Chapter 8: BLU Team Goes on an Adventure

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—Unknown Solar System, Trench's Fleet—

While Richard deals elsewhere, let's focus on his friend, Arya Warhan. Richard's friend here is currently at the helm of her Recusant Light Destroyer called the 'Upward.' I'm not sure why it's called that, but her droids (AKA BLU Team) insisted she call her ship 'Upward' even though the name itself doesn't make sense.

She stands before a round holo table, and Trench's holographic figure appears.

"/Captain Warhan, you will be tasked with taking this planet from the republic close to the edge of the Mid-rim. So we could have a foothold when we begin our siege on the mid and core worlds. I trust that you would be able to breach the republic's defenses./" Trench debriefed her while, for some reason, had a Tactical Droid holding a bottle of alcohol close by.

"/Intel has informed us that two Acclamators and a few republic frigates are defending this planet. But your concerns should be on the planet's surface. The republic is heavily entrenched in and fortified, so be careful. They're armed with automatic blaster nests, artillery, and Armoured support. Unfortunately, due to the scale of our attack on the republic territories at the mid-rim, you will be limited on armored and artillery support. Use them wisely and carefully. Do you understand?/"

Arya Warhan looks resolved and sincerely salutes the CIS harch admiral, "Yes, Admiral."

"/Very well. Good luck out there./" The hologram dissipates.

Arya goes to relay the orders to her fleet and set course to their targeted system while the remainder of Admiral Trench's fleet goes to Christophsis.

—Small Timeskip—

When Arya's fleet entered hyperspace en route to a Republic planet near the Mid-rim, Arya sat in the helm ship on her command chair, looking over to one of the battle droids.

"Status report," Arya ordered one of the nearby droid pilots.

"We'll be exiting out of hyperspace in 15 minutes, ma'am." The Pilot Droid operating the navigation computer reported from his seat.

This is fine with Arya as she relays her next orders to the battle droids.

"Prepare to launch all fighters, and I want turbolasers and shields up and running when we exit Hyperspace," Arya ordered.

"Roger, Roger." The droids' voices answer as they begin working on their tasks.

When this happens, Arya stands up from her command and leaves the bridge's helm as a Command Droid takes her place while she's gone for the time.

She walks down the hallway into another room. When Trench briefs her on the enemy's defenses and what adversaries she will face, she knows it won't be easy. Undoubtedly, it will be a hard-fought battle, and with highly fortified defenses, it would be a tough one to win.

With her current forces, it won't be an easy victory for her.

But that won't stop Arya from doing her part for the Confederacy. If Richard is doing his part, she will do her part too.

And those planetary defenses on the surface? It should make her nervous. Maybe even anxious or scared. After all, she's facing a fortress with most infantry support, and she is lacking in the armor department.

But despite those factors, it didn't scare her....




...Well, only a little, but that's because she has a secret weapon, and she would have to thank her best friend, Richard, for it...

Arya arrived where she wanted to be and entered the room where the blue-colored team of Battle Droids stood waiting for her. Before their jump to hyperspace, she sent details of the tasks to the droids. They are ready, armed with their respective weapons on hand.

Amongst them is their newest member, Gibus, The former prisoner/Test-Subject/CIS Clone Trooper.

In a short time following the start of the war, the Clone has become accustomed to his unusual place in her fleet despite being a prisoner of war and becoming the unintentional test subject of her team's resident B1-Medic. Despite her grievances about having a republic clone join the BLU Team, it was only through Quick-Fix's persuasion that Gibus was added to the team.

For a Droid, he does have a way with words, even with his ridiculous accent.

Upon joining the BLU Team, Gibus was given BLU Markings and Colors on his Armor, with the same fist symbol on his shoulders. Much to Arya's concerns and discontent, he was given a mini-gun, which he can carry without problem, and also... a Sandwich.

Arya didn't bother to question the randomness that her droids have done or why they had that, and the choice from the Clone because they are, after all, from Richard Mann, so this has to be expected. And the team likely influenced the clone during his imprisonment here for a few weeks now.

With a deep breath, she debriefs them on their objective.

"BLU Team." The BLU B1 soldiers of the group stood straight and attentive, with military professionalism. In contrast, others in the BLU Team remained in their respective posture from casual to formal, such as the B2-Heavy's silent acknowledgment, the BX-Spy's gentlemanly behavior, the Scout's more laidback and causal demeanor, "You have been selected for this task because you are the best, the elite."

"Richard Mann has talked of high praises from all of you before the war began. And I can see why."

The B1-Scout droids gave each other fistbumps as the B2-Heavy gave grunts of acknowledgment of Arya's statement. The others responded with silence as they listened to their commander's briefing.

"During my time in the Officer Academy and the evacuation of Geonosis, you have shown you are far different from the droids I have commanded. Where my droids suffered casualties, you all suffered close to none while fighting against the republic forces. You saved my life and destroyed the loyalist forces that attacked my position, and that was three companies of those clones you have eliminated."

The BLU-Scouts give each other a high-five while the rest provide a series of grunts of agreement and acknowledgment. Gibus, meanwhile, stayed silent and listened to the whole thing.

"But that's beside the point. The success of your mission is our key to swift victory against the loyalist forces. Send word as planned when you get in position, and we will intensify the assault. Turn off their shields and disrupt their artillery. You will cause as much mayhem as you like. I wish you all good luck."

Like that, the TF-Droids and Clone cheered, eager for battle and ready.

"Let's win dis freakin' thing!"

"Let's show these muffin-tops what the wrong end of a rocket launcher looks like!"

"Heh dum dummied."

"If you're ready, I'm ready!"

"Heavy is ready! Heh ha ha!"

"Howdy, howdy! Let's get rowdy!"

"I cannot vait, hah!"

"I don't make the first move, just the last one."

"They'll never see us coming!"

Arya couldn't help but smile at their behavior, but it faded when she also saw the Clone cheering with the rest of BLU Team.

"Team! I believe in all of you!!" Gibus cheered with genuine enthusiasm.

Arya is still wary about Gibus.

