Chapter 4: Geonosis Troubles Part 2

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The announcement rang out, emphasizing its crucial importance. Without delay, all the cadets swiftly entered the briefing room, forming a circle around the large portable holo-table. The table, a magnificent circular design, emanated a vibrant red holographic grid on its top layer, reflecting the distinct architecture of the Geonosians.

Among the cadets, Richard instantly recognized the figures seated on chairs surrounding the table: Viceroy Nute Gunray, representing the Trade Federation; Archduke Poggle the Lesser, the influential leader of the Geonosians (and also was one of the few Geonosians that unexpectedly joined his dancing last time in his workshop); Passel Argente, head of powerful galactic companies and a prominent supporter of Count Dooku's Separatist movement; and Wat Tambor, the formidable foreman of the Techno Union.

Oh, and there's also a Mandalorian in blue and silver armor, and a young boy, who looked no older than ten. If you have not guess it's Janho and Boba. And that boy will be orphan soon.

Richard and Arya managed to secure a spot in the front row, positioned just behind Gunray. Count Dooku, standing between Admiral Trench and Poggle, exuded an undeniable aura of authority as all eyes in the room gravitated toward him. Observing the cadets, Dooku paused before addressing them.

"A few moments ago," he began, his voice commanding attention, "Senator Amidala of Naboo and her Jedi guardian were foolishly captured during an attempt to rescue Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had tracked our bounty hunter, Jango Fett, to one of our droid production facilities here on Geonosis and managed to transmit a message to Coruscant."

As Dooku spoke, the cadets began to whisper and exchange thoughts amongst themselves, while Arya delved into deep contemplation, fully grasping the gravity of the situation.

Richard on the other hand, looks as if he knew this would happen. It's not like he was reincarnated with the knowledge and history of Star Wars in both legends and canon. Oh no, that would have been cheating—

Okay, never mind, he knows it, you (readers) know it, and this is a crack-fic. We all know Star Wars Timeline to some extent. But Richard has to keep up appearances just to avoid suspicion from others.

(Timmy: BuT AuThOr, RiChArD HaS AlReAdY OuTeD HiMsElF As SuSpiCiOuS WiTh HiS GmOd PoWeRs aNd Tf2 DrOiDs!)

SHUT THE FUCK UP LITTLE TIMMY!!! NO ONE FUCKING ASKED YOU!!! (Guess the reference) He only used a small portion of his Gmod Powers to upgrade his droids, and these upgrades are even plausible to achieve, even without Gmod powers!!!

*cough* okay... Anyways back to the story.

Dooku lets a discussion between the Cadets take place before gesturing for silence before he spoke,

"Our position in Geonosis is compromised, and a Republic attack is imminent," Dooku stated. "While I oversee the executions of our uninvited guests, Admiral Trench will brief you on your tactical roles. Some of you will be responsible for supervising the evacuation of our forces, others will man the tactical booths in this facility, and those with combat training will take on-field command. That will be all."

Dooku turned, followed by the Council Members, the Mandalorian, and the young boy, leaving the room. Admiral Trench then addressed the cadets.

"Those of you with combat training, report to TF-67 in the armory. The rest of you, follow me to the command center," Trench commanded.

Richard and the other cadets obediently followed Admiral Trench to the command center. As they reached their destination, Trench faced his troops and began to speak.

"As far as I'm concerned, your training is complete. The Republic will become aware of our droid army and will attempt to raise one of their own. Any chance for peace has been eradicated, and war is inevitable," Trench declared, receiving nods of agreement from the cadets.

Richard's internal thoughts echoed with determination. 'Yes! Let there be war! I'll show the Republic of my CoNfEdErAte BoOt!'

"This is a war in which we will secure our independence from the oppressive Galactic Republic! Never forget that!" Trench exclaimed.

"Sir, yes, sir!" the cadets responded in unison, now embracing their roles as true commanding officers.

"Good. Now," Trench continued, adopting a serious tone, "...let's proceed with assigning your roles in the evacuation."

He proceeded to distribute tactical assignments to each cadet, mostly centered around defending the Droid foundries. Some were tasked with defending the Core Ships and Geonosian Spires to facilitate the evacuation of the remaining Droid army.

Richard Mann was assigned the task of defending a core ship, which was strategically situated amidst canyons, acting as a natural barrier against both the Republic and his forces. While he had hoped for a more active role against the "Republic maggots," he understood that beggars couldn't be choosers. Although disappointed, he didn't mind taking on a defensive position. After all, he had experience playing the Engineer in Team Fortress 2, where he excelled in defensive roles. He reminisced about the countless hours spent inside TeuFort's intel room, patiently waiting for unsuspecting enemies to fall within range of his sentry gun while performing the Relaxo Rancho Taunt. (Though in fairness, enemy spies were able to bypass and backstab him due to that).

As Commander Mann examined the Geonosis map and assessed his position, he contemplated adopting the defense strategies of the BLU Team. They were known to excel in defensive operations, making them a logical choice. However, before finalizing his decision, he noticed Arya's assignment. She was tasked with defending a droid foundry located far from the core ship.

Looking at the distance between their destinations, he realized that Arya might need all the help she could get. While he had no doubts about his friend's combat skills and strategic acumen, it was more on the matter of whether or not she would leave the battle alive or unscathed. After all, in Star Wars Lore and Canon, the Geonosis was invaded by Copy-Pasted Mandalorians who spent their time dedicating their talent as 'Perfect' Soldiers, not the average-joe type of soldiers. This means that Arya would be having a hard time against qualified Mandalorian clones.

He would show them what a TRUE Soldier is like!

He had made his decision...

"...Now that all your roles have been assigned, do you understand what you need to do when the Republic attacks?" Admiral Trench asked, interrupting Richard's thoughts.

"Sir, yes, sir!" Richard and the other Droid Officers replied in unison.

"Head to the hangar and await further orders. They will come through your com-links. Good luck out there," the Harch Admiral said, saluting his troops. The officers returned the salute before leaving the command center, making their way either to the hangar or their workshops.

Richard, meanwhile, briskly jogged through the corridors toward the hangar bay, skillfully maneuvering to avoid any collisions. He sent a transmission to his Team Fortress-fied Battle Droids,

"Chief, gather your team! Proceed to the hangar!"

"/Sir, yes, sir!/" came the prompt affirmation he expected from the OOM-Soldier Droid.

"/Und my team, Commandant?/" Quickfix chimed in.

"I have another task for your squad as well. Head to the hangar, and we'll discuss your team's role," Richard replied with a grin, knowing he had a wonderful plan to assist his friend.


It was happening.

War was unfolding, and Arya couldn't deny the panic and turmoil consuming her thoughts.

As she briskly walked through the corridors towards the hangar, her droids following closely behind, she passed by fellow commanders, Geonosians, and droids of all kinds. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her mind. War, something she had hoped to avoid, had become inevitable. Richard had been right all along, and she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of regret for her previous misjudgment.

Her musings came to a halt as she reached the hangar doors. They slid open, revealing a bustling and crowded space. The hangar bay was filled with droid fighters and Geonosian ships, some already taking flight while others remained stationary. Battle droids marched in calculated formations, making preparations for the upcoming invasion by the Republic and their Jedi Order. Geonosian warriors soared above, either entering other hive entrances or exiting the hangar. Her classmates were present as well, tending to the maintenance and preparation of their assigned vehicles or transports. The mixture of nervousness and focused determination was evident on their faces. Arya understood their struggle to keep their nerves in check, as she felt the same nervousness but maintained her composure.

As she made her way through the hangar, she spotted Richard Mann with his back turned, accompanied by his peculiar droids, both the RED and BLU Teams. Relief washed over Arya upon seeing a familiar face. Despite their previous disagreements, it was comforting to know that her friend was always prepared and ready.

Approaching Richard, Arya overheard the tail end of their conversation. ", you understand, Quick-Fix?" Richard asked, unaware of her presence.

"Jahowl," the B1-Battle Droid nodded, but then noticed Arya's arrival. "Ah, Herr Commandant Warhan!"

Richard turned to acknowledge her as well. "Arya, you're here!" He noticed the droids following behind her. "And you've brought your team as well!"

"Hello!" Quick-Fix waved to the OOM-Command Droid trailing behind Arya, who returned the gesture with a wave of its own.

As the droids continued their interactions, Richard couldn't help but notice the shift in expression on Arya's face, signaling her deep concern. He approached her, a hint of worry in his voice as he asked, "Hey Arya, you alright?"

"Huh? What?" Arya replied, seeming slightly lost in her thoughts.

"You seem worried. Is everything okay?" Richard pressed, his concern evident.

Arya hesitated for a moment, realizing that trying to hide her true feelings wouldn't work with Richard. She sighed and decided to open up about her apprehensions. "Well... War is about to begin, and... I don't know if I'm fully prepared for it. It feels like everything is happening so fast, and I thought we would have more time before we started fighting. Plus, the Republic doesn't even have a strong standing army, which is both a relief and a concern."

Unbeknownst to Arya, Richard's expression strained at her words, and Quick-fix exchanged a subtle side glance with a whistle that was far from innocent.

However, Richard quickly composed himself, putting on a brave front. With a forced smile, he reassured Arya, "You have nothing to worry about! The Republic's Judicial Forces and the Jedi Order are their only means of protection. They hardly pose a real threat to us. With our overwhelming droid forces, victory is practically guaranteed!"

Arya raised an eyebrow, countering his optimism. "But Richard, this fight isn't about conquering the Republic. It's about gaining our independence from them. Sometimes I wish the Republic cared more about the Outer Rim worlds..."

Suddenly, an alarm blared throughout the base, jolting everyone into high alert.


A mechanical voice echoed through the intercoms, while red lights flashed ominously.

"What's happening!?" Arya exclaimed, her voice filled with alarm.

The intercom announced urgently, "All staff, report to your assigned stations. This is not a drill! Repeat; THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" The urgency in the intercom's voice was impossible to ignore.

Arya's heart sank as a sense of dread washed over her. Both she and Richard sprinted to the edge of the hangar platform, and what they witnessed sent shivers down their spines.

"No..." Arya gasped in horror at the sight before her.

Several dozen large, wedge-shaped space cruisers descended, extending their landing appendages, each bearing the symbol of the Republic on their hulls. Accompanying them were hundreds of smaller vessels.

The base's turbolasers fired upon the enemy ships, but the sheer magnitude of the Republic's forces was overwhelming. Arya glanced at Richard, who had his eyes fixed on the wedge-shaped ships, and a fear unlike any she had known gripped her heart. It wasn't fear for her survival, but fear for the safety of her friend.

"SEE! I WAS RIGHT! YOU STILL OWE ME 500 CREDITS!" Richard exclaimed, his voice filled with a strange mix of pride and excitement.

Arya's incredulous expression cut through the tension. "Rick, is this really the time?!" she asked, her voice tinged with exasperation?

"There's always a time for being right!" Richard replied, undeterred.

"Rick, we're about to be invaded!"

"And we'll kick their asses for it!"

