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Sunray pep on into room disturbing beautiful couple who was sleeping peacefully after so many day. Swara struggle in sanskaars chest feeling sunray on her beautiful eyes.

"Sanskaar see naa this sunray disturbing your beautiful wife and baby plz close that window" Swara said in sleep mode while struggling in his chest to hide her face.

Sanskaar open his eyes and looks towards wife who was looking more cute in sleep. He looks towards watch and a again move his eyes towards his wife.

"Jaan no more sleep.... now get up from bed. You have to eat your breakfast on time " sanskaar said kissing her forhead lovgly.

"No sanskaar.... I want to sleep more... you start your rule from tomorrow " Swara said in half sleep.

""No tomorrow and all.... now get up... if you want to sleep more then first eat your breakfast then sleep " sanskaar said getting up from bed

Swara did not give him response just keep quiet or you can say drift into  sleep.

"Jaan I am going down till then get fresh up " saying this he went down.

Sanskaar come after 15min while taking her breakfast. He place tray on table and shook his head seeing swara still sleeping.

"You will not get up like this" saying this sanskaar lift her in arm were she start struggling in his arm.

"Jaan stop struggling. I am not going to leave you till you eat your  breakfast" sanskaar said annoyingly.

"Hitters husband " Swara said making faces were sanskaar smile seeing her antic.

Sanskaar help her to get freshen up and made her sit on bed. He feed breakfast to her were she  happily eat from his hand with her non stop talking.

"Sanskaar when we are going to tell about baby to mom, dad ,maa and dida??" Swara said gulping last bite of breakfast.

"If you want today only we can tell ?? Sanskaar said seeing her excitement.

"Ok...." Swara said kissing his cheeks.

Sanskaar and swara went down after getting ready. Ragini and Kavita shock seeing them together comming. sanskaar holding swara from shoulder.

"Sanskaar I am only two mouth pregnant , I take care myself " Swara said feeling gaze of other.

"So what?? You take care yourself and I taking care of baby " sanskaar said without looking her.

They reach down. They went towards sujata and Ram, take blessing from them were Sanskaar sign swara don't bent to much. Swara smile seeing Sanskaar's care.

"Jaldi say mare ko pota poti dedo...(give me granddaughter ya grandson soon)"sujata said giving blessed to them.

Listening this Swara and sanskaar get shy but composed themself.

Ragini gets jealous seeing swara happy. She fisted her hand so she can control her anger were Kavita get sad seeing Sanskaar happy with swara.

"Mom dad can you come with us badi, I want to tell something to you. I don't want to tell here because some useless people living here " Swara said seeing Ragini.

"Useless people???? No no some Snake romming here and there spreading their poison? ?" Sujata said making faces.

They went to badi were shomi and dida sitting on dinning table while drinking tea. Seeing sujata and Ram they get up from chair and went towards them.

" Every thing ok na I mean early morning here" shomi asked warriedly seeing them

"Maa why you always get worried, everything is ok wo actually I called them here to tell something because I and sanskaar want to share something " Swara said little shyly.

"Haa tell na shona " shomi said carriesing hair.

"Haa wo sanskaar will tell... tell na Sanskaar " Swara said immediately looking towards sanskaar

" no I don't want to tell anything.... swara want to tell something ask her... I don't know anything " sanskaar said pointing towards swara while making puppy face.

"Sanskaar will tell" Swara said pointing towards sanskaar. 

"I don't know anything " sanskaar said shaking his head right to left.

" I am not only going to be mother but you also going to be father so you will tell" Swara shout angrily were sanskaar shows his full teath as much he can.

All looking towards them shock but get happy listaning all get promotion.

Sujata widen her eyes and fall on Ram closing her eyes,  ram immediately hold her from shoulder were all get worried seeing her unconsciousness.

Ram lied down her on sofa and sprinkle water droplets on her face. She open her eyes and sit.

"Thari bhuhu pregnant say tu na....thare ko itni b na samaz hai k tu bhudi ho gai say... iss umar mai kaha say maa banegi" (your daughter in law going to be mother not you.... you don't even have sense that you are getting old then how would you get pregnant  " Ram  said glaring her were all giggle listening his word.
"Maa bane wala koi aur hai behoh ye ho rahi say(someone going to be mother but she get unconscious )" Ram murmured himself.

"What are you saying Ram ji??? I got unconscious listening that  I am going to be grand mother." Sujata said getting up.

She made swara sit on sofa. She went in kitchen and come out taking some chilli and lemmon.

" keep away bed eyes from you and your baby" sujata said moving chilli and lemmon around her head.

Then all give blessing her. Dida went in kitchen and bring rasgulla for all. She make first swara eat then sanskaar. She gave to Ram and shomi.

"Wo sujata you will eat??" Dida asked her hesitantly were all looks towards them.

"I will not eat one, I will eat two" saying this sujata take two from dida were all laugh.

All start pampering swara were sanskaar looks towards them and makes face.

