part 7

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If readers give comments what you like what not . It gave writer as a boost  to write more in happiness
Buts it's all your choice.

Let's start

Both removed their shoes and entered in the temple. Pallavi gave pooja thali to the pandit.

"Arre beta, you didn't put sindoor. It's not good for married women" pandit ji said looking towards her empty forehead.

" Woh, I forget" Pallavi touched her head nervously. She remembered, she forget putting sidoor because of their morning fight.

" Take this and filled your wife forehead" pandit ji forward sindoor box towards Raghav. He looked towards Pallavi who was looking towards him.

" Why should I? We are already married. What is need of doing it again. She can fill herself, if she don't want also then ok" Raghav made face.

" Beta, this sindoor is so precious to one woman and it tied couple with seven birth" pandit said.

" I can't bear her in this birth and he is talking about seven birth" Raghav said slowly so Pandit did not able to listen but it enough to listen Pallavi.

" Pandit ji give it to me, I will put myself" Pallavi passed smile. She is not in state to reply Raghav as many thoughts going inside her.

Before she took sindoor, Raghav took it and applied in her forehead. Pallavi closed her eyes as some sindoor fall on her nose. She opened her eyes and looked towards him.

"Why are you looking me like this?? Only Raghav Rao can bear you for seven birth as I am Raghav Rao else if you married someone else then others ears will bleed with your nonstop radio" Raghav gave  explanation of his action.

" And only Pallavi can bear you else who will marry don like you who are number one egoistic men, who don't have heart. You heartless person" Pallavi angrily snapped on him.

" Beta don't wipe sindoor from nose, it symbolises that your husband love you more" pandit said. Pallavi and Raghav look each other and made face.

" Ohh gyanchand stop your filmy thoughts" Raghav Said angrily to the pandit.

" Pandit ji ignore him, his blood pressure is always high. Please pray for him" Pallavi said gazing Raghav angrily not to talk further. Raghav looked towards her angrily but did not say anything.

They both did aarti exchanging small gazies from eachother. They walk around to take round of idol of lord. Pallavi got lost.

Pallavi provo

Earlier whenever I use to come temple, I always got taunt from the people,  widow should not do pooja and all but only because of Aai , I able to do as she fight with them but people still wisper reachies my ears. I took a long breath remembering day.

But today no one say anything as I am married? Is this mangalsutra and sindoor this much important rather than someone feeling, question raised in my heart.

I never wanted this red colour in my life again. I compromise with  my fate but again my fate tied me in relationship which don't have any future.

We just husband and wife infront of the world but in reality we can't even stand beside each other. He don't have any humanity nor he can understand others pain. He is selfish person, only know about himself.

" Why God you tied me with him? what you stored for me" I asked the God. I was so lost in my thought, I stumbled, about to fall but strong hand wrapped around my waist. I got relieved not landing on floor.

" Saare ka dukaan, god give eyes to see , not to sleep while walking" His taunting voice hit my ear. How can he leave this chance.

" I don't needed your help, I had manage myself" I removed his hand which was still rested on my waist and walked.

" Thankless women" I heard his muttering but I ignore him.

We took prasad from pandit and  I sat on the floor. I thought he will not sit but to my surprise he sat beside me. I gave him uninterested look were he exchange me same look.

" Whatever" I thought.
My eyes fall on a small baby who are playing with his mother were his father sitting beside him playing with his small hand. our eyes got exchange, I just blink my eyes. He gave me cute untoothy smile and hide face in mother embrace. My lips got spread converting smile on my face.

I always wanted my family like this. Small house, my husband, his family,our two children one girl, one boy. My small happy family. I smiled remembering my dream.

My thought broken, when baby shout in his baby voice. My heart got pricked thinking it's never going to fullfill. I just cursed myself thinking that wish again which I buried down with Mandaar death.

I again blink my eyes making him smile, I just called him though action of hand. He just got down from immediately his mother lap and crawl towards me and hopped in my laps, making me smile. I just picked him in arms and kissed his cheek.

