5 | Anemia

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O woman, you take care of all
Who takes care of you?

O you brave woman,
You've been maintaining the house
Cooking and cleaning
Feeding and making
Taking care of everyone
For as long as we know
And yet we never notice
When you stop to catch your breath
Or stand still for a while
Because your body can't take stress
Of your blood's distress
And fatigue is your companion
And yet you smile on
For the sake of everyone!

O woman, you take care of all
Who takes care of you?

O woman, we admire
Those beautiful eyes so dark
Those compassionate eyes
With dreams in their cove
And love for your family dancing in them
But why do we fail to notice
That your eyes are bloodless
Pale and tired
And everytime you're wired
That your skin is white
Or ashen and light
And that your life blood
Is less red
And your wellness might be
Hanging by a thin thread
And yet you don't let it show,
You keep your dizzy head still
As if the breathlessness you don't feel
The dark circles hidden
By that pale smile's glow

O woman, you take care of all
Who takes care of you?

O woman it's high time
You get a clinical check
Cause anemia is something
Which can wreck
Your body, mind and spirit
And leave you drained,
So every single thread is strained
And your health fails
And often it's very late
Before the others realise your pain
And so, you women
Learn to identity by yourself
The fatigue,
And your head feeling light
The paleness
And the breathing tight
Identify it before anyone else notices
Cause there's no need to hide.
Eat more of iron foods
Jaggery and pomegranates
Green veggies and red

O woman, you take care of all
Who takes care of you?
It's you who should
Take care of you too!


Author's Note : A woman takes care of everyone in the family. She often neglects her own health just to care for others. Anemia is one of the very common problems among women because we lose blood due to menstruation. If that blood is not supplemented by iron rich diet, then anemia can occur where the hemoglobin level in your blood is low! There are a few cardinal signs FATIGUE, BREATHLESSNESS and PALLOR. These unexplained sudden symptoms might indicate a woman suffering from Anemia and it is the duty of others around her to try ahd catch those signals and care for her just the way she does!

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