My Strange Birthday Present

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I suppose the present was to make my feel better. I'm honestly not sure if it worked.

My name is Victoria Sara Tirce. I'm a mute.

Not kidding. I lost about 3/4 of my tongue to annoying bacteria and a bit of cancer a few months ago. I cannot talk anymore.

But that has made me much smarter. I don't waste time blabbing about stupid things that don't matter. Of course, sometimes i really do wish i could talk. But i have accepted that i will never ever be able to speak again. I know it sounds depressing. Welcome to my life.

Today is my seventeenth birthday. I don't have any friends, so it was mainly just my family. I was perfectly fine with that. My only friend had moved away, and nobody really liked me much at school. It was hard to be friends with a girl who could never reply to anything you said.

Anyways, at my birthday party, i got to eat a delicious cake. But how can i taste it without a tongue, you ask? Even if i lost most of my tongue, i still have a little bit of it left. I can still taste things, but just barely.

I got a strange gift from my mother. She gave me an old leather-bound journal. I figured she thought i would cope with not being able to speak better if i could express myself with a diary.

The journal itself looked really old. I didn't know how old, but i liked it a lot.

I went to bed that night. When i woke up, i knew i had to go to my much hated school. I wanted to write in my journal really badly, so i did. I wrote one word.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this story!

Vote, comment, and follow, please!

I will update DOA and ALIS soon!

Peace out

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