Following Spree

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Hey everyone!!!!

Okay so in honor of my break being over, I have decided to do a following spree.

And also because you guys have been so patient and so helpful, I really want to show my appreciation.

Like seriously. You guys have been so helpful and positive, it was really hard not to smile at your messages.

And I want to apologize for those who have sent me messages about the situation and not reply to them. I did read them all though and I was having a hard time so I couldn't reply to a lot of them.

But I did see them all and I want to thank everyone who either sent me a message, posted on my message board, or even commented.



Who ever wants a follow, comment here and make sure you comment or else you won't get one.

I love you all so so so so much. And even if I don't tell you, it's implied *kissy faces!!!!*

I couldn't have gotten through this if it wasn't for you guys.

So make sure you comment above ^^^^^^ so I can follow you!

Love you Faithful Shifters!


P.S.—following spree ends tonight!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro