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"Are you just going to just sit there and look like a creep? Or are you going to talk to her?" Jacob muttered to Embry as they sat at the lunch table with the rest of the pack who were busy talking amongst each other.

"It's not weird? Just approaching her?" He asked turning to Jacob who rolled his eyes

"It's only Aniya with her, and Maya your own cousin. What harm is there?" Embry wanted to point out the entire situation of leaving her stranded years ago, on her last day before she returned home. He knew in her perspective; she was stood up and he would have approached her if he had control at the time.

Since phasing, besides thinking of Juliet which was almost all the time, he was in turmoil of who his father possibly was. It could be Quil Ateara IV, Billy Black or Joshua Uley but his mother was never going to tell him.

Embry was suddenly yanked up with both his arms in the hold of two different people. He turned to both sides Paul on the left and Jared on the right," Okay buddy, up you go" Jared said as they both let him go and shoving him to the direction of the table Juliet was at.

The shove was strong making his legs hardly have control as he finally halted but with him standing directly in front of Juliet's eye view at the table. She was reading a book, but when the girls stopped talking, she looked up and then froze seeing who was standing in front of her.

Embry sheepishly smiled scratching the back of his head," Hey Juliet" His voice sounding frightened to her ears, making her look at him and then smile

"Hi Embry" Hearing his voice and how weak it sounded, made her know she couldn't just shrug him off. She just couldn't hate him, like it was not possible at all.

Aniya as looking between the two for a moment and then it hit her that Embry Call was most likely Juliet's 'Summer Romance'. She had nothing against Embry, out of the boys just like with Seth and Jared, it was mainly Jacob and Paul.

Maya, on the other hand, was trying her best not to grin and had to raise Juliet's book, that she snatched when she was distracted. She hid her face behind the book, as she finally broke out the grin she was painfully holding back. Embry saw it and lightly kicked her foot that was near his, and finally spoke up," Is it okay-If we talk?" He asked Juliet.

Juliet hated the hesitation she was having, but pushed it aside and nodded," Sure" She mumbled and looked at the girls who told her through their eyes to go ahead. She smiled at them and grabbed her belongings, saying her farewells to the girls.

Embry swore quietly hearing the boys clear as day as they hooted and whistled. He looked over to Juliet discreetly hoping that with the boy's obnoxious sounds didn't make her want to change her mind. Although, she seemed to not have any falter of her choice making he sigh in relief.

The pair of them had walked out of the school to the benches and tables outside. Embry was currently having a moment in his head playing all the possible scenarios that could take place, making him walk into a tree on the way there being so distracted.

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