9. Spoiled.

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Verena's POV
Memnet told me we had run out of grocery so I offered to go get her some more. Also, mom called me earlier on to tell me that Memnet was only around to teach me how to cook and so I guess that's more or less why Memnet informed me about the grocery shortage.

"Why did you have to tag along?" I asked my driver, a.k.a my husband.

"I have some work to do," he replied.

"Which is? "

"Escorting you." he smirked and I facepalmed.

"Esme lower the volume." I spoke.

"Mommy but-"

"Else I'll take my phone."

"I'll give her mine." Rodney offered.

"Don't spoil her." I gritted

"But your parents did." he pointed out.

"I'm not spoilt." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. " he shrugged.

I folded my hands and pouted crossing my right leg over my left leg.

"Verena." he groaned.

"What?" I scoffed.

"Can you sit like...upright?" he reqested. It sounded like an exciting warning.

"Or else..?" I smirked while I tilted myself a little.

"You wouldn't want Esmeralda to see her parents make out right?" he smirked, extending his hand over to my thigh.

I then glanced at Esme who was busy with my phone and next I knew, my right leg was moved from my left one. I bit my lip and allowed him to carress my thigh because his hands on me were so good on me. He shifted my dress up a little and he moved his hand up further, gently kneading my thigh while he was driving.

"I told you to sit well." he smirked and I gasped softly when he stroked my inner thigh.

"St-stop." I squeaked a bit.

"Should I?" He whispered.

"Mommy I-"

"Yes?" I repied pushing Rodney's hand away as I straightened my dress. I attended to Esme and when I finished, I sat upright and looked out the window.

We reached mart and before we got down, Rodney slipped on his rayben sunglasses.

On our way inside I held Esme's right hand and Rodney hell her left and togetherly, we sauntered inside.

I asked Rodney to get me a basket and when I got it, I went ahead to begin the shopping.

"Mommy look! I'm taller than you!" Esme giggled and I turned to see her looking down at me from her dad's shoulders.

Rodney if you let my baby fall, you won't see tomorrow.," I warned.

"Relax." He chuckled and I shrieked when he wobbled her a little while Esme was giggling.

I rolled my eyes and carried on with the shopping.

When we finished up, Rodney paid and we left the mart. He opened the rear of the car and started packing in the stuff. Esme was already inside the car and I was next to Rodney, helping him out.

"You know I can do all this by myself right?" he asked me.

"You should be appreciating my help. I'm not that easily kind." I rolled my eyes

"Well, yes that's true... but then what if you want some thing in return for your help?" He asked in a very low tow which somehow made me inhale sharply under my breath.

"I haven't asked for anything...have I?" I asked looking up at him.

He chuckled shortly and started nearing me. I was looking around to see if anyone was watching us but the parking lot was slightly deserted.

I gasped when Rodney wrapped his arms around my waist and shifted me closer to him.

My hands rested on his hard chest and yes I could feel his skin under the t-shirt very well.

He neared his face to mine and moved it to my ear.

"Alright." He whispered. "If you say so."

He was about to pull away but then I stopped him and looked him in his eyes.

"You want to kiss me don't you?" He smirked and my face flushed.

"Whatever." I scoffed and removed his arms.

"Wait...Verena."  he called in between laughs and I scoffed going back into the car.


"Just a little bit of salt-oh dear!" she exclaimed looking at the ladle full of salt I took.

"What? Isn't this the required amount?" I asked

"No, no my dear," she signed taking the ladle out of my hand. The woman took the ladle and poured the salt back into the container. She then showed me the amount of salt I should have used instead.

I had been in this hell place for the past forty-five minutes making beef stew with Aunt Memnet while Esme and Rodney were watching television.

When I was asked to cut the meat, the sizes were too small, too big or just not sizeable enough. I mean, what the heck? Its just meat, ugh!

"My advice, use a teaspoon." she said.

"Yes Aunt." I muttered.

"But if you taste the sauce and it's well salted don't add anymore salt otherwise it'll be too salty."

Then later on she asked to me stir the stew, which of course she had to teach me that as well. I was scared, shitless, because of the way the stew was bubbling like a volcano.

Memnet was however laughing at me while I whined under my breath.

"Sweetie relax, you wont die, also gently scrape the edges so that it doesn't burn to make the stew bitter." she added.

Afterwards, she asked me to wash rice for boiling. So I started opening the cupboard.

"Mija what are you looking for?" She asked.

"Uh..Soap? to wash the rice?" I told her.

"Lord, this child cannot be serious!" She chortled. "I have a lot to do." she sighed.

"Mija, I know your parents have spoiled you since birth but I cant believe its to this point." she laughed.

"I'm not spoilt!" I groaned remembering Rodneys words

"Say it till you believe it." she chuckled. "Come, stir the stew.'


He closed the door in the pantry and backed me up against the wall.

"I miss you." He informed me and I looked at him quizzically.

"I had been busy for just one hour or more and you already miss me?" I asked. he just stared at me and simply smiled.

"What do you want?" I asked sighing. my heat skipped a beat when he stared at my lips.

"You know.." he smirked and later bit his lips.

"No, I do not." I responded folding my arms.

"Wanna know?" he winked and I frowned when my stomach fluttered.

"You really have to stop this.." he tsked disentangling my folded arms

"Otherwise?" I challenged.

"You'll turn me on at odd times." he stated.

"Really?" I asked with excitement bubbling up in my stomach.

"Yeah, babe." he stated huskily dipping his face into neck. I quivered when he gently nibbled my ear.


I'll continue the next chap from here :)

So.. do you guys also think Verena is spoilt?

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