Quick-Fix has been vouching for Gibus' place in the BLU Team (despite knowing and using him as a test subject and prisoner for few weeks), but even when Arya reluctantly agreed to his pleas, she was still skeptical. It has only been a few weeks since the war began, and they got a clone who willingly defected to their side. Especially after the first battle of the war?

She finds that hard to believe, and it makes zero sense. But Quick-Fix is the one vouching for him, assuring her nonstop and pleading her to trust his decision. She will let this slide for now.

Just as Arya left the room, the BLU Team prepared themselves for the upcoming assault. They equipped themselves with a cluster of weapons supplied to them before integrating into Arya's fleet.

The weapons they've chosen for this operation are based on offense or covert operations. But... we read now that most of Team Fortress 2 weapons are more than just quiet.

Additionally, Richard has given his TF2 Droids freedom in choosing and equipping weapons, and, well... Richard has allowed them free reign in what weapons they can bring with them.

More specifically, instead of THREE weapon slots (primary, secondary, and melee), there will be FOUR weapon slots (primary, two secondaries, and melee). And with these unrestricted options imposed by their Commander...

Let's say... BLU Team will cause a whole lot of Mayhem for the republic forces.


Arya's fleet has existed out of hyperspace and is now faced with the Republic's defense fleet orbiting the planet. True to Trench's intel, the fleet defending the planet is lackluster, with only two Acclamators, a handful of support Frigates, and a light shipyard.

When the fleet arrived in the system, the Republican fleet formed a defensive maneuver against the numerically superior Confederates.

At the helm of Upward, a Command Droid takes charge and quickly orders, "By Captain Warhan's orders: all ships open fire! Increase forward firepower on our turbo lasers and increase forward shields! Launch all fighters, and have them escort ground forces to the planet's surface!"

"Roger, Roger!"

The fleet soon did as was ordered. Munificent Frigates and the Upward all fired their turbolasers at the enemy fleet and launched their fighters. The CIS's fighter compliments are made up of Vulture Droids and Hyena Bombers, and they all formed and swayed around the CIS Fleet in preparation for the C-9979 to make preparations for the invasion, filled the brim with many troops and vehicles for this operation.

Acclamators countered by launching their fighters, and squadrons of V-19s and Y-Wings were deployed to defend the shipyard and other ships; Starfrigates of CIS moved close to provide anti-fighter support while the rest dealt with fleet. Most engaged the republic, while other squadrons were in a dogfight, and others focused on safely escorting the army to the ground.

Waves of C-9979 Landing Crafts flew planetside. Amongst the large clusters of C-9979 Landing Crafts is the BLU Team's gunship LAAT, flying alongside the fighters and the Landing crafts to the planetary surfaces.

As the droid army began their ground invasion and entered orbit, Arya, inside her shuttle, connected her comms to the BLU Team's gunship: "BLU Team! Deploy!"

"/Jahowl!/" Is what she receives in return from the comms.

The BLU Team's gunship then breaks off from the main force and flies to the other side of the Republic's fortifications.

Meanwhile, two Vulture Droid squadrons led the CC-9979 Landing Crafts to the Landing Zones. Vulture Droids strafe the Landing Zones as they circle the area like vultures, maintaining a perimeter as the landing crafts land.

Many CC-9979s all followed this landing procedure. The next phase came.

Following this, they land and begin loading their payload of droids and vehicles as they exit. STAPs and other light vehicles are deployed first to serve as scouts, followed by a vanguard force of infantry to secure the perimeter, and then the rest of the droid forces after securing a landing zone. Columns and blocks of Battle Droids were deployed and marched with Armored Vehicles close by.

It wouldn't take long until her ground force was finally ready and deployed for the attack on the republic's planetary headquarters.

Following the deployment of her droid forces, a mobile command center was deployed. Arya stands ready inside the command center as droids work on the control consoles. She has her macro-binoculars on the republic fortifications as CIS artillery placement is built.

"Captain, our forces are ready." The Tactical Droid beside her reported.

"Good, send in the first wave." Arya ordered, "Probe their attacks-"

"/-Is nice./" a B2-Heavy in the command center's comms says.

Arya and the Tactical Droid turned to look at the comm console, in silence by the sudden interruption. She continues a moment after, " I was saying, send the first wave to test their defenses. We must focus them on our side of the attack while the BLU Team does their part. Hopefully, it wouldn't take long."

"Yes, ma'am." The droid relayed the orders, and the first wave of droids marched in unison towards the republic's defenses in a sea of metal.

Just as they are at a considerable distance, the republic artillery opens fire, and blaster bolts fill the air.

The Battle has begun.


Meanwhile, the primary battle was taking place on the other side of the city, on the eastern section of the Republic fortifications. The battle occurred in the western sector, and nothing happened on the east side. Before the siege, all civilians were evacuated into underground shelters or bunkers to protect them from the enemy siege.

Clones and Republic soldiers stood and waited for any attack from the eastern flank. The City is fortified to the brim with defenses to ensure it survives any engagement. They even shield the city for added defense should the CIS start orbital bombarding them. Combined with a high amount of firepower, it's a fortress.

However, just because something is heavily defended doesn't mean it's impenetrable.

The Republic patrols are everywhere, but most have been moved to reinforce the defense on the western side against the siege.

But that will soon change.

At the eastern gate of the walled city, a squad of clones stood ready with repeater blasters and some tanks. The Clone Sergeant kept his composure despite the distant explosions and battle on the eastern side.

"Sir," a clone trooper says, breaking the Sergeant's train of thought. "Our scanners detected something approaching the gate."

This alarmed the sergeant, "Is it Separatist?"

"Unknown, sir." He says before looking ahead as a cloud of dust is seen forming in the distance.

The Clone Sergeant grabbed his macro-binoculars and zoomed into the potential enemies. He felt his shoulders relax as if they weren't separatists but two clone-speeders-ridden Clone Troopers, one of whom was a Clone Engineer.

"Stand down. It's one of our scouts from their reconnaissance earlier," the sergeant said, which put his men at ease. It is possible, but he wondered what a Clone Engineer team was doing outside the city. Unless the high command has sent orders, a clone engineer will accompany the scout to have something repaired in a disclosed area that only the high-ranking officers know about.