Arya fell silent, her gaze locked with Richard's.












"I sometimes don't understand you," she admitted with a sigh.

" nice!"

Arya shook her head, ready to head towards her transport, when Richard placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.

"Arya, wait!" he called out, offering her a blue toolbox. "Take this! It'll aid you in your defense. Trust me!"

Arya raised an eyebrow, perplexed by the unexpected gesture, but she knew better than to dismiss the help of someone like Richard Mann. With a nod of gratitude, she accepted the toolbox and swiftly made her way into the waiting transport ship, her droids following closely behind.


As her ship gracefully lifts off the ground, Arya's eyes are fixed on Richard, who stands there with a mix of pride and concern. The ship slowly ascends, growing smaller and smaller until it disappears from view. Richard, still wearing his determined expression, turns to Quick-Fix, the Medic Droid, and shares a nod of understanding. Quick-Fix acknowledges the unspoken message before Richard strides purposefully toward his transport ship.

Inside the transport ship, Richard settles into his seat as it lifts off, soaring high above the vast expanse of Geonosis. From this vantage point, he takes in the breathtaking sight of the planet's desert landscape. The golden sands stretch as far as the eye can see, bathed in the intense glow of the sun. Towering rock formations and intricate canyons carve through the mesas, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. As he flies over, Richard also spots the imposing Core Ships dotting the horizon, a symbol of the Confederacy's military might.

But amidst this awe-inspiring scene, a jarring sight interrupts the tranquility. Republic Acclamator-class assault ships descend from the sky, unloading their cargo of AT-TEs onto the surface. In perfect formation, a legion of white-armored soldiers marches alongside the mechanized walkers. The pristine ranks of the Republic forces stand in stark contrast to the rugged terrain of Geonosis, signaling the imminent clash between the two factions.

On the opposite side of the battlefield, Richard witnesses the vast sea of battle droids forming an imposing defensive line. They stand shoulder to shoulder, their metallic forms ready to repel the incoming Republic invaders. Accompanying them are a variety of formidable CIS vehicles, adding to the formidable presence of the Confederate forces. The air crackles with blaster bolts as the chaos of battle unfolds beneath his transport ship, causing it to rattle and tremble.

While Arya's transport ship reaches its destination, Richard's vessel docks inside the core ship's expansive hangar bay. Stepping out with purpose, he leads RED Team, his loyal Team Fotressfied Droids, onto the floor. They find their place within the hangar, preparing themselves for the imminent battle. Richard, driven by his unwavering determination, strides confidently toward one of the nearby security droids.

"Listen up, you worthless scrap heaps!" he barks, addressing the nearby security droids. "Secure strategic positions where the enemy is most likely to strike! I won't tolerate any disappointments, you hear me, maggots?!"

"Roger, Roger!" the Battle Droid acknowledges, nodding obediently as it relays Richard's orders to its fellow droids. With RED Team settled in the hangar, Richard proceeds to the helm of the core ship, ready to take command and fulfill his role in the upcoming conflict.

As Richard walks through the bustling corridors of the ship, filled with geonosians and droids going about their duties, he remains focused on his mission. Finally, he reaches the helm, where a hive of activity unfolds with droids and Neimoidians working together. Taking his place in the commanding chair, Richard gazes at the holographic display projected before him. The Coreship and its surrounding area come to life in vivid detail, with red highlights marking the advancing Republic forces and blue highlights representing the resilient droid army.

The battle has commenced, and the gravity of the situation is not lost on Richard. However, he quickly shifts his attention to Arya's position, displayed on the hologram. The representation shows her forces under heavy assault, struggling to hold their ground against the relentless onslaught from the Republic.

Determined to provide support, Richard activates his communicator, establishing a connection with BLU Team. "Quick-Fix, is your team prepared?" he asks, his voice resolute.

"Affirmative!" Quick-Fix's response comes through the comms, filled with determination.

"Good. I'm transferring command to Commander Arya. You will assist her in organizing an evacuation when the time comes."

"/Understood, Commandant!/" Quick-Fix acknowledges, immediately relaying the orders to his team. "/Engineer, set up zhe teleporter at zhis location!/" he commands.

Richard's plan unfolds seamlessly, with each member of the BLU Team executing their assigned tasks with precision. With a simple press of a button on his transmitter, the toolbox located at Arya's position opens, revealing a device designed to aid her in the fight and ensure her survival.


"Dammit!" Arya cursed under her breath, her heart pounding in her chest as she sought refuge behind a crumbling stone pillar. The acrid smell of burnt metal and blaster fire hung in the air, mingling with the sounds of distant explosions. She could feel the weight of the battle pressing down on her, the weight of an unexpected conflict that had escalated beyond her expectations.

The Clone Troopers advanced relentlessly, their synchronized movements and disciplined formations sending waves of blaster bolts hurtling toward her position. She watched in dismay as her droids valiantly fought back, their metallic forms taking hit after hit, their circuits sizzling with the strain of the onslaught. They were loyal and dedicated, but they were not prepared for this. Nor was she.

Arya's voice carried a mix of frustration and desperation as she shouted orders to her droids, her words barely audible over the cacophony of battle. "Hold your ground! Keep those republic dogs at bay! We cannot afford to falter!"

Her mind raced, trying to comprehend the sheer scale of the Republic's military might. How had they managed to assemble such a formidable force with such precision? It was as if they had sprung out of nowhere, catching her off guard and leaving her scrambling to adapt to the overwhelming tide of soldiers. The Republic's efficiency and readiness seemed almost supernatural, and Arya couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their sudden rise than met the eye.

"/Hey, Arya!/" Richard's voice broke through the chaos, offering a brief respite from the relentless firefight. "/...what's up? How's the war going?/"

Arya couldn't help but release a bitter laugh, tinged with a hint of desperation. "How's it going? Rick, I'm being overrun here! This is beyond anything I expected. I didn't know the Republic had a standing army of this magnitude! How could they amass such forces so quickly?"

"/Well, surprises tend to happen./" Richard's voice remained surprisingly calm, almost unnervingly so, considering the dire circumstances. "/Who knows, maybe the Chancellor or a Jedi was behind the creation of a secret army. Secrets have a way of being unveiled in times of war./"

Arya's mind whirled with possibilities as she processed Richard's words. The mention of a secret army, orchestrated by someone in power, sent a shiver down her spine. Was there a hidden hand guiding the Republic's sudden army? It was a notion she hadn't entertained before, but amid the chaos, it seemed like a plausible explanation. Perhaps the Republic's overwhelming force wasn't simply a matter of efficient organization but a calculated plan set in motion long before the conflict began.

Before she could delve deeper into her thoughts, another volley of blaster fire rained down, forcing her to duck lower behind her meager cover. The air crackled with energy as the blue ionized bolts whizzed overhead, each one a reminder of the danger that surrounded her. Arya knew she had to focus on the present, on surviving the relentless assault, but the questions lingered in her mind, adding another layer of uncertainty to an already chaotic battlefield.

"I don't think I'll be getting out of this place anytime soon!" Arya exclaimed bitterly, her dreams of a long and illustrious career as a commander coming to an abrupt end. She cursed the Republic and the Jedi for their role in her current predicament.

Before she could dwell further on her despair, a voice came through her comms. "/You don't have to worry! You will get out of this alive! I am sending reinforcements!/" Richard's reassuring words reached her, offering a glimmer of hope in chaos.

Firing a few shots at the advancing Republic soldiers, Arya took cover again as blaster bolts whizzed over her head. She responded to her friend, skepticism evident in her voice. "Rick, I appreciate the gesture, but I don't think you can make it in time!"

"/Hahaha! You don't have to worry! They're already there!/" Richard's confident response puzzled her.

What did he mean by that? Before Arya could inquire further, a missile whizzed over her fortifications, striking a group of clone troopers and eliminating them in an explosion.

Startled, Arya looked up to see a sight that filled her with awe and disbelief. There she sees...


It's Richard's Battle Droids!

They appeared on the small plateau, towering above the canyon. They wasted no time, unleashing a barrage of bullets and explosions upon the unsuspecting clones. Her droids saw this unexpected intervention and pressed forward, seizing the opportunity to turn the tide of battle. The clones caught off guard, and in turn suffered heavy casualties under the relentless assault of Richard's droids.

Their armor proved inadequate against the potent and piercing impact of the kinetic energy raining down upon them. Arya rose steadily from her position, her eyes fixed on the spectacle unfolding before her. Clones  that once troubled her now fell one by one, their lives extinguished in a relentless onslaught by the infamous BLU Team.

"What the hell—ARGH!"

"Enemy droids incoming!"

"Are they firing slugthrowers at us—!" The clone's head exploded into a gruesome mist, leaving his lower jaw hanging. The brutal display of death startled nearby clones and even shook Arya herself.

Amidst the chaos, mischievous laughter filled the air, emanating from one of Richard's droids. The Hat-Wearing Droid with a Slugthrower sniper rifle, taunted the fallen clones with a twisted remark, "Thanks for standin' still, wanker!"

Arya's gaze swept across the battlefield as she witnessed more of Richard's unusual droids arriving to her aid. And she noticed their distinctive blue color. It could only mean one thing...

"BLU TEAM! BLU Tactic 795 Thunderstorm! Operation: Attack & Defense!"

They are BLU Team! The highly efficient tactical squad under Richard Mann's command! He had dispatched them to assist her!

Relief and satisfaction washed over Arya as the BLU droids formed a defensive perimeter. B2-Heavies and B1-Soldiers unleashed a torrent of firepower, while B1-Pyros deflected grenades and rockets with their airblasts. B1-Engineers set up Lvl 3 Sentries and Dispensers to support nearby droid units. B1-Snipers targeted key enemy figures, while BX-Demo Droids laid sticky traps and launched grenades in wide arcs. B1-Scouts remained in cover, utilizing their blaster pistols to engage the enemy from a distance. The B1-Medic took charge, issuing orders and providing healing to his team.

"Commandant, we have arrived per the request of Commandant Richard," the BX-Spy reported to Arya with gentlemanly courtesy as he joined her side.

Arya smiled, a sense of gratitude and determination filling her. "Well, hell, I appreciate it!"

She observed the battlefield, witnessing the decimation of the clones at the hands of the BLU Team. The powerful slug-thrower weapons ripped through their ranks, accompanied by a relentless onslaught


This was not like the simulation at all.

What was supposed to be a simple assault on a droid foundry and a win for the republic became a disastrous assault. Squads of highly trained Kaminoan Bred-Clone Troopers against a couple of clankers should be easy pickings. Simple as that, right?

No, instead it is a hazardous one-sided war zone. He was wrong, so wrong on many levels. That's what going through the kind of the unfortunate Clone Trooper who hid behind his cover as his brothers die all around him from explosion or gunfire, not even daring to peek over.

He watch as his brothers run towards the enemy's position with intentions of taking it but were met with the kinetic energy of slugs tearing them into sunder. While some were blown to bloody bits by the explosions ordinance from those... monsters...