"This is not fare....all are pampering swara... I mean I also going to be father but no one care for me" sanskaar said making faces were swara laugh seeing him.

"You are useless.... you only do one think that take care her properly " sujata said making faces.

"Useless? ?" Sanskaar utter word unbelievably thinking ,"what he did?? "

"After Someday you will  sleep outside your room then called your this dad , i will accompany you" Ram said holding his shoulder.

"But why?" Sanskaar asked getting confused

"No one will understand your pain better than me, you will understand my son in some day...but now enjoy " Ram said patting his cheeks while giving petty look.

Sanskaar just smile not get anything. After spending time with each other they came Maheshwari Mension.

"Sanskaar you called me" kavita said entering in study room.

"Yaa sit" sanskaar said

"What happen Sanskaar why you call me??" Asked kavita.

" I directly coming to the point... I know what you and Ragini did before swara fall down from stairs " sanskaar said directly looking towards Kavita.

"Wo actually I " Kavita stammer.

" see Kavita we are not meant for each other... I am happy that I loved you once and i don't have regret. You are really good nice kind hearted  girl kavita ,I don't want to hate you. " Sanskaar said taking her both hand in his hand were Kavita just staring him with teary eyes.

"Now time change.... I really move on kavita, don't think I will come back to you, don't make yourself bed in my eyes beacase of that Ragini. You should move on your life kavita. I know you will surely get your soul mate who loves you more than anything. I know you will not believe me now but someday you will remember. You know when I lost you , I thought that day I will never fall in love again but see I got my soul mate. I and swara going to be parents, I don't want to waste your life in doing some stupid things so just move on. I am saying this to your betterment trust me" sanskaar said closing his eyes.

Kavita start cryingly bitterly hiding her face in palm. Sanskaar sit beside her and hug her from side. Kavita hug him and start crying were sanskaar rub her back to console her.

"I know how are you feeling now because I went through this feeling... cry as much you want then no more crying "sanskaar said rubbing her back were Kavita just nod her head.

After sometime she stop crying and break hug.

"Thanks for consoling and making me understand,  I try my best to move on" kavita said giving small smile .

"Swara How can you get all love from others....?? First you snatch my Laksh because of that I try to kill you. I don't know myself what I did to get Laksh but no he still love you. Now sanskaar also loving you. What kind of magir you do that all boys come behind you?? Now you are pregnant also?? May be you will give haeir to this house but I will not give this properly to your baby   " Ragini shout angrily.

" I am not at all interested in your this stupid talk.... but I want to thank you because of you I got my sanskaar and loving mom and dad.... about property I don't even want 1 rupees from your so called property , my sanskaar's money enough for my baby." Swara said without careing her word.

Ragini recent tight slap from someone. He hold her hand and drag to hall and throw on floor.
" how can you soop so law Ragini.... you make us believes that swara run from marriage but you tried  to kill her" Laksh shout angrily were all comes down listening Laksh voice.

Swara went behind her and sit on sofa. Sujata, Ram and Sanskaar also come their and ask swara through eyes, " what happen? ?"

"Mom you sit and. Watch " sujata sit beside her and start looking towards Laksh and Ragini.

"Laksh ji I did that just because I really love you " Ragini said cryingly.

"Because of you I always blame swara... who will say this innocent Ragini will do like this" Anpoorna shout on her.

"Mare ko toh phehle say hi shak tha(I had always doubts on her) " sujata murmured

" sanskaar manipulate me against swara maa" Ragini said cryingly.

"You are not kid that he gave you chocolate and you did what he said " shout angrily.

"Very good.... jiji you are going right " sujata said showing thubsub were all looks towards her.

"Thank you " said Anpoorna

"Your welcome jiji" said sujata showing her full teath.

"You will not live here now....just live from here" Laksh shout.

Ragini went towards swara and hold her legs.
"Oye nagin mare bhahu k pair chor(oye snakin , leave my swaras leg)" sujata said pushing her

"Swara you are my sister na.... tell to  Laksh na that don't leave me" Ragini said cryingly.

" who are you??? What you want?? I never see you??  and I don't talk to unknown people " Swara said without caring.

"Swara plz" Ragini said folding her hand.

" Ragini plz don't do this, it will not affect me so stop your this know I want to slap you tightly but I can't take risk about my baby" said swara controlling her anger.

" can I do you work" sujata asked excitedly
"Sure mom.... don't know when you get this chance again" swara said smilingly.

" she is doing her own satisfaction " Ram murmured himself

Sujata rub her both hand fastly making them warm and blow air on both hand. She collect all her strength and slap her making Ragini hold her cheeks on both hand.

" actually I thought she will take atlest two  turns when I will slap her because I use my all strength but leave it atleast she hold her both hand on cheeks thats mean I have that much strength " sujata said praising herself.

Ragini went from there. Anpoorna,  Dp and Laksh ask her forgiveness were swara forgive them.

The End.



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