Until I Met Him

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"I shouldn't have married you!"
"Oh really, why don't you divorce me then?"
"I would have divorced you long back, I am still here for my daughter."
"So am I!"

A memory etched in my mind, a glimpse of my parents fight.
What will a 5 year old understand in this whole fight?
They never thought before fighting that how it was going to affect their child's mind.

They kept my name Zoya, means life, loving and affectionate, but there wasn't a bit of liveliness between them.

They said they stayed together for me, but did they really stayed for me?

They were not there when I needed them the most, not when I wanted to share my happiness, my achievements, not when I craved for a family time badly.
Heck! They didn't even attended school annual functions together in my childhood nor they accompanied me on my graduation day. Why? Just to ignore each other.
They became my mother and father but were not able to become my parents.

I still remember the day when my 12th boards results were out and I topped the school. I thought that they would be happy and we will spend some quality time together but what a big fool I was! On returning home, I was greeted with the sight of my beloved parents fighting.

They knew I was not a very chirpy or an outgoing child. I was not able to make friends quickly. I was always a shy child and it took me long to adjust with someone new, hence I never had friends and still they never made a nice environment to live in. Awkward silence, there continuous taunts for each other, sometimes fighting over me, blah, blah. House was always enveloped with a different kind of tension.
Home doesn't felt like home!

But then I got a chance to stay away from them, for my studies. Surprisingly, I was happy not only because I got the college of my choice but also because I would stay away from them, from there mess, from there continuous fights, from that awkward tension and environment of house.

I was clear in my goal when I reached college - to complete my graduation.
After watching my parents relationship, I lost my belief in marriage and love. I knew it was all good in novels, movies and stories. Reality is always bitter and hard to accept than fiction. I believed that no relationship can last with love left between the two, until I met him.

The first day of college, the day I met him for the first time. I was a fresher and as usual, some students misguided me. I was quite frustrated when I collided with him.

"Sorry miss!"
"Doesn't matter" I replied frowning.
"Are you a fresher?"
"Why do you want to know? To misguide me? See I already missed my first class so please pardon me. I am not up for more."
"May I help you?" He said.
"Won't..... Won't you misguide... Me?" I asked, confused on his behaviour.
"Nope. I think its enough for today." He said and I frowned.
"Okay, take my help if you don't want to miss next class." I nodded.
"Aditya. 2nd year." He said, forwarding his hand.
"Zoya" I shook his hand gently.

He was the first and only friend which I made. He was genuine and as a good friend always understood me. We used to hangout together. Sometimes he helped me in my studies too. He changed my perspective in many things. The walls which I had build around my heart started to fall slowly. I knew there is something more but I never acknowledged it, neither I wanted to because I really don't wanted to get hurt.

Time flies quickly.
I was now in my final year, giving my final exams and he was settled in his career. We used to meet on holidays. I knew there were no feelings on my part but still I always looked forward for holidays eagerly. Who was I trying to fool? Myself, but if he was somewhere near I was compelled to listen to my heart.

I still remember how he proposed me on valentine's day.
I was not so happy that day because exams were over and I was returning home next day. I was going to tell him that when he dropped the bomb over my head. I consider it as a bomb because I was so confused about my feelings for him, moreover my insecurities. I was a mess.

We were in a park, sitting on the bench, savouring our favourite flavored Ice Creams, when I thought to disclose him about my departure.

"Actually, tomorrow...." He interrupted me.
"Wait, first I want to say something. Come."
He took me near the fountain built in the park.
"Shh... First listen to me. Zoya, I love you. Will you marry me?"

Shock would be understatement of what I felt. I stood numb there. I never thought that he can have some feelings for me. I was so much into myself that it never came into my mind, about how he felt.

What touched my heart was his way of proposing.
No cheesy lines, no cliche setting, no show off, nothing! Just a simple confession and a shining diamond ring.
He was genuine, I knew. His eyes said it all.
That nervous face of his after proposing made me chuckle and him confuse.
I was happy, very happy but I never wanted to drag him in my mess.

'How will he cope up with one who don't believe in love and marriage? He deserve all the love in the world.'
I thought.

I didn't denied him straight. Rest of the day we talked or to be precise I talked and he listened, very patiently. He didn't sympathize me. He listened to my every insecurity.

