Chapter 13

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Ekim: Kanat, it's not what you think, I swear. I don't know how did he enter here or when.
Adnan: why are you lying, Ekim?
Ekim was about to slap him but she found that Kanat had already beaten him so hard that Adnan fell on the ground and his lips were bleeding. Ekim looks at Kanat shocked and frightened. Ozan grabbed Kanat to prevent him from beating him again. Kanat turns to Ekim with eyes full of sadness, anger, and jealousy.
Ekim: Kanat I swear it's what you think it's not what you see, trust me, please!
Kanat: it's the second time, Ekim, the second time to deceive me.
Ekim shakes her head strongly meaning no.
Ekim: Kanat, listen to me, please.
Kanat looks at her and refuses to listen to her.
Kanat: I wish we had never met.
Ekim looks at him in shock and couldn't say another letter. Kanat leaves her and Ozan followed him. Ekim watches him in silence and tears and then looks back at Adnan who had stopped.
Ekim: why did you come here? Will you ever leave me? Baba, Tolga, and you, why don't you give my life a chance to get better? What did I do to you? What did I do?
Ekim says while sitting on the and putting her face in her palms. Adnan tries to put his hand on Ekim's shoulder but Ekim raises her face so he backs off.
Ekim: how did you know that Kanat was coming here?
Adnan: I didn't know, I didn't do that to make him see me. I did that to surprise you. actually, I wanted to come to you to talk about what you did to our fathers but I didn't imagine that it would happen.
Ekim: get out!
Adnan: what?
Ekim: I said GET OUT!! NOW!
Adnan takes his jacket and leaves the room. Ekim slams the door hard and leans her back to the door. She put her hand on her abdomen as if she feels the presence of the baby in her womb. She had suspected that she is pregnant after feeling the symptoms due to her first experience, and she became sure after she did a pregnancy test.
_At the police station
Kanat enters the station in anger and Halil sees him.
Halil: what's up, Kanat? Where's Ekim? ,
Kanat: there's no Ekim anymore!
He says and goes to his office while leaving his uncle in astonishment so Halil turns to Ozan.
Halil: what happened to him? Did he argue with Ekim again?
Ozan: something like that!
Halil: what happened then? Speak clearly, Ozan?
Ozan tells him all that happened.
Halil: there's a misunderstanding for sure. Ekim isn't a girl like that. She's a good girl and has a kind heart like her mother. He should trust her instead of attacking her like last time.
Ozan: I think so too.
Halil: let's go and talk with him then.
Halil and Ozan enter Kanat's office and found Kanat standing by the window and didn't feel their entry.
Halil: Kanat!
Kanat turns and looks at him with dull eyes.
Halil: look, Kanat! It's clear that there's a misunderstanding, you know that Ekim isn't a girl like that at all and...
Halil was stopped by Kanat interrupted him.
Kanat: I don't want to hear her name anymore. Also, I think that there's no need for Melek abla to know about this DNA result because Ekim won't exist anymore.
Halil: you can't be that selfish, Kanat! You can't deprive a mother of her daughter who longs to see her only for your anger.
Kanat: I've decided and it's over. (loudly)
Halil: you're forgetting that your uncle who is in front of you, Kanat! Come back to your senses, then we can talk. (strictly)
Halil says and leaves the office in anger. Ozan watched Halil while going and looks at Kanat.
Ozan: you're doing so wrong, Kanat. You'll damage everything just because of your anger and your unwillingness to understand the truth. You didn't even give her the chance to clarify the position.
Kanat: what would she explain, Ozan? He was sitting without a shirt and opening the door for me or her getting out from the bathroom with a bathrobe?
Ozan: okay, Kanat, but her shock was clear. How could you be blind that much, Kanat?
Kanat: I won't deny what my eyes saw with doubts that have no evidence, Ozan!
Ozan: no Kanat, you don't care about evidence. You know she's innocent, but your ego, Kanat Şirhan, doesn't let you forgive her for hiding the CDs although if you were in her position, you would do the same thing, all of us would do the same thing to protect our dear ones. I know you more than everyone, Kanat.
