Chapter 3

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Michael's POV

Well, I was right about my roommate's hair coming down to his shoulders. I assumed he put it up when he was drawing, though my only thing to go on really were those drawing utensils I'd seen a week ago and the fact Connor was an art major. I found his long hair kind of cute. He almost always had it curled behind his ear, and then a few strands curled up around the ear. I didn't really let it bother me much. Though, Connor's dislike of jocks was honestly hilarious. If Connor was the main character in a video game the enemies would probably look like your stereotypical jock.

I was walking out of a class when Jeremy and I almost knocked into each other. Jeremy had noticed first and kind of leapt backward. "Hey dude," he said when I'd noticed him as well. "I didn't see you there." I smiled and then laughed a bit

"That makes two of us, Jer," I laughed. "You've just come out of theatre right?" Jeremy nodded and sighed.

"Christine was amazing as always," he sighed. Ah, yes, the girlfriend. I rolled my eyes at him. He'd spent the whole of high school trying to get her to notice him. Practically singing her name under his breath. It did get slightly annoying after a while, but I was never jealous. It was more of 'just ask her out already, what the fuck are you waiting for!' kinda thing. That kind of annoying.

"Oh, I'm sure," my tone was one of 'I have heard this million times before'. I was about to walk off towards mine and Connor's room, as I had no more classes for that day, when Jeremy spoke again.

"Hey! Um, why don't you tell me about that roommate of yours?" He asked. I gestured that he should walk with me and we started walking back to the dorm. I didn't really have a time constraint on when to go back to the room, I just felt tired after three hours of nothing except nonstop coding lectures. I looked at Jeremy as we walked.

"So, my roommate?" I asked. "Well, I don't really have much of an impression yet. I mean, he's cute, but that's really the only impression. I don't really know what he's like yet. I mean, it's really only been a week so I have some idea. I know he likes Linkin Park and Green Day and stuff like that. He also despises the sports channel." I started chuckling. "You should hear him rant on and on about it, it's honestly hilarious." Jeremy laughed a bit himself. We were nearing the building, so we paused. "You can meet him if you want," I shrugged.

"Um, maybe not today," said Jeremy. "It's not that I uh, don't want to, I just would want you guys to know each other a bit more?" I nodded. It would probably be best to first get a bit more of a friendship with Connor. Did he even consider me a friend yet? I mean, we've known each other for only a week, but I feel that we're on friendly terms, I mean we did tell each other about our other friends, so that's something, right? I mean, especially after that movie together I feel that we're closer. Wait- that sounds strange. "Um, Michael? Your cheeks are slightly red," Jeremy pointed out causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh, they are?" I touched one of them and sure enough, they felt slightly warm. They weren't very hot, so it was obviously just a slight blush. "Hm, I wonder why. I was only thinking about when Connor and I were watching Big Hero Six  yesterday." I shrugged and then turned to face the building. I mean, nothing really odd had happened while watching the movie. Connor and I were sitting on different seats, so it's hardly like we could've accidentally cuddled or anything that could've been taken the wrong way. I guess, I'll just ignore that little blush for now. It could've just been from embarrassment anyway.

Okay, sure, I find Connor cute but I know I'm not attracted to him. I really only call it an attraction when those pesky butterflies start making their home in your stomach. It's like in a video game where you have to build up relationships. I wouldn't say the character has feelings for you until their dialogue starts stuttering or their character art starts to blush. So, I find Connor attractive but am not attracted to him. Of course, that isn't to say that finding Connor attractive will never lead into an actual attraction. Just currently, it's only a finding him attractive.

After a long moment of silence, and Jeremy looking at me funny, I started walking again. Jeremy waved me off. "Text me later!" He called before quickly running off to his next class that I probably made him late for. Whoops. I walked into the building and ascended the stairs. Once finally inside, I collapsed on the couch.

"Long day?" The sound came from Connor's room. I lifted my head and saw Connor looking at me. He was half lying down, half sitting up with a drawing tablet resting on his stomach. His hair was in a ponytail as usual. I gave a weak mumble in return. Connor had told me that the tablet was required for his major so it didn't shock me when I saw it for the first time. I was too tired to even realize that Connor was trying to be friendly. I then thought about it, Connor's probably used to having long days. We'd been living together for a week, so more than once I'd seen Connor with bags under his eyes like he only went to bed at 4 AM. So he could probably sense my 'had a long day'-ness and wasn't actually trying to be friendly.

"If I have to hear one more thing about Else If or Switch statements I am going to lose it," I mumbled, tiredly. Connor just blinked, confused. "Oh, that's code," I explained. "We literally spent 40 minutes on just that! We hardly learned anything new that would help with video game design." Connor put his tablet off to the side and got off of his bed.

"Yeah, I don't really get it," he stated. "I just used to play the end product, never really thinking about what exactly went on behind the scenes. So, I'm pretty fucking clueless." I blinked. Connor had played video games before? Huh, I would've never guessed. I looked at him and saw that he was doing something in the kitchen.

"The code is it what even makes the game work in the first place," I explained. "Without code, there's no game. Not the actual game called There's No Game or whatever. All applications would have some code with them. At least, that's what I've heard." Connor just looked more confused so I decided to ask about the 'used to play the final product'. "So, you used to play video games? What kinds did you play?"

Connor nearly dropped the mug he was cleaning. He put it off to the side, so it wasn't a breaking hazard, I assumed. "I mean it wasn't a lot and I never really liked the games I did play. I had a few consoles and a few games. The one I disliked the least was this series called Pokémon or something? It wasn't the worst."

I saw right through Connor's bullshit, but I decided not to comment. I didn't think we were really at the teasing level of friendship yet if we were even friends yet. "Ah, I see," I commented. Connor nodded and left the kitchen, joining me on the couch. "Were you working on something for class?" I asked.

"Actually... It was a commission. People pay me to draw this specific thing, and then I draw it. It helps me pay for stuff," he shrugged. "My art prices aren't terribly high but I feel like the prices are actually suitable for the quality of my artwork."

"Oh that's cool!" I said and Connor smiled. It was the first time I'd actually really seen him smile. Well, smile when something hadn't happened, like at a movie or he'd just been laughing or the smile was a smirk. I felt myself smile as well.

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