FrOg dissection/another QOTD

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Frog dissection. I was the one who had to do the dissection since the girls in my group were chickens (sorry) But I also had a guy in the group. He did help out, but my goodness did he get  side tracked easily. I basically did it on my own. 

First. We had to cut the jaw and open the mouth up. The guy tried, and kept yelling at me because I couldn't fit the scissors in the frog's mouth(Mrs. Hunt, our science teacher, had to cut the jaw) 

Next. We (cough cough 'I')  Cut open the frog. One of the girls was help. We finally opened it up. 

First organ I removed was the heart. I removed a frog heart. Then, was the liver. Lemme tell ya, frog livers are HUGE! Yeah.....That was interesting. Next was the lungs, then the digestive system then the testes. While I was removing the organs, the guy was trying to cut the frog's leg off. He did help tho. 

Finally, after we were done (and after the guy accidentally nicked me with the scissors) I picked up the frog. Now, one of the girls who happens to be my friend (I'm friends with both girls, but this is a closer friend. Shout out to Taylor!) I picked up the frog. 

I placed my hands on the jaw and made the frog 'talk' Taylor was really mad at me.

It was really hilarious! 

(It was also when  I discovered that I had a very morbid sense of humor) 

After that, Mrs. Hunt came over to help us dispose our frog. I held the frog in my hand. What we were going to do was since we were wearing gloves, Mrs. Hunt was going to pull the gloves off over the frog. So she cracked the frog's legs (It was soo cool!)  and made me ball the frog up in my fist. Then she slipped the glove off. She then told me to go ahead and get my stuff while the rest of the group had to clean up. The worst part was that the girls' threw away their gloves already and they had to clean the station up without gloves. HAHAHAH karma. So yeah. Then after that, I went to lunch. 

You know how on the medical shows how the surgeons are always sweating??? That's not for effect. I was sweating so much while cutting the organs. 

Also. It turns out, I would make a pretty good surgeon. (my hands are tiny and my hands don't shake) 

Oh! and as I was pulling out the heart I made puns such as "Shot through the heart, and you're to blame, you give love a bad name!" AND "The stars at night, are big and bright! DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS" 

It was an interesting day.


Do you ever want a family of your own when you're older? 

This wraps this up. I know this is spiratic (I promise that I'm not high) 


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