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Number four, Privet Drive was a small, perfectly kept home. It was such a pleasant looking place. There were flowers all around the house, and the lawn was perfectly trimmed, awaiting the fulfillment of a promise of rain from the ominous clouds in the sky. The windows were clean, the floors were clean, and there was no evidence—other than the pictures on the wall—that a little boy lived there at all. It was the home that every mother wishes to have; put together, pleasantly looking, and clean.

The residents of the home, on the other hand, were anything but pleasant.

I would go on to explain why but they're not important to the story. All you need to know, is that they are muggles of the worst sort and you would not wish for any child of magic to live there any amount of time.

Fortunately for one named, Harry Potter, it was not the case.

What was that?

That's not how you heard the story?

Well, whoever you heard this tale from before had it all wrong, I assure you. You must not have been aware that ever since that night in Godric's Hollow, there have been books written about this little boy. All fictional of course, but for the few historical books that were written of the wizarding world's history. Books of adventure, of romance, and yes, even of drama.

This is the true story.'re going to be mad at me for what I'm going to tell you. Not going to lie. If I know anything about how the other versions are told is that she is not put in a very good light more often than not.

Which one was it you've heard? I need to know how much I need to fix in your basic knowledge of the wizarding world.

Huh? Rolling? As in rolling down a hill? I haven't heard of that one yet. Don't tell me this author told you that Dumbledore was the wisest, yet secretive, and most respected wizard in the world?

She did? Oh.

Well, she's not wrong.

It's just Albus Dumbledore is a powerful wizard. He is known for doing great deeds, and holding great titles. He's fought Grindelwald; a dark wizard before the time of Voldemort. He holds the Elder Wand (that one is, in fact, still a secret) and teaches at the most prestigious school of magic in the world!

He's also old. Like, really old. Despite the fact that this wizard has been asked to serve as Minister of Magic more than once, and declined it, he is no longer all there in the head. He's gone a bit senile.

So why is he the headmaster at Hogwarts?

It's the most harmless place to put a slightly insane, slightly deaf, decrepit old man that still wants to do things. The wizarding world does not have senior homes. There's also the fact that his declining mental health is the best ignored fact in the wizarding world than any other. And that includes the general safety of the magical school. Oh, everyone knows about it. You don't send students at the prime age of gossip off to a boarding school like that and expect something like that to stay quiet.

No, but you needn't worry about a thing. Minerva McGonagall goes along after him as he makes all the 'huge' choices and fixes them. Sure, it's a bit more work, but Dumbledore was one of her more favorite teachers when she was in school herself so it's not that much of a burden. Besides, they have one of the house elves, Mindy, looking after him and making sure he stays out of trouble. All Minerva really needs to do is let him make the choice he foolishly thinks is wisest and fix it without his knowledge.

What about the Order of Phoenix?

Well, that was originally formed so he could see all his old students and catch up. It sort of changed into a group that fought against Voldemort as more and more of the members got more involved in the war. Mad Eye Moody was the official leader in that aspect, though poor Dumbledore liked to think it was himself whenever they got together.

Now stop asking questions! I know that brought up many, but you'll just have to be patient as I tell the story.

I haven't even told you what happened to Harry after his parents died.

Yes, they still died, Hagrid still brought him to number four Privet Drive, and Dumbledore still left him on the doorstep. That Rolling lady got that part right, now shut up.

Well, you would find out what I mean by how Harry never lived any part of his life with the Dursleys even though all of that still happened if you just shut your mouth!

Thank you.

Now, where was I?

Number four, number four, number four...

I hadn't even started, thanks to you! I got ahead of myself!

Humph, I'm not sure I even want to tell you what happened now. You'll keep interrupting me and we'll get nowhere.

Oh, you'll stay quiet, will you? I'd like to see that happen. Keeping you quiet is like keeping Dumbledore from his lemon drops. How will I know you'll keep quiet when I tell you Minerva took Harry home after Dumbledore went home?

See! I knew you'd say something—what? You've heard this story before?

Come off it! Why don't you tell me what happens then, if you know the story so well? Chances are, you've already mixed the 'canon' story with fanfiction and don't even know what is 'real' and what is not.

Minerva McGonagall raises Harry Potter?

I'm sorry to tell you that you are wrong.

Of course you are! Now if you don't shut up, I'm not going to tell you why!

Of all the—no, you don't get to speak anymore, -Silencio!-

Ahh, silence. A golden thing. Now, I shall tell you the story...

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