Chapter 7

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Kanat looks at the state of the wrecked car and then at the necklace in his hand. Kanat was terrified by just thinking that something happened to Ekim.
Ozan: what now? Have we lost him again!?
Kanat notices the footprints on the mud.
Kanat: they had gone towards the forest path. One or both of them must be injured so they couldn't have gone too far.
Some policemen are searching in the forest. Kanat follows the footprints and catches a glimpse of someone running in front of him. Kanat runs after him until he catches up with him at the edge of a cliff that is very high from the sea. Tolga grabs Ekim tightly and threatens Kanat to jump into the water if he doesn't let him go. Kanat notices Ekim, who looks at the scene behind her in terror as she has a phobia of heights. He looks at her to reassure her, then looks at the blood on her forehead because of the accident.
Kanat: ok...ok, Tolga. Leave her and go. I won't touch you, I swear.
Tolga: liar, I don't believe you.
Kanat: I'm not lying. Even look, I'm putting down my gun.
Tolga calms down a bit and loosens his grip on Ekim.
Tolga: what will be my guarantee that you won't shoot me or that you'll let me go after I leave her?
Kanat: I have no intention to betray you, don't worry. I put my gun down and I'll give you my car key now. Look, my car over there, you'll take it and go. I'll tell the police that you weren't here okay? But you should leave her, NOW!!
Tolga: well, then throw the key near me.
Kanat throws the key near Tolga to be taken by Tolga with Kanat's gun.
Tolga: sorry Ekim, I'm leaving you again at a difficult time but I'll come back to get you, don't worry.
Tolga goes and Kanat runs to Ekim who was staggering and leaning back to catch her.
Kanat: are you okay? did something happen to you? Did he do something to you? Did he touch you? Answer me, Ekim.
Kanat says with his hands on Ekim's cheeks, then he looks at her hands to untie them. Once Kanat unties Ekim's hands, she hugs him tightly. Kanat hugs her too, kissing her head.
Ekim: I was so scared. ( crying)
Kanat: okay don't cry anymore. it's over. ( he says while he strokes her hair and kisses her head again)
They separate. Kanat checks Ekim's wounded hands due to the rope and then her bleeding head.
Kanat: does it hurt a lot? How did this accident happen?
Ekim: when I was trying to stop him, h...he couldn't control the car, we collided. ( with gasps).
Kanat: okay, it's all over. Let's get out of here.
Ekim and Kanat walked a short distance until they reached the police cars and the ambulance. Kanat took Ekim to the ambulance to heal her wounds then he went to Halil and Ozan.
Halil: how did he escape again?
Kanat: he didn't escape. I left him to leave Ekim. He took her as a human shield.
Halil nods understandingly then Kanat continues: I gave him my car so tell them to track it.
Halil: ok I'll tell them. Take my car and take Ekim home. She looks so tired.
Kanat thanks him and takes Ekim and puts her gently in the car and wraps the seat belt around her weak body. She looks as if she has lost weight in the recent period. They remain silent in the car and Ekim looks out the window. Kanat's phone rings so he puts it on the car speaker.
Hazal: did you find her, Kanat?
Kanat: yes, Hazal, we're on our way home.
Hazel: so is she okay? Is something happen to her?
Kanat: She is fine, Hazal. You'll talk when we get home.
Zumurut: who knows what scourge she put him into again?
Hazal: I'll end the call then. Bye!
Ekim: she is right. I'm sorry for everything, Kanat.
She pauses a bit to continue: how did you know where I am?
Kanat: from the necklace.
Ekim: are you tracking me?
Kanat: I think what you did proves that I was right, Ekim.
Ekim looks at the other side without replying, she knows that she made a mistake, but what made her sad was that he still can't trust her until now.
Kanat: why didn't you tell me that he sent you a msg?
Ekim doesn't respond, she doesn't have a reason.
Kanat: I'M ASKING YOU, EKIM? ( loudly hitting the steering wheel with his hand)
 Ekim feels terrified. It's the first time he has lost his temper with her in this way.
Ekim: I don't know. Damn, I don't know why I didn't tell you. I'm sorry okay? I'M SORRY. ( with a crying loud voice)
Kanat looks at her and then returns his gaze to the front. He regrets losing his temper with her in that way, but his feeling that something bad would happen to her makes him lose his mind and blind his eyes with anger. They didn't speak another word for the rest of the way until they reached the house. Kanat got out of the car and opened the door for Ekim. Ekim got out of the car and saw him getting into the car again.
Ekim: won't you come in?
Kanat: No, I have some work.
Then he drives the car and goes. Ekim looks with sad eyes at the car as it drives away until it disappears from her sight. She enters the house. She enters the house and Hazal quickly goes to her.
Hazal: Ekim, are you okay? Did something happen to you?
Ekim: No, Hazal I'm fine. Just mild injuries.
Melek goes quickly and hugs Ekim tightly. Ekim feels safe and comfortable in a strange way.
Melek: you scared me so much, Ekim. Are you okay, honey?
Ekim: I'm fine thank you.
Zumurut: where's Kanat?
Ekim: he said that he has some work.
Cumali: well, come on, my girl go to your room and rest.
Ekim goes to her room, takes a shower, and goes out to be surprised by Sevda standing in front of her.
Ekim: what are you doing here?
Sevda: don't you feel sorry for Kanat? Since you came, there hasn't been a problem that Kanat hasn't fallen into. Besides, no one wants you in this house. Can't you see that you're putting a burden on this family?
Hazal: why are speaking for all of us, Sevda? And I guess we both know who is unwanted in this house, right?
