so odds are he's going to see me.

I reach out and get my deck off the small table and feel it's powers run through me. You see I'm a shadow duelist. So that's how I can pull off these kind of things. But I don't think it will work as well this time around since Kaiba also has shadow magic. Not to mention he's friends with Yugi motu the king of games and he has shadow magic to!

People like them will just see me as a street rat. So of course they will underestimate me like all of the others. But when people underestimate me is when I'm at my most powerful state. I sigh and look at my deck again. I flip over the first card, Psychic Dragon Slayer. Maybe he will come in handy later, I place my deck in its purple holster and place my tranquilizer gun on the other side of my belt. I look down at myself and see my edgy looking outfit. I was wearing a black tank top with white shorts and black boots. I sigh and think 'We'll I better head out.'

(Twenty minutes later you arrive at Kaibacorp)

As I turned a corner I heard someone say "Hey you! You aren't allowed on the higher levels!"

I thought 'Yeah that's what you think.' I chuckle to myself as I bring out a card from my deck.

I whispered "I activate Invisibility!" I held the card and I felt the power of it pump through my veins. Slowly I turned myself invisible and smirked as I heard the guy say "Where did she go? Guess she was a figment of my imagination..." with that he shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

I began to head towards Kaiba's office when I heard a strange noise. I turn to look down on of the halls where it was coming from. My hand laid on my holster ready to pull out a card.

But what I saw surprised me quite a bit. It was a little boy crying on the floor. 'How had no one noticed him yet?' I thought to myself as I allowed my Invisibility card to fade and I walked over to the boy.

I crouched down next to him and asked "Are you alright? Are you lost? Do you need help finding your family?"

He shook his head and said "I don't have anyone left. Mommy and daddy were taken away. They wanted to take me away but I ran away from the scary people in the weird uniforms.

I said "Would you like to come with me?" Completely ignoring the fact that he was probably running from cops and that his parents were probably arrested.

He nodded eagerly. I said "I have to do something first so hold my hand for a second."

He took my hand and I activated Invisibility again. We both turned invisible but we're able to see each other. He looked at me with a questioning face and I smiled at him as I lifted my finger up to my mouth, telling him to be quite.

I said "Stay quiet and follow me."

He nodded his head and we took off towards Kaiba's office. Which of course he was in, because I have horrible luck. I whispered "Go to the front gate of Kaibacorp I'll be there soon. If I don't show up go to St. scrubs and ask for Greta." He nodded and went off. I smiled at his retreating figure but my face went cold as I turned towards Kaiba's door.

Once he was out of sight I waited until someone went into Kaiba's office. Which wasn't very long. Then I followed before the doors before they closed. I stood in the corner and though 'I'll wait until Kaiba leaves.'

The worker left and Kaiba commented "Now then little thief maybe you should come out now?"

I stood frozen, there was no way. Wait yes there is, I already knew that! I just forgot, rookie mistake on my part.

Kaiba said "I have shadow powers so I can see you..." He smirked at me as I slowly came out of my frozen state.

I became visible and said "Very well doesn't matter though. I have to complete my job."

He asked "Why do you steal? I'm curious about you."

I said "I have people counting on me, since my inheritance was taken away from me by the government I have to find money some how."

He said "Oh?" He had a smirk on his face, why was he still smir- He was stalling! Then I remember he could ask for security by pressing a secret and silent button. No doubt shock was written on my face. I gritted my teeth, no way was I going to leave with out getting what I came here for. I said "I activate smokescreen! Now you see me, now you don't." Smoke clouded the room rapidly making me cough a couple of times as I ran to his desk.

I grabbed what I came here for just as the smoke left. I said "It's been real but I have people counting on me so I'll be taken my leave now."

Security arrived and I saw Seto's smirk, man he really smirks way to much. I laughed to myself "Good the rest of the players are here, it wouldn't be fun without you." I smiled and continued "I summon Psychic Dragon Slayer!" He appeared and I jumped onto him and he ran towards the security guards. I knew that card would come in handy at some point today!

He jumped over them and broke into his full speed. I arrived at the front gate and said to the kid "Come on we have to go." I held out my hand and he took it. With that we ran away.

(Back at headquarters)

I had was paid for the goods from Kaibacorp then I went and got the necessities.

All the kids were around me and I began to hand out everything. I gave each of the kids a bag of food containing an apple, a water bottle, a small dinner roll, an energy bar, and a pudding cup with a plastic spoon. I also have everyone a new toothbrush and a small thing of the cheapest toothpaste I could find. Finally I also handed out a sweatshirt and tank top to everyone. Yep this is my life, being a thief in the night, But this is only the beginning.


Reader: Author-chan! Why did you edit the chapter? Also, Why do I have to steal from my precious Seto!😡

Me: I wanted to make the chapter even better and add more details. Sheesh and your a thief so it's kind of implied that you steal things. 😓


Me: Leave me alone this is wattpad, I'm allowed to make you do anything I want. *sigh* 😪

Seto: Don't worry (Y/n) I'm sure Author will make sure we get together. *glares at Author-chan* Right Author?😠

Me: R-right *Squeaks* 😨

Yugi: Stop scaring the poor Author-chan Kaiba! Your being mean!😠

Seto: Yugi let's settle this with a duel!

Me: Alright Alright you guys can save that for later now then who would like to wrap up this chapter for us?

Joey: I got your back Author-Chan! Remember everyone to Vote, Comment, and Follow Author-Chan so she feels appreciated and will wrote more for our story!😁

Me: Joey! Your making me sound Pathetic!😠

Seto, Reader, and Joey: But you are, aren't you?

Me: Y'all are mean!😡 Anyway I hope you guys have a great day and I'll see you next time...

This is MES signing off...

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