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Liv shot up in a rush, letting out a cry as she blinked rapidly, taking in her surroundings. She was in a metal room, but not exactly like one in Mount Weather. More like the Ark, and it was then when the recollection of last night's events came back at her at full force.

She remembered trekking her way through the woods, finally resulting in herself finding the Ark crash landed on the ground, hustling and bustling with people. Her people.

Liv felt a sharp pain in her arm, the girl glancing down to see a row of stitches closing her wound up from where she cut the tracker out.

"Hey, easy there," a masculine voice spoke, Liv glancing over to see a middle aged man seated in the seat beside her. Liv raised a brow at him in questioning, wondering who the hell he was. "I'm Doctor Jake Ryan, and you must be one of the one hundred."

Liv merely nodded her head hesitantly, Jake smiling warmly at her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I just got hit by a truck," Liv mumbled, trailing the tip of her index finger along the stitches.

Jake chuckled at the young girl, questioning, "Do you know where you are? Who you are? You came in late and needed medical attention immediately so no one was able to identify who you were."

Liv tore the covers of the bed that she was lying in off of her, taking notice of the new outfit she was in. She had a soft t - shirt on, a new pair of jeans and boots placed beside the bed. She began to tug them on, ready to get out there and back to Mount Weather.

Now that she was here, she could get some weapons, some back up, and save Ash as well as the rest of her friends.

Jake quickly made his way in front of the girl who was in a rush, speaking, "Hey, take it easy there. You need rest."

Liv simply shook her head, muttering, "I don't need rest, I need to find my brother and my friends."

A look crossed Jake's face, one that Liv was unable to read well. It was almost like a look of realization, but Liv simply shrugged it off, standing up and grabbing hold of the light jacket on the night stand beside the bed she was in.

"You lost a lot of blood," Jake continued, Liv nodding her head. "Care to explain what happened. You can't lose that much blood from a wound to the arm, especially since you were able to take care of it pretty well."

Liv tugged her jacket on, turning to face him quickly. "I was in Mount Weather, and that's where I need to go back to so that my friends don't become some science miracle to the psychos in there. I just - I need to find my brother."

Jake simply stared at the girl, now realizing that he was able to see glimpses of Lee and Marilyn Ross in the girl, able to realize who she was the moment she said she had a brother. He was the one who initially tried to help her mother and father.

She was his best friend's daughter.

As he stared at her, Liv merely raised a brow in confusion, shaking her head in annoyance. "Look, I'm leaving. I have to get help and save my friends."

And with that, Liv took out of the room, jogging down the hallway. She began to grow with speed, a determined look on her face. She remembered her experience inside the harvest chamber, and she also remembered Cage's threat. The psycho wasn't going to take it lightly, which means his first target will be Ash, which means she has to get him the hell out of there.

The unfamiliar hallways of the Ark passed her by, Liv simply following down it until she saw an opening, the bright light from the outside shining inside the Ark.

She knew what she needed to do if she wanted to save Ashton. First off, she needed a weapon, which seemed far too difficult to get in here. She knew how to fire a gun, it wasn't some foreign concept to her. Then again, all of the guard and council members seem to think so. She and her friends were able to take care of themselves before, they can still continue to do so.

Secondly, she needed a group. She knew that it was likely that none of her friends survived long enough to make it here, but she needed people of guard or anyone willing to start a plan of action to get into Mount Weather.

The sun's rays finally hit her skin once again while she exited the Ark, footsteps sounding behind her as Jake continued to follow after the girl.

"Hey!" he called, Liv not glancing back in his direction. She was on a mission and nothing was going to waver her from it. "How exactly do you think that you're going to do that, Olivia?" Jake questioned, Liv glowering at him.

"I'm gonna murder every last person in that damn mountain," she snapped, shock soon reaching her. Her eyebrows furrowed together, Liv demanding, "How the hell do you know my name? I never told you, and you asked me."

He opened his mouth to speak, but then voices were shouting from all around them.

"Open the gate!" a guard exclaimed, Jake turning around as Liv glanced over to see figures making their way through.

She couldn't really tell who it was right away due to the large crowd, but Liv was quick to take a step forward, her eyes widening when she noticed a familiar head of black hair on olive skin. She knew the shape of his figure like the back of his hand. She knew it was him - it had to be.

In front of her, Jake stood, questioning in confusion due to her awe struck expression, "Olivia?"