Some attempted to use grenades but it backfired, literally when the droids with gasmask somehow deflect it with some kind of air blast of sorts. How it's possible isn't something he dales on when those same grenades returned to the sender. He flinched as he heard a loud bang that echoed across the area, and yelped in fright when the corpse of his brother falls in front of him: the upper part of the head and helmet is gone with the lower jaw and helmet remaining. It was a bloody mess that he nearly vomited but he had to keep being strong... for his bro-



The Clone flinched once more, he tries to remain covered as much as possible. He steadily takes a small peak and his eyes widen in horror. Everything seems to slow down for him, as he begins to attest to the situation: Bodies of his brothers lay on the sandy rock ground of Geonosis, as above their objective are droids... but are these things even droids to get in with?

No... to the clone, these are monsters!

On top of the body horrendous mountain of corpses is a B2-Super Battle Droid holding a freaking mini-gun mowing down any unfortunate clone who tried to get assault their position while laughing with sadistic glee. Behind it is a droid holding some sort of beam weapon that's concentrated on a B2-Super Battle Droid. He has no idea what it was.

Next to the flank of the B2-Super Battle Droid is a BX-Commando Droid lobbing grenades left and right, blowing up the clone's position with extreme prejudice while somehow intoxicated. Next to it is B1-Battle Droid, normally the weak cannon fodder but this... where could he begin to describe the monster that is currently burning his brothers to death?!

He's not one to fear any insignificant B1 Battle Droid... but that thing... it scares him...

"AAAAAAAHHH!!!" A trooper who was unfortunate to be in the range of the flamethrower begins to burn him alive as the B1-Gasmask Wearing Droid chases him to which the flames spread to the other clones close to him.

One shudder of inhume thought lay behind that mask. What dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty?

Their screams... Oh by the many moons the screams! His brothers are dying!!

Nothing prepared him and his brothers for this slaughter. They're supposed to be highly trained professional soldiers, warriors with the blood of the greatest bounty hunter of the Galaxy. Able to adapt to every situation thrown at them yet these droids have made their situation unadaptable by the constant barrage of slug bullets, rockets, and grenades that continues to undo any progress they've made.

So far, these droids are extremely formidable which has put Clones' progress toward the mission into a stalemate.

Even when they were able to land some hits on the droids, a red beam of sorts was projected from the droid that is out of their sight and was able to heal the droids from any damage done to them. They don't know how it is healing them and how it's possible, they can't focus on the mission as the droids attacking their position have made things difficult on Clones.

These droids aren't like the simulations, this isn't like the simulations at all!

Just as the clones were about to contemplate a possible strategy to counter the relentless droids, they received a transmission from their advisors, "/Trooper, status report!/"

"Sir, we're pinned down!" a Clone Sergeant shouted through the comms as another rocket hit their cover. The distinct laughter and jeers from the droids continued as they relentlessly pounded their position with a barrage of firepower. "We need air or armor support!"

"/Roger that. Air and armor support, underway!/"

As the clones fought or sought cover while enduring the taunts and mockery of the droids (much to their frustration), they fired everything they had. However, these droids proved to be a formidable challenge for even the most skilled soldiers of the Republic.

Then, a transmission came in from the Gunship pilot.

"/Gunship and armor support is here!/"

Right on cue, the sound of the approaching LAAT Gunship filled the air, much to the squad's delight and relief.

One clone couldn't help but smile, saying, "Ah yeah! The cavalry has arrived!"

Hope ignited within the clones as they looked ahead to see the LAAT/c Gunship carrying an AT-TE. With the aid of this formidable walker, they believed they had a chance to break through the droids' defenses. There was a glimmer of hope.

But, as the saying goes, hope can be the first step on the road to disappointment. Because they are against TF2fied Droids!

Just as the Gunship carrying the AT-TE came into view, a B1 Battle Droid with an odd beam weapon spotted it and called out to another droid wielding a rocket launcher, "Soldier! I'm fully charged!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

As the Gunship closed in to assist Clone Troopers, the Battle Droid with the rocket launcher took aim at the vehicle. Before the Gunship had a chance to deploy the walker, the B1 with the peculiar beam weapon activated what appeared to be a charged attack and directed the beam toward the rocket-launcher wielding droid. This caught the clones' attention, and they watched in stunned silence as the rocket launcher began to glow blue, with lightning coursing through the weapon.

"What the..." one of the clones murmured, his gaze fixed on the mesmerizing glow of the rocket launcher.

"Auf Wiedersehen, Schweinehunds!" the B1 Battle Droid with the peculiar weapon exclaimed in a different language.

The B1-Battle Droid cackled with delight before shouting, "You sissified maggot scum have just signed your death warrants!"

Before any of the clones could react, the Rocket Launcher unleashed four consecutive rockets at the Gunship, all glowing blue. Each rocket found its mark, and due to the devastating impact of these TF2-related weapons, the Gunship suffered severe damage. The first rocket damaged the right wing, followed by the second one destroying the engine. The third rocket struck the right side of the Gunship, causing the rack holding the AT-TE to explode and crash onto the ground, instantly killing its occupants. Finally, the fourth rocket hit the cockpit, killing the pilot.

The clones watched in horror as the Gunship, which was supposed to turn the tide of the battle, crash-landed somewhere out of sight, followed by a deafening explosion.

"You've got to be kriffing kidding me..." one of the clones muttered in disbelief.

The remaining Clone Troopers were so stunned by what had transpired that they fell into a shocked silence. Unbeknownst to them, the droids ceased their fire. However, a BX-Commando Droid had already lobbed a couple of spike ball-like bombs onto their position. Lost in their disbelief, the clones failed to notice the deadly spike bombs landing near their cover and at their feet.

Their once-safe haven had turned into a death zone.

By the time they realized what was happening, it was already too late. The beep of the primed bombs reached their ears, and the Clone Sergeant and the rest of the squad looked down, their eyes widening behind their helmets. The bombs were primed and ready.

And they were glowing blue.


Then the world of the clones turned orange, followed by the laughter of the BX Commando Droid.


Looking at the holographic display of Arya's position, Richard observed the intricate details indicating her successful coordination with BLU Team. The red highlights slowly faded away, a testament to the team's prowess in either halting the Republic's assault on the Droid Foundry or decimating the opposing forces.

As Richard zoomed out of Arya's position, his attention shifted to the hologram displaying the Coreship and its surroundings. The ship was cleverly positioned amidst canyons and plateaus, serving as natural barriers and creating a labyrinth that hindered the clones from mounting a proper assault. The AT-TEs, towering war machines, found themselves unable to navigate the terrain. However, Richard couldn't afford to overlook the infantry threat, even though he maintained a calm demeanor.

He played Men of War, so why the fuck not?

Richard approached the situation strategically, positioning his droids to leverage their strengths and coordinating with the Geonosian warriors on the ground. As he studied the layout, a flicker of recognition crossed his face. The arrangement of the Core Ship, which he's stationed in, struck him as oddly familiar—a realization dawned upon him.

He was in the same Core Ship that the Clone Commandos would eventually assault, the very one from the renowned Republic Commando Game.

Someone better call the ambulance... BUT NOT FOR HIM!

A mischievous grin formed on Richard's face, knowing he had stumbled upon a chance for some unexpected mischief.

Leaving the bridge behind, Richard made his way to the hangar bay of the Core Ship. The RED Team droids chatted and relaxed on nearby crates as he entered. Their conversation ceased, and all eyes turned to their commander. Richard greeted them with a warm smile, despite the vibrations reverberating through the Lucrehulk from the ongoing battle outside.

"Gentlemen!" he exclaimed, his voice adopting an odd French accent. "The guest has arrived. Show them some... hospitality."

He added, a sinister undertone creeping into his tone.

The droids exchanged glances, their faces lit up with a figurative smile. If they were capable of physical expressions, they would surely be grinning. Their collective response resonated with affirmation.

"Sir, yes, sir!"



"Alrighty then!"


"Yeah, gotcha!"



"'Kay, mate!"

The droids rose from their positions and approached a large crate, with a RED B1-Engineer grabbing a nearby crowbar to pry it open. Weapons spilled onto the floor, eliciting chuckles from the droids. Each one lifted their assigned weapon, preparing for the impending clash with their so-called guest.

"Pony up, boys!"

The team geared up, their anticipation evident as they readied themselves for the oncoming onslaught.

"All will fear my giant gun!"

"Zhe healing is not as rewarding as zhe hurting!"


With their weapons in hand, RED Team marched toward the exit in a formidable formation. Chief led the way, flanked by two RED B1-Soldiers on his right and two RED B1-Scouts on his left. Behind them, the three RED B2-Heavy Droids with their trusty miniguns maintained their position. Three BX-Demo Droids followed, accompanied by three RED B1-Pyro Droids. The procession continued with three RED B1-Engineers, a RED BX-Spy, and finally, a RED B1-Sniper.

Their confident strides and eagerness exuded an intimidating aura, tinged with a primal bloodlust. Neimodians, Geonosians, and battle droids alike couldn't help but step aside as they passed. The Neimodians, known for their inherent cowardice, found these odd droids utterly terrifying. Their liveliness and unpredictability instilled fear. The Geonosians and regular Battle Droids, on the other hand, had heard rumors and information about Cadet Mann's Droids. Tales of their ability to overpower even the most experienced warriors and advanced droid units had spread. Their unique behavior, battle prowess demonstrated in simulations, and their uncanny creativity had earned them a fearsome reputation.

After an impressive display while trekking through the halls of the Lucrehulk, the team reached the exit point where their impending battle awaited them. Chief exchanged a nod with the regular B1 Battle Droid beside the door control panel, and the droid quickly grasped the gesture's meaning.

With a few taps on the panel, the doors slid open, revealing a small army of clones attempting to storm into the Lucrehulk. Blue blaster bolts whizzed through the air, narrowly missing the OOM-Command Droid and his comrades. Mentally smirking, he readied his rocket launcher.

"Time to inform your next of kin!"


In the aftermath of the devastating clone assault on the Droid Foundry, the scene was one of horror and despair. The smoke from the explosion slowly dispersed, revealing the grim aftermath. The remnants of the Clone Assault Squad lay scattered across the battlefield, their fate sealed in tragedy.

The Clone Sergeant, gravely injured, lay on the ground. He had lost his left arm and his legs in the explosion. The pain was unbearable, and he longed for this nightmare to come to an end. Blood poured from his wounds, staining the ground beneath him.

The other clones fared no better. One unfortunate clone had been closest to the explosion and was instantly killed. The battlefield was strewn with body parts, a gruesome testament to the destructive power unleashed. The scorched and cracked visor helmet that landed nearby served as a haunting reminder of his demise.

Another clone had narrowly escaped the explosion and, in a desperate attempt, tried to retaliate against the droids by launching a grenade from his cover. However, his effort was in vain. The B1 Battle Droid equipped with a flamethrower skillfully deflected the grenade back towards the clone. The clone, stunned by the turn of events, was unable to react in time. The grenade struck him, instantly reducing him to nothing more than scattered chunks of flesh. It was a cruel fate—a clone trooper killed by a lowly B1 Battle Droid armed with a flamethrower.