Then they received a transmission from the speeders approaching them, "/This is CT-00420 and CT-00069-/. "

"/...Is Nice./" The Clone Trooper driving beside him added.

"/...We are approaching the city after our reconnaissance from high command. Sending clearance codes to enter./"

"Granted." The Sergeant says without hesitation. He waited for a few seconds before the clearance code gave the go-to signal, as in they're clear. The sergeant orders the eastern gate to open, "Open the gate."

When the gate opened, the two speeders intensified their momentum and entered the gate, which closed.

The two speeders sped inside the city, passing derelict buildings, the clone barracks, and other facilities like light and heavy factories. Eventually, they reached the building that held the shield generator.

They step out of their speeders, and the Clone Engineer picks up a toolbox from the back of the speeder. The clones guarding the entrance notice them and allow them to pass and enter the building. There is no suspicion; just two clone brothers enter the shield generator. After walking through the hallway, the two clones reach the control room, where the clones work diligently on the consoles of the shield generator.

They shared a glance before nodding. They looked around for any security cameras, and they did spot none.

The Clone Engineer beside the Clone Trooper quietly pulled out a knife while the other quietly placed the toolbox on the ground. The Clone Engineer with the knife wants to give them their Eternal Reward.

And duel quietly went as sneaky as possible to their side of the room.

With the knife, the Clone Trooper approached one of the Clone engineers on the far side of the room, unaware of the doom coming to him. And quietly, the Clone Trooper raised his knife over his target and stabbed him in the back. The Clone Engineer didn't scream, and instead, his body dematerialized, and in his place, the Trooper took the appearance of the stabbed victim.

The 'Clone Engineer' looked around to see if anyone noticed, but they didn't, as they were too preoccupied with their assigned duties on the shield generator. Another clone on the other side of the room wasn't paying attention as his neck suddenly snapped, and he fell limp; he was gently placed on the ground by his killer, the Clone Trooper that accompanied the other Clone Engineer.

They will have a lot of time to do.

—Many Stabs and Neck Snaps later—

After removing all the clones in the facility, only two 'clones' stood in the middle of the shield generator room. There are no bodies. They disappeared when they were stabbed with the knife, with said clone taking their appearance or hidden somewhere.

The Clone Trooper pulls out a hat, puts it on his helmet, and puts on his BLU Team Arm Band while the other clone is engulfed in smoke. In his place is a Commando Droid with a BLU Arm Band on his shoulder.

"Well, that went rather well... who knew that disguising ourselves as the Clone Reconnaissance team would help us." The BX-Spy says as he recalls how BLU Team managed to get the jump on some clones who were returning from their reconnaissance. Which BLU team used to great effect by killing there recon team and then disguising as them.

"Yep." Gibus says as he picks up the toolbox.

"Gibus." The BX-Spy Droid says to the turncoat clone, "Place a Teleporter here! I'll be back, and I have to ensure we do not get any unwanted visitors to the room or that no one knows of our operations."

"Gotcha!" The Clone gives him a thumbs up.

The BX-Spy nods before he activates his invisi-watch, turning him invisible once more and leaving the clone alone in the room.

Gibus looks at the surroundings before he sets down the toolbox in the middle of the room and pulls out a wrench. The Confederate Clone recalls Quick-fix's instructions and how this works, at least from how the BLU Team's tech works.

"Uh..." The Clone says with uncertainty, looking between the wrench and the toolbox.

After some consideration and hesitation, he whacks the Toolbox with the wrench. To his uttermost surprise, it automatically opens up, and inside is a folded-up teleporter.

"Aha!" Gibus says as the teleporter slowly starts unfolding. He stands up and triumphantly says, "Mission complete!"

The Teleporter starts unfolding itself as Gibus waits for the process to finish.


Elsewhere, the BX-Spy sneakily moves around outside the shield generator facility. He discreetly dispatched any enemy combatant who would check on the facility to ensure their break-in wasn't known to the republic forces. Fortunately for him, most of the republic forces were sent to assist the frontlines, so fewer patrols were going around the eastern sides of the city. However, it doesn't mean it would be left unguarded, as several clone and republic soldier patrols are seen in the vacant streets with additional armored support. But only in small numbers.

The BX-Spy spends his time reconnaissance everything before reaching the main base, still invisible and hidden from any detection.

As he walked inside and kept himself undetected, he came across the main room where the Republican commanders were. They were surrounded by a huge holo-table that projected the battle.

"Sir, the city will hold just as long the shield generator remains in operation. The Seppies must fight through our shields to dent our defenses." One of the Republic Commanders confidently said, gesturing to the holo-table showing that much of their defenses are entrenched and fortified with artillery, heavy weapons, and infantry support, including the shield protecting the city from possible enemy bombardment. The Blue holo-figures are the enemy, while those that glow red are the republic.

"At the rate the Separatists are attacking, we might be able to hold them off as long as possible. They severely lack the proper means to take this place." The Jedi among them observed.

"Very good. Let's hope for reinforcements soon. And let's hope this siege will last us long." The Republic Governor said.

The BX-Spy nearly snorted. Oh, how wrong they are. Their defenses are just as compromised as they least expected. It would be time before the BLU Team strikes the Republic City from within. But he needs to ensure they won't be alerted to their presence.

After seeing the meeting between the Governor and Republic Commanders, he slipped away. He took his time to explore or understand the layout of the Republic HQ. First, he needs to eliminate the clones' security systems so it could be easier for him to spy on the republic base.

He managed to find the security room when he entered quietly with no clone aware of what was going to occur to them soon, other than the battle that was going on. Just like the clones at the shield generator, they're so preoccupied with their work on the security consoles to check for any suspicious activity or anything out of the ordinary that they don't notice the clone with a knife in his hand.

First, he took out the guards by distracting them before pouncing on them with a backstab, the eternal reward. He dematerialized their appearances and bodies before they could fall to the ground, hiding any evidence of what happened.

The BX-Spy took his time, ensuring the clones were unaware of what was happening. He backstabbed every clone in the room.