Tears found themselves welling in the corners of her eyes, and she didn't necessarily know why, but soon enough, a large grin broke out onto her face.

"Bellamy," she breathed out, her voice barely audible as she tried to process what she was seeing.

It was Bellamy.

Bellamy Blake was alive, and he was merely a run away from her.

Her legs were working before she even had a chance to process what she was doing, her hair flying behind her as she ran as fast as she had ever ran before. She watched as Abby Griffin ushered a girl away, taking notice of Octavia standing beside Bellamy along with Monroe behind them.

"Bellamy!" she called out, quickly wiping away a tear that had slipped from her cheek.

His head shot up instantly at the sound of her voice, Liv grinning as his eyes widened in shock. By this time, though, she had already hurtled into his arms, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

His muscular ones wrapped around her the second she collided into him, Liv slowly craning her head back softly so that she could get a better look at him.

He still looked the same, except with slightly shorter hair. His brown eyes still held the same warmth they did, the same array of freckles danced across his face. In addition with a few smears of blood and a long cut along his cheek, he still looked like the same Bellamy she had fallen for.

And without a second thought, she was pressing her lips against his.

It was an involuntary action, and she honestly hadn't realized that she had done it until his lips began to move along with hers. They were rough against hers, but in a good way.

A sense of euphoria shot about her, Liv feeling a sensation that she never thought possible to feel. She was finally kissing the man that she had been wanting to for months now, finally feeling his lips against hers, and he wasn't protesting.

Her hand cupped around his cheek, pulling him closer to her while he knotted his hand in her hair, Liv smiling softly into the kiss as her heart began to race rapidly, rapidly to the point where it actually hurt her chest. She felt her stomach become uneasy, a craving forming inside of her that only kissing Bellamy could content.

It was a slow kiss, and she could tell that Bellamy was being gentle with her, almost as though he didn't believe she was actually there. But then again, she could barely believe he was here, either.

Slowly and reluctantly, she pulled her lips away from his, the tingling sensation against them lingering even as she did so.

"I thought - " she barely managed to choke out, holding onto him tightly, "I thought you were dead." And then she was crying again, not full blown sobbing, but she was tearing up, a small one rolling down her cheek as she buried her head into the crook of his neck.

She could feel Bellamy's arms tighten around her once again, and Liv realized that in that moment, even though she had no idea what she really considered home in Mount Weather, she knew what home truly was for her.

Home was wherever Bellamy was.

Because she most certainly felt like she was at home now.

She sniffled softly, trying to keep herself together. The past few days had been beyond rough for her, and she was still trying her best to keep herself in one piece, which was becoming very difficult for her to do.

"Now there's something we've all be waiting for," a familiar voice spoke, Liv slowly pulling away, grinning wildly to see Octavia standing there beside the two.

She was surprised with herself for not realizing Octavia was there, too, but she thought Bellamy was dead, and that Octavia was with Lincoln. Either way, though, Liv let go of Bellamy and grabbed hold of Octavia, wrapping her arms around her best friend.

Octavia squeezed onto her tightly, both of them grinning brightly now that they were reunited. They shared a tent together, literally nothing could break the bond that the two girls shared together.

"I'm glad you're okay," Liv murmured, smiling softly to herself.

"You too, Ross."

Liv and Octavia then let go of one another, the three teenagers turning to face one another. Bellamy was still staring at Liv in complete shock, Liv raising a brow at him, a faint smile still etched onto her face.

She could still feel her stomach churning after kissing him, and she wouldn't be shocked in a bright pink blush was rising on her face.

"How'd you get away from the grounders?" Bellamy questioned her in confusion, yet still glad she was here and able to.

Liv's brows furrowed together in confusion, questioning, "Grounders?" She shook her head back and forth, beginning to explain, "I was never with the - "

"Liv!" a voice shouted, Liv whipping around to see Clarke Griffin running through Camp Jaha toward their direction.

Liv's face broke out into a grin, Liv taking a step toward Clarke, but Clarke was already there, wrapping her arms around Liv.

The Ross girl held onto Clarke tightly, breathing out, "You're okay." She then pulled out of Clarke's grip, keeping a firm grip on her forearm's. "How'd you get here? I thought you got lost in the current or something."

Clarke still had a grin on her face, shaking her head. "I thought that's what happened to you. Anya and I couldn't find you, and well, I would have looked, but. . . "

"But what?"

"Let's just say getting here was a little difficult," Clarke murmured, Liv nodding in understanding.