Sevda: you're now standing with her against me, Hazal, but you will see her hidden bad face soon.
Savda says and leaves angrily. Ekim sits on the bed with sadness and heartbreak.
Ekim: she's right. I got him into a lot of trouble. But I never wanted to upset him or hurt him. I can't do it at all. I swear.
Hazal: I believe that but why didn't you tell me or him that Tolga messaged you?
Ekim: I don't know, Hazal. I didn't think well then. I was so confused I didn't know what to do. But Kanat doesn't believe me, he still doesn't trust me. He even gave me the necklace to track me.
Hazal: isn't it possible that he was watching you to protect you?
Ekim: I don't know. But in one way or another, he now thinks I lied to him. He's mad at me because he thoughts that I cheated on him.
Hazal: don't you think that he is mad because he thought that you still have feelings for Tolga?
Ekim: there were no feelings for Tolgs at all, Hazal and you know that well.
Hazal: I know but he doesn't, Ekim. Don't you see his feelings and caring for you, Ekim?
Ekim thought for a moment.
Ekim: maybe I'm trying to ignore them on purpose, Hazal. I mean what if I misinterpret his actions towards me and he only cares out of humanity? And Sevda? What if he has feelings for her?
Hazal: we grew up with Sevda since we were 15 years old, Ekim. If he had feelings towards her, he would have told her a long time ago, especially with my grandmother's miserable attempts and Sevda's feelings towards him that is clear to everyone. Face your feeling, Ekim so that you don't regret your delay later.
Hazal finishes her speech and goes to her room. Ekim thinks about Hazal's words and decides to apologize to Kanat and express her feelings towards him. Ekim waits for Kanat's return until late at night. She falls asleep by the window and wakes up to the sound of Halil's car, from which Kanat and Halil get off. Ekim waits for a while until she makes sure that Halil entered his, then goes up to Kanat's room and knocks on the door.
Ekim: it's me! Can I enter?
Kanat: come!
Ekim enters and closes the door behind her, and Kanat is standing by the window, giving her his back. Ekim goes to the middle of the room near him and rubs her hands with tension.
Ekim: I... I'm sorry, Kanat I swear I didn't want to lie to you. I just got confused and didn't know what should I do. I know that you're mad at me but you should know that the last thing I would want in this world is making you sad or upset. I also know that your anger is because you think that I don't trust you and that's why I didn't tell you, but you must know that you have become the person I trust the most in that life, Kanat, I have never trusted a person like this before. I have always been hiding my feelings towards you because I didn't even understand them at the beginning. It is the first time in my life that I feel that feeling for someone. I always told myself that those who never received love can't give love, but my mind changed after you entered my life, Kanat. I became able to face my fears, problems, and ... and feelings as well. So I don't want to hide them anymore, Kanat. I fell in love with you.
Ekim waits for a response from Kanat, but he doesn't react.
Ekim: you will never forgive me, right?
Ekim says sadly and turns to go, and when she was about to grab the door handle, Kanat pulls her to him and kisses her. Ekim opens her eyes in shock at first but soon closes her eyes and kisses him back. They separate after a few minutes and place their foreheads against each other.
Ekim: I'm sorry, Kanat
Kanat: I'm sorry for screaming at you too and ... I love you, Ekim.
They smile and hug each other.
_After a few days
Kanat was waiting for Ekim in her room to get out of the bathroom and while waiting a few messages came to her phone. Curiosity leads Kanat to see the sender and he found that he's Tolga, he asks Ekim to meet him again.
Kanat leaves the room and decides not to tell her anything, to wait for whether she will tell him or not. Ekim goes out and sees the messages and gets nervous. After breakfast, everyone goes to their work. Ekim decides to tell Kanat, so she goes to the police station.
_At the police station
Ozan: they found your car fell off the cliff, Kanat. But there is no proof that Tolga was in it.
Kanat: take this phone number and tell cops to track it.
Halil: what is this?
Kanat: I'll tell you when I'm sure.
They were interrupted by knocking on the door, she was Ekim asking permission to enter.
Ekim: I have to tell you something, Kanat!
Kanat: I'm listening, Ekim.
Ekim shows him the messages. Halil and Ozan look at each other and then they understand about the phone number.
Ozan: I think we must make a trap for him.
Halil: you mean by sending Ekim to meet him so we can arrest him?
Ozan: exactly.
Kanat: of course not! We can't risk her life.
Ozan: but there's no other way, Kanat. Tolga won't appear except to meet Ekim. It's our only chance.
Halil: we'll also be with her, kanat. Our men will surround the place and we'll watch them from afar too. So Ekim will be safe.
Ekim: I'll do it.
The police prepare Ekim and put a microphone in her clothes, and some policemen disguise themselves in the place. Kanat, Ozan, and Halil wait in an equipped car near the place. Ekim walks with fear and sees Tolga in front of her. Ekim looks tensely at the policemen in disguise. Tolga notices her looks and suspects that it's a trap.
Tolga: did you cooperate with the police to trap me, Ekim?
 Ekim nods her head in denial. Ekim sees Tolga takes out a gun. Kanat got out of the car quickly after Tolga's sentence, Ozan and Halil followed him, and they hear a gunshot.
Kanat: EKIM?!

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See u 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️

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