The BX-Spy is satisfied with the death he caused, as there are no bodies to be found. All left is the one clone on the console, typing away and looking at the screen for anomalies. The BX-Spy stealthily walks up behind the clone and his knife, raised above and ready to strike.

Just as the BX-Droid is about to backstab the clone, this one has a gut feeling about what is happening. But he couldn't help but wonder what it was.

The clone heard some commotion in the background while he worked on the cameras on his side of the room. He felt something was wrong as he worked, so he spun around with a punch.

"Ah!" The BX-Spy cried out as the unexpected attack knocked him back.

The Clone manages to push the BX-Spy back. Instead of running towards a weapon, he runs over to the central security console to alert the high command of a break-in, that there's an enemy on the base, and that there is a possible incursion within the city that the defenders are in.

When he reached the console, the clone slammed on the alarm button, which would have alerted the whole perimeter that these defenses had been breached and that the enemy was here...'s what would happen, but something is wrong.

There was no alarm sound and no flashing red lights to alert anyone to the situation. The lone Clone was confused, so he pressed the button harder this time, but there was none. He pressed it again and again.

But nothing. No alarms or red lights.

"What?!" The Clone exclaimed until he heard a laugh.

"Hon hon hon hon hon hon!"

The Clone turned to see the BX-Spy Droid on his feet with his revolver aimed at him. He looks to the right to see that the console is sapped with a sapper, effectively disabling or destroying the electronics of the security console from activating the alarm.

"...kriff." This is what the Clone said before he was domed on the head. Blood splatters on the wall behind him, and his body falls limp.

The BX-Spy laughed and said to the corpse, "Nothing personal; I just had to shut you up."

After he effectively gets rid of the security team and destroys the building's security systems with his sapper, he can move on to the next phase of the plan. He is going to get rid of their communications.

He leaves the security room after he assumes the appearance of a clone trooper and hides the bodies of the clones who died. He navigates his way through the building once more, avoiding anyone he encounters while ensuring that no suspicions are raised until he reaches the communication center.

He takes a peak over the corner to see the entrance of the HQ's communication center.

He knew he had to do this carefully, or the mission would be compromised. He rounded the corner and acted naturally as if nothing was wrong or going on behind the scenes. He approached the room guarded by two clone troopers and entered. No one batted an eye when he entered, as they were too preoccupied with their work to notice or even care.

But as he takes in the place around him, he hears a clone working on a nearby comms console saying, "This CT-8919 to the engineer team to shield generator, come in? What's the status of the shield generator?"

He turned to the left and saw a clone working on one of the monitors, trying to get in contact with clones assigned to the shield generator. Unfortunately, said clones are dead like they are dead.

'Merde.' The Disguised Droid internally cursed, and he had to make a quick decision to ensure that their operation was not compromised.

A voice answers just as he's about to pull out a knife.

"Shield Generator is still operational, sir." Answers the voice of a clone, "No trouble here."

"Very well. Please keep us updated. Just ensure the shields last long until the siege is over." The clone operating the comms console said.

"Yes, sir." Comms are then cut.

The BX-Spy internally sighed in relief and figured out who was on the other side of the comms, 'Gibus... you truly are a fine addition to the BLU Team.'

After that was done, he took his time to observe the room. He flicks his knife at hand and looks at the distracted clones like Spy to an Engineer's nest

It's time to strike.


Back at the Shield Generator, Gibus sat with his arms crossed. He watched and waited, bored, for the teleporter to finish unfolding, which was taking too long.

"This is boring." The turncoat Clone says in a bored tone as he watches the teleporter unfold slowly.

It has been perhaps an hour or so since the teleporter was unfolded, which is odd since it should have unfolded in a few seconds instead of an hour. But it seems the Teleporter is taking its time to unfold itself.

"I think I'm supposed to be doing something..." Gibus mutters, wondering what he did wrong. Or if this was intentional.

Then, eventually, it finished the process, and soon, the teleporter started working and spinning. Gibus watches as it keeps spinning and spinning before...


"Gah!" Gibus gasped as he stood up and took a stance but stopped when he saw a familiar droid materialize before him. "Major Quick-Fix?"

"Jahowl!" Quick-Fix nods as he steps down from the teleporter, "Good job, Komrade!"

Then, another person materializes out of the teleporter. It's a B2-Heavy, and he's holding some sort of bomb. He steps down from the teleporter just in time for another member of the BLU Team to come out of the Teleporter.

"Let us begin!" The B2-Heavy said as more of the BLU Team exited the Teleporters, and then... regular battle droids started appearing out of the teleporter, which is quickly filling the room of many of them.

Gibus watches all this in fascination at seeing so many droids appear from the teleporter. He grins under his helmet when the B2-Heavy Droid hands him his mini-gun.

Gibus grabs it, looks on with a mean look on his face, and says to himself, "All will fear my giant new gun!"


A Republic patrol was passing by, with the AT-TE following close behind as armor support. As the battle raged on from the western side, the eastern side seemed quiet and peaceful despite the siege going on, but the shields surrounding the city made it an impenetrable fortress.



A glowing blue rocket destroyed the AT-TE in the patrol, and the resulting explosion engulfed the clones close to it.

From the building, a B1-Soldier holding a blue glowing Direct Hit was chuckling to him as did Quick-Fix, whose Medi-gun had ubered the B1-Soldier with Crockets.

"And that's how you do it, men!"

"Well done! Now ve more into phase two!" Quick-Fix gives him a thumbs up. He connects to the droid comms network and orders, "All droids! Attack! Raus! Raus!"

The destruction of the AT-TE caught the attention of the Republic defenders, who were immediately alerted. But soon, blaster fire from all directions occurred from the derelict buildings, as windows shattered, and droids started firing down on the unprepared clone defenders and militia forces. The Clones were gunned down by the hail of blaster fire as battle droids exited the building and continued firing on the clone patrols.

Assisting the droids is BLU Team and they split up to help the droids forces in their attack. And just like that, the whole city has become a war zone as urban warfare occurred.

