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These are written like I'm not posting them so please, this is the only time I don't want to be judged. It's all venting.

Dear Future Me,

    The first thing I will write or ask is if I'm still in college or somehow got smart enough to make it to the big league. I hope writing is still a thing and that your, or our, book is finally being written and not in the revision state. I want to know if we're still friends with everyone and not moving on from them. Since, you know, we've lost a lot. Have we moved? Our town is boring and everyone is boring. Works sucks. But hey, we got pets. Depending on how far in the future, our dog should be alive. Again, depending. Do we have another dog? I hope it's a shepard. I hope you're teaching it German.

Dear Past Me,

    There is a lot I wish to tell you but because our timeline can mess up I will not. Butterfly effect. I'm writing to my elementary self, only because I want to tell myself how much I have grown and how little I should care about other people's opinions. They don't really matter in the end. To my younger self, who gives a literal fudge if someone has longer hair or wears nicer clothes. You're in a better mindset now and they're stuck in a slum town. Things are still rough, friendships end but that doesn't mean you should stop them before they happen. And now I'm sounding like every other adult in your life. They're not wrong, most of the time.

Dear Anyone,

    I'm writing this to an ex girlfriend. I might cry only because of the sour note I left you on. I was moving, we were just beginning to trust each other and I left you. I remember what I said to you and how you reacted. I also remember when I messaged you a year later, seeing how you were, and you told me to never text you again. You were with another person while I was still stuck thinking about you. You're never going to see this but just writing it down is making me sad but I'm finally letting go. After the year we dated, you still lashed out and spread rumors of how terrible I was. You dated my friend and ruined her heart. I should hate you,,, I should,,,

Dear Ex-Best Friend,

    To the person I spent many summers hanging out with. We were two years apart but that didn't matter. I would carry a tub of legos across the street to your house and we'd spend hours and days creating cities. Only for you to bring it to my house with your own and recreate it again. We'd hate using dolls. We were too mature, psh as if. Legos and minecraft were our go to. My friend, you got me in this addicting fandom, along with a few more. Seeing you move sucked. Then I moved and our texts became shorter until we only liked photos from insta every few months. You helped develop my ocs and helped me figure out that I didn't need long blonde hair to be popular. Blonde and brunette, the coolest duo.

Dear Person I had a crush on,

    Forevermore, fuck you. In my embarrassing high school years, you and your friend were the idiots. My idiots. Though I had a crush on both of you, I didn't pick you, I picked your friend. But, you convinced me, for those long two hours, to choose him. When I found out you also liked me, I felt bad. But you told me to choose him. I thought about a poly, but was too scared to even mention it. So never bring it up. When you moved, so much moving, we stopped talking. Then my ex fucked up and now I lost my two idiots. I wish all the time to be brave enough to text you and him. But no. So forevermore, CC and Obsidian, fuck you.

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