Kanat: enough, Ozan. I don't hear anything more. Can you leave me alone now?
Ozan: well, Kanat. But know that when your anger ends, you will have already lost a person who truly loves you.
Ozan says and leaves Kanat alone. Kanat stayed thinking about what Ozan just said. He felt that he might be wronging her, but remembering what she did and the state he saw her in made his anger overcome him again even more.
The work ends and Ozan goes to meet Melisa. Kanat sees him riding his car without saying goodbye so he knew that he's angry with him. After that he sees Halil come out of the station. Halil looked at him and went towards his car.
Kanat: will you go home without me? (loud)
Halil: maybe you don't want to go home, I can't know what're you thinking about anymore, Kanat.
Kanat approaches him.
Kanat: I'm sorry! I know that I was so rude to you. I didn't mean to.
Halil smiles and hits him on his arm lightly.
Halil: let's go home then.
They both get into the car and continue speaking.
Halil: Ozan is angry with you, right?
Kanat: yes, I think I exaggerate today a little.
Halil: a little? (sarcastically)
Kanat: okay, I'm sorry!
Halil laughs and frowns again.
Halil: you still don't want me to tell Melek?
Kanat: yes, it's for her in the end, we still don't know what would happen with Ekim so there's no need to give her the happiness of her daughter's return and then go again from her.
Halil: you're right.
They continue the ride talking about different things. At that time Ozan arrived at the cafe where he will meet Melisa. He parked the car and enter the cafe.
Melisa: what's up?
Ozan: fine
Melisa: what happened? You look upset!
Ozan: nothing, I argued with Kanat a little, that's why.
Melisa: a little? Don't you see yourself? There's a serious thing so tell me!
Ozan looks at her and tells her what happened.
Ozan: he will lose her, Melisa. Because of his ego, he will be stubborn to go to her. How can a person be so arrogant? Oh, Kanat I'm very angry with you.
Melisa was looking at him with dull eyes as he didn't stop talking for a minute.
Melisa: ok...okay, Ozan, I got it, okay calm down!
Ozan sips coffee in front of him to calm down.
Melisa: but are you sure there's nothing between them? I see that Kanat is right about that in some way, I mean anyone in his place seeing the one he loves like that,  of course, would be angry!
Ozan: I'm sure, Melisa. Ekim isn't a person like that. I know what is Sevda telling you but Ekim is really a good person.
Melisa: anyway I hope Kanat will see the truth soon!
Ozan: I hope.
They stayed a while talking about their relationship. Ozan's mood became better after talking with Melisa. She was the most person that could change his mood.
Ozan took Melisa home and she found Sevda waiting for her at the door.
Sevda: finally, Melisa. I froze here and you didn't answer my calls.
Melisa: I'm sorry, I was with Ozan.
Sevda: did he tell you about Kanat? He came home and I felt he is upset!
Melisa: hmm, yes there's something that happened, maybe that's why.
Sevda: what's it?
Melisa: no, I can't tell because you're causing problems, Sevda.
Sevda: don't worry I won't! Just tell me! (puppy eyes)
Melisa(laughs): Okay, sit down while I bring something to drink.
Melisa told Sevda everything.
Sevda: OH, this girl is too bad, but it's not weird from her anyway, she did it before but I feel sorry for Kanat.
Melisa: listen, Sevda you won't tell anyone something about this okay? The girl has enough problems anyway and she left Kanat already, so leave her alone.
Sevda: okay, Melisa I won't, you're really defending her.
_After weak
Kanat didn't talk to Ekim. Ekim called him daily and went to him several times, but she either didn't find him or he refused to meet her. She wanted to tell him that she was pregnant. Kanat and Halil didn't tell Melek about the test. Sevda told everyone about what happened between Kanat and Ekim so Melisa argued with her and told her not to talk again with her, especially after Ozan got angry with Melisa. The relationship between Kanat and Ozan became more strained but they reconciled again after they apologized to each other.