"How about Anya?" Liv inquired, genuinely worried about the grounder that she once was at war with.

Clarke's face fell the moment Liv asked, barely managing to get out, "Anya's - When we got here, they uh - she got shot."

Liv's smile quickly faded at Clarke's words, falling silent. Octavia and Bellamy stood behind them, listening in confusion. The two of them were honestly quite lost, seeing that they thought the grounders took their friends yet they were worried about Anya.

Letting out a soft sigh, Liv muttered, "Damn, chocolate cake would be pretty nice right now."

Clarke let out a laugh at Liv's words, grinning at her friend before taking notice of Bellamy and Clarke behind her. Clarke immediately raced forward, wrapping her arms around Bellamy tightly, Bellamy returning the gesture immediately. And soon to follow, Clarke was embracing Octavia, the four teenagers now facing each other after their reunion.

Liv felt a hand rest on her bicep softly, Bellamy's arm wrapped around her hesitantly. She glanced up at him, smilingly faintly before leaning in a bit more, letting out a sigh of relief knowing that she was with him again. That she was with three of her friends again, all of them safe.

Glancing toward Liv, Clarke informed, "I just saw Raven, too. She's okay."

Liv's face broke out into a smile, unable to help but feel genuinely happy despite the situation they were in. She had thought she'd lost everyone, that her downright insane actions were only going to lead to her death, yet everyone, for the time being, was okay.

They were all okay.

Liv glanced over, watching as Raven held a cane, making her way over toward them. Liv's eyes widened, taking notice of the brace on her bottom portion of her leg, a grin still on Raven's face despite it.

Raven sent a large, warm smile in Liv's direction, Liv smiling softly and nodding at her in greeting. She bit down onto her bottom lip, trying to keep herself from grinning like a mad man. She was just in complete shock that they were all here, that they were all okay, and her relief was clear to see.

Bellamy glanced down at Liv and Clarke, questioning, "How many with you?"

Solemnly, Liv shook her head, answering, "Just us."

His face fell at her words, his grip tightening around her a bit more as the five of them all looked from one another.

Clarke's eyebrows then furrowed in confusion, questioning, "Where's Finn?"

Liv eyes widened at that, her mind racing with the question; Finn's alive? And now she wanted to know where, because she thought he was dead, too.

Glancing back toward Clarke, Bellamy explained, a look on his face that she couldn't quite read, "Looking for you."

There was something wrong, Liv could tell, but she didn't know what. It was almost as though it pained him to hear Finn's name and she didn't necessarily know why.

Liv was quick to cut in, though, the situation at hand still playing within her head.

"Look, I don't know what's been happening here these past few days, but I do know forty six of our friends are still inside that damn mountain so, we find Finn and then we figure out a way to get them the hell out of there."

Octavia looked toward Liv in confusion, inquiring, "What mountain?"

And it was then when a recollection of the unfortunate and miserable events were told.


"You can't cut them loose," Clarke protested, Bellamy and Liv hanging back while Clarke spoke to her mother. After explaining the events of the past few days to their friends, Liv and Clarke had to reveal the entire ordeal to Abby and a few other council members.

It turned out, though, that Bellamy, Finn, and a few others went out searching for them in grounder territory. Unlike Bellamy, though, Finn stayed out there in search with Murphy while Bellamy brought an injured girl back to camp.

All of which means that Finn is in a danger zone and they have to go find him before he does anything that could get him hurt. Liv watched, her back pressed against the wall while Bellamy stood beside her, the two listening in on the Griffins' conversation.

Liv couldn't help but glance at him through the corner of her eyes, still finding it to be so unbelievably surreal that he was actually there beside her. So unbelievable that without warning, she grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together. He glanced down at the girl, squeezing her hand back tightly.

She wasn't going to lie, she was scared that if she let go of him go, she'd never see him again or that he may fade away into thin air. That maybe this was all just one dream that she was bound to wake up from soon.

"Sweetheart, we don't have the man power to send out two rescue missions and protect our camp," Abby countered, a hiss sounding from Bellamy.

Growing frustrated, he took his hand out of Liv's, beginning to pace back and forth. Liv crossed her arms out of frustration, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for Abby to realize that they weren't just going to let Finn stay out there on his own.

"Mom," Clarke snapped, "they're in trouble. They're either going to get themselves killed, or they're going to make things worse with the grounders we need to get our people out of Mount Weather."

