Breeders and Carriers

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"Hey yaoichibi I just have a question in my mind that's been bugging me ever since I read the IMTW series lol. I think you already explained it but yeah. either I am too dumb to understand it. But my question is, how do you know you are a breeder/carrier? Without knowing you're attracted to the other one? I mean, let's say for example you are with a group of four people in a room (where all of you didn't know about breeder/carrier classification) , how do you know which classification are you? Are there other signs for you to know it? Like, let's say in their figures? Where a breeder is much more masculine than the carrier?

And Am I making sense with my question? hahaha sorry. but it's been bugging me. I know it was explained in IMTW but I am still kinda confused."

                                                                                                                                      ~ DaimeGuiral 


I have another entry and I'm sure you guys are interested in knowing the answer to the question above as most of you have already asked me how the breeder and carrier thing works.

Special thanks to DaimeGuiral for asking the question above.

Now, let's see. How should I start? I guess the first thing I have to say is this.

Nobody is dumb for not getting the mechanics of the breeder-carrier thing. 

I'd like to believe that this concept - a concept I came up with after reading a lot of werewolf stories - is new and confusing to most of my readers. 

Hey. It isn't a big deal if you don't understand how it works. Especially if you're not a fan of the werewolf genre.

Now, to answer that question and all the other question related to this topic, I'd like to begin with how a person knows if he or she is a breeder or carrier.

Like humans, my characters are born in hospitals where the latest technology is used to determine a person's gender and such. To determine a child's classification, ultrasounds are usually used. Carriers, like I said, have the ability to carry life inside their bodies whereas breeders provide the essence needed to impregnate a carrier. 

There are signs that show a child is a breeder or a carrier through ultrasound scans; however, these are mostly educated guesses. An example would be of a child being considered as a breeder for developing within 5-6 months.

What does this mean?

Breeders usually are faster in developing their features such as fingers and toes than carriers because their internal organs don't need to be shifted around to accommodate a womb (for females) or pouch (for males). Carriers, on the other hand, are usually fully developed around the 7-8 month mark. This is because development is more focused in making sure their body is well-equipped for child-rearing purposes.

It doesn't make sense, I know, but it really shouldn't because this is fiction and our scientific laws do not transcend to this reality as a whole.

Now, when the children are born, they have their blood samples taken to make sure they really are a breeder or a carrier. The blood count of a breeder is completely different to that of a carrier's and from there, the doctors will finalize their classification in the child's birth certificate.

Next, let's take DaimeGuiral's example above.

Say you are in a group of 4 and your job is to know whether the people you're sitting with is a breeder or a carrier.

Let me make this clear.

There will always be a magnetic attraction. 

If you are a carrier and you feel a pull from the person across you, he/she is then a breeder automatically. If there is no attraction on either person from your sides, then they are carriers.

The only exception to this rule is when family is involved.

The breeder-carrier thing isn't a feature where incest can occur. Like in most of our biology classes, there is such a thing called as recessive traits. Now, in my story, the recessive trait is the other classification. So if you're a breeder, your recessive trait is being a carrier and vice versa.

knowing this, the reason there is no attraction within the family is because your attraction to the opposite classification responds to your recessive gene. If there is a response to your recessive gene, you know you're not supposed to be fucking this guy or girl. And when I say response, this is mostly internal - meaning you won't feel anything like when you're in the presence of a person with the same classification.

And it's impossible to not know about the breeder and carrier thing in this version of reality.

It's like saying you don't know if you were born a girl or a boy. 

The classification is a necessity and is always provided when the child is born. If, for example, you lost your memory and end up not knowing the breeder-carrier thing, I suggest you check your birth certificate. It is listed there because it is as important as your gender and name.

Finally, the features.

To be honest, the features have no signifcance to them being either a carrier or a breeder. 

For examples I'd like to point out Zion's parents and Chloe as well as Chelsea. 

The reason why the pairs in my stories feature a super masculine breeder and a feminine carrier is because - this is embarrassing to admit - those are my preferences when writing slash romance. 

I do enjoy stories with couples that switch or the bottom is bigger than the top. However, since I'm writing this based on a female perspective, the carrier always ends up having features similar to that of a woman's.

Again, the features have no significance to their classification.

A carrier can be the musclehead type while the breeder a super girly type and it wouldn't matter. Unlike most of the relationships of BDSM enthusiasts we read in novels, the breeder doesn't necessarily have to be huge, intimidating, and hung as a walrus or the carrier cute, pale-skinned, and has an ass you can bounce a quarter off.

So yeah, it all just comes down to attraction.

I hope I answered all your questions. If you got anymore, you know how to contact me. 

Happy New Year!


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