VI. 𝐼'𝑚 𝑜𝑘𝑎𝑦, 𝑤𝑒'𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑘𝑎𝑦

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Chapter Six
I'm Okay, We're Okay

3rd Person POV

the next day malika was awoken by her phone ringing and she sat up as she wiped the sleep out of her eyes as she answered her phone with a groan , she didn't even look at the caller id

"hello?" she asked and she heard someone gasping on the other side. she fully sat up

"hello, who is this?" she questioned

"it's bruno and there's a problem, get your sister and i'll send you my location" bruno said and she nodded

"b, are you okay?" she asked in fear

"i am but um kamrans not" he spoke and she sighed before kamala burst into her room

"i told them , they know" kamala said and malika smiled

"of course they know, ammi told abbu and aamir heard" malika said and kamala looked at her phone

"is that bruno?" kamala asked

"yeah and we have a problem" she said and she looked at kamala's hand to see a box

"what's that?" she questioned

"ammi made you and me one" kamala said and she handed it to her as she smiled

"but get dressed so we can find bruno" kamala said and mal nodded as she grabbed the box and she changed

"let's do this" kamala said and they left the house as they started to use their powers. mal stepped on her water as kamala stepped on the crystals and they went above the roads

"nakia is calling me" mal said and she pulled her phone out from her pocket

"hey what's up?" mal asked as nakia breathed out fastly

"you've talked to bruno right?" nakia questioned and mal sighed

"yeah he called this morning, have you?" she asked

"i have , they're at mosque right now. hurry" nakia stated

"thank you nakia" she spoke and she ended the call as she turned to kamala

"you heard that right?" she questioned

"yep let's go" kamala said and they continued to travel throughout the city until they got to the mosque and went down the alleyway to be met with kamran and bruno

"hi" she spoke and they smiled

"what are you guys wearing?" mal asked

"what are you wearing?" they asked and mal looked down at herself as kamala looked at hers

"b i was so scared when you called, i thought something had happened to you and i couldn't stop it" she cried and bruno grabbed her arms

"i'm okay. we're okay" bruno said and mal launched forward as she hugged him and kamala watched with a smile. they watched as kamran started to groan in pain and then something came out of him

" i feel like i'm being crushed from the inside out" kamran said and they heard sirens

"alright we have to go, now" mal stated and she latched onto kamran with bruno and kamala. they led him away and then they separated

"you guys go ill catch up" kamala spoke and mal turned to her

"kam..." she started

"im fine, you need to protect them" kamala spoke and she nodded as she hugged her and pulled away

"be careful please" mal said and she wrapped her arm around kamran as she started to walk with them. they got to the high school and climbed in through the window

"kamala" nakia called

"well let you talk" mal said and she wrapped her band around bruno's as they started to looked around before they looked out of the window

"oh no" mal whispered as they made eye contact and ran back to the others

"guys. damage control is here. how did they even find us?" bruno asked

"it doesn't matter. i'm the one they want. you guys should leave before you get hurt" kamran tried

"he's right. you guys need to go now" mal said

"they already blew up my apartment" bruno said

"they invaded the mosque. twice" nakia stated

"they tried to trick me into giving you up" zoe stated

"what are you doing here?" kamala asked her

"the theater has good lighting and i owe you guys for saving my life" zoe spoke

"okay we're with you and so is zoe so what's the plan?" nakia asked and kamala smiled at mal as they walked into a room and mal sat down next to kamala as they watched her come up with a plan

"we'll keep them busy as you run out the back" aamir said

"oh my , what are you doing here?" mal and kamala asked

"how did you get in here?" bruno asked

"bathroom window. i went to school here too. mom sent to watch out for you" aamir said

"my god superhero's don't need chaperones" mal said and they continued with the plan

"mal , bruno and i are on mad scientist duty" kamala said and she smiled as they listened to her. after they walked around the school and got everything they need

"the real plan is zoe" kamala said and they all smiled at her as they separated. mal went to the room with kamala and bruno as they started to work

"b something happened in pakistan" malika said and she let kamala explain

"do not tell kamran that mal, he can't know. not until we're all out of here" bruno said and she nodded

