1. Aerois

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"Why am I doing this again?" Astrid asked annoyed.

Hiccup sighed, "Because we're her friends."

"She's your friend, not mine."

"Do you still hold that grudge against her? C'mon, Astrid." Hiccup grabbed some teeth to tie to a string.

"Why are we decorating the Great Hall?" Tuffnut asked. Everybody groaned.

"Tuff, we've been over this. It's for the surprise birthday party."

"For who?" Ruffnut asked and looked around. "Wait, its somebody's birthday?"

Astrid said, "You two idiots! It's Aerois' birthday."


The Cove was such a beautiful place to relax. Aerois was sitting down next to a tree, feeling the breeze flow through her hair. It was her birthday today. When she woke up this morning she headed straight to The Cove, so she wouldn't be bothered by anyone.

There was a rustling sound behind her making her turn around. "Hello? Anyone there?"

"Aerois, it's me." Hiccup said.

"Oh, hey!" Hiccup ran to Aerois and gave her a hug.

"Happy birthday, Aerois!"

Aerois smiled, "You remembered."

"Of course I did, but why are you here alone? Blackout isn't even here."

"Uh, I just needed some time by myself."

"Well, we should get back. You need to celebrate."

"My birthday isn't that special, Hiccup."

"Oh come on, just follow me."


The two friends walked together to The Great Hall. Hiccup opened the door for Aerois as they walked in.

"Surprise!" All of their friends jumped up and yelled.

Aerois' jaw dropped. "Oh my Thor, you guys did this for me?" Aerois turned around to face Hiccup. "I'm guessing this was your idea."

"You guessed right." Hiccup smiled.

"Thank you. Thank you everybody!" Aerois quickly glanced at Astrid. She didn't look that happy. Aerois ignored it and went to talk to her friends.


"Hey, birthday girl." Snotlout said as he winked.

Aerois chuckled, "Hey Snotlout, are you enjoying the party?"

"I am, now that you're here." Aerois rolled her eyes.

"Did you give up on Astrid?"

"Uh no! We're just...on a little break."

"Okay, whatever you say." Aerois walked away while Snotlout kept trying to flirt with her. She saw Hiccup and Astrid talking and laughing.

Aerois smiled. They're getting along. She walked up and said hi.

"Thanks for helping with my party, Astrid." She turned to look at Aerois.

"No problem. Aerois." She walked away just like that. Hiccup turned to look at Aerois.

"Thanks a lot."

"Hiccup, I didn't mean to make her mad. She's just-"

"She's just what? Huh?"

Aerois sighed, "Nevermind, sorry. Thanks for the party, I'm going home." Hiccup was about to say something before Aerois walked through the doors of the Great Hall.

Turning 17 wasn't a big deal to Aerois but she was having a good time but Astrid ruined it. She didn't know why Astrid still held a grudge against her.

She walked towards her house in silence, as she got there Hiccup jumped out of nowhere. She shrieked in surprise.

"Hiccup! What is your problem?!"

"Sorry, birthday girl. I was just trying to get your attention."

"Well, you obviously accomplished that. What do you want?"

"I just want to say I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't want to ruin your day."

"Don't worry about it, I know how much you like Astrid," Aerois smiled. "Thank you for tonight, Hiccup.

"Don't leave yet, I still haven't given you your present." Hiccup reached inside his vest and pulled out a long and narrow case. He opened it and inside was a dagger, it was engraved with Aerois' name.

"Hiccup...this is beautiful." She wrapped him in a tight hug.

"It was completely made by me." He said as he grinned.


Aerois woke up fully rested, ready to fly with Hiccup and the dragons. She got ready and walked downstairs to greet her dragon. "Blackout! How's my girl?" She gave her a little rub. "Ready to go?"


Hey guys! It's been so long but I'm back! This was a short and boring chapter but please stick a little longer because the good parts will be coming together soon. First, I need to do introduce everything and get things situated.

And to not confuse things, Aerois and her dragon Blackout are my OC's, the rest of the characters aren't.

In the media I put a picture of Hiccup and Toothless which is adorable ^-^.

I hope you guys enjoy my new book, comment and vote!

~Minty ♡

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