Ekim was sitting in her room thinking about what to do especially since her money is about to run out. Her phone rings with a message, so she quickly picks up the phone, thinking it was Kanat, but it was an unknown number so she opens the message and is shocked by what she read.
Unknown: hey, honey, it's Sevda! I wanted to tell you myself that my engagement with Kanat today, wish us happiness, Ekim. Bye !!!
Ekim throws the phone and changes her clothes to go to Kanat's home. She knocks on the door so the maid opened to her.
Ekim: is Kanat here?
The maid: no, they all went to Sevda hanim's house for the engagement.
The maid closes the door. Ekim feels her eyes darken and she can't breathe. She doesn't know where's Sevda's house so she decides to go to Melisa. She knocks on the door hard so Melisa opened the door frightened.
Melisa: Ekim!!
Ekim: thank God I caught you. I need Sevda's address. NOW!!
Melisa: caught me for what? And why do you want Sevda's address?
Ekim: don't play with me, Melisa! I know it's their engagement!
Melisa: who, Ekim? I swear I don't know anything, I'm not talking with Sevda anymore.
Ekim looks at her and sees that she is in home clothes and isn't ready for the party so she believes her and calms down a little.
Ekim: Sevda and Kanat's engagement. I should stop him, Melisa, please!
Melisa: okay, Ekim but how? I mean after what happened between you, Kanat won't stop!
Ekim: he will have to stop!
Melisa: why?
Ekim: be...because I'm pregnant, Melisa ( teary eyes)
Melisa looked at her with shock.
Melisa: O...Okay, I'll change my clothes and come with you.
Ekim nods. Melisa changed her clothes quickly and they got into her car. Melisa was driving too fast that Ekim was frightened to have an accident but she need to hurry. Melisa knocked on the door and the maid opened it for her then she directed her to the engagement place. Ekim entered with her and saw that they had already worn the rings and cumali was about to cut the thread between the rings. Kanat is shocked to see her and everyone else too, most of them were feeling happy about her coming. Ekim points to Kanat with her head, meaning don't. 
Sevda: cut the thread, cumali dedi!
Ekim goes towards them and holds cumali's hand.
Ekim: don't, Kanat! You can't do this to us!
Zumurrud: won't you ever leave him alone? How dare you come here after your dirty deed?
Ekim: I had to prevent this engagement! Kanat, leave this and come to talk, please! I tried to talk with you all week but you refused, but we should talk now, Kanat!
Kanat: about what, Ekim?
Ekim: let's get out of here and I'll tell you.
Sevda: Kanat won't go anywhere, how impudent you're to come here even after what he saw at the hotel.
Ekim looks at Kanat with teary eyes as she thought that he was who told her.
Ekim: YOU SHUT UP! come on, Kanat we need to talk!
Zumurrud: say what you want here then, to see if it's very important that you stopped the engagement!
Ekim hesitates and feels nervous, so Melisa decides to speak instead of her as compensation for what she told Sevda.
Melisa: Kanat, Ekim is pregnant!
Everyone looks at Melisa and then at Ekim. Kanat goes towards Ekim but he was stopped by Sevda's words.
Sevda: very funny, how can we be sure that this baby is from Kanat, then? What if was from the man who was with you in the hotel? Or there could be others?
Ekim goes and slaps Sevda.
Nafisa ( Sevda's grandmother): what do you think you're doing? How could you slap her?
Ekim: no one can accuse me of something like that! If you had taught your granddaughter to respect others, I wouldn't have to slap her now. This baby belongs to Kanat, no one can say something about me or that baby or accuse me of something immoral!
Zumurrud: if you're so confident like that, let's do a DNA test then!
Ekim looks at her in shock and turns to Kanat to see his reaction.
Ekim: what? Kanat!!
Zumurrud: isn't it right, Kanat? What do you think?
Ekim looks at Kanat as if she begging him not to say "yes" because she doesn't want to damage their relationship. She waits for his answer fearfully.

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