Not far away, another clone trooper met a similarly grim fate, one that defied belief.

How he died... is fucking bullshit.

He couldn't fucking believe it, but it happened. It fucking did happened. He had managed to evade the explosion by vaulting over his cover but fell prey to a single syringe.

A. Single. Fucking. Syringe.


However it was glowing. Whatever it was, is extremely dangerous.

As the injured Sergeant gazed up from the lifeless body of his comrade, he mustered the little strength he had left to confront the approaching odd droids. Geonosian warriors swooped down beside them, clicking and snarling in defense of their home.

With a sneer, the Sergeant uttered, "What are you waiting for? Get it over with."

The odd droids prepared to comply, but one of the Geonosian Warriors raised its hand, halting them. It turned to its right and placed its finger and thumb on its mouth, emitting a whistle.


Confusion washed over the Clone Sergeant as he slowly turned his head to see a B1 Battle Droid wearing a gas mask, gripping a flamethrower. His eyes widened in terror. The Geonosian Warrior made a slashing gesture across its neck with its thumb, signaling the droid. The gas mask-wearing droid eagerly nodded and aimed its flamethrower at the Sergeant, it's intent clear.

"No... no... no!" the Sergeant screamed, fear gripping his every fiber. What awaited him was not a swift death but a torturous one.

In a desperate attempt to defend himself, he reached for his sidearm, only to realize it was several feet away, out of his reach. Before he could react, he found himself engulfed in flames. The searing heat consumed him, and he thrashed about in excruciating pain as his body was cooked alive.

—(BLU B1-Pyro (AKA Bobby)POV)—

The friendly insect man was asking Bobby for help.

He was told to approach the Clone who seemed to be in need, just like other clones who came here asking for rainbows and joy!

Bobby loved helping people; his Commander had programmed him to bring happiness to others. He remembered the sad faces of the clones in white armor when they came here, but now their expressions transformed into pure joy when he showered them with vibrant rainbows and bubbles! It made Bobby feel good to see them happy and giggling under the colorful spectacle as they dazzle and dance around the beautiful world of Pyroland! It's a shame his friends didn't want to join in! They're having so much fun!

However, this particular Clone in white armor appeared sad. Maybe he had accidentally hurt his toe or felt lonely after his friends fell asleep after playing too much with Rainbow. The nice and happy bug people asked Bobby to bring some cheer and joy to this sad Clone by surrounding him with beautiful rainbows and bubbles!

Yes, he would do that! After all, he's the Pyro! And he probably would give him a delicious lollipop if he had any!

But to Bobby's surprise, the sad Clone cried out, "No! Bubbles mean! Rainbows are bad!" Tears streamed down his visor as he expressed his distress.


Bobby was taken aback. How could anyone think bubbles and rainbows are bad?! Those are what make anyone happy! Even the sad grumpy ones! They are harmless and brought happiness! No, that's not true! Rainbows and bubbles don't hurt! Here, Bobby will show the sad Clone the true joy of rainbows, and Bobby didn't hesitate. He started spraying rainbows and bubbles all around the crying Clone, hoping to turn his sadness into laughter.

And indeed, as the rainbow-colored bubbles engulfed him, the cries of sadness gradually transformed into laughter of pure joy. The once-sad Clone thrashed about on the candy ground, his helmet faces twisting from a frown to a smile. Bobby chuckled with delight, continuing to shower him with bubbles and rainbows, removing his sorrow completely.

"Weeeeee! Weeeee!! Weeeeeeeee!!" The Happy Clone's helmet turned into a wide smile as he playfully thrashed around amidst the rainbows that enveloped him.

See? Rainbows are indeed nice! Bobby was overjoyed to have helped the Clone find happiness, reaffirming his purpose of spreading joy to others.



Arya was taken aback by the gruesome scene unfolding before her. She felt a wave of sickness wash over her as the Clone Sergeant's screams of agony pierced the air. His desperate pleas for death echoed in her ears, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of horror. Why weren't the droids and bugs intervening?! Why was this suffering allowed to continue?!


While Arya appreciated Richard's assistance and the effectiveness of his droids, the sight of the flamethrower-wielding droid prolonging the Clone Sergeant's pain left her feeling fearful and disturbed. Even her droids shared a sense of dread as they witnessed this brutal act. It was a stark contrast to the battlefield strewn with clone bodies and the overwhelming victory achieved by Richard's Droids. The scale of the carnage made Arya question the nature of this conflict. It was no longer a battle but a one-sided massacre that she found hard to comprehend.

The reactions of the onlookers varied. The Geonosians chirped and clicked with satisfaction, relishing in the Clone Sergeant's suffering as a form of retribution for the invasion and destruction caused by the Republic. They saw it as karma, a fitting punishment for the clones who had shown joy in killing their kind. Arya couldn't help but acknowledge the irony of this situation, where the roles had been reversed and the clones now experienced the pain they had inflicted upon the Geonosians.

For others, the sight was too disturbing to bear, and they turned their gazes away. Quick-Fix and the droids, if they had mouths, would surely be overcome with nausea.

"This is disturbing... even for me!" Quick-fix admitted which is shared by the other droids.

While the droids are somewhat unhinged and have high body counts it doesn't mean they're as terrifying and brutal as their pyromaniac teammates.

Arya turns away from the gruesome scene when she received a transmission from high command, indicating the need to evacuate as the core ships prepared to depart. Trench's voice rang through the communication, urging all officers to fall back immediately. "/...attention all officers, the Core-ships will be leaving in 10 minutes. Evacuation is now underway, fall back to the core ships. We won't wait for you when the time comes/."

The communication ends Arya looks back at BLU Team. Arya relayed the message to Quick-Fix, realizing that their mission was complete and they had to retreat.

"Quick-fix, our job is done here. We need to fall back to ships immediately!"

"Jahowl!" Quick-fix nodded in agreement, acknowledging the need to regroup and head back to the ships. He addressed his team, "Alright comrades, let's head back! Our job is done!" He says, instructing them to return and specifically calling out to Bobby, who had been responsible for the gruesome act. "Especially you, Bobby, you can stop now!"

"Mphm!" Bobby, with enthusiastic nod, ceased his fiery assault and joined his comrades.

With that, Arya, the BLU Team, and the remnants of her droid forces boarded the transport ships, making their way back to the core ship. As they departed, the charred corpse of the Clone Sergeant lay motionless, small embers still smoldering on his lifeless body. The weight of the scene lingered in the air, leaving an indelible mark on all those who had witnessed it.


Delta Squad, a highly skilled and battle-hardened unit, moved through the dimly lit and claustrophobic hallway of the Geonosian bunker. Their footsteps resonated off the metallic walls, creating an eerie soundtrack to their determined march toward the next phase of their mission: the destruction of the droid core ship. After successfully decimating the droid factory and eliminating the infamous Sun Fac, they had been assigned the critical task of preventing the Coreship from escaping the planet's surface. With every step, they demonstrated their unwavering loyalty to the Republic and their unparalleled combat prowess.

Boss, the unyielding leader of Delta Squad, forged ahead with his squad following closely behind, their movements synchronized to perfection. The seamless coordination and unwavering discipline they displayed spoke volumes of their rigorous training and shared camaraderie. As they neared the exit, their eyes were greeted by the stark contrast of the outside world—a vast and desolate enclosed canyon stretching out before them. Its towering walls exuded an aura of foreboding, yet the absence of droids or Geonosians lining the passage raised suspicion among the clones.

The lack of opposition made their progress unnervingly smooth, though it left Scorch feeling a tinge of disappointment. Known for his explosive expertise, he yearned for the opportunity to ignite chaos and send droids and bugs alike flying in a symphony of destruction. But for now, the path remained clear, and they cautiously pressed forward, their gazes fixated on the colossal silhouette of the core ship in the distance.

Their optimism, however, was swiftly met with an unwelcome sight. As they reached the entrance, a shimmering barrier materialized before them, barring their passage. Fixer's sharp eyes immediately identified the problem. "The door is shielded, sir," he reported, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. "Looks like we'll have to find an alternate route."

Sev, ever the embodiment of fierce determination, growled in defiance. "Damn, droids! Let us through!" His frustration was shared by the rest of Delta Squad, who knew that the enemy would not willingly grant them access to their objective. It became apparent that the door's concealed location prevented them from calling in gunship support, leaving them no choice but to seek an alternative entrance.

Their attention shifted to a heap of debris strewn haphazardly nearby—a potential means to circumvent the shielded obstacle. Scorch's eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and mischievous intent. "Debris blocking our path, Boss," he announced, his voice betraying his eagerness. "We need to detonate the rocks to get through." Scorch said before quickly adding, "And I'm not just saying that just because I love to blow up stuff up."

"Yes, you are..." Sev jabbed.

Scorch set about his work, meticulously planting detonation charges on the pile of rubble. Once satisfied with their placement, he retreated to a safe distance, ensuring his survival. Boss's stern expression held a mixture of resolve and caution as he gripped the detonator in his hand.

"Stand back Deltas!"

With a deliberate press of his thumb, the charges erupted in a thunderous explosion. The resounding blast reverberated through the canyon, showering the area with a rain of rock fragments and dust.

The path was now clear, albeit marred by the aftermath of their explosive entry. As the dust settled, Delta Squad advanced into the new entrance—a narrow and winding canyon that veered off from the main route. The passage was shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the faint hum of distant machinery. Shadows danced along the canyon walls, casting an aura of both mystery and danger.

As the squad emerged on the other side, the air grew heavy with an unsettling atmosphere. What lay before them was not merely the aftermath of a skirmish; it was a massacre.

Delta Squad cautiously advanced through the treacherous terrain of the enclosed canyon. Their boots crunched on the sand as they weaved their way through the grim tableau of destruction. The lifeless bodies of clone troopers littered the ground, a macabre mosaic of fallen comrades. Some lay intact, their armor bearing the battle scars of a fierce engagement, while others were dismembered, their severed limbs scattered haphazardly.

The air was heavy with the acrid scent of scorched metal and charred flesh. Scorch craters scarred the landscape, testimony to the brutal impact of explosives. The remnants of flame weapons left blackened patches, their heat having consumed all in their path. It was a haunting sight, a graveyard of fallen warriors.

And amidst the devastation, the most striking detail was the copious amount of blood. It pooled around the fallen clones, forming grotesque rivers that meandered through the canyon. The crimson liquid seemed to seep into every crevice, painting the scene with a macabre intensity. It was as if the blood itself held a malevolent presence, a witness to the horrors that had transpired.

Scorch, usually brimming with enthusiasm for destruction, stood frozen in shock, his eyes wide as he surveyed the gruesome tableau. "Woah... it's a massacre," he murmured, his voice barely audible amidst the eerie silence.

