🔑chapter 14 🔑

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>>>>>>>>HUNTING // UNTILL I FOUND HER<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Mark is going back to London
It's time to locate PAY STARR where ever she is in this World


I decided to return back to London after the Christmas and the new year celebration with my family right in Africa. I arrive at the castles international airport of UK. Peter and seven  came to pick me up at the international airport, we gist alot about my experience during my vacation with my family. I also told them,  I'm about to resign as an federal secret agent also known as {AkA} DETECTIVE. They both look disappointed but I explained to them, my family needs me, I'm very  soon gonna become a father and my family will not be secured, I will always put their lifes in risks. They might even get kidnapped just like the other 5 prime ministers from the state house.  So that's why am gonna quit.

  So if you quit what will you be doing? For living. " I will go back to what I study in school" I will just be a normal lawyer. Afterall I have all I needed, A lot of money in my account, and I will also work for chambers as well. So please let me quit . Seven and Peter had no other option.

I got home very late in the night, Peter and seven drop me off and I really appreciate their efforts, tomorrow is Monday and am going to resign tomorrow morning.

I got to office the second day, I told Mr Davis I am no longer interested And I wanna resign,  I was so surprised to Mr Davis reaction, " so you think it's a play to sign up as a federal agent secret and anytime you want you can just kick yourself off the job. It does not work like that, you can't resign like that.  You must work for at least 9 to 10 years before you can attempt such. So young man am so sorry you can't resign now.

I can't resign, oh okay then I will enroll to be a federal government Lawyer or official.  Mr Davis got mad at me, do you really wanna leave your team, your building, your legacy, your words and all you have trained for. You must be kidding me mark.

I controlled my emotions and I look to Mr Davis face. am done sir.  I exit from is office.  Mr Davis was so surprised what has gone over him, he doesn't take hard drug non alcohol. What's wrong,.    Well that's non of my business, I went straight to my office, drop my bage and veto weapons, pick up my stuffs and head straight to my car,  then I received a call from Mr Davis office, meet me at the conference room.

Not bad, I returned back into the station and I head straight to the conference room, but shockingly for me to meet all my team mates, and am the captain of the Bravo team. 
"Guys am so sorry but I have to go, I studied Law and I wanted to be a lawyer, not a problem Hunter but a problem solver. I wanna leave a free life, and not a secret one, I wanna help people fight for their freedoms and not imprison people.

"Mark we will miss you" you are so special to us, especially me Sunny, every moment, every memories with you are so Valuable to me, your word inspires me alot. We will miss you sir mark.

Am not leaving you all. Am always with you side by side . Am just going out to something different. You can always reach out to me anytime you need me , goodbye to you guys. I will miss you too " I put you claim in charge of my  Bravo team.  Goodbye....

I Got home so early for the first time, in 2years. Well not bad , few months later i joined a co_Lawer of Mr David, An international ambassador. He posted me to work in the United States of America. Wow  what a good news for me, I was posted to America Washington DC where PAY STARR lives,

I called her and told her I was coming to America to continue a living, she was so excited, happy and amazed to hear that from me, in a week time I will be leaving my house, my college friends, my Aunt, and every other person that matters to me the most in London United Kingdom. even then am already a citizen and a citizen for life.

Some times in life you need to give up on something's you love so much, especially those things that matters to you the most, in order to get greater things... Ahead of you

Don't just get mad but get a lawyer*********************

To be continued
..............Chapter 15
Mark is going to America to continue is living, and also propose to Pay Starr and get married to her.
Hurting//  until mark found her

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