le thirteen tag (again)

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Pickosita5 tagged me back.



I'm not gonna tag them back because I have no desire to start a tag war. I have enough on my hands at the moment.

U should know the rules. I posted them a while back on my first 13 tag.

Facts about moi:

1. I am 4% fluent in French. Probs more now, but yeah.

2. I play the violin, the piano (ish) and the recorder.

3. Books are actually more bae for me than chocolate. And that's saying something.

4. I am beginning to delve into the world of animation. I'm working with several methods (pivot stick, gimp, scratch and so on).

5. My favourite puzzle is my 3D skull crystal puzzle. It's cool.

6. I once had two gerbils. They died. The end.

7. I really wish I could put GIFs in wattpad like AwkwardLlama_1305. Go check her art out, its amazhang.

8. I have composed several songs, one of which got me a level 6 in music which I am very happy about.

9. Bonjour! Je m'appelle thepurpledragongirl. J'aime beaucoup l'informatique, c'est ma matiere preférée! Au revoir!

Can u translate?

10. The book I am reading right now is called Nowhere.

11. I only found out I could use 😃 a few weeks ago. That makes me😬😡😤😣 but then I think about the many people who have no emojis and I feel 😊😀😁☺😇😄🙌🙋.

A little emoji speak for you there.

12. e=mc²

13. I am so bored of doing the 13 tag right now.

Questions answered!

1. Who is your best friend? (Wattpad and real life)

Both StarsandstripesXD. I have another bestie but I don't wanna reveal her name and she ain't got wattpad yet.

2. Favourite ice cream flavour?

Chocolate. No question.

3. Quick! It's the zombie apocalypse! Pick your team! (Leader, doctor, weapons expert, person that dies first, your position)
Leader: Annabeth Chase.
Doctor: either Will Solace or Holly Short. Depends if Holly has acorns on her.
Weapons expert: uhh, either Butler or Sam Temple or Edilio.
Person that dies first: Voldemort. Killing two birds with one stone, see? Voldy dies and he'll probably take a gazillion zombies with him.
My position: multi-purpose member (techie, soldier and co-strategist)

4. Favourite quote?

"I can't drown, and neither can my pancakes."

-Percy Jackson

5. Who's/What's your favourite singer/band?

Little Mix.

6. Your fictional boyfriends randomly show up and you can only choose one of them, who do you choose?

Not a problem for me because I have no boyfriends, fictional or otherwise. I don't want one.

7. What's your favourite manga/anime? Or if you don't read/watch mangas/anime, what's your favourite book/TV show?

World's Sneakiest Animals. It's cool.

8. You can travel anywhere in the world and live there for the rest of your life, where do you go?

New York. Have you seen the amount of snow they get in winter?

9. What is the meaning of life? (JK ROWLING ON THE FLOOR IN LAUGHTER!) What's your favourite colour?

Purple/turquoise/silver. And for the record, the meaning of life is 42.

10. Most hated character from one fandom?

Octavian. No questions asked.

11. What ship do you want to sink?

HMS Catherine.


Pertemis. I mean srsly, she's a MAIDEN GODDESS PEOPLE. And Percy has Annabeth. #PercabethShallSail

12. Your favourite author just died, what do you do?

Three things actually:
Petition for a national holiday each year on that day in honour of said author.

Write a ton of fanfiction about their work.

Do a wattpad dedication short story.

13. What's your unlucky number?

Don't have one. Weirdly.

Questions? Just do Pickosita5's. Please.

I tag:

Yeah, that'll do.

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