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Hi ya! It's been a long time since I started a new RagSan fic. Yeah, this is new. But of course I don't know when I'll begin the first chapter since...

1. I'm still thinking the plot. 🤔

2. I got a lot of pending fics that I need to complete. 😂

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts


We all know, how Ragini pushed Swara into the river in order to kill her so that Laksh is hers. Sanskar comes to the rescue of Swara. Etcetera etcetera...y'all know the rest of the serial no?

Now, let's twist it.


(Scene begins when Ragini is about to push Swara off into the water while Swara has her back towards her.)

Ragini grabbed Swara and pushed her forward.

The sudden force of it made Swara tumble and fall flat on the bridge. "Ragini!? What are you doing?!"

"I just tried to push you into the water. That's what I'm doing." Ragini replied with a smirk.

Swara looked at her in horror. "W-what?!"

Ragini crouched before her with a crazy glint in her eyes. "Yes. I'm not lying. This is the extent till which I can go to win back Laksh. My Laksh."

"And you tried to kill me for that?! How could you?!"

"This is the extremes to which I can go to for Laksh! You should know. How dare you come between us?!"

"But...but I'm your sister!"

"Oh hush. If you were my sister, than you would have let Laksh marry me. You and I both know that if you asked Laksh to leave you, he would. I love him so much. I'm sure I can make him get over you. After all, it's a silly crush. Not love!" Ragini screamed. "But you! You dragged him on and on. Why? Because you like him too! And you aren't ready to give him up."

Swara grit her teeth. "Ragini, I...look it's...its just that way, okay?! He doesn't like you. But he likes me. And I like him back. So I just thought it wou-"

"Thought what? Thought that on one side, you'll keep consoling me. But on the other, keep Laksh to yourself?! You selfish bitch."

Swara glared back. "Fine! I'm bring selfish this one time. Why is it such a big deal?! Don't I deserve to be happy too? Laksh and I will be happy with each other."

"And what about me?! I'm the one with whom his marriage was fixed. And yet, you dared love the guy who was my groom.!" Ragini tried to grab her by the neck.

However, Swara caught her hands and a scuffle ensued. Unluckily for Ragini, Swara's shove made her lose balance and she fell into the water.

Ragini gasped and gagged as the water went into her mouth and nose. She didn't know how to swim. "Help! Help!"

"I'll get you out Ragini. But you must promise not to take Laksh from me. You will let us be!"


"Then die! I...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Swara cried out. "But...but it's your fault for trying to steal him."

"Swara come back. Come back!"

However, she didn't, leaving Ragini on the verge of death.

'So this is how I die, eh? Falling into the pit I made for my rival in love. Disgusting!' Ragini couldn't help the tears that threatened to escape her. Tears of anger, hate, sorrow, helplessness...but most of all regret.


I was saved.

I, Ragini Gadodia, was saved.

But right now, death doesn't seem so bad.

Seeing the love of my life getting engaged to my arch enemy, my double crossing sister. Oh how happy she seems. How badly I wish I could wipe that innocent look from her eyes. How badly I wish Laksh would stop looking at her this way.

Wasn't it enough that Laksh slipped right through my hands, that I have to get engaged to Sanskar.

Sanskar of all people! The guy who plotted against his family. The guy who showed me the way of treachery and then, back tracked himself! He betrayed me when I needed him most. I hate him equally!

Yet, I can't do anything as he puts the ring on me.

Our families are united. Both our families are happy. After all, why won't they be?

Laksh and Swara are happy.

And they are all that exists, no? Their happiness means our happiness. They assume I'm happy because I'm doing what's convenient for the families.

No one cares about my happiness. I'm not happy! I'm suffering! But do they care?

Being engaged to me because of obligations isn't fun either. Sanskar is terribly miserable as well. I know.

But I don't feel bad for him.

"If one thing in this occasion I feel happy about is that you're suffering as well. You deserve to. You betrayed me!"

Sanskar looked at me on my words with a look that could break stones. He smirked mocking me. "At least I didn't lose my love to another like you. Laksh is gone forever from your hands. Tsk pitiful."

"Shut up!"

" Ragini going to cry?"

My hand stung as I hit him hard on the cheek. I could feel my heavy breaths and the sobs I've been holding threatening to break out.

"I hate you Maheshwari. I hate you from the very core of my heart. I'll wait to celebrate the day you die!"

Sanskar glared at me with rage. "And I'll make sure to make your life miserable once you marry into this household. Mark my words."


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