Sev, known for his keen observations, took note of the conspicuous absence of droid bodies amidst the sea of fallen clones. "Not a single dead clanker or bug in sight... How did this happen?" he pondered aloud, his gaze scanning the desolate battlefield in search of answers.

Boss, ever vigilant, felt a knot of unease tighten in his gut. Something was amiss, and he knew it. "Proceed with caution, Deltas. Something isn't right here," he cautioned, his voice betraying a tinge of concern.

The squad moved forward with measured steps, their senses heightened, and their weapons at the ready. As they approached one of the fallen clones, Delta Squad gained a clear view of the wounds that had been inflicted upon their fallen comrade. The sight was jarring, for the injuries defied explanation.

"These wounds... they're unlike anything I've seen before," Fixer whispered, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and unease.

The wounds bore no resemblance to the seared and cauterized injuries typically caused by blaster bolts. Instead, they appeared fresh, as if inflicted by a different kind of weapon altogether. The entrance wounds were small and precise, indicating a projectile of considerable force, while the exit wounds were grotesque, tearing through the clone's armor and leaving a gruesome scene in its wake. It was as if a savage force had torn through the trooper's body, leaving behind a trail of devastation.

The revelation puzzled the Deltas. No known droid weapon, nor any Geonosian armament, could have caused such profound damage to the clones' durable plasteel armor. The very thought sent a chill down their spines. What sort of weapon could possess such terrifying power?

As the squad exchanged bewildered glances, a thunderous gunshot echoed through the canyon, shattering the silence. A bullet whizzed perilously close to Delta Squad, striking the wall behind them with a resounding impact. The sniper's presence was now irrefutable.

"Ah piss!" A voice somewhere cursed.

"Sniper! Take cover!" Boss barked, his voice laced with urgency. The commandos dove for the nearest available shelter, seeking refuge behind boulders and debris, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Boss swiftly activated the squad's comm system, contacting Sev, their resident sniper specialist. "Sev, do you have eyes on the sniper?" he inquired, his tone a mix of concern and determination.

"I'm working on it..." Sev replied, his voice strained with the weight of his task. Peering cautiously over his cover, he strained to locate the elusive enemy. But to his dismay, he found nothing. The sniper's position remained concealed, hidden amidst the elevated rock formations.

Another shot rang out, causing Sev to instinctively duck, narrowly avoiding the projectile as it grazed the top of his cover. "Dammit! I can't see where the droid is!" he growled in frustration, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the elusive assailant.

At that moment, a metallic and accented voice resonated through the canyon. "I'm gonna blow the inside of your head all over four counties!" the sniper droid taunted.

Scorch couldn't help but interject, "That droid has a weird voice..."

Undeterred by the sniper's taunts, Boss cautiously peered out from his cover, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of the assailant. With each passing second, the weight of the situation pressed upon him, and he knew that every decision carried dire consequences. Finally, amidst the rocky terrain, he spotted a faint muzzle flash from the top of the canyon. The sniper's position was revealed, but it was a challenging target, obscured by the elevation.

Boss relayed his plan to his team, his voice firm and resolute. "Deltas, the enemy sniper is located! Here's the plan: two of us will provide suppressing fire while the rest make their way toward the entrance."

Sev and Scorch nodded in acknowledgment, readying their weapons for the impending engagement. Sev deftly attached a sniper attachment to his DC-17m, while Scorch tightened his grip on his blaster, determination etched across his face.

"The target's position is on top of the canyon. On my signal..." The boss ordered, his voice cutting through the tension that hung in the air. The squad held their breath, their senses heightened, awaiting the moment of action. After a few heart-stopping moments of anticipation, Boss's voice pierced the silence, "Now!"

In perfect synchrony, Boss and Fixer burst from their cover, sprinting toward the entrance with unwavering determination. Simultaneously, Sev and Scorch, still concealed behind their shelters, unleashed a barrage of blaster fire toward the sniper's position atop the canyon. Scorch's shots whizzed past the agile sniper, who skillfully evaded the onslaught.

Sev, his trained eye locked onto the sniper's head, momentarily found himself questioning the curious sight of a droid wearing a hat. But there was no time for such thoughts; the enemy had to be eliminated.

With unwavering focus, Sev squeezed the trigger, releasing a laser shot hurtling through the air toward the sniper's position. To his astonishment, the sniper droid tilted its head at the last moment, narrowly evading the lethal shot. This split-second distraction proved to be all the sniper needed to counterattack. In a swift retaliatory move, it unleashed a return shot toward Sev, who had little room to dodge. The bullet found its mark, piercing through his shield and armor, eliciting a cry of pain from the valiant commando.

Gritting his teeth against the searing pain, Sev clutched his bleeding shoulder.

"I'm hit!" he called out in pain.

"Sev!" Scorch cried out, his shock and concern palpable. Taking cover once more, Scorch braced himself as another sniper shot narrowly missed its mark.

"You call that snipin'? Hahahahaha!" The enemy droid sniper taunted at them.

Meanwhile, Boss and Fixer, their progress momentarily halted by the shielded door that guarded the entrance, stared in dismay as the shield suddenly dissipated, leaving them vulnerable and exposed.

The large door slid open revealing a small squad of droids poised for battle. Two B1 battle droids, one wielding a rocket launcher and the other a flamethrower, stood side by side. An OOM command droid, wearing a gas mask and armed with a rocket launcher of its own, aimed with calculated precision. A BX commando droid, armed with a grenade launcher, stood ready to unleash havoc. And towering above them all, a formidable B2-Super Battle Droid, inexplicably wielding a rotary cannon, emanated an air of formidable menace.

The droids' weapons were trained on the two Delta members, and if they had faces, they would surely be smirking in smug satisfaction. The OOM command droid, its helmet concealing its photoreceptors, sneered at the commandos before them.

"This Battle Droid has kicked your ass back to Kamino!"

'Oh kriff...' Boss and Fixer's hearts raced as they sprinted for cover, uttering curses under their breath. The odd group of droids unleashed a barrage of projectiles and flames, their deadly accuracy evident.

The whizzing slug bullets came perilously close, grazing the armor of the clone commandos as they desperately sought refuge. The sheer speed of the slug rounds made them a formidable challenge to evade, surpassing the velocity of their standard blaster rounds from the DC-17ms. The fact that the slug bullets were invisible further complicated matters, as the clone commandos struggled to discern their trajectory and pinpoint the source of the shots.

With a surge of adrenaline, Boss dove behind a sturdy rock formation just in time to evade the relentless onslaught of the B2 Super Battle Droid's minigun. The menacing droid's laughter echoed through the canyon, its emotions more pronounced than the other B2s.

"YAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH! Now it's coward-killing time!" the B2 Super Droid jeered, its voice dripping with sadistic delight. It continued to unleash a storm of bullets, ruthlessly shredding the surroundings around the clone's cover. "HAHAHAHA! CRY SOME MORE!"

Undeterred, the other members of Delta Squad fought valiantly, their combat instincts honed through countless battles. They had faced relentless opposition before—the unyielding hordes of droids, the formidable Geonosian Warriors—but this was unlike anything they had encountered.

A thunderous explosion reverberated through the air, shaking the very ground beneath them. Scorch let out a startled yelp as a Commando Droid strategically lobbed grenade pills toward their position. The concussive force of the explosions partially destroyed their sturdy rock cover, sending debris flying in all directions. The ground trembled beneath them, adding to the chaos of the battlefield.

"W-when I said I love blowing things up, I ONLY LOVE IT WHEN THE ENEMY IS GETTING THE SHORT END OF IT!" Scorch exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of exhilaration and fear. Seeking refuge behind a massive boulder, he tightened his grip on his blaster, ready to retaliate.

"Just shut up and keep firing!" Sev shouted above the cacophony, his voice tinged with urgency. From his vantage point, he squeezed off precise shots at the Commando Droid, attempting to disrupt its assault. However, the Commando Droid's drunken yet calculated movements allowed it to find cover, evading Sev's determined shots. In a split second, Sev instinctively ducked down to avoid a barrage of incoming bullets, their whistling sound grazing past him.

The rest of Delta Squad found themselves locked in a relentless struggle against the unknown droids. The sheer unpredictability of their adversaries, with their relentless explosions of grenades and rockets, put the clone commandos at a significant disadvantage. Questions raced through their minds—were these unfamiliar droids a new variant, armed with advanced weaponry? What capabilities did they possess?

"JUST HOW MANY ROCKETS DOES THAT THING HAVE!?" Scorch exclaimed, a mixture of awe and frustration coloring his voice. He was referring to the B1 Battle Droids, who seemed to possess an infinite supply of rockets, launching them with unwavering determination.

Boss, his mind racing, quickly assessed the situation. He realized that the rockets were not necessarily intended to destroy their cover but rather to disorient and suppress them, making it difficult to mount a counterattack. The battlefield had turned into a chaotic symphony of explosions, bullets, and flames, pushing Delta Squad to its limits.

Just what kind of droids are they facing?!


"This sucks..." Streak, a B1 Battle Droid with a cap and headset, slouched against the wall outside the entrance of the storage rooms in the Core ship. The weight of boredom pressed upon him as he absentmindedly tossed a baseball up and down in his hand. It was a name he had given himself a few months ago after the Commander had encouraged them to personalize their identities.

Inside the storage rooms, the rest of Team Fortress Battle Droids lazed about, each engaged in their pursuits. They had been ordered by the Commander to retreat to the core ship following their intense clash with the battalion of clones earlier. However, Chief had been left behind to orchestrate a "special welcome party" for an unidentified guest. Streak couldn't fathom the details of this peculiar event, but he trusted the Commander's judgment.

After all, he had already spilled his fair share of clone blood that day. Perhaps Chief was facing off against a group of elite special forces, or some other formidable adversary. Streak took solace in the fact that his comrade was capable and well-equipped for the task at hand. For now, their duty was to guard the core and await further orders.

Yet, a distant explosion reverberated through the hallways, interrupting the lull of idleness. Streak's audial receptors perked up, and he couldn't help but wonder if that resounding boom was the very "special welcome party" the Commander had mentioned. Curiosity ignited within him, tempting him to venture forth and investigate. But he quickly dismissed such thoughts; it wasn't his place to question or interfere with the Commander's decisions. He refocused his attention on the baseball, its rhythmic ascent, and descent mirroring the ebb and flow of his thoughts.

Minutes stretched into hours as Streak continued his vigil outside the storage rooms, guarding the core ship with a mixture of diligence and ennui. The monotony gnawed at him, and he yearned for some form of engagement to break free from the tedium. And then, a familiar voice broke the silence.

"Hey, Streak!" a fellow B1-Scout Droid called out, assuming a playful stance with his hand extended. Streak turned his gaze towards the comrade, a glimmer of anticipation flickering within his photoreceptors.

"Rock. Paper. Scissors!" the droid declared, challenging Streak to a game.

At that moment, Streak's circuits tingled with a spark of excitement, grateful for this fleeting respite from the monotony. With a nod, he responded, "Alright!"

