Chapter 3

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***(Lloyd's POV)***

"We're home," Cole sighs happily. "We're home! We survived!"

I look up from my phone to see the van has stopped.

I'm at the monastery.


I press myself against Cole's seat. "Let me out," I beg. "Kai's three-hour bathroom rule is killing me." And it's after nine o'clock. I'm only going to be able to stay at Rumi's for, like, an hour.

Nya closes her book and turns off her flashlight. "Again, with the soda pop." She unentangles herself from Jay, who has apparently fallen asleep against his window.

I roll my eyes, pulling her a little closer to me. "He was using you like a teddy bear."

"I mean, I do that with you all the time. Why do you have to sound so grumpy about it?"

" reason. You're right." I sling an arm over her shoulder.

"Jay," she whispers. "Ja-aaaaay. Wake up. We're here."

"Hmm?" he moans.

"We're back at the monastery."

"We're what?" Suddenly, his eyes widen. "O-oh, hey, Nya. Um..."

She giggles. "You're a hard sleeper."

He rubs the back of his neck. "Um, yeah. I'm so sorry if I snored or talked in my sleep or – "

She shrugs. "I could care less." Then, in a more annoyed tone, she sighs, "Cole, can you put your seat down already? My legs are cramped."

He groans. "I'm trying, but my foot fell asleep."

She turns to Zane. "Dude, since you're already packed and all, would you mind going ahead and letting us poor backseat babies out?"

"Letting...what?" Zane frowns.

I clear my throat. "Zane, we really want to get out of the van and go home."

"Oh. I apologize, friends." He opens his door and begins climbing out.

"It's okay," I reply. "We get it. Jay was drooling all over the window a few minutes ago, so he wasn't really in a position to move, either."

"I...I was?" Jay turns bright red.

"It's okay," Nya says. "Lloyd's just overreacting. You only drooled a little."

"That makes me feel all better," he moans sarcastically.

We all pile out, and the fresh air is pure relief to my lungs. "Kai, remind me to never, ever agree to a road trip with you guys again."

"It was a good experience," he argues. "Kids these days just have no appreciation."

"Okay, Dad."

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever. You should be falling at my feet in gratitude."

Nya wraps her arms around him and gives him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "I had a good time, Kai. Personally, I think that's the best idea you've had since deciding to go steady with Skylor."

"Same," the girl in question smiles, coming to his other side. She kisses him on his opposite cheek.

He smirks at me. "See, Lloyd?"

"Eww. Too many girls and lips and...ugh." I shudder, but I can't help a smile. "Anyway, I'm out of here. You can just leave my luggage in the back, since we aren't returning the rental until tomorrow."

"Where are you going?" Nya frowns.

"I, uh, promised a friend I'd hang out for a while."


I pretend I can't hear her and make a run for my motorcycle.

Strapping on my helmet, I take a seat on the soft leather. It's been too long since I've gone for a ride – two weeks, to be exact.

"I've missed you," I sigh happily, turning the bike on.

I back out slowly, then tear off through the night. Everyone knows where the Jade's house is, since it's so...well, grand. It's about half an hour from here.

I so hope I can slip in and out unnoticed.

The wind whips through my blonde hair, and I feel the familiar rush of adrenaline surge through me. This – this is what a real road trip looks like. Next time, our team should just take a bunch of motorcycles on vacation. Nya can ride with me, since she can't drive yet.

And that means no more cuddly Jay-Nya moments. That...makes me kind of sick. Not that he's even her type.

Actually, I don't know what her type is. I should ask her when I get a chance, that way I'll know if there's any possible way we might end up dating.

Before I know it, I'm at the Jade's. I can feel the bass from here, and there's laughter and shouting from the backyard.

Um...which entrance do I even use?

An obviously drunk couple stumbles toward me, and I step out of the way.

I thought Rumi had said there wouldn't be any alcohol, but I guess that's changed.

"Excuse me," I flag them down. "Should I just go around back to get to the party?"

The girl stares at me with confused eyes. "Who are you?" she slurs.

"I'm a guest for the party," I explain. "Is the entrance – "

"Lloyd!" coos a familiar voice.

I turn to see Harumi running for me, a huge smile on her face.

"What are you doing standing around?" she giggles. I can tell she's a little tipsy.

"I was looking for you, actually." I awkwardly extend my arms for a hug, not sure where our relationship stands.

She falls into my embrace. "Mmm, you smell good," she grins. "You should come dance with me!"

