Chapter 23

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Ekim: Melisa!!
Ekem says happily and Melisa runs to her for a hug. They break up after a few minutes, wiping away their tears.
Melisa: When did you come back? why didn't you tell me?
Ekim: I thought Ozan had told you, and that you didn't care because you were out of the country!
Melisa: Ozan!!! Did you really know?
Ozan: Melisa I...
Kanat: I think we shouldn't be standing at the door, so let's go in and have breakfast together.
Ekim: yes, come on, Melisa!
Melisa enters with Ekim, looking at Ozan angrily!
Ozan: thank you, bro! You just saved my life!
Kanata laughs out loud.
Kanat: Do our friends at the police station know that Ozan, who almost beats everyone there, is afraid of Melisa!
Ozan: shut up, Kanat!
Kanat: Alright alright, let's get in. (Laughingly)
The four of them sit down at the table and start eating breakfast.
Ekim: When did you come back, Melisa? And how did you know that I came if Ozan didn't tell you?
Melisa: I came back this morning and put the Turkish line on my phone again, and I read your message. I gave the bags to the driver and I immediately called Ozan to come, but he didn't tell me all the way that he knew anything.
Melisa says her last sentence as she looks at Ozan and presses her jaws against each other angrily. Ozan swallows and Kanat and Ekim laugh at him out loud.
Ekim: Well, Melisa, don't care! Good thing he didn't tell you anyway so you could enjoy your vacation.
Melisa: Are you here now forever then? I mean, did you forgive him?
Kanat: yuh! Melisa!!! We have closed this page, don't remind us please!
Ekim laughs holding Kanat's hand on the table.
Melisa: Ooooh! Obviously a lot of things have happened while I'm not around!!
Ekim: I'll tell you everything later.
Ozan: Where is the family then? Why don't I see anyone?
Kanat: They went to Gaziantep to visit our family there, but Ekim and I decided to stay here for her pregnancy. I was going to talk to you about prolonging my vacation anyway!
Ozan: Well, I'll take care of that! By the way, Kanat, one of the young men there told me that someone came to visit the maid.
Ekim: What's the problem then, it could be someone from her family.
Ozan: I said that too, Ekim but he told me that the visitor was a woman who seemed to be rich so I don't think at all that she might be one of the maid's relatives.
Kanat: You mean to say that she could be Sevda, right?
Ozan: exactly!
Melisa: What did Sevda do again?
The three look at each other and briefly tell Kanat Melissa so that Ekim doesn't feel too sad.
Melisa: No way, Kanat!! Has this girl lost her mind?
Ozan: The problem is, what if she try to do something again?
Kanat: So we need evidence to catch her before she tries again!
They think for a bit and then Ekim speaks.
Ekim: I can lure her somewhere alone but of course you will be watching us and if she wants to do something you will catch her in the act.
Kanat: Don't talk nonsense, Ekim! We won't risk you, of course!
Melisa: I'll do then!
Ozan: how?
Melisa: I'll go to her house under the pretext that I miss her and that we are friends no matter what happens between us, then I will record her confession when she starts telling me what she did.
Ekim: Are you sure if she will confess? Can't she suspect you?
Melisa: No she won't! Sevda is not that smart. I know her well.
Kanat: well then! Make the necessary permission to record, Ozan, then we will see!
The four spend a nice time together until the evening. Ekim tells Melisa everything that has happened since she came while making lunch together. After lunch, Ozan and Melisa leave, and Kanat and Ekim sit in the living room watching a movie. Ekim made popcorn and sat down, then Kanat put his head on her legs and stretched while watching. Kanat was sitting shirtless as there were no others in the house. Ekim notices a wound in his chest and decides to ask him about it.
Ekim: What's this scar? I always noticed it but I forgot to ask you!
Ekim said while touching the scar with her finger.
Kanat: I had an accident two years ago! It's a consequence of the accident.
Ekim: Is that the accident because of which you had problems conceiving?
Kanat: how did you know that?
Ekim: Ozan told me about it when I went to Melisa. How did it happen then? I mean, what was the incident that almost led you to infertility?
Kanat: It was a car accident! I, Aziz, Leyla, and Hazal were returning from Gaziantep. Suddenly, a car appeared and was chasing us. I tried to run away from it as much as possible, but the men in it started shooting. While I was trying to avoid the shots, the car overturned on us. Of course, these men fled immediately. We weren't all suffering from serious injuries, but I hit my head with something in the car, and the doctor said that this part is responsible for hormones or something like that. I didn't understand well what was this meaning But then I started my treatment journey. That's all!
