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Luna stood beside Qibli outside of the tribes nursery. "Sunshine honey are you okay"Qibli called. "LUNA TELL QIBLI IF HE DOESN'T SHUT UP I'M GONNA PUT A STICK UP HIS ASS SO FAR THAT THE SPIRITS WON'T BE ABLE TO SAVE HIM FROM THE PAIN"Sunshine bellowed. Qibli hid behind Luna eyes wide in terror fearing his wife.

"It's a party up in here"Lenori called chuckling. "Yup my sister is perfectly fine"Luna giggled. She ignored Fernleaf as he thumped his tail on the ground trying to get her attention. "Luna i just wanna talk with you!"Fernleaf yelled.

"What a coincidence.. I'd like to talk to you too, Fernleaf"Tonraq said calmly. "..you would?"Fernleaf stared alarmed. "Mhm"Tonraq nodded. He turned making a gesture heading towards the entrance. "Follow me"Tonraq ordered. Fernleaf's eyes widened in true terror before following. Nebula blinked watching her father leave.

"All right what could you possibly want-"Fernleaf started a growl escaping his throat. "You think you so got damn fucking clever don't you"Tonraq snarled. "Excuse m-"Fernleaf stared. "Don't play dumb"Tonraq glared. "You've been flirting with Moon"Tonraq snarled. "F-flirting with something that's in the sky"Fernleaf said nervously.

"You really do have bees in your-"Fernleaf grinned. Tonraq smacked Fernleaf without warning sending the tribe deputy stumbling back. "You've been trying to flirt with my wife and don't think I've missed the looks you give my two week old daughter"Tonraq snarled. "Stay away from her or I'll rip out your eye"Tonraq glared. Fernleaf yelled out in fury attacking him.

Fernleaf slashed his cheek. Tonraq punched Fernleaf right in his neck backing him up. Fernleaf coughed shaking and glared at Tonraq seeing his father for a split second. Both men stiffened a new scent in the air. "Daddy..."Nebula stared. "Nebula sweetie what are you doing out here"Tonraq said softly. "Papa i saw you leave...what's going on"Nebula blinked.

"You shouldn't have left the nursery what happens between me and Fernleaf is our business okay"Tonraq smiled. "Okay..."Nebula blinked. She perked up her eyes widening a bit. "Papa your hurt"Nebula stared. "I'm fine love it's a small scratch"Tonraq smiled. Fernleaf snarled watching the two fury going through him.

"SO WHAT IF I LIKE LUNA MY GIRL IS TOO GOOD FOR YOU ANYWAY"Fernleaf yelled. Tonraq turned sharply snarling at Fernleaf. "She's not yours anymore"Tonraq glared. "Cause you stole her from me!"Fernleaf spat. "I showered her with love you never thought to give her"Tonraq yelled. "That's why she left you, you only loved her for her beauty when her scars aren't showing"Tonraq snarled.

"I love her, I love her so much that it hurts at times and she loves me no matter what you do Fernleaf love always wins"Tonraq snarled. "It's not fair"Fernleaf growled. "What you did to her wasn't fair you should have loved her for being her"Tonraq glared turning away. "Just look at the scars on her face!"Fernleaf spat. "I do...and I pretend don't see them i just see my wife the one i love most"Tonraq replied.

"Come on Nebula before your mother panics"Tonraq mumbled. Nebula looked at Fernleaf glaring at him. She turned following Tonraq. "Filthy bitch"Fernleaf growled. "Well that went well"a voice mocked. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID HE DIDN'T REALLY LOVE HER"Fernleaf yelled turning sharply to the voice. "Don't put words i didn't say into my mouth"the voice snarled.

Luna's younger brother, Mokuba, stepped out from the shadows giving Fernleaf a look. "I said 'He didn't really love her if he didn't confront you' that's what i said"Mokuba glared. "I really didn't think he'd smack you though"Mokuba chuckled. "What now..."Fernleaf asked.

"Well, this man got brain the size of a snail not thinking before he smacked the deputy of the tribe so why not really make him pay"Mokuba replied. "Yeah....Maybe your right I'll tell Tarik and get that bastard out of the tribe"Fernleaf snarled. "Then I'll finally have her to myself..."Fernleaf smiled. This guy is seriously a yandere Mokuba frowned. "Not so fast..."Mokuba growled moving in front of him.

"Focus Fernleaf you want my sister, right"Mokuba frowned. "Of course"Fernleaf glared. "Then pay attention"Mokuba snarled startling Fernleaf. "You tell you Tarik, and he'll know what you've been up to"Mokuba sighed. Fernleaf snorted looking towards the tribe. "So what Tarik is as dumb as a rock"Fernleaf frowned. "Actually he's not dumb Fern"Mokuba muttered facepalming.

"But..you're right any ideas?"Fernleaf sighed. "This man is more stubborn than i thought you'll have to take extreme measures"Mokuba replied. "How extreme...?"Fernleaf blinked. Mokuba walked over whispering in Fernleaf's ear making his eyes widen. "WAIT WHAT?!"Fernleaf yelled eyes wide as the moons. "You want my sister get rid of the obstacles"Mokuba deadpanned.

"Right. That's...the only way"Fernleaf muttered. "The only way..."Mokuba nodded. "I should wash this off I'm not exactly comfortable with dried blood on my hand"Fernleaf growled walking away. "Why? Tonraq's little bitch of a daughter probably told the whole tribe"Mokuba frowned. "Ugh! This is why you kind of people would never survive a war"Mokuba groaned walking away.

Fernleaf entered the tribe hearing giggling. He perked up looking at Tonraq playfully kissing Luna's neck making her giggle. "I'll be back"Tonraq promised heading over to the healers den. Luna's smile faded her ears pinned back. She's not happy with him Fernleaf stared hope rising in his chest.

Luna kissed Nebula's forehead hugging the little pup. She looked up her gaze meeting his. She glared at him her eyes turning into slits filled with fury. Fernleaf stared confused by the glare. "FERNLEAF YOU BASTARD!"Qibli shouted storming past his sister in law. Luna glanced at Qibli as her brother in law got closer towards Fernleaf. "Uh..."Fernleaf flinched stepping back. "Y-yes...?"Fernleaf said terrified as Qibli towered over him looking murderous.

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