Chapter 7

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Jake's heart raced at 1000 times per second. Of course this wasn't possible, but it felt like it was. Damn it! He swore in his head. She knows! I'm so dead. Jake was of course talking about Mallory. Jake's mind let his eyes drift over to their home room teacher. Mr. Peak. The SkyWing's glaring stare, followed the class as the class led in. When Jake finally saw Esperenza he saw that she wasn't herself. She seemed sad but when her eyes caught his eyes, before Jake hid his face that is, they seemed to lighten immediately. And Jake, being himself as usual, wondered why and it didn't help when she came to sit next to him, making his eyes fall to the floor.

"Jake," Esperenza whispered. "You don't have to hide anything from me, I'm sure you're aware of this fact right?"

Jake  felt beads of sweat run down his cheeks.

Yes, but I do


Poop! Did I say that out loud?



Esperenza seemed skeptical

"I have to go to the little dragons room!"

Jake raced out of the classroom and to the bathroom, where he lay cowering. Unfortunately heard a door open and in stepped Lucas, who noticed him immediately.

"Did Jakey-Wakey need a little time away from Espy?" Jake felt his cheeks burn, Lucas was becoming even more not Jake's friend.

"Hey Lucas uh... How's Coral?" Jake retorted snidely and Lucas stepped back and gone slightly pink.

"She's f-fine." Jake smiled slyly

"Now you know how it feels,"Jake remarked striding out of the bathroom. Once he was out he started walking towards the classroom and a poster caught his attention. He read it and felt his blood turn to ice. He took the quill and wrote a name in his messy scrawl. It was a simple name and it Started with a 'E'


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