Happy New Yesr

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Happy New Years guys!!!

I'm sorry I'm a little late because it's 4:30 in te afternoon for me and I just woke up.

Yes you heard. I literally just woke up because I made a bad decision to get completely wasted last night lmao. But it felt nice to get loose.

I was soooo wasted. I talked to two guys about life and then I proceed to throw up like 5, 6, or 7 times. Kinda lost count.

But anywhore. I hope you guys are gonna have the greatest year ever!!

My New Years resolution is too start feeling better about myself and do things that make me happy. I'm also gonna stop wasting time on fake ass people and focus on my future and my friends. And also, no boys for me.

I know I know. Some of you are probably thinking "omg here we go again" or "seriously girl. You'll find someone".

But no. I'm dead serious. I have wasted my time of guys that don't even like me and fake ass people and I am not going to do that again. So starring now, I'm focusing my time of myself, my family and friends, my schooling, and my future.

What are you guys New Years resolutions?? Comment here. I want to hear them :)

Have a good year everyone!!! Love you all!

Now MommaShifter is going to go back to bed before she throws up again lmao.

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