At the end of the day, I was back to my hostel room, without that ring. I was clear not to come in any relationship and that what exactly happened, he left, but to my surprise, my heart was aching. I didn't know when he entered my heart, when he broke every wall, surrounding my heart. Then I knew, what I felt for him, but again I ignored it. Next day, I left for my hometown.

Reaching home, I was surprised. There was no tension in the environment. Everything was a bit changed. It made me quite happy.
When I saw my parents treating each other civilly, I was not able to believe my eyes. Was I dreaming? Heck no! I believed that someone did some black magic on them. Ahhh!
They both were warming up with each other. I was on cloud nine. What just had happened? But did it matter? No! I was happy and they were behaving just like normal couples.
Two days later, in evening, I found him at my doorstep, with his family. My eyes widened and he just smirked. How much I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face at that time, its just I knew.

He came with a marriage proposal. Again my insecurities rushed back, and I was hesitant, but this time he was adamant.

"Zoya I knew you will react like this only, but I promise you, we will never turn out like your parents."
"How are you so sure?" I asked.
"Trust me on this zoya. Before this too, you trusted me and I didn't failed you." His eyes conveyed so many emotions that this time I melted.
"Promise sweetheart."

He didn't failed me. He fulfilled his promise.

5 years of marriage of bliss and our three year old daughter Aditi was cherry on top.
I love him, I love my Aditya, my Adi!

The day when I went in labour was something Adi can't forget ever. I didn't remember much but the way he told me about what I said to him, I remember every bit of it.

"Are you in labour sweety?"
"No I am enjoying baby's kicks! Are you mad? AHHhh..."
He picked me up and drove to hospital, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"Mr. Aditya Hooda, I hate you for making me go through this pain." I said, lying on stretcher, clutching his hand. My nails were piercing his skin, I was sure.

"But its because baby. You only wanted na!"
"Don't you dare bring my baby in this. Its all your faul...... Ahhh..."
"NURSE, will you please bring my baby out?" I asked, trying to be as polite as possible.
"Wait mam, there is still time."

He says I never said 'I love you' as much as I said 'I hate you' to him.

“What are you writing?” Here comes my ghalib.
“Its not good to leave me alone in early morning, I may get scared.” He settled in front of me, pouting and I chuckled.

The atmosphere was so serene. Cold wind caressed our skin as we were sitting in the balcony, enjoying the pleasant silence.
Suddenly I remembered what today was and decided to break the silence.

Keeping my coffee cup on tea table, I leaned in and whispered,
“Happy valentine's day Adi! I love you, a lot, so much.” I wished him with all the love I had. His eyes lit up but then he smiled mischievously.

“Oh my god! I should have recorded it. Its not like everyday you say these three magical words.
I remember your ‘I hate you's’ more than ‘I love you's’. ”
He exaggerated. Drama king!
He was teasing me again.

“This is not how you reply to a ‘I love you’! ” I scoffed.

“Then let me reply to you in my way.” Saying so he leaned in to kiss me when our daughter interrupted us.

“Daddy.....? Whele ale o?” (Where are you?) She called, and as a perfect father, which he is, went to her.

Her first word was ‘pa’. Whenever Aditya is in her reach, she wants all of his attention. She even forgets me when she is with him. Sometimes didn't even let him spend a minute with me. Am I jealous? Hell yes!

Pampering her to no end is his hobby. One tear in her eye and The Aditya hooda is gone, it will be just Aditi's pa. Hence, I can't help but be a strict parent, because he is of no use when it comes to her.

I entered our room and saw my little naughty munchkin was sleeping on his shoulder, clutching his collar in her small fists. These two are father-daughter goals.
Is that even a thing? Whatever!

When he tried to lay her down in crib, she didn't let go off his collar. Well, she won't leave him for atleast two hours now, because her morning nap is completed only when she sleeps on his chest.

“She is very possessive for you.” I said, sitting on bed and he grinned.

Picking her up again, he came near me. Leaning down, he whispered,
“I love you too sunflower. You both are my world.”
And this was enough for me to capture his lips in mine, pouring my every emotion, about how I felt for him.

                            The End

Hey readers,
I hope you all like it.

This my first time for a one shot and moreover on my favourite adiya.

Comment and vote, so I can know how it was.

Give your views.

Thank you so much all.

With love,

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