"I know you feel that this is unfair, but our priority has to be with Chancellor Kane," Abby spoke, Liv shooting forward to cut in.

Bellamy's eyes widened, knowing that whenever Liv feels strongly about something, she never knows when to shut her mouth. He would know, she was pretty persistent about making him talk to Jaha.

"Kane may be your personal priority," Liv mused, everyone's heads turning in her direction, "but Finn's ours."

Abby raised a brow at Liv, surprised that she felt the need to cut in so quickly. "It's our only hope for peace."

"If you wanted peace," Clarke began angrily, "you wouldn't have killed the only grounder who would have helped us."

"I'm sorry," Abby apologized. "The decision's been made."

From beside her, Bellamy reiterated in disbelief, "You're sorry?" He then crossed his arms over his chest. "Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughter, with guns that you gave us. And now she's home, you're just going to abandon them?" He shot the woman an accusing look, Liv raising an expectant brow at her.

Liv still may have held a strong dislike toward Murphy, but everything that Bellamy just said was completely and undeniably true. She couldn't just expect them to go out there and risk their lives for Clarke, and now that she's home safe just leave them to fend for themselves.

"If you can't spare the guards; we know the terrain, we can do it ourselves," Bellamy pitched, Abby quick to cut him off.

"Absolutely not," she snapped, Liv gaping at her words due to her disbelief.

"Mom - "

"I just got you back!" Abby cried out, all three of the teenagers falling silent.

"Abby!" a voice shouted, a man, Jackson, began jogging into the room. He soon noticed the tension thick in the air, apologizing, "Sorry. We need you in medical."

Abby glanced toward Clarke nervously, Clarke speaking, "You should go."

"Burn," Abby spoke, making the head guard look over toward them, "no one leaves this camp."

All of their faces hardened immediately, Liv clenching her hand into a fist to keep from lashing out.

"Yes, ma'am," Burn responded, Liv shooting the woman a glare.

Abby then walked past Clarke, then shooting Liv and Bellamy a look that Liv couldn't quite read. Once she was gone, Clarke let out a frustrated sigh, turning to face the two behind her.

Taking a step forward to them, she ordered, "We're gonna need guns."

This was their terrain for far longer than any other person from the Ark who was down here. No one was going to stop them from making Finn and Murphy their top priority.

The moment they waste one life is the moment when they truly became savages, and they were anything but.


Raven, Bellamy, and Liv found themselves securely hidden behind a large part of the Ark, Raven tossing a duffel bag full of firearms to the ground.

"I was able to manage an extra quip," she informed, Liv nodding her head in response.

With a bag in hand, Clarke finally made her way over, Liv glancing behind Clarke to check and see if anyone noticed her come over. Burn was more than likely going to be keeping an extra eye on Clarke seeing that she's now the Chancellor's daughter.

"Hey, my mom's in surgery and the team after Kane just left," Clarke informed, "we should, too."

Glancing over toward Clarke, Bellamy inquired, "Have you found Octavia?"

"No," Octavia's voice sounded, Liv and Bellamy glancing behind them to see Octavia making her way over. "I found you." With a sword slung over her back, she spoke, "I'm not letting you leave without me."

"Octavia - "

"Finn and Murphy are headed to Lincoln's village, I've been there," Octavia pointed out, Liv nodding in agreement. If Liv was being completely honest here, Octavia could probably take down herself, Bellamy, and Clarke combined in a fight. Octavia was a freaking badass. "Have you?" Pointing toward Clarke, she asked, "Has she?"

"Then it's settled," Liv spoke, "Octavia's coming."

Bellamy shot the girl a look, questioning, "Is that your call to make?"

She grinned smugly at him, countering, "Actually, it's hers."

Octavia only smirked triumphantly, Bellamy looking back and forth between the two girls. "Are you done?"

Bellamy then reached down, grabbing a duffel bag and handing it to his sister.

She grabbed it, questioning, "What's this?"

"Pack," he ordered, smiling at her. "Lead the way."

Octavia slung the bag over her back, looking toward the wired fence, prepared to climb through the wires. Before she could do so, Raven stuck out her cane, stopping Octavia in her tracks.

"Not so fast, Pocahontas," Raven spoke, Octavia taking a step back in confusion. She then pressed her cane against the wire, it sparking up with bolts of electricity, all of their eyes widening.

