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After the question came out of Embry's mouth, Juliet just kept her hand in his. It would be a lie if she wasn't hopeful, but at the same time, she was still slightly hurt. Although, the feel of his touch felt right and the heavyweight in her chest was gone.

"I think we are okay, but" She gently pulled her hand back which," Maybe its better if we just stick with being friends" She hated the suggestion, but what they had during that summer years ago was probably just meant to end there.

Embry wanted to retort, but he knew it was not a rejection because he didn't feel the pain, he knew he should feel. When your imprint rejects you, it feels like your heart is being squeezed and about to burst," Okay" He agreed but didn't remove his eyes from hers," But, I'm kind of stubborn, so expect me not to give up anytime" He smirked getting up from the bench.

Juliet gaped at him as he walked away, watching his figure slowly disappear from her view," He did not just steal my line"

Embry had been wanting Juliet to meet Quil and Jacob for some time now, but he was hesitant since he knew how the two of them would end up making it awkward with just teasing him most of the time.

Juliet on the other hand, was very insistent on it, saying that there was nothing for him to be embarrassed about, but he knew the boys so well," I'm kind of stubborn, so expect me not to give up anytime" was what she told him, on his hesitance.

So they had planned to make them meet, but it was awful timing with Jacob who was off with Bella and barely spending time with him. Then Quil, who had suddenly changed friends him being unaware of his friend suddenly phasing since he didn't know about it until it was his time. (An: i know quil phased last, but for this story i switched it)

Juliet had to comfort him when he told her that it was probably just bad timing, and it sure was.

"You didn't tell her about the imprinting?" Quil asked sitting next to Embry in Paul's truck bed.

"I prefer not just telling someone who wants to be friends, that she is my soulmate Quil" Embry faced his friend making Quil nod in agreement

"Okay, you have a fair point"

"Besides" Embry leaned his head on the window of the truck," I really like Juliet, and I prefer to take things the proper way, and not use imprinting as an excuse for us to be together"

"Alright, Romeo" Quil teased patting his friends' shoulder who swatted his hand away in annoyance. Though, he had a smile forming on his face, remembering all the times he and Juliet would recite one of the famous Shakespeare works.

Juliet stood on the lone log clearing her throat" O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I'll no longer be a Capulet"

Embry smirked as he stood up giving a dramatic gesture," Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" They both chuckled together, as they shared a kiss, and continued to joke around.

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