"i know" she spoke and he looked down at her lips as she looked down at his and then up at his eyes. they heard the door open and they looked at each other in fear

"let's do this" she spoke and they started to go through with the plan. mal seperated with bruno as kamran seperated with mal

"do you think this will end well?" mal whispered to bruno and he shrugged

"i have no idea" bruno said and ma wrapped her hand into bruno's as they looked at each other and their hands. water had wrapped around their hands and he looked at her as he leaned in and they looked down at each other's lips again

"we have to go b" she said and they walked outside of the room to be attacked

"go" mal said and she spread the water out as it hit them and knocked them back. she grabbed bruno's hand and they ran away as fast as they could but it wasn't enough

they got caught and they were brought out into a car. mal sat next to bruno as she gripped his hand and they watched as kamran exited the school

"i have to help" mal said and she broke out of the car as she ran off and stood in front of him with kamala and they set up something

"KAMALA" she cried but she wasn't knocked back. they weren't prepared for mal and she stared as they did too

"come on kam get up" she spoke and kamala got up as she super charged and she looked at mal

"hi" she spoke and they smiled as they started to work against them together

"you guys alright?" kamala asked

"yes ms. wave rider and night light" they said and they smiled as they continued. they caught a car and pulled it away from the civilians as mal looked at them in the car and waved at them before kamran started to explode with his powers

"kam!" she yelled

"i got this!" kamala yelled back and mal ran to the bus as she got them out of it

"hi" mal spoke and they looked at the cage that held kamala and kamran

"mal" bruno exclaimed and she turned to him as he ran his thumb over her bruised cheek bone

"b?" she started but he leaned in slowly as she looked at him and leaned in with him: they connected their lips and closed their eyes as they waited

they pulled back and they leaned foreheads against each other's as they watched kamala escape and she escaped with her

"go mal, we can talk later" bruno spoke and she smiled as she leaned in and kissed him one more time before they left. they went home and she went to her room

she held her phone as she watched the videos with a smile on her face before kamala walked in

"we're fricking superhero's" kamala said and she nodded as she stood up and ran her hand over her arms

"WE'RE FRICKING SUPERHEROS" she yelled and they smiled before mal heard her phone ring and she picked it up

"hi b" she said and she smiled

"come outside" bruno said and she nodded as she climbed out of her room and left the house

"hey" she said as she hopped off the roof and down to him

"i was hoping we could talk" he spoke and she nodded

"yeah we kind of need too" she said and he nodded as he grabbed her hand and they started to talk

"so we kissed" he said and she nodded

"we did and you have to go to caltech soon so what does that mean for us b?" she asked

"i love you malika sumr khan, i've always loved you and just because i have to leave does not mean that i'm leaving my feelings. you are it for me and you always will be and trust me when i say that i will only ever love and want you" bruno said and she ran her thing over his cheek

"i love you too bruno. i really do love you" she said and he smiled

"so you and me, us? this is going to work, i have waited for you for too long for us to not be together" he stated and she nodded

"i say we make this work, we can make it work" she said and he leaned in as he kissed her softly and she kissed back. they held each other's faces with smiles on their faces and they stood under the shine of the park lights

they smiled between the kiss as it felt like there was fireworks but when they pulled away, there was water around them, protecting them and they laughed at the sight

"you really do have me upside down malika khan" he spoke and she leaned her forward against his

"you have me upside down too bruno carrelli" she said and they smiled

yeah malika and bruno, upside down together for sure and thag would never change. they had each other and that was okah . it would always be okay as long they had each other

at least their feelings weren't


mal in arabic means goods and malika means queen so put that together. QUEEN/MS. GOOD Y'ALL

and that's the last chapter of upside down, i feel
like it went by so fast and the sad thing is with shows like this we might not get a second season so thank you to those who took time out of their days and lives to read this book. i love you so deeply, also even though i left the gc i would like to say thank you to the stmfu gc for helping me with this book, i would've never written it without their love and support so thank you. again i love you so much, mal loves you too. have a good day, night and life. BYEEEE

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