—(Back to what is important!)—

The battle outside the Core-ship raged on relentlessly between the Republic Commandos and the RED Team. Delta Squad fought with all their might, their blaster fire and explosive ordnance filling the air, while the Droids began to grow increasingly bored with the repetitive combat.

Sensing the need for something out of the ordinary, Chief, the helmeted OOM-Command Droid, raised his hand in a commanding gesture, signaling his comrades to cease their relentless fire. The team followed suit, their weapons falling silent as the hail of gunfire and explosions came to an abrupt stop.

Fixer, ever vigilant, cautiously peered out from behind his cover to confirm that the droids had indeed ceased their barrage. He quickly keyed in his comm device to relay the news to his team, "Boss, they stopped firing."

Boss, always the cautious leader, slowly rose from his cover, scanning the battlefield with a wary eye. His gaze settled on three droids standing in the open: the Helmeted OOM-Command Droid, a B1-Battle Droid sporting a Cap and Headphones, and a sleek BX-Commando Droid wearing a Ski-mask. Boss couldn't help but wonder where that unexpected BX droid had come from.

Before Boss could react or give any orders, the OOM-Command Droid shouted in its metallic, monotonous voice, "Prepare yourself, maggot!"

Then, something extraordinary happened. The droids, as if choreographed, struck dramatic poses with calculated precision. In a flash, a title card materialized above the RED Team, displaying in bold letters:

[RED TEAM of the Confederacy!]

The Clone Commandos, caught off guard by the unexpected appearance of the title card, exchanged bewildered glances.

"What in the kriff's name are those clankers doing?" Boss questioned, his voice laced with a mix of confusion and annoyance.

"Um... Boss," Scorch spoke up, pointing upwards, drawing the attention of the squad. They all gazed up and noticed the conspicuous title card hovering above them as well.

[The Clones from that Republic Commando Game]

Delta Squad stared at the title card, their brows furrowing in utter confusion and disbelief. Sev, ever the one to voice his thoughts, responded with an appropriate expletive, "What the fu-"

—(Play "Glorious Morning Extended" by Waterflame)—

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[Round 1! Begin!]

In a sudden twist, three members of Delta Squad found themselves standing face-to-face with Chief, a B1-Scout Droid, and a BX-Spy Droid, their weapons ominously raised and ready for combat. The Clone Commandos couldn't help but express their surprise at the surreal turn of events.

"Did that just say round 1?" Boss muttered in disbelief, his gaze flicking between the droids and the floating title card.

"Why is it displaying our names and profiles? And what's with the green bar?" Scorch pointed at the text and bars hovering above them. True to his observation, their personal information was being openly displayed for all to see, including the droids.

The Clones from that Republic Commando Game:
(Boss): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(Sev): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(Scorch): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]

RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(B1-Scout): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(BX-Spy): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]

Boss, still trying to make sense of the situation, turned to his team, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Wait, why are we standing out in the open and not taking cover?"

"I don't know. Why are you?" Fixer chimed in from the sidelines, his tone filled with equal confusion.

That was indeed a good question, and it seemed the droids were wondering the same thing. However, there was an even more perplexing realization: only three of the droids were facing the three Commandos. Wait... three Commandos?

"Fixer, why the hell aren't you with us?!" Sev demanded, pointing an accusatory finger at the idle clone commando on the sidelines.

"I don't know, sir. I felt it would be unfair," Fixer explained, his words causing the entire squad to exchange incredulous glances.

"How in blazes is that unfair?!" Sev gestured towards the droids in front of them.

"Well, you're only facing three of them while the rest are just standing on the sidelines," Fixer reasoned, leaving even the Clone Commando himself struggling to comprehend the logic.

"That doesn't explain why you're not helping!" Sev shouted, his frustration evident.

Meanwhile, Scorch's attention was drawn to the emergence of music playing in the background. He looked around, perplexed, and asked, "Where did all this music come from?"

Before the argument could escalate further, the droids seized their opportunity and took their turn. Since they were technically the first to act, Chief bellowed at the clones, "If God wanted you to live, he would not have created me!"

(🛡️Beacon of Defense🛡️)

Raising what appeared to be a beacon of sorts, Chief activated it, causing a brilliant blue aura to envelop the three droids. Icons materialized above their displayed names, accompanied by additional text.


RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief 🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(B1-Scout🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(BX-Spy🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]

The clones stood in stunned silence, their eyes fixed on the spectacle unfolding before them. The text "+defense" sent a chilling wave of unease through their ranks.

"That's not good," Scorch muttered, his voice tinged with genuine unease as the ominous situation began to sink in.

"Shoot them!" The Clone Commando Leader shouted, attempting to fire his blaster, only to hear a clicking noise. "What the-?! Why is my blaster not working?"

"Mine isn't working either-" Scorch began before he was abruptly interrupted.

"A crit!" the B1-Scout exclaimed as he pulled out a slug-thrower pistol.


He fired at Sev, who grunted in pain and clutched his left arm where he was hit. His brothers voiced their concerns, asking, "Sev, you okay?"

"Argh, I'm fine!" Sev replied, releasing his shoulder to find no visible slug-thrower wounds. "What the...?"

Their displays suddenly changed.

Health -3

The Clones from that Republic Commando Game:
(Boss): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(Sev): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]
(Scorch): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]

"Did that just..."

Before the Clones could fully process it, the BX-Spy announced, "Little ball!"

(Little Ball 💣)

The BX-Spy threw the object at Delta Squad, causing an explosion that dealt splash damage upon detonation. To the surprise of Delta Squad, they didn't blow up into smithereens.

"What the?!"

"How are we alive?!" Scorch exclaimed in shock, despite the pain coursing through his body.

As they examined themselves, they looked up to see the display change once more.

Health -3
Health -7
Health -3

The Clones from that Republic Commando Game:
(Boss): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]
(Sev): [🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(Scorch): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]

They stared at it, and Scorch remarked, "Sev, I think if that green bar of yours becomes fully red, you might be done for!"

"I think I figured that out!" Sev growled, preparing for another attack alongside his comrades.

But to their surprise, the droids didn't continue their assault. Instead, they remained idle.

"Why did they stop shooting at us?" Scorch questioned, but then noticed Boss' blaster was inexplicably glowing.

Boss didn't care about the reason. He unleashed a spray of blaster bolts from his DC-17m, and the text display showed:

(DC-17m Blaster Spread!)

"Argh!" the droids exclaimed in pain as they were hit by the blaster bolts, though their defense mitigated some of the damage. Their health display changed accordingly.

Health -1
Damage Deflected
Health -1

RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief 🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥]
(B1-Scout🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(BX-Spy 🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥]

"What the?! Now our blaster works?!" Sev shouted in anger, glaring at his weapon. "What kind of bantha-poodoo is this?!"

Scorch, observing the situation, suddenly realizes, "Sir... I think we're taking turns."

"Wait... Are you serious? We are taking turns attacking?!" Boss exclaims in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's like those turn-based strategy holo-games on Kamino!" Scorch adds.

"One, that's absurd. There's no way that's happening." Boss begins to argue, but Sev interrupts.

"Argh! Enough of this!" Sev shouts, frustration evident in his voice. "If this is how it goes, then so be it!"

(DC-17m w/Grenade Launcher Module 💣)

Sev equips the grenade launcher module on his DC-17m blaster and hurls a grenade at the droids. The explosion causes splash damage, inflicting moderate harm as their health decreases.

Health -4 (Defense +)
Health -3 (Defense +)
Health -3 (Defense +)

RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief 🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(B1-Scout🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]
(BX-Spy🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]

"'ve got to be kidding me," Sev mutters in disbelief and frustration.

"See? Just like a holo-game!" Scorch chimes in, stepping forward and getting imaginative. "Time for them to face the Scorch Special!"

And indeed, Scorch delivers his signature move, the Scorch Special.

(💣Scorch Special💣)

A glyph of the Republic symbol appears below Scorch's feet as he begins throwing grenades at the droids. He instinctively hurls one after another in rapid succession, creating a barrage of explosive chaos that surprises Delta Squad.

After releasing a flurry of grenades, Scorch pulls out a detonator in the shape of a tube and presses the button.


The ensuing explosions deal considerable damage to the droids, visibly reducing their health.

Health -4
Health -4
Health -5

RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief 🛡️): [🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(B1-Scout🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(BX-Spy🛡️): [🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]

"Okay, HOW IN THE MANY MOONS ARE YOU ABLE TO THROW THAT MANY GRENADES?!" Sev exclaims, finding the situation utterly absurd.

"I have no idea, and I'm loving every single moment of it!" Scorch laughs maniacally.

"...I think I'm high on death sticks," Boss mutters, unable to believe what he just witnessed.

Despite suffering significant damage, the BX-Spy simply utters, "Bucket."

"What?" Delta Squad looks on, puzzled.

(🪣Bucket of Healing🪣)

True to its name, the bucket begins to glow, creating an area of effect that immediately heals the droids' wounds and replenishes their health.

Health +
Health +
Health +

RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief 🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(B1-Scout🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(BX-Spy🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]

"Oh yeah!" Chief cheers.

"Thanks, Pally!" the B1-Scout Droid cheers.

Delta Squad, however, is dismayed by the turn of events.

"Oh... kriff," Scorch mutters.

"...kriffing bantha-poodoo," Sev growls at the unexpected turn of events.

"It is like one of those holo-games!" Scorch added, somewhat unhelpfully. "They have healers, and that means Fixer could be our healer—"

"Scorch now is not the time!" Sev angrily interrupted.

As this exchange took place, the B1-Scout droid took its turn.

(Bat Hit)

"It's okay, guys! You still have me!" The B1-Scout droid exclaimed, running up to Sev with Bat in hand and hitting him on the head.

"ARGH!" Sev screamed out as he was hit and knocked out as the Droid returns his team.

Health -3

The Clones from that Republic Commando Game:
(Boss): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]
(Sev): [🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(Scorch): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]


"Sev!" Boss exclaimed in worry but was reassured by the text display indicating that his teammate had fainted rather than being killed.

"He's alright... I think?" Scorch unhelpfully remarked.

A high-pitched whimper emanated from Sev's unconscious form.

"Yep, he's alright!" the explosive expert said, as Sev lets out another high-pitched whimper.

Then the OOM-Soldier used his shotgun on the clones. "You've dishonored this entire unit!"


The spray of bullets hit Boss, causing him to grunt in pain and his health to decrease.

Health -4

The Clones from that Republic Commando Game:
(Boss): [🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(Scorch): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]

The droids finish their turn as Fixer entered the fray.

"Delta-40, here," Fixer stated, positioning himself between his comrades, and the display updated to include his name.

[Teammate Joins the Game]

The Clones from that Republic Commando Game:
(Boss): [🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(Fixer): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(Scorch): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]

"Oh, and you finally joined?" Boss deadpanned at Fixer.

"Fixer! Do you have bacta?" Scorch asked.

"Yeah, I do—"

"Wait! Let's get imaginative! We're fighting like we're in a holo game!" Scorch explained.