"Oh," Liv muttered bitterly. "I forgot how much of a pain in the ass people from the Ark were." Then glancing toward Raven, Liv questioned, "I thought it was taken care of?"

"It is," Raven informed, grabbing her walkie - talkie and pressing the button down. "Shut her down, Wick." She then pressed her cane against the wire again, assuring, "It's handled."

Octavia tossed her bag out of the fence, beginning to climb through it. Liv grabbed hold of a machine gun, following out of the fence behind Bellamy and along with Clarke.

The four of them keep themselves ducked down, making their way toward the concealment of the trees, prepared to stop at nothing to find Finn and Murphy.


Ash paced back and forth inside of their cabin, Monty and Jasper being the only other two inside. He quickly tossed a duffel bag at each one, ordering, "Pack up."

Ash had explained the whole ordeal between himself and Dante about the fact that Liv and Clarke had left Mount Weather.

"You don't actually expect to find her, do you?" Jasper questioned, raising a brow at Ash.

Ash seemed a bit taken aback, countering, "Actually, yeah, I do. We're starting at the drop ship and then - "

"You said they went crazy and broke out," Jasper pointed out, growing frustrated with Ash now that he was beginning to act the same way as Clarke and Liv. "Here we have shelter and food and we're safe, they're the ones out there facing the grounders."

"My sister's out there," Ash snapped, shooting Jasper a glare. "You don't actually expect me to sit back and wait for her dead body to turn up, do you?"

"Ash is right," Monty agreed, beginning to pack some of his items into his duffel. "If it were us out there, Clarke and Liv would be out there in a heartbeat."

It was then when the door opened once again, Maya standing in the doorway of the room.

Ash let out a huff of annoyance the moment the girl entered the room, refusing to meet her gaze. He was beginning to grow more and more wary of everyone here after speaking to Dante. He knew for certain that Clarke and Liv going crazy was a complete lie, all of it being one huge lie. His sister was out there, and so was Clarke, and he wasn't going to stop at anything to find them.

"I just heard," Maya spoke to Jasper, Ash rolling his eyes the moment she opened her mouth. "You're planning on leaving?"

"Yes," Ash answered, Monty nodding beside him. "I don't care if I have to go through hundreds of your guards to do so, either."

"No," Jasper snapped, shooting a look at both of his friends. "We're not."

"It's what Clarke would do," Monty protested, trying to get his friend on board.

"You guys can't," Maya spoke to Jasper, "it's too dangerous."

Jasper nodded in agreement. "I can't. I'm a coward."

Maya shook her head in disagreement, speaking, "You're not, you're smart. You can't make her come back."

Ash simply grinned in a malicious way at the girl, snapping, "And you can't keep us from going." Maya turned to face him, Ash snapping, "We're leaving no - woah." Maya's face soon began to grow a crimson red color, scabs beginning to cover her face. With furrowed brows, Ash murmured, "Your face."

Finding difficulty in sucking in a breath, Maya gasped out, "Radiation." An alarm then began to go off, Monty, Jasper, and Ash glancing back and forth from one another nervously, not sure what to do. "There's been a containment breach."

"How?" Jasper cried out in horror, Maya already sprinting toward the door.

"I don't know!" she exclaimed, running her key card over the pad, it blinking red and not opening, Maya quick to try the next one. She let out a scream of pain when the next door wouldn't open, Monty glancing around feverishly.

"What do we do?" he shouted, Ash having absolutely no idea how to help this girl.

The girl continued to scream in pain, Jasper soon bellowing, "Help!"

The three boys lunged toward the door, slamming against it while shouting pleads of help for the girl who was being burned by the radiation in the air.

In a matter of minutes, Ash, Jasper, and Monty found themselves back in one of the familiar white rooms from the first day they came here, Maya lying on the bed with scabs covering her entire face. A doctor was in a biohazard suit in front of them, reading off all of Maya's vitals.

"Standard treatment isn't working," she spoke, Ash's brows furrowing together in confusion.

"What does that mean?" Jasper inquired, unaware of what their procedure is. "Is there a non-standard treatment?"

She glanced over toward the three boys, speaking, "There is one thing we can try.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Jasper questioned, his voice hoarse.

Taking a deep breath, she began to explain, "It's unorthodox. . . because you were raised in space, your circulatory systems developed a way to filter the radiation out of your blood. Now, it's just a theory, but if we were to circulate Maya's blood through your system - "

"It would make her better?" Jasper questioned, beginning to consider the idea of doing so to save Maya.

