Kill La Kill Remake Update 2

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A/N: (for the record, this is the second update "page" on this book and not the second update for the story overall).

First, I intend on bringing in a couple of dragons from the Dungeon and Dragons series as well.

Some dragons like the 5 evil dragons up here are bound to either make cameos, mentions and/or even full on appearances in the story through the past, main story or both.

The second part of this update is on another dragon who plays an important role for the reader.

(I didn't get to coloring her. But she has a dark purple skin color, a grey-ish purple underbelly. Dark yellow eyes and the skin parts of her wings are a dark-ish tan).

This is a female dragon named Scylla. Like I said, she's an important character for when it comes to the reader as she was one of few dragons who are/were very close to him. She's mostly just a normal dragon, possessing regular red fire. Her dragon form is at least two times smaller than a normal Fatalis.

Now for the final part of the update, that being some extra info and abilities in regards to the reader.

To start, there's his height. The height he has in his human form is at least 6'7. And in his Dragon form, he's around the same size of Fatalis, if not slightly taller due to the longer legs that help him walk bipedal in that form as well.

(The photo is a reference to show how big Fatalis is sense the only charts I could find only regard his length and not height).

Another part of this has to due with the reader's abilities.

For starters, the reader can breath fire like other dragons. However, said fire is a blue color. It's not only hotter than red fire, but it's harder to put out than regular fire. I terms of it's destructive capabilities, it's also capable of even cracking hard materials like concrete on impact.

The reader can switch between fire and more destructive burst streams. Kinda like with Shin Godzilla, but the beams are bigger, more destructive and they look like they're coming directly from your mouth.

And there's a full powered version of the Burst Stream which is far more destructive. But It's not overly destructive like it is in some things like this scene for example.

It's more like Safi'jiiva's Sapphire of the Emperor except in the form of a burst stream, it's a little more explosive but explosive enough to reduce a massive portion city or village into nothing but wrecked burning rubble rather than completely obliterating it out of sight.

And the last part of these abilities has to do with the reader's wings. They work as this they either glow whenever he is charging an attack or the second one is of him opening his wings as they slowly glow blue before letting out a loud roar, followed by a mini shockwave which turns normal fire into blue fire. He's also capable of using this ability to reduce the blue flames as well.

And that's really about everything I wanted to give on all of this. figured I could try get some specifics down on the reader's size, power and certain characters and creatures to appear in the story.

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