His mother come and sit beside me like protective mother while giving me smile. I just passed smile to her.

"Usually he don't go to with anyone. I think he liked you" baby mother smile. I just played with his hand, it giving me immense happiness. I always stay away from baies as I getting taunted " unlucky".

" You will be good Mother" women gavee compliment seeing his son smiling with me before I can reply his gave his opinion making angry.

Pallavi Provo end
" She will teach babies how to give lacture non-stop and how to run non stop mouth radio" Raghav taunt her making Pallavi angry.

" And what you will teach your baby how to remain mute and become angry bird every now and then" Pallavi gave him back.

" Ohh please I will give good lesson to my baby not like you who only know how to fight " Raghav gave her same reaction.

" You don't need to tell me what should I teach to my babies, you teach your baby what you want" Pallavi pass angry glare to him. Baby looking both of them who are fighting were baby mother smile listening their argument.

"First of all,  you both can't give baby alone. Mother and father both important for procedure. So baby can't be my, it's our" baby mother explained them controlling her laugh.

Raghav and Pallavi looked towards each other and gulp their saliva and immediately looked other side being embrace.
" I will not give your babies birth" Pallavi blurted out in nervousness .
" Nor I will make you pregnant" Raghav said quickly.
Baby mother looked towards them horrified, listening what even they are saying. She immediately took baby from Pallavi .

"Best of luck for your future" she said and went from them.

They realise what just they did stupidity. They looked each other with corner of eyes, but immediately moved their gaze. Both smiled on their stupidity but hide quickly. Their movement broken by pandit.

Pallavi Provo
" Hey you girl just go from here, don't know from were this begger children coming" pandit ji shout on girl who was comming towards them. He just pushed that girl. I immediately run towards her and made her stand. I got angry, thinking how can pandit behave with small girl. Before I can react Raghav voice spread like lion.

" Hey Bhudhe, how dare you to push that girl??" He was holding his coller of pandit clothes. His eyes burning like fire.

" This girl always come here to begging, I told her not to come still" hardly voice come out from pandit mouth. Who will rise their voice lion who are ready to eat him.

" This is not your father property that you are ordering her and for kind information you all pandit eating money from temple which people give here. Can't you help poor people?" Raghav shout on him angrily, while shaking him from coller. Pandit ji  was all shaking due to fear. I run towards Raghav and hold his arm.

" Raghav leave him" he looked towards me, i also got fear for one second from his intense angry eyes. I peld him through my eyes.

" I am Leave you now,  if I get to know again that you are doing like this then you will see what I will do with you.  My name is Raghav Rao, all Hyderabad know about me. Ardemayyinda" Raghav just pushed him making him stumbled.

He walked towards that girl and kneel down matching her height.
" What happened to cute this girl?" Raghav pinched her small checks and smiled looking at her. I got shocked seeing his changing personality in second.

" Woh Anna, I was hungry" girls sad bending her head. I felt bed for her. I went towards her.

" Never bend your head infront of anyone leaving mother and god" Raghav said lifting her chin, making me suprise. I was watching Raghav, he was all different.

" Are you going to school?" Asked Raghav
" We don't have money" girl said sadly.
" You have mumma papa right ( girl nod her head) This is my card. Tell mumma papa to call me ok. From now onwards your are Anna responsibility and from tomorrow you are going to school" Raghav gave his card to her.

"Really I am going to school?" Asked small girl.

" Yes" he kissed her cheeks.

I was just looking towards Raghav as this is new side to me, I always saw him as a arrogent, batmiz but never see this side.

" Now let's eat something" he picked her and walked outside. I also followed them. He buy lots of biscuits and some chocolate gave to her. He made her see off. 
I still can't able to believe that this is same Raghav who I know? Is he hiding himself? " Question rise in my mind.

" Stopped checking me out, i know i am hot" His dialogue made me comback from thought.

" Stop giving yourself too much importance" I replied him back.

To be continued.

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