From beside him, Monty demanded, "What happens to him?"

"Not sure," she explained, Ash's eyes widened. Jasper couldn't seriously be considering doing this, could he?

Jasper's gaze lingered on Maya's blistered cover body, Monty growing frustrated. "I know that look. Don't even think about it. It's too dangerous."

Jasper's silent, Ash questioning, "You can't seriously be considering this?"

Jasper simply looked toward the doctor, nodding his head.

"I'm in."


A fire was placed in the center of their small set up camp, Octavia and Clarke both fast asleep around it. Liv sat on the log on the opposite side of the fire from Bellamy, unable to bring herself to say anything as she continued to think back to her brother.

It made her sick to her stomach, knowing that she left him in there. But there was nothing she could do, she would have never gotten out if she didn't leave with Clarke. But now there was the possibility that Ash would never get out, and she couldn't live with that fact.

That it would be all on her.

She glanced up when she heard footsteps, glancing beside her to see Bellamy sitting down. He sat a little bit away from her, but she could feel his body heat radiating off of him.

She wasn't exactly sure how he felt about her kissing him. Hell, she didn't even know how she felt about kissing him. She knew she wanted to do it again, but what if he didn't? All she knew was that for right now, she had much larger problems than if Bellamy Blake reciprocated her feelings.

She had to deal with the fact that her brother might die because of her.

Glancing toward her, he spoke, "The last time I saw you, the doors of the drop ship were being closed."

Liv shook her head softly, trying her best to keep from breaking down again. "I thought you were dead," she breathed out, her voice cracking as she tried to keep from crying. "I thought that - I thought that Raven was, and so was Octavia. I thought when I lost Clarke, that she was dead too. I thought Finn died with you, and then none of you were th - there, at the drop ship." A tear then began to dribble down her cheek, Liv shooting her hand up quickly to wipe it away. "And now my brother, and Monty, and Jasper, and everyone else are going to be dead because of me."

Without warning, Bellamy's arm was around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She leaned into his side without a second thought, trying to keep herself from crying, willing herself not to.

"I left them there," she whispered, hating herself for it. "I left them all there to die."

Bellamy looked down toward her, assuring, "You had too. If you didn't, there'd be no way for any of them to get out."

"You don't understand," Liv pointed out softly, shaking her head. "I told you about the harvest chamber, but I never told you about what happened in there. Clarke and I didn't just find Anya," Liv took a deep breath before continuing, "Clarke found me."

Feeling shame from it, Liv reluctantly met Bellamy's gaze, his facial features softening at her words.

His lips parted in shock, soon finding the courage to question, "What did they do to you in there?" And it wasn't just a simple question, she didn't seem entirely like herself ever since she came back. Liv was scared of the grounders to some extent, but he'd never seen fear written across her so clearly before. She almost seemed like a different person.

She pulled out of his grip, beginning to peel her jacket off and toss it to the ground. Shifting so that she was facing him, she then grabbed the top of her shirt, pulling it down so that the bandage over her chest was easy to see.

With a shaky breath, Liv peeled the bandage away, revealing two holes in her chest, Bellamy's breath hitching in his throat at the sight.

"I told you about how they drained people's blood in there," Liv began slowly, shivers running down her spine as she thought back to it. "I never told you that they drained mine."

Liv was silent for a moment, Bellamy opening his mouth to say something, only for Liv to cut him off automatically.

"Taking my blood out of me and putting someone else's in, I don't know how I'm supposed to continue being me when all of me isn't there," Liv spoke, trembling softly as she did so. "I don't know how I can continue being Olivia Ross when there's someone else's blood running through my veins, too. I'm no longer entirely me - "

She was cut off instantaneously, though, Bellamy's lips pressed to hers once again. He didn't think before he did it, he just did. He didn't know how else to get her to shut up so that he could speak without sounding rude, and the last thing he needed was for her to take his words the wrong way while she was already crying.

With the confusion swirling around what exactly their relationship was, Liv tensed under his touch before slowly relaxing, allowing her lips to move along with his. This was all new territory for the two of them, two people who had never experienced this level of feelings until they were finally sent down to the ground.

Hell, this was the first time Liv even had a crush considering she spent her whole life living in a space station's prison.

His lips were gentle with hers, despite their rough texture with a split in it, his lips chapped as well. Hers weren't much better if they were, because they were all the making of rough terrain and war. Their tough and hard exteriors mimicked the people that they had become while down here.

