Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes lazily and they adjusted to the light quickly. Yuto was still pressed against my chest sleeping peacefully, when I saw him I realised that I hadn't imagined last night he really had hugged me but that could mean anything, was it a friendly gesture or something more?

I sighed and stared up at the table "why is it all so complicated" I whispered to myself "why can't I just love some one normal" a finger poked my cheek softly.

"Is Shun in love" Yuto taunted, a small smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes "oh do tell" I groaned.

"Yuto it's private" I forget to tell him the fact that it was him I loved but some things were best unsaid.

"Awwww come on! I could be like the wingman! Getting you together and then at you're wedding I'd be the best man" he narrowed his eyes "I better be the best man" I sniggered but pretty soon it turned into full blown laughter. I hadn't laughed in a long long time so the sound was strange.

Yuto had backed up in surprise but his smile grew wider as he watched me laugh. After a moment I calmed down and composed myself and looked at Yuto.

"Depends on how nice you are to me" Yuto just rolled his eyes and crawled out from under the table before standing up, I followed his action and brushed the dirt and dust off of my clothes Yuto didn't really care.

"Depends on which one of us survives" the smile was gone and the twinkle in his eye was replaced with a cold hard stare, Yutos fun side was gone and it might not make a reappearance till next week or a month later.

"You always have to make things depressing don't you Yuto" I looked down on him but his quick glare told me to shut up and not to say another word.

"It's a depressing world we live in, now come on we need to check out that fusion patrol that we yesterday" he turned and walked towards the door and disappeared as he walked out. I sighed and followed him.

"At least I'll get to duel some fusion" I growled and looked at my deck "and I always win" I walked out the door to catch a glimpse of Yuto walking down the stairs so I jogged to catch up with him.

I looked up him from my corner of my eye, he didn't look at me just straight ahead as we walked down the stairs together. We reached the bottom and looked out into the street.

"Don't see anyone" Yuto mumbled but he had already pulled his mask out and put it on.

"They could be hiding" I answered while I pulled my scarf up over my face and placed my goggles over my eyes. Yuto nodded.

"I'll go first you stick to the wall" I glared at him.

"Your making yourself bait" I tried to keep my voice low.

"Of course, I draw them out you get them" I couldn't argue that it was a good plan but I would much prefer if Yuto got the safer of the two positions and I would be the bait but Yuto didn't work that way he always had to face the danger head on and alone.

"I don't like it" was all I said "but it's the best plan we have" as soon as he had my agreement he walked right out into the open and started walking down the middle of the street. I made a some what chocking noise but ran after him keeping to the wall and the darkness.

Something nagged at my mind that Yuto was in danger that I should call him back and stop this right away but I just shook my head and walked along. My feelings were getting in the way, I needed to just let it go.

The sounds of talking interrupted my thoughts and I realised that Yuto was about to duel a Fusion, I ducked into an alley but watched in silent horror as he was surrounded by four others.

"Fuck" was all I could say as I activated my duel disk and ran towards the circle and smashed one of the fusion over the head and he collapsed instantly, I put my back against Yutos and faced two while he faced the leader.

"God dam you Shun I was doing fine" he growled at me as he draw his cards.

"You were surrounded I had to do something" I grabbed my five cards and the fusion that I was facing both did the same.

"Yeah stay away, now don't bother me to the end of this" he went silent as all his concentration went to the duel. I sighed in frustration but didn't answer and grabbed one more card.

"I'll go first then!" I smirked at the fear in their eyes, newbies they had no idea how much we would fight to get our world back. They were about to learn first hand how much rage I had pent up for these pricks.

The duel was over before I knew it and the two fusion were collapses in front of me, I deactivated my duel disk and turned to look at Yuto. My breath hitched when I saw how bad he was struggling.