All around the city, similar attacks are happening as droids started attacking the unprepared clone troopers and republic soldiers. The attack from within the city is going well for the Separatist due to a few key factors:

1). The urban environment of the city provided good concealment for the droids, which is evident with how the droids are able to use buildings and alleyways to hide their movements and set up ambush positions.

2). The BX-Spy's espionage on the republic HQ's security and communications made the Republic defenders unaware of what's happening.

3). It's because of TF2 Teleporters they're able to bring in many battle droids within the city without raising any alarms. And with the added time given to the thanks to the BX-Spy's sabotage, they're able to bring a whole battalion of droids within the city with more coming in.

4). BLU Team's combat prowess and firepower helps in overcoming the defenders.

From another part of the city, B2-Heavies fired their miniguns, one is the Tomislav while the other is Natasha, indiscriminately at the clone troopers and republic defenders. No mercy was given as the B2-Heavies let out bellows of laughter and mockery at the clones who can continue to duck in cover to avoid the hail of bullet fire.

Behind the heavies is a mini-dispenser that is replenishing their ammo and healing them from any injuries inflicted on them. But they're not alone as they're accompanied by a BLU B1-Pyro and a small company of regular droids, who are glad to have BLU Team on their side.

"Mmmphmm!" The B1-Pyro fearlessly rushes to the frontlines and activated his jet pack to fly into the enemy's line and begun engulfing the clones in flames.




Clones who recovered managed to fire a couple of shots at the B1-Pyro but he managed to tank the shots, suffering some damage before the B1-Pyro turned and engulf the attackers in flames. Those who were about to shoot him were immediately gunned down by the Battle Droids who reached their defensive lines.

The B2-Heavies caught up with their comrade as a B1-Battle Droid carrying the Mini-Dispenser follows behind them.

One of the B2-Heavies look at Droid and ordered pointed to the small cover, "Put dispenser here!"

"Roger, Roger," The Droid placed the dispenser down as the healing beam heals the B1-Pyro's injuries and replenishes the B2-Heavy's ammo for his weapon.

Just the droid placed the dispenser, he noticed a squad of clones on top with one of the clone on top of one of the buildings holding a PLX-Launcher, and it's aimed at them.

"LOOK OUT!" The B1 Battle Droid cries out as a PLX-rocket was fired on them.

The B1-Pyro swiftly turned around and air blasted the rocket away from them as it flew back to clone who fired the rocket at them. The clone and those around him blew up when rocket literally backfired.


"Bobby is credit to team!" The B2-Heavy cheered and complimented, giving him a pat on he back before he start firing the Tomislav at the clones again.

A few B1 Battle Droids taking behind cover looks at the two B2-Heavies and the B1-Pyro, watching in silent awe and respect as these odd droids of their army continued to rain hell on the republic defenders.

"Was I malfunctioning? Or did I just see our flamer droid deflecting a rocket with his flamethrower?" The B1 Battle Droid questioned, still not believing on what he saw.

"No, you're not. This is happening and we all saw it. We saw a rocket being deflected with a flamethrower!"

"I'm not even going to question it... THAT WAS AWESOME!"

"...did they say that droid's name is Bobby?"

In some parts of the city, AT-TEs attempted to give armor support to the republic infantry but were immediately blown to bits by Assault Battle Droids who attacked from the flanks and fired at weak points or B2-HA Super Battle Droids.

Though some AT-TEs are destroyed by the two BLU B1-Soldier and BLU BX-Demo Droids. The former are equipped with the direct hit rocket launcher, and fired with precision to hit the weak points, which is the cockpit and legs. The BX-Demo Droids got the latter part covered as they sticky jumped to the buildings and fired sticky grenades at the AT-TE's legs from the high ground before they exploded which crippled the AT-TE severely.

The BLU Soldier and Demo Droids cheered at their accomplishment as rests of the infantry continue to storm through the city.

"C.I.S! C.I.S! C.I.S!"



"Oh, I must be drunk!"

In one of the alley ways of the city a squad of Clones are in a hurry to assist their brothers at the defense lines that's located close to the Republic HQ. But before they could go further, they hear something whirring behind them....


They turned just to be met with a Clone Trooper, with blue color schemes and a... top hat? And he's holding an odd mini-gun.

"Trooper? What are you doing?!" The Clone sergeant accompanying the squad looks at him confusion before he got his answer.

"NOW IT'S COWARD KILLING TIME!" The Clone with the hat squeezes the trigger then...



The whole Clone Squad was mowed down before they have a chance to defend themselves or realize the danger before them. Custom cartridges tore the through the clones like paper as the alley way is littered with clone bodies.

The traitorous Clone stops firing once the other clones are dead. He runs out of the alley way and he finds the clone defenders with their back turned with a makeshift fortifications on the road.

They have set up some fortifications by using the down AT-TE or crates, effectively blocking the droids and to hold the droid's advance. Some did turn and notice his arrival but refocused their efforts at the battle droids ahead of them taking many of them down despite the number advantage of the droids, and the clone defenders assumed this clone with the weird getup is one of their own.

"Trooper! It's good that you're here! Make good use of that gun and help-AAAARGH!!!"


Just like clones in the alley way, they are also gunned down from behind by the hat wearing clone, tearing them about as bullets rip through their armor.

The Droid column that was attacking the clone fortifications reached where the Odd Clone is but didn't open fire or consider him as hostil. And the Clone didn't seem bothered by the fact he betrayed his own to the droids.

Instead, the Clone cuddles his minigun to his cheek as though it were a baby and says, "We make a good team!"

The Droids that approached him and look at the clone in confusion before glancing at each other at the clone's odd behavior.

From the crowd of droids, Quick-fix approaches him and says, "Hahaha! Vell done, Gibus! Now, follow me!"

"Yes sir!!" Gibus saluted and follows the BLU B1-Medic Droid with the Droid Column following close behind.


Inside the republic HQ, the Commanders have been ignorant of the happenings outside the HQ and within city. They have yet to be alerted of the ongoing problem and the breach in their defenses... Then a clone hastily entered the command room and shouted.

"Commanders! The City has been breached! We're under attack!" The Clone cries out.