Without waiting for an answer, she snatches my hand and drags me toward the backyard.

"You told me there wouldn't be any alcohol," I frown, seeing a couple of boys playing beer pong to my left.

"That was before my parents decided to spend the night out. Well, my adopted parents."

"Oh. I had no idea you were adopted."

"Oh, no," she cries, covering her mouth. "You can't tell anyone, okay? I mean, most everybody knows, given my dad's run for office and all, but I try to keep things quiet."

"I won't tell," I promise her, seeing the distress in her eyes.

How can I make her feel better?

"Do you have anything non-alcoholic? Like a soda or something?"

She nods, the gleam returning to her eyes. "Of course, Lloyd! I made sure there were some drinks to suit your boooooooooring preferences." She pulls me toward a red cooler.

"Thank you. But, hey, I don't want to keep you from your friends, Rumi. You should go have fun. I can find my own drink."

She waves me off. "I don't know half the people here, Lloyd! And besides, my best friend ditched me to hang out with my loser brother. Well, adopted brother."

"Uh-huh." What happened to Harumi's bio-family that she thinks she has to make such a big distinction between them and the Jades?

"Plus, you owe me a dance!" She bats her eyelashes. "And then there's the motorcycle race, which I'm totally partnering with you for!"

"Uh...Rumi, I hate to ask, but if you don't hang out with most of these people, why have a party? Why go to anyone else's parties?"

"The booze?" she winks. "And I usually find a boytoy to hang with. Kai Smith used to be my go-to, but he's just no fun anymore." She sighs miserably. "He's into that older girl, Skylor. But hey, now I have you." She hands me a cold can of cola, then leans on her tiptoes to reach my ear. "And personally, I think you're much cuter."

Her proximity has me feeling weird things. Like, things I usually only feel for Nya when she holds my hand or asks for a piggyback ride.

I shake my head. What am I thinking? Harumi is...not my type. She's so out-there, and she's into drinking and partying and...

Dragging me onto dance floors.

***Music Cue***

I tug on her hand, stopping her. "Uh, I hate to burst your bubble, Rumi, but I didn't come here to be your date for the night."

She breaks into peals of laughter. "Oh, Lloyd, you're hilarious! Of course, this isn't a date. What made you think that?"

"Well, you called me your boytoy for – "

"'Boytoy' doesn't mean a date, Silly!"

"Um...I'm confused."

"Wow, you are so cute!" She titters as she places my hands on her hips, then moves hers to my shoulders. "We should hang out more often."

I want to say "no, we shouldn't", but something about the way she feels, swaying in my arms, stops me.

What's wrong with me?

***(Harumi's POV)***

Tonight started off just awful, but things are looking up. I mean, ever since I realized my not-dad wasn't coming home, I've just been waiting to get my hands on some alcohol.

It's the only thing that really takes the edge off.

I borrowed Paleman's car, since he and Chamille were off doing...whatever. I didn't really pay attention, since I was too focused on how I could finally get some relief from the depression that always sets in. I used the fake ID I got from Ultraviolet and went to the shadier side of Ninjago City. I got a few cases of beer, no questions asked.

Since all my dad's staff were relieved for the night by nine o'clock, I've had free access to alcohol for an hour.

All I want to do is wake up tomorrow with a really bad hangover.

I stare up into Lloyd's green eyes. They're so deep, it's intriguing.

"So, you like any girls?" I ask in a flirty tone.

He raises his eyebrows. " important?"

I smirk. "You do like a girl. Is it someone I hang out with?"

He laughs at that. "Anything but. You know I'm too boring to want a party girl."

"Aww, come on," I prod him. "Don't you think a little adventure would be fun?"

His expression is solemn. "Probably not. That's what my mom got into, and all she ended up with was a broken heart." He forces a smile. "And a baby. Can't forget me."

"Of course, we can't forget you!" I sigh dreamily. "The way you look at a girl when you dance..."


"Well, the way you look at a girl when you dance is special. Like, it seems I'm the only girl here right now." I move a little closer. "So tell me more about this crush of yours."

He looks to the side, laughing nervously. "She's my best friend. Nya. We've been close for so long...I don't know. I just feel like I can be myself around her, and we get along so well. And this summer, she went from total tomboy tomboy. That's when I started noticing the way she laughs, or wrinkles her nose, or says certain words."

"You'd be such a dreamy boyfriend," I giggle. "You've got a romantic streak."

