Chapter Fifteen

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WORD COUNT : 1288 words

Cat Noir's Point Of View

I leaped out of the already existing hole in my window and out into the courtyard where The Bubbler was hosting my birthday party. I see Ladybug flinging her yo-yo towards a red bubble that the villain launched towards her. However, her yo-yo bounced off of the bubble and was flying back towards her sweet, sweet face. Landing in the courtyard just in time, I pushed Ladybugs yo-yo up and into the air. No one would want a giant bruise on that pretty little face.

"Looks like I made it just in time." I stated, smiling at my partner.
"I had it under control," she said, smirking a little. The yo-yo comes down, a whistling sound accompanying it. That sounds awfully close. Something, as heavy as a small rock but larger than one, hits me on the top of my head. I rubbed it sorely. The yo-yo bounced off of my head as if I were a trampoline and into Ladybugs grasp. I try to help and it backfires! Go figure.

The Bubbler throws an uncountable amount of red bubbles at us and we start to deflect them, moving around each other to pop all of the horrid slimy spheres floating in the air. If you didn't know any better, you could almost call it a dance. Aha, dancing with M'Lady. Now that would be a sight to see.

Having enough of us deflecting the bubbles, The Bubbler stops and takes a breath. Feeling that this was the right time to antagonize him - it's what I do to villains - I said, "Come on Bubble Machine! Show us what you've got!"

Ladybug face palms at my slight pun and I smile mischievously. I'm winning her over. I can see it!

The villain smirks mischievously, his grin matching mine. Uh oh.

A stream of red bubbles are racing towards Ladybug and I, and we start to deflect them again.  But a loud snap - the Bubbler clicking his fingers - turns all of the bubbles green and they start circling around us, as of we were in a green tornado. The stick mess starts to stick on our suits and I tries to get the water and detergent mixture off of my hands.

The next thing I know is that I'm stuck in a huge green seemingly inescapable bubble - I tried pushing on the sides but it wouldn't pop. The only good thing about this situation is that Ladybug is with me inside of the bubble. This can get interesting.

The Bubbler laughs evilly, catching everyone's attention, "Give me your Miraculouses before you run out of air."

"Dream on, Bubbler!" Ladybug yelled, her beautiful blue eyes cold with anger. They reminded me of a brutal cold winters day. I wouldn't want to be in the Bubbler shoes.

"Total party poopers, just like adults." The Bubbler crossed his arms as of he was disappointed, but the smile was still on his face. So he can't be too angry, right?

"Kids need adults." Ladybug verified.

"False! Kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up. Adults are controlling and bossy." The villain corrected. 

"But adults keep children safe and protected. They care for their kids, they love them!"

"Most adults do anyhow." I murmured to myself. Realizing that I was leaving all of the chit-chat to Ladybug, I raised my voice, "You must bring the adults back!" No matter how awesome it would be to not have a tight schedule.

"Nope, never!" The Bubbler exclaimed, "Know what, since you care so much about these adults, why don't you go float with them for a while?" The Bubbler ran towards the bubble Ladybug and I were in, holding his bubble wand up high, he jumped and kicked the bubble up into the sky.  I screamed. No matter how much of a 'guy' I am, my scream was more high pitched than Ladybug's. Let's just say that I'm afraid of floating into outer space, where there is no oxygen. 

Third Person's Point of View

Hawk Moth was filled with rage. The Bubbler had disobeyed him. "What do you think you're doing Bubbler?" Hawk Moth asked, anger evident in his voice. He could feel the burn of the purple butterfly glowing around his eyes, allowing him to have communication with bis newly formed villain. "You're supposed to seize their Miraculouses!"

He shook his head, not believing in what the Bubbler had just done. This was the first time - and hopefully the last - the he wished that the hero's would get out of the trap they were in. 

Ladybug's Point of View

We were floating. Floating in a dull green bubble that was magically able to hold our weight. Considering how much muscle both Cat Noir and I had gained in these past few weeks, we were a lot to handle.

I looked down to the city below. You could just see the Agreste Mansion. How did Nino get Akumatised?

I tried to stretch the bubble, to make it break somehow. I placed my feet and hands on either side of the bubble and stretched. The bubble was too slippery and my legs and hands started to slide down the sides of the sphere.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I fell on top of Cat Noir who was scratching at the bottom of the bubble.

"Ow!" He yelled, squashed flat by me. My chest was way too close to his back, and both of our legs were tangled together as I tried to wriggle free.

Somehow Cat Noir turned on his back and I seemed to straddle him. "If you wanted to get this close to me, you could've just asked." He smirked. 

Realizing our position, my eyes widened. A raging blush rose up my neck and cheeks as I hurried to get off of him. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!

I didn't go far though, because Cat's tail wrapped around my back and pulled me close, crashing our torsos together. My head landed on his hard chest with the impacted and I groaned as my skull pulsed. "Cat." I said sternly, "We have to purify the Akuma."

He groaned in annoyance.

"We can't stay in this bubble forever!" I exclaimed.

He grinned at me and raised his eyebrows twice suggestively. Oh GodI face palmed for the second time in the past ten minutes. 

"Use you Cataclysm!" I said, the idea coming to mind.

"Couldn't you have said that five hundred feet ago?" Cat asked, I just shrugged.

"CATACLYSM!" Cat's hand bubbles with black destruction and he places his hand on the green bubble. It bursts and we start falling. And falling.
"Should we see if you land on your feet this time?" I yell to him against the wind which, eventually,  will make my face stiff.

"No, thanks!"

I gap in the Eiffel tower stood out to me.

"Your stick, there!" I shouted and Cat throws his baton so forcefully that it gets stuck in the side of the Eiffel tower.  I grabbed a hold of Cat hand and swing my yo-yo towards the stick, the string looping around and latching on to it. "Hang on!" I yelled and cats grip tightened on my hand. We swing around the Eiffel tower and soon land safely on the ground.

"Good thing cats aren't afraid of heights." My partner stated, but I ignored it completely, my mind already somewhere else.

"We've got to get to his bubble sword, that's got to be where the Akuma is."

Cat Noir's ring beeps.  He's got four minutes left before he transforms back to his civilian self.

"Better hurry." He stated and we rushed off towards the Agreste Mansion.


So sorry for the late update! I haven't edited this but I will when I get the time to! Thanks for reading!!!

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