"What does this have to do with—" Fixer started to ask.

"Call your bacta the 'Fixer-Upper!'" Scorch suggested.

"Fixer-Upper?" the Tech Specialist looked at him incredulously.


" does that-"

"JUST DO IT!" Scorch's voice boomed through the air, filled with frustration and urgency.

"Fine!" Fixer sighed, glancing down at his hands covered in bacta. He hesitated for a moment before muttering, "Um... Fixer Upper?"

(🩹Fixer Upper🩹)

The healing abilities surged through Fixer's body, rejuvenating him and boosting his health.

Health +
Health +

The Clones from that Republic Commando Game:
(Boss): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(Fixer): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]
(Scorch): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩]

Scorch erupted in excitement, unable to contain his jubilation. "Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about! We're back in the game, boys!"

"I can't believe that actually worked..." Boss muttered, his gaze fixed on the scene unfolding before him, a mix of incredulity and relief washing over his face.

Fixer, ever the practical and logical one, couldn't help but question the bizarre logic behind their current situation. " is this even possible? It defies all reason."

Shaking off their disbelief, the squad pressed forward, ready to seize the moment. Scorch tightened his grip on a thermal detonator, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Alright, boys! Watch this! Eat boom, Clankers!"

With a swift motion, Scorch lobbed the explosive device toward the droids. The detonator exploded upon impact, causing significant damage to their health. However, the droids' sturdy defense boost lessened the overall impact.

Health -3
Health -3
Health -3

RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief 🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]
(B1-Scout🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]
(BX-Spy🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]

The droids grunted in pain, their mechanical bodies visibly affected by the explosive attack. It was now Boss's turn, and he aimed with his trusty DC-17m equipped with the sniper module. Focusing his aim, he fired a precise shot directly at Chief, targeting his weak point.

(DC-17m w/ Sniper Module [Critical]💥)

"Argh!" Chief howled in pain as the sniper shot landed with critical precision, causing severe damage and significantly reducing his health.

Health -4

RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief 🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(B1-Scout🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]
(BX-Spy🛡️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]

Witnessing their leader's vulnerability, the B1-Scout bellowed with determination. "You morons are about to catch a real beatin'!" He retrieved a mysterious beverage-like concoction and consumed it through his non-existent mouth, triggering an extraordinary effect that bolstered his allies.


The droids' damage output increased exponentially, their attacks becoming more formidable.

Damage Increase +
Damage Increase +
Damage Increase +

RED TEAM of the Confederacy:
(Chief 🛡️⚔️): [🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(B1-Scout🛡️⚔️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]
(BX-Spy🛡️⚔️): [🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥🟥]

Delta Squad watched the turn of events with a foreboding sense of unease.

"That's not good..." Scorch's voice quivered, mirroring the squad's shared apprehension.

Gathering their resolve, Chief took charge. "Let's do this! Chief to the BX-Spy, Spy!"

The BX-Spy nodded in acknowledgment. "But of course!"

The two clones synchronized their movements, executing a mind-boggling maneuver that defied all logic and reason.

"Incoming!" The BX-Spy contorted his body into a graceful stance, interlocking his hands to create a stable platform. Chief swiftly propelled himself onto the makeshift platform, launching high into the air. The Soldier Droid seamlessly transformed into... A GIANT BOOT!


"Confederate Boot!" Chief announced triumphantly.

"What the fu-"

Caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, Boss struggled to utter a word before the colossal boot came crashing down upon them. The tremendous impact sent shockwaves through the commando team, their bodies crushed and their health rapidly depleting.

"AAAAARGH!" The Clone Commandos screamed in agony, their consciousness fading as they succumbed to their injuries. Unconscious and wounded, they lay sprawled on the unforgiving desert terrain.

The Clones from that Republic Commando Game:
(Boss): [🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(Fixer): [🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]
(Scorch): [🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥]

The victorious droids gazed down at the fallen and broken forms of the clones, reveling in their triumph.

"You're dead, and that's good, amen!" Chief declared with a hint of sadistic satisfaction, somehow reverting to his original form.

Just then, a transmission crackled through Chief's comms, signaling an incoming message from their Commander. He accepted the transmission, the Commander's voice booming in his ears. "/Chief, did you deliver the Special Welcome Party?/"

"Yes, sir! We delivered, and it went well!" Chief reported dutifully, while Scorch emitted a high-pitched whimper of discomfort.

"/Hahahaha! Excellent! Now head back to the core ship! We'll be departing in approximately ten minutes!/" the Commander's voice echoed triumphantly from the other end.

"Sir, yes, sir!" OOM-117 acknowledged, swiftly cutting off the communication. He then turned to his team, determination etched on his face. "Alright, men, let's make our way back. Our mission here is complete."

The droids stood there for some before...

"Conga?" Chief suggested.

"CONGA!" The rest of the RED Team cheered as Chief danced the conga line with the droids following from behind.

With that, the group began their conga dance back to the core ship. Meanwhile, the unconscious Clone Commandos lay motionless on the desert floor, occasionally releasing faint whimpers of pain and discomfort.

"...confederate boot..." Scorch whimpered, his voice barely audible amidst the desolate landscape.


/Five Minutes Before Departure/

The intercoms of the core ship sounded out throughout the vessel as it begins to prime its engines. Droids and Organic Crew Members alike did their part and ensure the entire ship is functional.

Inside the bridge, Richard sits comfortably on the command chair, he's as happy as by Gmod Modder or TF2 Player can be. After all, disaster has been averted. At least on his end: The Core-Ship remains undamaged and protected, Arya is now safe, and the Clone Commandos are dealt with but not so much so killed, rather unconscious.

But that's fine, he wants to have more fun. After all, where's the fun in getting the main players killed when the game starts? But wait, do they even count as main players? Or just side-players? Meh, who cares...

Anyways, just a few minutes before the core ship leaves the planet. While that's happening, he watches through the security cameras showing the interior of the hanger bay, as a transport vessel enters and lands onto the hanger bay. And to his delight, the occupants are BLU Team and Arya, which means they did their duty and kept his friend safe, so yay!

Still, Richard kind of wishes he got some action and fought some Republic maggots instead of playing Men of War: Star Wars Edition. But hey, beggars can't be choosers and all that jazz. Still, he enjoys the nice relaxing comfort inside the Lucrehulk Core ship... by relaxing, he means sitting down on a command chair doing absolutely nothing but giving orders while the entire ship shakes around him from enemy artillery fire...

Yep... fucking relaxing indeed. But never mind resting, the ship will be lifting off soon! And just as the author said that the intercoms announced its departure.

"/Core Ship Departing./"

As it said this, the Core Ship begins ascending from the ground with many other Core Ships following suit as they left the atmosphere of Geonosis and eventually reattaching themselves onto the ring-hull of the Lucrehulk Battleships/Carriers.

Seeing that the whole battle is over, he lets out a sigh of relief and said to the crew, "We almost died on that hill! But dammit, survived, didn't we?"

The crew members, both Neimodians and Droids alike look at the odd commander before one of the Neimodian crew members spoke, "Um... why are you sitting in that command chair? You know that's reserved for Captain."

"I am the captain! Well, um... commander! I commandeer this chair!"

"...but... that's not you're not even a commander, yet-." The Neimodian was then cut off.

"Hey! Trench put me in charge of the defense of this ship! So in hindsight that makes me commander!" Richard argued.

"...only temporarily." The Neimodian said.

Then the door of the bridge opens, revealing the Captain of the core ship. The Neimodian captain sees Richard seating on, "Hey! Get out of the command chair, recruit!"

"Aaaaand that's my cue!" Richard runs out bridge much to the confusion of the crew in the bridge.

As runs down corridors, he heads to the hanger bay. Once he reached the hanger, the door slides open revealing Arya approaching him with BLU Team. He smiles seeing his friend has made it out of the battle alive, though most of the reason why she made out it alive is mostly done by BLU Team's effort and intervention still it's nice to see she made it out somewhat unscathed.

"Hahaha!" Richard laughed as he approaches her, "I see you pulled through! Good to know that Quick-Fix and his Team did their part!"

Arya looks at him and smiles at his words, "Yeah..." she looks at Quick-Fix who gave her a two-fingered salute, "I... I wouldn't have been here if it weren't for them. If it weren't for your help."

"Yeah..." Richard smirks, "I told you I keep my end of the bargain! Hahaha!"

"But... how did they reach the droid foundry?" Arya questioned, "Last I recall, you had RED Team in your transport but BLU Team remained in the academy..." Quick-Fix side glance goes unnoticed so did the B1-Engineers' shifting forms.

"Ha, I just planned!" Richard dismissed her questions, "After all, it's not like it's possible to teleport someone to another place in an instant!"

Arya hums in thought behind the reason before saying, "I supposed that makes sense..."

"Yeah..." Richard said before the door behind him slides open and RED Team enters the hangar and approaches their commander. Richard turns around and sees RED Team, "Ah, RED Team they're here!" He looks at Arya with a smile and said, "Welp, to get going."

Just as the unusual commander started walking towards the RED Team, he stops on his track and looks over to his shoulder, "...that reminds me. BLU Team will be under your command for now." Richard revealed much to the shock of Arya, she didn't expect that, "Consider this as a gift from me. You were the first friend I had in the academy. And, what kind of friend am I if BLU Team is just a one-time thing?"

"Woah..." Arya looks surprised, "Rick, you... you don't have to do that."

"Weeell, I want to. Plus, as I said, you're my first friend and comrade." Richard explained, "You don't have to worry about maintenance, Quick-fix and engineers will handle that." He gestures to the modified B1 Battle Droids.



Arya looks at them before she turns to look at Richard again, he is already walking out of the hangar with RED Team following him. She appreciated

"So, Herr Commandant, vhat is your first order of business?"

She smiles, already thinking of her next order of business.


The Lucrehulk-Class Battleship emerged from hyperspace, its massive hull casting a shadow over the Confederate Controlled System. As the ship settled into orbit above the planet, Richard gazed out of the window, his eyes widening with awe. He had encountered CIS ships before, during his previous ventures to Raxus and his transformation into an irrational being. However, something was captivating about witnessing an entire fleet of them, all in perfect formation. The sight of Munificent Frigates, Lucrehulk vessels, and infamous Providence-Class Destroyer/Carriers stretching across the expanse left him breathless.

The desire to command one of those vessels burned within Richard's heart. He yearned to unleash his creativity and modify it to his heart's content, knowing that with his tool gun in hand, he possessed the power to make anything possible.

"Commander," Chief's voice broke through Richard's reverie, pulling him back to reality. "You're called to the command center."

Richard tore his gaze away from the window, his excitement still visible in his eyes. "Noted! Let's go."

The pair made their way through the winding corridors of the Lucrehulk, the ship's hum resonating in their ears. After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at the entrance of the command center. Just as they were about to step inside, the doors slid open, revealing Arya walking out. Surprise flickered across her face as she spotted Richard.

"Oh, Rick!" Arya's voice carried a mix of delight and curiosity. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Rick waved at her with a grin. "Hey, Arya! I presume Admiral Trench called you in too?"

