Men in the woods

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The letter's edges were ripped and tattered, a yellowish tint was grown on it, crumbling it, the child threw it aside. "Just another stupid joke from them Jenkins brothers.." The small boy leapt up from the small nest of branches and mud, his Mama's favorite shorts painted with ant-infested mud.

"I'm hopin' Mama likes her shorts brown" The small boy exclaimed, throwing a smooth flat rock across the lake, a loud female voice echoed through the woods

"George!! Dinner!!" George shot up, his small feet slamming into the ground, stick in hand

As he was running, George was stopped dead in his tracks, two men stood before him, one in black with tanish skin, black hair, muscular build, the other wearing all white attire, skinny, pale, light brown hair.

"Small child, how will you die?" The man in white spoke, his voice a sweet shiver

"Small child, will you die of drowning? Stabbing? A house fire?" The man in black asked, his voice a warm deep tone

"You strange men, what do y'all want?" George asks, swinging the stick between the two.

"Oh sweet child.." The man in black paused, pulling out a beautiful black rose from his pocket, a small handkerchief wrapped around the stem "Sweet child, don't touch the stem, please sweet child, bring it to your fair mother." The man in black finished, handing the rose to George.

"Sure thing mister!" George grabs the rose, and runs back home, the man in black sighs deeply as he turns to the man in white.

"Sir, p-please.. I know I messed up, but-" The man in white started, the man in black placed his index finger lightly on his pink lips, trailing it down under his chin, before lifting his head

"Oh sweet lover, don't taunt my mercy. It shuns you, for your desperation, makes. It. Sick." The man in black spoke softly, his voice was as soft as a feather, yet the tone was like a razor blade to his throat.

"You're disgusting-" The man in black throws his hand aside, pushing the man in white to the ground, "You revolt me. A vile parasite attached to me, ripping you off would cause you harm, hmm? Pain." The man in black now stood over him, his eyes a pure black, the man in white cowered beneath him, how pathetic. 

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