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Hi friends....This is my second book and I am so happy for the response to my first book....I hope you all like it
So let's get started....

"Bye mom......" I said and wore my sandals.
"Anjali I told you not to go to office then why are you going" my mom shooted from kitchen.
"But mom I can't" she cut me off.
"I said you are not going to office and you are not going" she said to me sternly.
"Mom listen to me"
I tried to talk to her so many time but she didn't listened to me.
"Anjali today they are coming to see you and you want to go to office" she asked me.
"Maa i told you so many time I am not ready for marriage and I want some time for it" I said to her.
"We gave you so much time but now you have to listen to us" she said and went inside.

Hi....I am anjali....Anjali Thapar. I am a fashion designer. I love being independent and I want to enjoy my freedom for some more days. Yes my parents gave me time...They gave me one year time and in this one year they didn't asked me about marriage but now they are looking for a groom for me. I have to do something so that this groom will run away without looking back. Think something anjali think something.

So here is Anjali....She is chirpy, sweet, stubborn, naughty, enjoys every moment of her life. She is a fashion designer and she loves her work. It is her passion.
She don't want to get married she thinks if she gets married then she will not have freedom. She don't believe in love she thinks it is only good in books. She loves her parents so much. She is a single child to her parents so they loves and pampers her alot.

"Mom I don't want to have an arrange marriage" I said to her for the upteemth time.
"We are going and that's final aarav" dad said to me.
"But dad I already told you that I want to have a love marriage then why are you forcing me to have an arrange marriage" I asked him.
"Aarav I gave my word to my friend that you will marry his daughter and I think you will not let me down" dad said and went to his room.
"Mom" I looked at my mom for help.
"Aarav listen to me"
"I know you want to have a love marriage but who knows you will get your girl through an arrange marriage. You just come with us and see her if you don't like her then I will talk to your father" she said softly trying to make me understand.
"Ok mom" I said and she kissed my forehead and went to kitchen.

Hi....I am aarav...Aarav mehra. I am the CEO of ARR construction company. So you maybe thinking what is ARR....A for aarav R for ragini and R for rajeev....My parents names. I love my parents alot. I want to have a love marriage because my parents had a love marriage and today they are living so happily. They understand each other without saying anything and I always wanted a girl who is like my mom not exactly like her but like her. But my father want me to marry his friend's daughter that too an arrange marriage which I don't want to. I have to something to cancel this marriage.

So here is our aarav.....the mumma's boy, sweet, handsome and waiting for his dream girl. He is not even in a single relationship because he is waiting for his dream girl which he didn't got till now and he wants to wait for her but his father fixed this marriage.

So here are our hero and heroin who thinks totally different. They have different thoughts about marriage. Will they find love in eachother or not. As they say opposites attract but the question is will they...???

So here is the introduction of main leads.
How is it...??
Comment and let me know...


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