Partings, Greetings, and Sprouting Feelings

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Xavier and Jacob were exhausted after gym, causing them both to receive teasing from Katherine and Ella.

"The baseball team will whip you right back into shape," Katherine joked, winking at Xavier. "Well Ella, I've gotta go, hun. I promised some friends I'd meet them at Sonic for lunch."

"See ya, Kat!" Ella hugged her one last time before waving.

"Cool talkin with you, Xavier. See you, Jacob!" Xavier and Jacob waved as Katherine ran up the outdoor steps to the parking lot.

"Oh yeah!" Ella exclaimed. "I have to get food from my sister! It's lunch time!"

Jacob let out a loud laugh. "Sure is, let's get to the cafeteria."

He began walking, and Ella followed, humming happily.

"Yikes," Xavier said behind them. Ella swiveled around to face him. "It's getting late. I told my parents I would walk around for a bit. I didn't quite expect to meet you guys and stay for multiple class periods." He laughed, scratching his head.

"Aww," Ella let out sadly.

"Makes sense," Jacob responded. "It's sure been an interesting time with you, Xavier. Glad to have you transferring." He smiled, winning a smile back from Xavier.

Ella skipped up to him and gave him a hug. "See you tomorrow?" she asked, flashing her teeth brightly.

"And miss this insanity?" Xavier questioned. "I'll be here. Definitely," he assured. Ella and Jacob laughed, waving as Xavier made his way up the same staircase Kat had climbed.

When he made it to the top, Xavier began to walk himself to the gate, sighing happily. It wasn't even his first day, and he had already met so many kind people.

All because of Ella... Huh? he thought to himself. He felt his heart beat joyfully.

"WATCH OUT!" a voice yelled loudly in front of Xavier. He whirled around just in time to stand right in the way of a girl running at top speed. She barreled through him, almost successfully knocking the wind out of him.

She skidded to a halt and turned around quickly, bowing her head rapidly. "I'm soooo sorry!" she yelled again. "I had no idea someone would be walking up the hill. Are you okay?" She frantically continued to apologize until Xavier let out a winded laugh.

"I'm okay, you're in quite the hurry, aren't you?" he questioned.

"Ahh, I guess a bit, yeah," the girl laughed. "I got out of class late and had to run and get my sister lunch." She ran in place nervously. "Oh right! My name's Jessica Lockwood- you can call me Jess- sorry again about, uh, knocking you over," she said, introducing herself.

"Lockwood? Are you related to Ella by chance?" Xavier asked, curious.

Her face beamed. "That's my baby sister!" she exclaimed happily. "You know her?"

Xavier laughed again. "I met her this morning," he explained. "My name's Xavier, I'm transferring here tomorrow. I was waiting at the front gate and caught her when she nearly fainted."

Jessica burst into laughter. "That's very likely of Ella," she giggled. "Thanks for helping her! Oh shoot," she said, looking down at her watch. "She must be starving! I gotta go. See you around, Xavier!" Xavier waved to her retreating form.

That is definitely Ella's sister, he said to himself laughing. He let out another tired sigh. Today had been one of the craziest days he'd had in years.

I'm guessing this won't be the last day I'll have like this, he thought. I was worried about moving to a new school, but if it's here, I think I'll be able to do it. A light blush dusted his cheeks as he felt an immense gratitude for having met Ella. Especially if she's here... His mind snapped back to focus, and he felt his heart beat again, covering his mouth with his hands. No way.


"Ella!" Ella turned to the voice and smiled.

"Jess!" she yelled excitedly.

"Sorry I'm so late! I was running as fast as I could, but then I got caught up talking to someone who says he knows you!" she exclaimed. "Oh, right, here's your food," she added, handing a paper bag to her sister who accepted it gratefully.

"Someone who knows me? Xavier?" Ella pondered.

"Yes! That's his name. When Ella smiled, Jessica stared at her, a small grin spreading across her face. "Hmm? He was pretty nice, Ella, did you score yourself a guy, huh?"

"What?" Ella inquired quickly. "He just- he helped me out... and I showed him around... s'all..." she slurred.

"Oo looks like my baby sister has interest!" Jessica almost squealed.

Jacob glanced quickly towards them but didn't say anything.

A small ding! sounded from Jessica's blazer pocket, and she pulled out her phone. She smiled warmly. "It's Kai," she said happily. "He wants to eat with me. I gotta go, Ella! Have a good lunch!" She hugged her sister before running towards the picnic tables outside where the seniors sat.

"Ah, right, wanna sit down, Ella?" Jacob asked, looking slightly out of it and shaking a frown off his face.

"Sure thing!" Ella replied cheerily.

Jacob rubbed the goosebumps off his arms before pulling a chair out for Ella.

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