Short Story: Her Last Chance

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This definitely wasn't made because I want to procrastinate doing work. Yep.. Definitely. I got this idea from a writing prompt I found on Pintrest. Just a fun lighthearted story. :3 

Her Last Chance

   "Wait up Gabbie!" Ava called as she tried to catch up to her small energetic girlfriend who was running through the parking lot toward their destination. "You better catch me then!" Gabrielle screamed turning around for a second or two before turning back to the upcoming theme park that they were going to while constantly hanging onto her hood so it wouldn't go down due to the wind. Eventually Ava was able to catch up to her due to Gabbie stopping to pant in exhaustion. Ava padded her back, "you're okay right? I can always take you-" Gabbie cut Ava off giving her a determined smile, "No babe, I need to do this. It's my last chance." Ava hesitated slightly before nodding. "Lets go."

  After paying for their ride tickets the two young girls explored the park, taking in the sights and going on rollercosters and fast rides in general, they both enjoyed those kind of things.

   After a few hours they decided to go to an ice cream stand, while they were waiting Gabbie slipped away from her lover grabbing a handful of sprinkles from the container on the condiment table and sneaking behind the unsespecting Ava who was quietly humming to herself when suddenly Gabrielle poured a handful of sprinkles on her causing Ava to stumble backwards and trip, meanwhile Gabbie was laughing hysterically. "Surrender now mortal! For the gods of rainbows are angry at you!" Ava began a fit of laughter aswell, deciding to play along with one of her girlfriends many roleplay scenarios she liked to play out. "Never! I shall face these rainbow gods with fury and become the new ruler of this kingdom!" Gabbie gasped, "You wouldn't! That's-" she was cut off by the ice cream stand employee clearing his throat, clearly unamused. Ava got up and they both shuffled towards the man, he had raven black hair and a dark blue hoodie, he most likely was still in high school by the looks of it as he sighed. "Just pick an ice cream flavor already so I can get on with my job children," he sneered "maybe you should go pop that pinple zitface." Gabbie retorted, sticking out her tongue childishly, she did this a lot, despite her overall friendly personality she hated jerks. The man looked at her in surprise before rolling his eyes "you're holding up the line lady." "Well at least I- Hey! This isn't over! May the gods of rainbows drag you down into the depths of h-" Gabbie yelled at the guy as Ava pulled her away from the stand and covered her mouth so the two could continue their day without getting kicked out like last time something like this happened.

   "Woah, that's- high." Ava commented, it was now dark and they were standing infront of the bright ferris wheel, the last thing they didn't go on yet. While Ava was hesitent, Gabbie was beaming. "Lets go!" She declared running into the line, it wasn't to long, they would probably be on the ride in 2 minutes at most. "I don't know Gabb's," Ava said cautiously while continuing to stare at what she thought looked like a death wheel of doom and mass chaos. Gabbie turned to her with pleading eyes, "Ava.. This is my last chance." She whimpered making Ava flinch. "Okay. For you," she whispered kissing Gabbie's forehead, Gabrielle smiled and hugged Ava. "I love you."

   Ava shook in fear as the employee closed their cart. "Have a good night." They said yawning, meanwhile Ava was clinging onto the foam seat for dear life as they started moving, Gabbie grabbed her hand. "It's alright. It's alright," she shoothed, her black hoodie looked almost invisible as if camouflaged with the night sky, the hood was still on her head as it had been all day, covering everything except her her face. Ava relaxed slightly cuddling closer to Gabbie as they reached the top, just then the ferris wheel came to an abrupt stop.

"W-why did it stop? Is it broken?! Are we gonna be stuck up here!?!? No! I dont wanna die in a wheel Gabbie, a wheel!"

It was obvious that Gabbie was holding back laughter as she watched her girlfriend panic over nothing. "It's alright Av, it'll start up again, they just need to load more people on the ride and get some people off."

"... Dangit, you're right."

They both chuckled and looked at the night sky, just then Gabbie began a fit of coughing and wheezing, gripping onto her shirt while she tried to catch her breath, "Are you okay?! Do you need-" "I'll be alright, don't worry." She breathed as the cart started going down, though Ava was painfully aware of Gabbie's raspy breaths next to her.

   The two girls stumbled in the white building, Ava holding the now bearly conscious Gabrielle as two nurses rushed in and helped her to her room, just then the docter stomped over to Ava. "Why did it take you so long, I specifically told you to have her back by 9 or else the medicine and pain killers would loose their effect she-"

"She wanted to stay out. She said that she knew this would be her last day, she wanted to make it special. It was her last chance." Ava cut him off glaring, the doctor sighed, "go see her. This is your last chance to say goodbye." And with that, he turned heel and walked into the room that the nurses had placed Gabbie beforehand, Ava following behind grimly.

   Darkness that was all that was present in Gabrielle's mind, that and pain. Gabbie didn't know what to think, she wanted to panic but she couldn't move, then suddenly she heard a familiar voice. It was soft, and loving.

"Gabbie? It's me, Ava. I-I'm gonna miss you, a lot. I don't know if you can hear me but, you've been so brave, you always were.." Ava's voice cracked as she took a few deep breaths, the last few words came out more as sobs then anything. "You fought with the doctors until they agreed for me to take you out and you were always able to crack jokes even right after your chemotherapy. I-I love you Gabbie, I always will. Goodbye, love." And with that a sense of peace overtook Gabbie, with only the light fading sound of an everlasting beep.


Gabrielle Umil


I actually did this to practice death scenes, that was my first time writing a human death so it's probably really bad. I might do more oneshots with Ava and Gabbie if I'm board and wanna procrastinate one day.
I'll see you guys later.
Bye guys! :3

Oh yeah I forgot to add the writing prompt, here you go!

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