Slowly, Bellamy raised his hand before allowing it to cup Liv's cheek, slowly pulling his lips away from hers.

This time, the two were motionless, Liv's eyes locked on him as she tried to read what was happening behind his brown irises. Trying to decipher what was going on within Bellamy Blake's mind. 

The pad of his thumb slowly moved along the curve of her chin and up the line of her jaw, taking in the sight of her. Relishing in the fact that she was alive, not a figment of his imagination. He was here in front of her, and that was all he could ever ask for.

Releasing a sigh, he breathed out softly, "You're still you where it counts. It doesn't matter whose blood is in your veins, you're still Olivia Ross."

She smiled faintly as his arm wrapped itself around her waist, tugging her into his side. Within her stomach, knots were being tied and her heart hammered. 

It was then when she realized that she did have a home, that back in Mount Weather she was wrong.

Her home was wherever Bellamy was.


By the time the sun rose, the four were back on trek, making their way through the trees in search of Finn and Murphy. Although Liv could give two shits about Murphy, she only worried for Finn. 

They continued down a steep hill, a gun secured in Liv's hands as they slowly halted, Bellamy's voice breaking the air.

"This is it," he explained, a statue of a man seated in a chair off in the distance. "Which way to the village?"

Clarke, Liv, and Bellamy all glanced toward Octavia, knowing that she was the only one who knew her way there. They were all looking to her for guidance. 

Her eyes watered, shaky breaths escaping her lips as she stared off into the distance. Liv's face softened as she watched her best friend, wondering what could have happened to her while she was gone. What could Octavia possibly gone through that Liv wasn't there to be by her side for? What kind of best friend did that make Liv? 

"The reapers came from there," Octavia spoke, pulling herself together as she pointed her sword in the direction. 

Her lips pulled into a tight frown as she fought the desire to cry, remaining strong throughout it all. 

Bellamy turned to face his sister, concern laced on his features as he awaited Octavia's words.

"I couldn't save him, Bell," she barely managed to get out, Bellamy pulling Octavia in her arms as she continued to struggle to fight the urge to weep. Both Liv and Clarke shared a glance, both girls unaware of what had happened. "I couldn't save him."

It was a while before they continued on, Octavia continuing to guide them in the direction of the camp filled with grounders. The one Bellamy and Finn had initially suspected Clarke and Liv to be held at. Unfortunately, that was the case. Liv believed that the grounders were an easier threat to locate and battle than Mount Weather. Mount Weather made her want to dig a hole and hide in it for years.

They were silent as they moved, the only thing alerting them that they were near was the firing of a gun.

Liv's eyes widened, her head snapping into Bellamy's direction, the other just as confused. Clarke's blue eyes were wide, as were Octavia's, the four darting in the direction of the sound.

The wind tore at Liv's face as she sprinted, leaves and twigs crunching underneath her boots as she darted through the trees. The firing continued, growing quicker and quicker.

She had no idea what the hell was happening, but all of the possibilities running through her mind terrified her. Screams rang out from all around them, their pace only quickening at this.

Liv's heart raced in her chest as she continued on, finally breaking through the trees only to have her heart plummet into her chest.

The four halted as they entered the village, all around them being nothing but blood and massacre. 

In the center of it all was Finn with a machine gun, bloodied, dead bodies littered all around him. Those who were still alive looked toward Finn with fear, Liv's lips parting in shock.

This wasn't the Finn she knew. Finn would never kill an innocent person, he was always the one striving for peace. 

Soon enough, one of the villagers in the barricade hopped over the edge of it, racing toward a young boy whom was dead on the ground. He cradled him in his arms, tears lining the rims of his eyes. Octavia sprinted over, falling to his side as well. She recognized the boy, that much Liv knew.

Clarke, Bellamy, and Liv hesitantly made their way over, Liv surveying all of the damage Finn created.

It made her nauseous. 

Finn's eyes were only set on Clarke as she made her way toward him, Bellamy's hand finding Liv's and intertwining their fingers in comfort. She bit down on her lip, scared to even look at Finn.

Who was the person he had become? 

Finn approached Clarke, only to have her take a step back.

"I found you," he breathed out, breathlessly.

She shook her head lightly, her bottom lip trembling as she stared at the person in front of him.

He may have found her, but she lost him.


not edited.

well, it's been a while. hope those kisses made up for it. 

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