Chapter 5

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One week.

Thats how long it had been before I finally found Yuto and it wasn't in the way I expected. I don't know what I expected, him running towards me with a massive smile and wrapping my arms around him tightly kissing him passionately. What ever I had expected it wasn't being punched in the stomach.

"Ru-ruri" I choked out looking at the girls face wide eyed, it was the same she had to be Ruri who else could she be!

"That's not Ruri" Yuto said simply but in an apologetic tone, my eyes rolled back into my head and I lost consciousness and slumped forward onto his shoulder. Yuto may be small but he held a lot of power in that small body frame.

How he manages to knock people out with one punch to the stomach is still a big feat of strength no matter how powerful you are but he's never told me how he does. I don't even think he knows himself but of course Yuto wouldn't admit that (he's extremely annoying when he's in a prideful mood.)

Yuto was dangerous and since I was completely in love with him I normally forgot that fact, a lot. I regained consciousness and felt a cold hard wall of concrete digging into my back, opening my eyes slowly I looked up at Yutos concerned face as he stood above me.

"You alright Shun?" It felt so good to hear him say my name again, it had only been one week but it felt like a year. I didn't say anything instead reached up and grabbed his loose black tie and pulled him down on to me and kissed him with all the strength I had.

He kissed back with just as much passion and pushed against my silently begging to be brought closer. I wrapped my eyes around him and held onto him possessively.

"My god Yuto" I mumbled into his neck, he smelt of ash and dirt "I thought Academia had gotten you"

"Your not going to lose me that easy" he said was a small smile on his face "never, I'm not going anywhere" I hugged him tightly.

"Good because I don't ever plan on letting you go" we stayed wrapped in each others loving embrace for who knows how long just wanting to be close to each, to convince each other that we'd be okay that we would never lose each other. Not now, not ever.


I watched the sun fall behind the buildings of the cities as Yuto lay in my lap also watching silently, it reminded me of Heartland and it probably did for him too. I ran my fingers through his black and purple hair and he made small grunts of satisfaction as it massaged his scalp.

The stars started to blink into existence and the moon shined her gaze over us illuminating Yutos features. He was so beautiful it hurt, the rest of the cities lights flickered into life and the sounds of the city below us drifted through the night.

I leaned down and brushed my lips against his ear and whispered quietly "Yuto..." he mumbled a sentence which sounded like.

" sleeping..."

I resisted the urge to laugh and straightened up "just rest then, ill be right here when you wake up" a smile ghosted his lips.

"Good..." he relaxed even more "because if not ill find you and kick your ass again"

I sighed "no need to remind me"

After a few moments of silence Yuto spoke up.

"Are you afraid Shun?" I was caught off guard and looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked slightly confused.

"Are you afraid of dying?" he didnt look at me instead stared at the city lights through half closed eyes. I cleared my throat.

"Well ummm I guess I'm a little bit afraid, its unknown what happens to people when they die and I think the uncertainty of it all just...troubles me" I looked at the midnight black sky "if a heaven and hell really do exist you-" a quiet snore came from his body and I realised he was asleep.

"Then you would be an angel painted in perfection for ever" I kissed him lightly "never fading, never being touched by evil again you would be safe forever" I pulled away "I can never lose you, you are everything I need to keep going, please Yuto please never leave me alone" my voice cracked a little.

"I love you so much"

If any higher being had heard my plea then maybe they would protect him...

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