"What?!" The Republic commanders and Jedi cried out in shock and horror.

They haven't been informed of this recent development and now it is happening before them.

"H-how could this happen?! How did they breathe our defenses?!" The Republic Governor cried out.

"Alert everyone immediately! Immediately!" The Republic Commander ordered frantically at the clone trooper.

"Sir yes sir!" The clone says before running towards the comms room.

The Jedi was quick on his feet and runs out to of the building, passing by panicking soldiers and to his horror, the city has become a battle zone as urban warfare is happening across the city. Thousands of B1s and B2s attack the clones and the republic militia with relentless efficiency. The clones and militia were cut down quickly before they could even react, and those who did can only manage a meager defense in their position before the hail of blaster of fire finished them. The Droids stormed republic unprepared defenses with unending fury.

But the main Assualt is happening around the Republic HQ.

Leading the charge is BLU Team, Quick-Fix shouted through the comms to his fellow droids.

"Raus, Raus! Get zem! Raus, Raus!"

The battle droids intensified their pace and continued attacking indiscriminately on republic targets. At the location where the shield generator is located, many Battle Droids exit out of the shield generator facility and begun attacking and many more arrived due to the deployment of another teleporter by the BLU Engineer. The clones and republic defenders are in disarray by the sudden attack from within their own defenses, as many more droids march out of the building like it's some clown car.

The lone Jedi jumps down from the HQ building and into the battlefront with his blue lightsaber activated. He runs to the clones defending the entrance of the HQ and asked, "What's the situation, trooper?!"

The clone he saved answered after he took cover, "General, the droid managed to breach into the city somehow! We don't know how it's possible or when it happened! We don't know where these droids came from but they're tearing through us like karking paper!"

"What of the rest of our forces? Do they know?!"

"Most of our forces are at the western sector of the city facing the main army!"

"Get in contact with high command! I'll help in way I can!" the Jedi rushes off to defend the clones and fight the enemy that current besieging them base.

The Clone Sergeant got the gist and ordered through the comms.

"Command, sound the alarm! Inform the western forces that the droids have breached the city! Fall back to HQ!"

Instead of words from their superiors, he only received static in his comms. He tries to get in contact with command again as unseen ballistic projectiles tore through his brothers when they peaked their head over their cover, their bodies falling to the floor with their heads gone and blood spilled.

"Command, do you copy!" The Clone Commander desperately calls out to the comms.


"/Command, do you copy!/"

In the Communication Center, the room is mostly empty with some dead bodies lying around the place, blood staining the walls. The only occupant in the room is the BX-Spy Droid with a sapper in hand.

Normally, an alarm would have sounded had a BX-Spy Droid not killed all of the clones in both the security and communications center. The BX-Spy Droid sat comfortably on one of the chairs and was smoking a cigarette, he watch through the window that gave him a good view of the battle before him, clones dying left and right, with droids getting the jump on them.

"/Command! Repeat! Do you copy! We need reinforcements!/"

If they're still anyone alive in the communication center, then truly they would have coordinated a proper defense or counterattack but of course because of the BX-Spy's espionage, such task isn't possible. Not anymore for the defenders.


Then the comms are cut.

"Hon hon hon," the BX-Spy Droid laughed he puff out smoke from his cigarette.

And without looking, the BX-Spy Droid aimed and fired his revolver at the door behind him, just in time for a Clone Trooper to be domed on the head. The very same Clone Trooper that was ordered to head to the comms room and inform the rest of the forces about the droid attacked.

It is unfortunate that the western defenders are too preoccupied with the attack from these west, while those within the city can only hold as much as they can.


"Hold your positions! Hold your positions!!" The Jedi cries out as he stood in front of the clones, he blocks and deflects the blaster bolts fired on them. The horde of B1 Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids are quickly approaching their position with intensified fire power.

The Jedi didn't know how the enemy managed to break through their defenses without sounding the alarm, they have every part of the city defended and even if majority of the forces are on the other side of the city, there should be enough to hold the line and prevent the enemy from breaking through.

Yet, the droids managed to besiege the city without destroying any walls or raising the alarm. How could this be? How was one able to sneak in a division of battle droids within the city without rousing suspicion?

This planet isn't CIS-Aligned and it's impossible that there would be battle droids hiding within these buildings when the assault begun. Yet it's happening. Has the Republic Governor lied and was secretly a Separatist Supporter? Or was it something else—

"RAAAAAAAH!!" A war cry is heard and he jumps out of the way as pull grenades explodes and kills the clones behind the Jedi.

The defenses are being overrun and before the Jedi has a chance to do anything, his precognition screamed at him and he dodges a sword nearly impaling him. He recovers and looks up to see another droid, a BX-Commando Droid.

(Caber the BX-Demoknight for Hourling4)

The BX-Commando Droid has its sword raised and it gets into a stance, it spoke with an accented voice, "Let's dance!"

The Jedi also get into defensive stance as both combatants stare down and circle around at each other, the battle around them becoming a blur. The BX-Commando Droid charged and let out a roar, he swung his sword and the Jedi dodged. The Jedi attempted to retaliates back but to surprise the BX-Demo Droid managed to dodge his strikes before sending a flurry of sword attacks.

Both the Jedi and BX-Demo Droid fought, they parried their strikes. Before they are pushed back. The Jedi is taken aback to see this droid's weapon not breaking despite how many times his lightsaber has struck the blade.

Also, does he feel... a life energy inside the blade?

"Heads... heads... heads..." the sword on the BX-Commando Droid's hand said out loud,

The Jedi's eyes widen in shock.

The force energy is coming from that sword?!


But how?! How was the CIS able to obtain something so ancient that dates back to the ancient Jedi! Such practice is ancient and no longer in use since the introduction of lightsabers. How was the CIS able to obtain force-infused weapons?! Not even Dooku would have the knowledge or skills to create force-infused weapons, let alone use them!

Whatever the case is, this droid is holding one. He must kill it and take its weapon back to the council and inform of them of his findings.

That's if he survives the battle—


The Jedi was too engrossed with his opponent and his discovery of an ancient technique that force failed him, he felt something hit the side of his head hard.


