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1 // 02

The weeks following Jamie's birthday were filled with almost-kisses and cuddles drowned with longing.

They still hung out as usual, except now there was a certain electricity in the air, crackling as Isaac's own birthday, and therefore the reveal of his own Soulmate Mark, drew close.

When the day finally arrived, Isaac could barely sit still.

Every inch of him seemed alight with something – love? Want? Desire? – he wasn't sure, but he felt so jittery he thought he might explode. His breaths were fast, and his heart raced, pulse pounding so hard he could feel it at the base of his throat and on his inner right wrist, hidden underneath the protective leather cuff, waiting for the time.

The bell had barely went off for lunch when Jamie was flying into his class, dark eyes blazing.

The fire on Isaac's skin flared as Jamie grabbed his arm, fingers curling almost protectively around the leather cuff as he practically yanked Isaac out of his class and in the opposite direction of most of the students, towards the library.

Isaac felt his cheeks burn when a few people wolf-whistled at their disappearance, almost everyone aware that Jamie already had his mark and Isaac was going to get his today. The whole school – teachers included, probably – knew that Isaac and Jamie belonged together, probably before the boys themselves did. It had taken Isaac a while to understand why Blige always called them 'best friends', finger-quotes included.

Mrs. Langley gave them a stern glance when they finally entered the library.

"You boys be quiet and behave. I'd rather not kick you out," she said, and James mock bowed at her, which made her shake her head, the fond smile on her lips betraying her otherwise strict demeanour.

Isaac could barely breathe as Jamie pulled him in to the deepest recess of the space, before gently pushing him against the wall between two lines of shelves. He took a step back to give Isaac some breathing space, which, thank God, because Isaac was about to pass out from the anticipation.

Jamie glanced at his watch. His whole body seemed to be subtly vibrating.

"Less than five minutes."

Isaac's palms were suddenly sweating. "Oh God."

Jamie was staring at his mouth. "Can't wait to kiss you."

"Oh God." They'd never directly addressed their feelings before, so Isaac was – rightly – about to melt into a puddle. He licked his lips, heartbeat stuttering when Jamie's intense gaze followed the movement of his tongue.

And then Jamie was moving forward, closer, making Isaac take an automatic step backwards until he was pressed up against the wall, Jamie's chest brushing against his. His binder suddenly felt about ten times tighter, his breaths so fast his lungs hurt.

"Jaime," he gasped, reaching out to grab Jamie's hand when he felt it. "Oh my God."

"Yeah?" Jamie whispered, his dark eyes impossibly darkening even further. "Tell me how it feels."

Isaac's eyelids fluttered. It felt like there was a beam of sunlight on his inner wrist, the warmth somehow encompassing his entire being. He felt filled with – filled with –

His eyes opened to be met with Jamie's intense gaze, and he felt so full he could burst. Tears smarted behind his eyelids from the intensity, and suddenly Jamie had his wrist held in a loving grasp, warm fingers pressing tight against his leather cuff – and his new Mark, underneath.

The thought had his entire body trembling.

"You're mine," Jamie whispered, his voice a low growl. "You're fucking mine."

"Yours," Isaac breathed, and nothing he'd ever said had ever felt more right.

"And I'm yours," Jamie said, voice softening as he pressed their foreheads together, tilting his face up so he could rub their noses. Unable to resist, Isaac leaned up to kiss the corner of his mouth, barely resisting the urge to turn his face so their lips could properly meet. "Isaac," Jamie warned, even though his voice was thick with longing.

"I know," Isaac murmured, placing another kiss on his jaw. His skin lit up once more as he whispered, into Jamie's throat, "You're mine."

"Yours," Jamie echoed.

Isaac shivered again.

He hugged Jamie close, clenching his eyes shut in a desperate attempt to contain his emotions. A soft laugh bubbled out of his throat, and Jamie snickered, and then they were full on laughing, not understanding why.

And even though Mrs. Langley'd had to kick them out of the library because of the noise, it was still the best day of Isaac's life.

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