He pushes a hand through his shaggy bangs, then moves it back to rest on me. "Yeah, well, I'm afraid that now she doesn't dress like a grandma, she's going to get attention from a lot of guys at school. I mean, one of my friends liked her before that whole transformation even started, but...don't get me wrong, he's not exactly competition."

"Hmm. Maybe you should say something before we're all stuck back at school. Do you think she likes you?"

"I have no idea. I mean, I think so, but then...what if she doesn't?"

"What makes you think that she doesn't like you?"

"The fact that she hasn't said anything about it. I mean, before she came out of her shell this summer, I get it. She was a little shy when it came to romance. But now, she's a go-getter."

"Will your heart shatter into a thousand craggly pieces if you don't get her?"

He thinks. "Maybe. I mean, it could ruin our friendship forever."

"It could also be true love," I sigh dramatically. "And remember, if things don't work out, I'm a great Friday night date."

He repositions a piece of my hair, smiling. "You're a good coach. Why aren't you going steady with anyone, yourself?"

I cringe.

No one can ever see who I really am, that's why.

"I like a lot of boys, Lloyd. I'm not ready to settle for just one yet." I lay my head against his firm chest.

His voice sounds so much smoother from this close, and my tummy does flips and whirls.

I need another beer.

"Sounds like our song is ending," I sigh. "Wanna go grab another drink?"

"I've barely touched my cola, since you pulled me off to dance so quickly." There's a teasing lilt to his words.

"I could definitely use another drink, so you're coming with me," I sing. I skip toward the alcohol cooler.

"Uh, Rumi, do you want to maybe take it easy on the hard stuff? You seem like you've already had some."

"Believe me, Lloyd, this makes the party so much better! You should try it!"

"I'm good. I promised myself I wouldn't drink underaged."

I gasp. "Why?"

"Because it's not legal, and it's not healthy."

"But it's so fun," I cajole him.

His smile is tight. "Anyway, we have a bike race, right?"

"Oh! I almost forgot," I giggle. I signal the DJ to cut the music, then shimmy over to use his microphone.

"Attention, everyone!" I call. "It's your host here." I blow the crowd a kiss, and they all erupt into cheers.

Their appreciation for what I've put together makes my heart surge with happiness. I think I like leadership.

"Thank you, thank you so much! Now, I wanted to announce that we're going to be having....a motorcycle race! Come on up here, Lloyd!"

He blushes miserably, looking a little unsure, but obeys.

"Isn't he a boytoy?" I coo. "Everyone say 'uwu'!"

Catcalls resound, and Lloyd turns as red as a beet.

"He's going to be one of the contestants in our motorcycle race tonight!"

More cheering. Someone shouts, "I love you, Lloyd!"

"And I am going to be his partner! So, who wants to try to beat us? Lloyd's pretty fast on two wheels!"

"Let's do this!" says a male voice.

"All right. Everyone who wants to participate, bring your bike and a partner to the front of the house in ten minutes! We're going to be driving a loop around my neighborhood, then out into Hiroshi's Labyrinth, mmkay? Mmkay!"

I hand the microphone back to the deejay and beam at Lloyd. "Are you ready for this?"

He fingers his shirt collar. "Uh, Hiroshi's Labyrinth? You really think that's a good idea?"

I plant my hands on my hips. "Don't tell me the boy who swam into the ocean to save me, then performed CPR until I woke up, then carried me to the emergency vehicles, is scared." I furrow a brow. "Are you a lifeguard?"

"No, I'm just into helping out those in need. And I'm not scared, just concerned some drunk teenager is going to wreck their bike into a tree or something."

I laugh. "Lloyd, you worry too much!" I take a swig of my drink. "You should really try a beer, you know. They take the edge right off."
"I'm good."
"Well, I, for one, could use another one." I crumple my can in my hand. "Let's go!"

He grabs my arm. "Rumi, I'm not really sure I want to join this race."

"But you promised," I beg him.

"I'm not going to put you in danger like that."

"Aww, you're so sweet." I rise up on my toes and kiss his cheek, but my aim is off, so I land somewhere near his ear.

Oh, well. That'll work.

"What if someone else needs protecting out there?" I whisper.

My closeness affects him, I can tell.

"If we changed the route..." He trails off.

"Bad idea. At least in Hiroshi's Labyrinth, you won't run into any other traffic. Come on, Lloyd!"

Someone taps my shoulder. "Hi, Rumi. Mind if I have a word with Lloyd?"
That voice is familiar, and I spin around in glee. "Kai!"

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