"Yes," Arya nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Trench assigned me my ship and promoted me. I'm now Captain Arya!"

"Congratulations!" Richard's face lit up with genuine happiness for his friend. "Which ship will you be commanding?"

"It's one of the Recusant Light Destroyers! Can you believe it?" Arya's voice brimmed with enthusiasm. "I can't wait to set foot on it. I wonder what I should name it. Anyway, I'll be heading to my ship now. Trench is waiting for you."

Richard watched Arya's departing figure with a mixture of pride and a tinge of envy. He had hoped for a similar promotion and a chance to command a more formidable vessel. Nevertheless, he pushed aside those feelings and turned his attention to the command center's entrance. Anticipation and excitement surged through him as he crossed the threshold, Chief following closely behind.

The room hummed with activity, droids diligently working on consoles or scuttling about their tasks. In the center stood a holo table, with Trench and his tactical droid positioned behind it. Richard couldn't help but notice the alcoholic beverage in Trench's hand, an unusual sight given the gravity of the situation.

"Ah, Cadet Mann. Or should I say, Officer Mann," Trench's voice held a hint of weariness, his gaze fixed on Richard. He took a swig from his drink, the gesture betraying a trace of apprehension. "You're here as ordered. I have something important to discuss with you."

Richard straightened his posture, the excitement in his eyes undimmed. "Sir! I'm here as you ordered, sir! What do you wish to talk about?"

Trench's gaze met Richard's, and for a moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. The Admiral's weariness seemed to dissipate, replaced by a glimmer of respect.

"With the war declared in the Republic, you will be given command of your very own vessel," Trench began, his voice carrying a weighty significance. "Given your track record in the simulations over the past two years, I believe you will excel in ground combat. Your unorthodox approach, aggressive and unpredictable, makes you a fine commander on the battlefield—a master of manipulation and deception."

Richard's heart swelled with pride, his mind racing with the possibilities that lay ahead. Finally, the moment he had been waiting for—the chance to prove himself.

"Henceforth," Trench continued, taking another swig from his drink, "you will be given the rank of..."

Richard's eyes under his helm glimmer with anticipation and then...


The words hung in the air, and Richard's initial elation waned. Commander? H-he's going to be a commander? That wasn't the high-ranking position he had envisioned. He stood frozen, his mind grappling with a mix of disappointment and determination. Okay, maybe being a commander wouldn't be that bad-

"And you'll be in command of a Munificent-Class Starfrigate," Trench added, his voice betraying a hint of amusement.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! The revelation struck Richard like a blow to the gut. He commanded one of the expendable ships—the cannon fodder of the fleet. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, a slap in the face after all his accomplishments. He wanted to protest, to unleash his anger and frustration, but he knew better than to challenge Trench's decision openly.

Chief's voice broke through the haze of Richard's thoughts, oblivious to his commander's internal turmoil. "Congratulations, Commander! I knew you'd make it!"

Richard forced a smile, although it felt strained. Deep down, he questioned why he had been assigned such a ship. It lacked the imposing presence and firepower of the vessels he had admired earlier. He had proven himself as a capable leader, yet he was handed a vessel that seemed destined for a swift demise. Was this some sort of test or part of a larger plan?

As Richard mulled over the possibilities, he made a silent pact with himself. Regardless of the reasons behind his assignment, he would make the most of it. Even with his TF2/Gmod/SFM powers, he wanted to experience the challenges and obstacles that lay ahead. He straightened his posture, saluting Trench with newfound resolve.

"Thank you, sir! This is an honor! I'll be sure to make the Confederacy proud."

Though disappointment lingered within him, Richard recognized that beggars couldn't be choosers. He had the opportunity to lead, to make a difference, and he would seize it. With Chief faithfully by his side, he walked out of the command center, ready to face the trials that awaited him even if it meant commanding one of the fleet's less glamorous ships.

Hmm... perhaps some upgrades would be in order.


Trench watched as Richard left the command room. He lets out a sigh before taking a swig of his drink. The 16th time since he evacuated from Geonosis.

While some would find his choice of rank for Richard to be unfair since A). He did prove his worth as a leader in the simulations; B). He is shown to respect his superiors; C). He's very patriotic to the Confederacy. But there's one thing Trench could not ignore... Richard Mann is just too unpredictable with his tactics and strategy which means his allies would have difficulty coordinating with him.

In war, coordination and synchronization were essential for success. A commander had to be able to work seamlessly with allied forces, anticipating their actions and ensuring a unified front. Richard's unorthodox approach threatened to disrupt the established order and create chaos on the battlefield. The prospect of coordinating with him left many uneasy, unsure of how to adapt to his ever-changing plans.

Only a select few could truly comprehend the mind of Richard Mann, making it difficult for others to anticipate his next move.

Which is why he placed him in the rank of Commander, entrust him with a Munificent Frigate as his flagship. It was a deliberate choice, one that diverged from the more prestigious Recusant-class ships given to other capable officers like Captain Arya. Trench wanted to test Richard's ability to manage his own resources and forces, to see if he could adapt his tactics to the limitations of a less imposing vessel.

But Trench... he's getting too old for this shit.

"I'm getting too old for this, shit." The Harch said before taking a long swig of his drink, a habit he has picked up because of Richard's antics.

I just said that you anthropomorphic spider- FUCK! I forgot he can't hear me!

Anyways, Trench then turns his attention to his tactical droid and said, "Bring in the other cadet..."

The Tactical Droid nodded and relayed the order.


After a momentous meeting with Trench, Richard Mann and his loyal team, RED Team, embarked on a journey through the labyrinthine corridors of the colossal Confederate battleship. Their footsteps echoed in harmony, their spirits high, as they made their way to the hangar where their next chapter awaited them.

As they reached the entrance to the hangar, anticipation pulsed through their veins. The automated doors slid open with a gentle hiss, revealing a scene that captivated their senses. A sleek transport ship, bathed in the soft glow of hangar lights, stood before them, an emissary of adventure and conquest. Its hull gleamed with a pristine sheen, promising a voyage through the stars.

Without hesitation, Richard and his team boarded the vessel, their footsteps resounding on the metallic floor. The ship's engines roared to life, drowning out all other sounds, as it ascended from the Lucrehulk-class battleship's hangar bay. As the transport ship breached the celestial veil, the expanse of space unfolded before them, a breathtaking tapestry of shimmering stars and distant galaxies.

Time seemed to blur as they traversed the cosmos, drawing nearer to their destination—the Munificent-class frigate that would serve as Richard's command vessel. Their excitement mingled with a tinge of apprehension, for they knew that great challenges awaited them on this grand stage of galactic conflict.

The ship's descent was graceful, akin to a celestial dance, as it approached the awaiting frigate. With a gentle thud, the landing gears made contact with the frigate's hangar bay floor, and the ramp lowered, inviting them into their new domain. Richard stepped off the transport ship, his gaze sweeping across the expansive hangar.

The ceiling racks housed dormant vulture droids, their wings folded neatly, awaiting the call to soar into battle. The hangar itself teemed with activity, as battle droids marched in formation, their synchronized movements a testament to their training and discipline.

Richard couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement within him. While the Munificent frigate may not have been the exact vessel he had envisioned commanding, the very essence of the Confederate war machine pulsed through its walls. The potential for upgrades and modifications with his trusty Tool Gun ignited his imagination, each thought more audacious than the last. He envisioned turning this already formidable ship into a true capital ship killer, a force to be reckoned with among the stars.

However, he knew that such modifications would have to wait for a more opportune moment, away from prying eyes. Richard reveled in the clandestine nature of his plans, a secret well-guarded within his mind.

Streak, the B1-Scout Droid, couldn't contain his awe as he surveyed their new surroundings. "So... this is our ship now. I like it!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with youthful enthusiasm.

Chief stood tall and proud. "Indeed, Private! This is our ship, a vessel that will carry us to glory! It may not be the first of its kind, but it is ours to command with honor!" His voice resonated with a deep sense of duty, infusing the hangar with a renewed sense of purpose.

The RED B1-Medic tapped Richard's shoulder. "If you don't mind me, Herr Kommandant, I shall make my way to the Medical Bay."

Richard nodded to which the RED B1-Medic departed from the group to the medical bay.

The BX-Spy Droid, turned its attention to the newly appointed Commander. With a sly grin, it asked, "So, Le Commandant, now that you own this Munificent frigate, what shall you name it?"

Richard's brows furrowed as he pondered the question, his mind a whirlwind of possibilities. He had never given much thought to the ship's name before, so caught up in the thrill of their adventures on Geonosis. But now, the weight of responsibility settled upon his shoulders, urging him to choose a name befitting their journey.

After a moment of contemplation, Richard's face lit up with a mischievous smile.

"Standin 1,"

The odd commander declared with conviction. "That shall be the name of our magnificent vessel of the Confederacy!"

The BX-Spy Droid mused, its metallic French voice tinged with intrigue. "Standin 1? Hmm... not bad at all. It carries a certain charm."

Chief, patriotic as his commander, nodded approvingly. "Standin 1 it is, Commander! A name that will be spoken with reverence and fear on the Republic Maggots!"

Richard basked in the unanimous agreement, a surge of pride welling within him. Standin 1, a name that paid homage to a map from Team Fortress 2, was a testament to his past. A time when he had fun playing such a game... despite their flaws.

"Now, my comrades," Richard addressed his team, his voice filled with determination. "We have a brief respite before our mission. Explore the ship, familiarize yourselves with every nook and cranny! Prepare yourselves for the battles that lie ahead!"

RED Team responded with renewed enthusiasm, scattering in different directions, their footsteps echoing throughout the hangar. Richard, his gaze lingering on the bustling scene, found solace in the sight of droids marching in perfect harmony, their mechanical precision a testament to their design.

As he made his way toward the helm, his thoughts danced between the possibilities that lay before him. Should he reach out to Arya and inquire about her well-being? Or maybe ask for the 500 credits she owes him?

Or perhaps...

...Richard then pulled out his trusty Tool Gun. He looks at it before he gazed at the regular battle droids patrolling the hangar bay. A wry smirk formed on his lips as he contemplated the chaos and creativity that lay within his grasp.

Maybe, some adjustments on these droids could help pass the time. After all...

...why stay idle when you have all the free time to make your soldiers as deathly insane mercenaries from that military millinery simulator game?


To be Concluded.

(Incoming Call from BattleDroid1106)

Accepts call as it face times to BD1106 in car while being pursued by the police

"Hello! Readers! It is I, BattleDroid1106! I was hiding this phone in my ***hole! I escaped from jail and the police are coming" The author explained as he steers the wheel, "I hope you enjoyed the chapter and stay tuned to the next one! And in the mean time, can I borrow twelve thousand dollars?"

VictorJLazarus says, "YES!"

"Excellent!" BattleDroid1106 said as the police cruiser comes in view before the police fired a rocket him, "AAAAH-!!!"

(Calls Ended)

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