Sneak peek of one of the chapters

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Luna looked at Janette, Six-tails, and Luca. I hate them Luna thought, simply. She turned away from them keeping her hood up. "Hey kids I'm your guardian and mentor names Foxheart"a sun werewolf smiled. "Ooooo"Janette beamed. Foxheart looked at Janette eyes twinkling. "Oooo"Foxheart beamed, smiling at the niloan-steriolan. "Oh god now theirs two of them"Luna growled. "What's your problem"Six-tails demanded, glaring at her. "What's the problem with your face looks like trash"Luna snapped. "Oh!"Luca gasped. Six-tails snarled at her. "No wonder your family must have left you that attitude of yours is sickening"Six-tails snarled.

Luna roared at at him leaping forward. Foxheart threw himself between the two alarmed buy the sudden attack. Six-tails shook a claw mark scar over his left eye blinding it. "I hope you die from that"Luna bellowed, as Six-tails ran ran out of the training room. Luna chased after him keeping her blindfold on. "You wanna fight I'll give you a fight"Six-tails snarled, turning to her. He slammed her into a tree punching her stomach twice but missed a third time. "Guys"Luca yelled, alarmed. Luna flipped over onto her feet snarling. She slashed her claw at his face missing but, leaving a shallow cut on his cheek. "What are they doing"Janette yelled. Foxheart watched staying silent some of the attacks familiar to him.

Luna tackled Six-tails her blindfold coming off. "Pathetic"Six-tails snarled. Luna ran at him and slashed her claw. He dodged rolling to the right. "Catch me if you can"Luna snarled, dodging his attacks. He grabbed her arm, slamming her face first into a tree, then threw her across the ground. Luna flipped up one hand on the ground. She panted scanning her surroundings for anything to give her the upper hand. She ran at him and slashed her claw getting the side of his neck. She flipped back and pushed off the ground landing on her feet moving back from Six-tails dagger. She grabbed a branch swinging herself behind him. "Stop them"Janette yelled. Foxheart placed a hand on Janettes shoulder noticing Six-tails and Luna were both grinning at each other.

Luna grinned at Six-tails grabbing his fist. He grinned back swinging his other fist but missed. "Battle buddies"Foxheart chuckled. "Battle buddies"Luca blinked. "Their fighting each other to learn how to fight together in a real fight something must have attracted them to each other"Foxheart replied. Luna ducked bending backwards under Six-tails arm putting herself back behind him. She punched his chest then tripped him sweeping his feet from under him. Six-tails and Luna nodded to each other going to test something out. Six-tails grabbed a handful of snow getting ready to see how fast she can dodge a thrown item. He threw the snow watching her do a spinning twist to the right. Six-tails punched her stomach then her chest throwing her down. "Can you not..."Six-tails stared. Luna pushed herself up her eyes turning red. She grabbed Six-tails fist grinning and threw him across the clearing. "Nice wolf ears"Six-tails smiled, getting up. "Thanks"Luna chuckled. She moved in a blur. He dodged making her punch a tree down. She grabbed his wrist, kicking him in the side. Luna kicked him in the stomach knocking him down. "Nice"Six-tails laughed, getting up. Luna grabbed his hand helping him up. "Your good"Luna smiled. "Your better"Six-tails corrected. "Nah! Your better you had me before my ears and tail appeared"Luna chuckled. Six-tails placed an arm around her neck giving her a knoogie. "Hey no fair"Luna laughed, struggling. The two laughed falling backwards into the snow covered in bruises on scars.

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