He was dazed and stunned from getting hit on the head. He stood there confused and very dazed.

And not to far behind him, a baseball landed a few feet away.

"Thanks lad! RAAAAAAHHH!" The BX-Commando Droid charged down at the daze with his sword raised and...


In one swift move, he decapitated the Jedi in one fell swoop. The Jedi's head falling not that far from his body, that fell a moment after.

It looks like he didn't survive the battle to tell the tale...

The B1 Battle Droid with the hat and duffle bag stops by the BX-Commando Droid's side and gives him at fist bump.

"Nice work, Caber!"


The BX-Demo Droid named Caber gave his comrade a nod of acknowledgment before looking down at the Jedi he killed, who's head rolls away from his body,

While he is able to hold his own and would have killed the Jedi by his hands, assistance is always appreciated.

He knelt down to the head and mocked, "Aw, they have to glue you back together! IN HELL!!!"

He stands up and hefts the sword on his shoulder before kicking the head away from him.

"Heads... heads... heads..."

"Ah, quiet lad! You will get more heads later!"

The ghost sword talks back, "Then get to it, Caber! Richard didn't give me to you just so you could swing me around like I'm some sort of trinket!"

"Shut it ya stupid, ghost sword! Just wait! There's a group of those clones over there!" He points at group of clones who are fleeing.




Back in the shield generator, the B1-Engineer droid folds the teleporter back into a toolbox. He carries it on his shoulder geodes he turns and he says to the droids, "Set up the bomb boys! It's time we blow this place sky high!"

"Roger, Roger."

The droid that remained in the shield generator's control room acknowledged as they set up the BLU Bomb's timer and the rest of the droids quickly left the building as soon it begun ticking.

The B1-Engineer stood outside in a safe distance from the soon-to-be-blown up building and he puts the toolbox away in his inventory. The remaining droids exited the building and a battle droid approaches the B1-Engineer, "Sir, the bomb has been set."



After the B1-Engineer just said that, the whole building explodes into smithereens. The droids outside getting a good view of the building being destroyed. No doubt in the B1-Engineer's upgraded mind, this will certainly catch the attention of the western republic forces and most likely send reinforcements from the frontlines to help defend the HQ, though in turn would mean that the strength of the defenses from the that western defense would be diminished and eventually overrun.

When the shield generator exploded, the shield that was protecting the city soon disperses leaving the city vulnerable to potential planetary bombardment. If that ever comes to pass.


"What was that?!"

Inside the HQ, the place shook and everyone looked around worried. One of the Republic Commanders looked to the side and placed two fingers on his earpiece and his eyes widen when he heard the reports from one of the clones outside. He then spoke up to the Governor, "S-sir! The Separatist managed to destroy the shield generator!" He pointed at the holo-map, showing the holographic image of the destroyed shield generator building.

"Their surprise attack is greater than we thought." Another laments.

"I-it must've been their saboteurs!" Another commander laments further on the growing hopelessness of the situation.

"What are we going to do?! What are we going to do!? Where is the Jedi?! Where did he go?!" The Governor asked frantically.

"Sir, he left to help with the defense. But we haven't heard from him for-"


The ceiling above explodes, the dust and explosion has disorientated everyone but the clones are quick on their feet and fired up to the ceiling. But as they did, red blaster bolts, bullets, rockets, and grenades rained down from on the destroyed ceiling, taking out many troopers.

Descending down from the smoke are BLU Team and Commando Droids, with cables helping them descend down to the control room. They descended down with ferocity and efficiency the clones stood no chance nor do they have the time to react to the sudden escalation of the situation.

B1-Soldiers fired their rockets at clones, and republic militia men alike. They shouted at them with ferocity and anger.



Clones blew up in a blaze by the BLU B1-Soldier Droid.

BLU B1-Soldier Droid ran forward before he rocket jumped on top of a catwalk for a height advantage. He switched to his shotgun and fired down at the Clones, blasting the republic dogs apart as the 12-gauge shotgun shells ripped through their plastoid armor.

He fired before he jumped down, and the bullets tore through the other Clone. Once on the ground, the B1-Soldier switched to his rocket launcher; one Clone was close to him. He bashed his rocket launcher against it, knocking the robot back, and shouted, "DIE IN HELL, YOU REPLICA SAVAGES!"

"Hey!" Gibus exclaimed as he tore the hands of his former clone brother, who is bleeding on the floor in pain.

"Not you!" The B1-Soldier clarified as he spun and fired a rocket at a clone behind him, but the clone ducked behind a crate. B1 Soldier kicked the crate, which hit the clone hiding behind it. He spun around and fired another rocket, a Clone, which he knocked back and killed.

BLU Soldier pulls out a rocket to reload his Rocket Launcher, but a clone trooper who he kicked the crate into earlier intercepts his hand and grabs it, preventing him from reloading. The Clone raises his fist to punch the B1-but the BLU Patriot is having none of it.

"Motherfucker!" B1-Soldier growls and backhands the Clone Trooper with the rocket he's holding, temporarily distorting the clone before he hits him on the back of the head a few more times, giving him concussion. Then he loaded the rocket in his launcher and fired at another Clone.

As with Pyro, he burned down another clone, who is screaming in pain from the flames engulfing him.


Bobby laughed manically at the sight of the burning clones, he continues reign literally hell fire on the clone troopers.

Gibus, fired his his mini-gun at his former-clone brother while he lets out cheerful glees.

"HAHAHAHHAHA! NOW IT'S COWARD KILLING TIME!!!" He mowed down clones with ferocity and he continues to mow down more of them with no sense of remorse of guilt. Just unadulterated joy. 

As this happened, A Clone Commander from an elevated position stood up and was about to shoot and aid his brothers when...

"Think fast chuckle-nut!"


The Clone Commander was hit squared on the head by a baseball and it stunned him. Then...


He was swiftly decapitated by a BX-Commando Droid with a beanie, eyepatch and a sword.

"There can be only one!" The Demo-Droid goes to chase his next victim for more HEADS!

The fight lasted for a few more minutes before it died down with Clones mostly killed and dispatched in more horrific ways than one. And BLU Team stood victorious over the whole ordeal.