"Ancient Gear Ultimate Hound Dog! Destroy his dragon!" the leader called his attack and the metal dog with many heads lunged at Dark Rebellion and destroyed it, I didn't have time to react before Yuto had been hit and flung into a wall and a massive bite mark across his chest and part of his arms.

"Yuto!" I yelled, he stood up slowly.

"Activate trap phantom-wing, Dark Rebellion Dragon is not destroyed and it gains 500 atk" I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the fusion leader.

"I end my turn" Yuto smirked

"I summon The Phantom Knights of Rugged Glove" his monster appeared on the field "Dark Rebellion Dragon attack his monster!" Dark Rebellion fired his attack at Ancient Gear Ultimate Hound dog and the leader took 200 points of damage leaving him with 1000 life points if Yutos next attack was successful he had won.

"No I can't lose to scum like you!" The leader shouted looking at his hand desperately

"Phantom Knights of Rugged glove attack" his Knights attacked and the leaders life points dropped to zero and he collapsed.

Yuto looked at me and smiles faintly before collapsing himself, I rushed over and managed to catch him just before he hit the ground.

My hand felt wet and I pulled it away to find it stained in crimson, I gulped and gathered Yutos body in my arms and stood up looking around, I heard the sounds of people approaching and I sprinted off down the road.

No way was I letting them get their hands on us!

I kept running and heard the sounds of something being fired at us, the things that turned our friends and family into cards I ran harder. I safe house! I needed to find a safe house!

"That there" Yuto mumbled quietly and I only just picked his voice up over the noise "the house there" he pointed weakly to a small run down old shack and I remembered it instantly, it had a hidden basement full of supplies. I looked back to see if they were following us, they were but I didn't see any in the street so I took the chance and ran inside the house.

All the furniture in the place was destroyed and the walls were ripped to shreds but it didn't matter, I kicked the sofa out the way and opened the concealed hatch and jumped down placing Yuto on the ground gently.

I turned to leave but he grabbed my arm tightly "don't leave" he whispered.

"I'll be right back Yuto" I pulled my hand away and raced out of the basement, the founds of fusion had gotten closer and soon they would be searching the houses, I pushes the couch partway over then climbed inside and pushed it full way and shut the hatch. Instantly it went pitch black and silent

"Yuto?" I asked into the darkness, something moved and a hand rose up and waved slightly before falling back down. I grinned and walked over to a candle and matches left on the ground and quickly lit it.

I turned to where Yuto was and looked over his form that was now bathed in an orange glow.

He was still bleeding out rapidly and had a high chance of getting his wounds infected which would end with death. I grabbed a medical kit and kneeled down placing the candle nearby so I could see what I was doing.

It dawned on me that I would have to strip his upper half, my face instantly went red at just the thought but I did it anyway, starting with his cloak, tie then shirt. I was soon looking down at his bare chest, I didn't have time to admire it as the wounds that littered his perfect body looked worse.

I grabbed a bottle of antiseptic and uncapped it "sorry Yuto, this may sting" I poured it all over the wounds and he let out a yelp of pain and tried to wriggle out of my grasp.

"Just calm down!" I yelled and brought him into my lap and rested his head on my knee. He shook slightly but he was taking deep breathes to try and calm down.

I grabbed some tissues and cleaned up the excess blood around the wounds before I started to bandage them, it was tiresome work but I managed to get it done the top half of his chest was covered in bandages that were already starting to get stained red.

Yutos forehead was beaded with sweat and he was quivering slightly, he was in pain and it was my fault for not helping so this wouldn't of happened, of course he would be angry with me but it would be better then him almost dying.

I pushed a stray lock of hair out of his eyes but he grabbed my wrist tightly just as I was about to pull my hand away, his eyes opened a little and those piercing grey eyes looked up at me.

"Shun" he whispered and leaned up and pressed a small kiss against my lips before pulling away "thank you" he lay back down and closed his eyes and didn't open them again. I just stayed still and looked down at him in amazement

"You would of done it for me" was all I said but I never got an answer.

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