Ekim: Who were these men then?
Kanat: They belonged to someone I had caught a while earlier, and he wanted revenge on me.
Ekim strokes his hair, lowers her head, and kisses the scar on his chest several kisses in a row. Kanat gets up and kisses her forehead. Kanat sleeps and then pulls her to sleep on his chest. They both wake up the next day to Kanat's phone ringing.
Ekim: Either answer or hang up this phone Kanat!!
Kanat reaches out to take the phone and answers the call without reading who is calling.
Kanat: yes!
Ozan: I have taken permission to record, Kanat, where are we going to meet?
Kanat: Well, get Melisa and come over to our house!
Kanat hangs up the phone and caresses Ekim's face in an attempt to tease her in order to wake her up.
Ekim: what??
Kanat: Come on get up, Ozan and Melisa are on the way.
Ekim gets up and looks at him with sleepy eyes, then gets up to take a shower and change her clothes. Kanat goes downstairs and orders some food for breakfast. Ozan and Melissa arrive and the four begin to agree on the plan.
Melisa: Well, I will go now and I will keep in touch with you!
Melissa leaves and goes to Sevda's house. She plays the recorder on her phone before ringing the bell.
Sevda: Melisa? What're you doing here?
Melisa: Should I go then?
Sevda: No, no, I didn't mean that. I was just shocked that you came! Come in!
Melisa: I was out of the country and came back yesterday, I said to come to you, I miss our friendship.
Melisa and Sevda talk about random topics until she opens up Ekim's topic in some way.
Sevda: Yes, they got married a while ago. To be honest, I went to her and threatened her on the wedding day not to accept, but she resisted me and agreed.
Melisa: You are unreasonable, Sevda!! Of course, you did something else. I am your friend and I know you well.
Sevda: Actually yes, but I'm afraid to tell you!
Melisa: what did you do, Sevda?
Sevda: She tried switching her meds to abortion meds but she was in the bathroom and exposed me, so I had to act like I apologize. Then I noticed that the maid was looking at her with angry looks, and I did not understand why until now, frankly, because I did not care.
Melisa: Then what happened?
Sevda: I went to the maid and told her to put medicine in her water. She was afraid at first, but after I gave her money and secured the life of her family, she agreed of course.
Melisa: Did you really try to kill a baby, Sevda?
Sevda: I didn't tell you to blame me, Melisa!
Melissa tries to control her nerves not to reveal everything.
After some time Melisa leaves And goes back to Kanat's house. Melissa gives the recording to Kanat and Ozan. Kanat and Ozan go to the police station to issue the arrest warrant for Sevda.
Sevda: what happens ? Kanat what's going on? Where are you taking me?
Kanat: To a place where you will receive your punishment! I was sure that it was you.
Sevda: Kanat, I...
Kanat: Tell your concern at the police station, you have the right to request a lawyer, and if you do not have enough money, we will appoint a lawyer for you.
Sevda is being investigated and placed in prison until her trial. Her sentence goes to the police station, but she is shocked by the evidence that condemns Sevda and feels ashamed. However, she appoints a lawyer for her granddaughter, though, and asks Kanat to concede, but he tells her that Ekim will decide that. When Kanat and Ozan return home, they find Ekim and Melissa waiting for them nervously. Ekim runs to embrace Kanat as soon as he comes, so Kanat strokes her hair and kisses her head.
Ekim: are you okay?
Kanat: As long as you are fine!
Kanat and Ekim walk away, and Melissa embraces Ekim, then she and Ozan go. The next day, Melissa and Ekim decide to go get some clothes for the baby. Kanat goes with them, and Ozan agrees to go to them after he finishes his work at the police station. They started choosing some colors that are suitable for both genders, as they still didn't know the gender of the baby. They decide to go have a little rest at a cafe by the sea. Kanat and Ozan went to get some food and nuts to entertain while sitting and Melisa went to the bathroom. Ekim sat alone waiting for them and played on her phone a little, then raised her head after a while at the voice that called her.
Ekim: Adnan? What're you doing here?
Adnan: I searched for you a lot, Ekim! How are you?
Ekim: Go from here, Kanat would have come now and if he saw you there would be a big problem, go from here.
Adnan: wait a second! Are you pregnant?
Kanat: Ekim!!!!
Ekim stands terrified and looks at Kanat with frightened eyes.

Yes, my dears, I have decided that the last chapter will be (25), that is, after two parts, I love you all.❤❤❤
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