The Republic Governor is trembling prone on the ground, when the attack happened. He took refuge underneath the table with his arms over his head, and keeping his head down. He hears footsteps approaching him until he's faced to face with a B1 Battle Droid with an unusual backpack, with the rest of BLU Team forming up behind the B1-Medic Droid and aiming their weapons at the Republic Governor.

"Vell, now... I take that zhis is zhe part where you surrender, ja?" Quick-Fix questioned, a metaphorical grin on his faceplate with holding his crusader crossbow on his hands.

The republic governor can only slam his head to the ground as he smashed his fist in defeat by the hands of the CIS and their accent speaking droids.

"I'll take zhat as a yes."


"Captain, republic defenses have been breached from the inside of the city and shields have been disabled by our forces." A Tactical Droid said to his commanding officer.

"I'm aware." Arya said looking through the macro binoculars. She can see a huge cloud of smoke trailing up the sky. She saw the multiple large explosions that erupted across the city from her elevated position on the Mobile Command Center, especially the very large one that has caught western Republic Force's attention which gave Arya the opportunity send her forces in and overwhelmed the western front of the republic defenses.

She truly did expect BLU Team to succeed and create a distraction to turn attention away from her assaults, but to cause THAT kind of distraction really surprised her to the point the entire fight has been diverted to within the city and its wall defenses becoming significantly weaker.

"Now is our chance!" Arya says to the Tactical Droid, "Inform our forces to attack now! We have them where we wanted them!"

The Tactical Droid nodded and was quick to send a command signal to the droids throughout the CIS Droid Network.

In unison hundred thousands of droids started charging at the republic's dwindling defenses and fired a hail of blaster bolts. A sea of Metal charge straight into the republic walls as tanks supports the attacking infantry.

It would be matter of time before the walls crumpled before the might of the CIS Army.


The republic forces crumbled before Arya's troops reached the wall...

It didn't take long for the Republic to be blindsided by what just happened. The defenders quickly scrambled for another layer defense but would eventually become overwhelmed, their morale plummeted and soon the Republic's Planetary Government HQ is captured. Additionally the Republic Governor has sent out a surrender order to all republic forces that are still actively fighting, informing them that the CIS has won the battle, therefore the planet is theirs as well as the star system.

Any high ranked republic government officials in the planet are place in custody and would "persuaded" to hand the entire star system to the confederacy. They readily accepted without much of a fight because after all their opponents have somehow breached and infiltrated their defenses without a hassle. Even Arya has zero clue on how they have managed to breach their defenses.

Speaking of Arya, she now lays on the Relaxo Rancho at outside of the now captured Republic HQ.

"Well... that happened." Arya says as she relaxes on a Rexalo Rancho set up by one of the B1-Engineers, while BLU Team supervise prisoners being loaded up in their transport ships so they could escorted to one of their prison planets since they're prisoners of war.

Arya turned to the right where her Tactical Droid stood in attention, "T-8717, in form Admiral Trench of our success... and do send a encrypt holo-message to Commander Richard of how things are going here... also, uh... tell Richard a I said hi and I wish him good luck with his mission!"

Arya added that part quickly. The tactical droid nodded and walked off while said girl captain relaxes on her Relaxo Rancho after a whole day of hard work. She honestly thought this battle would last for months but thanks to BLU Team's contributions, they managed to end the battle for a few hours instead of a few months.

"Scrumpy?" She turned to a BX-Commando Droid offering her a drink while he has his sword relaxed on his shoulder.

"Uh... thanks?" Arya says as she takes the drink which the BX-Demo Droid is grateful for. She saw these droids drinking these so-called scrumpy and assumed them to be similar of that of oil or something similar to what droids drink.

But she is wrong to think that as at one point when she was gifted BLU Team from Richard, she came across a BX-Demo Droid intoxicated and his bottle spilled which reveals to be... alcohol. Not oil.

'How do droids even get drunk?' Arya thought to herself before taking a sip of the scrumpy...





'...Huh, surprisingly it doesn't taste bad.' Arya thought to herself before taking another chug of the drink.

"Heads... heads... heads..." She hears a ghostly voice and looked around to where it came from until her eyes fall on the BX-Demo Droid, and his sword... is glowing green?

"...heads... heads... heads..." the sword glowed when it chanted. Arya stared unnerved as the sword continues to chant eerily. She feels shivers down her spine and stared nervously at the sword. What kind of weapon does this droid have—

"OI!" Arya's thoughts were cut-off by the BX-Demo Droid, who now scolding the sword, "Shut yer trap! You already had your heads for today!"

"It's not enough! We still have more heads to lob off!"

"No, we're finished with that already, you stupid ghost sword!"



Arya stared at the tomfoolery before her and then she looks at the scrumpy she took a sip from, wondering if it's spiked with drugs or something...


"SO ARE YOU...!"

Perhaps it's another one of those Richard Magic nonsense that she grew used to back at the academy. After all, these droids that Richard supplied her with are far from normal...

They're... unusual.

To Be Concluded!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Next chapter, we will have Richard and how he will handle the blockade over Christophsis against the Republic forces?

What will happen next? Would Trench survive from his fate of being a cyborg or will alcohol poisoning get to him? Let's find out next time on! UNUSUAL COMMANDER!

Now excuse me...

*pulls out a Sandwich assembly kit. Contains: Bread, cow meat, expired cheese, poisoned vegetables, olive, cancer. DO NOT CONSUME IF YOU'RE FILIPINO! Made in Texas*


*assembles sandvich and eats it.*

I FeEl TrÉs Bon!


I think have develop a cancer. *pulls out certificate of cancer: This document is a confirmation that the author  has cancer. He can now use a 'Special Death Selection Device' while listening to French Ben 10 theme. His deceased body may be confiscated by Interdimensional Satanic Cow. DOCUMENT ISSUED BY Dr. Sex*

*pulls out Omnitrix and begins scrolling as a the French theme of Ben 10 plays.*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]




















*selects it and pressed the Omnitrix.*


==[YOU DIED]==

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