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Everything in my body felt as if it were being burned.

As if someone had thrown me into the deepest, darkest and worst hole in hell. I try to slowly pry my eyes open, but just by the thought made me cringe at the pain.

My throat feels like it's been taken from me and replaced with fresh magma. So screaming it in pain isn't worth it. But I try anyways.

"H-help.... Some...one...it.....hu.. hurt..sss". I felt pain coarse throughout my body as I spoke.

Regret was next. My voice sounded horse, as if I had been screaming for months non-stop. It was barely over a whisper. My throat was in a burning pain along with the rest of body.

I started to cry without realizing it. My tears didn't help with my burning pain. I can't see anything any more

Just, black. Dark, yet a calming effect. I'm not sure if my eyes are open or closed. I reach out a hand despite the pain and protest of my body. But my hand only goes about a inch in a half before I touch something.

Before I'm able to comprehend any details of where I am, or what I'm in, I pass out from the pain and over whelming heat. I go limp.


-third person-

Rain awoke much later than anticipated. The pain was gone, but there was a suffocating heat in the small containment she was in. She was finally able to see her surroundings, very limited of course.

She noticed that a vibrant red was leaking into her small and uncomfortable space, giving her comfort of sorts.it was only then that she realized that she lying in a fetal position.

Rain suddenly got a rush of adrenaline and determination to escape her heated prison. With her hands she started to push along with her legs. When she moved she felt as stiff as a wooden plank, but continued to push through the soreness anywho.

The more effort she put the more hot it got in her small cell. Rain thought she was going to die. Oxygen was all that was only her mind. Her vision became slightly blured.

Rain continued to push, sweat forming on her head and dropping away.

Finally, she let darkness rule her vision, accepting her "death".


Rain opened her eyes groggily. For a split second, and only that split second she thought she in heaven or something similar. But the the scorging heat, and small space told her other wise.

She suddenly, again, got a jolt of energy and determination to escape. Her muscles ached, but she continued anyway. She paused to catch her breath. Then pushed again, with more power this time.

A crack was heard. She pushed harder again. The crack only widening, fueling her energy. Her muscles were weak, but she continued her escape.


Rain rolled out into her environment. Feeling relieved and refreshed. Rain could finally breath in fresh air. She took in what she could.

" Ahh, fresh ai-" she froze. When she spoke, it didn't sound like her. It sounded like an arrangement of small, animal like noises. She was shocked, maybe a little more than just shocked, but shocked.

She suddenly grew tired. She felt herself drift to sleep. Her mind to hazy to try and figure out her speech. Finally, it was peaceful.

Or so she thought...

Ok so sorry for not posting!! I was busy and dealing with shtuff and I still kinda am. I'm sorry it short but I'll try to post more. Oh and thanks to Alorie-Myagie !!!! I thank you so much because she's making my cover!!!! Yay!!
Bye my little muffins!!
From 'Outsider!!

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