Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Wedding Special

Recp - Haldi..


In church

Sanskar was standing all decked up in a black suit with a white shirt, looking handsome as always in the middle waiting for his bride.

While everyone else was present in the hall and priest was standing beside him, but he cared for nothing and was dieing to see his jaan and was continously looking towards the gate shameslessly.

Sujata hit her head with her hand seeing her son being so desperate..

"Haye..!! Yeh chora v na(ufff this boy)" Murmurmered suju, "darwaje ke ghor ghor ke dekhne se jldi na aa jayegu chori(looking at the gate like this, she won't come soon) " Whispered suju in his ears but looks like it didn't affect him a bit and he even didn't listen to what his mother was saying.

Before Sujata could say anything else, she looked towards the gate and saw Swara entering inside wearing a beautiful white gown, hiding her face in the veil and holding a bunch of flowers in her hand with a baby bump along with Dp on her side.

She said nothing and walked back understanding his condition, while Sanskar on the other hand forgot to breathe seeing the angel in front of him.

"How do I become so lucky to get her?" He thought and was busy scanning her every inch, while she blushed profusely on seeing him staring her but her condition was nothing less, she was lost in hir Prince who was looking nothing less than a Greek God himself standing waiting for her.

If possible, then they would run towards each other forgetting everything, but they controlled caring about the people around and passed a heart warming smile to each other

Soon Swara was standing beside him, both lost in each other, not for once they divereted their gaze away and was enjoying every inch of the wedding.

"Will you Mr. Sanskar Maheshwari  accept Swara Raichand as your wife?"  Asked priest looking at Sanskar..

"I do." Replied Sanskar with a constant smile on his face and she blushed immediately looking down.

Turning towards Swara.

"Will you Ms.swara Raichand accept Sanskar Maheswari as your husband?" Asked Priest looking at swara..

"I do" Said Swara with a blush..

"Now I declare you both as Husband and Wife."

As soon as priest said that, the whole hall echoed with the sounds of the clap.

The promises were made and vows were taken to be with each, accepting each other, loving each other making them officially as a couple again but this time without any hurdles, only the blessings and love were shed over them, Swara get teary eyed when Priest announced them as a Man and Wife with a bright smile on her face, while he felt the luckiest man on the earth.

"Now you may kiss the bride." Announced priest, Swara widened her eyes first but later blushed more, while on the other hand Sanskar smiled naughitly and winked at her, she looked down and smiled to the fullest.

Sanskar stepped forward and lifting the netted veil from her face, he held her face in his hands, Swara's heart was beating fast while all the members in the hall were shocked at Sanskar but all smiled later😉.

While Sanskar leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forhead, marking her as his officially.😍

Aweee...!! Was heard all over and once again the hall echoed with the claps👏.


Maheswari Mansion

The whole Mansion was decorated beautifully For the Two weddings and in the middle of the hall there were a well decorated mandap....

Time passes and it was time to exchange the garlands... All gatherd Near the stage while the two bride and grooms stood on the stage..

Uttara stood their watching Ansh and Goldie exchanging garlands while whole  people present in mansion clapped and hooted for them, and the couple smiled.

She saw a smile playing on both of their lips, one having a happy one and the another a sad one as he finally lost everything today, but she took all this in another way, tears were rapidly flowing down her eyes and she didnt dare to wipe them off instead started to move back, her small slow steps started to become large and fast, and she ran away from there not able to take the unbeatable pain in her heart.

"I hate you Ansh, I hate you so much." Said Uttara to herself and slid down beside the wall crying by keeping her hand on her mouth badly.

Outside, in Hall, everyone dispersed after the Jai Mala of both the couples, GolShan and MouShil left the place for wedding shoot.

Arjun came from behind and called Goldie, Moushil left ahead while Ansh choose to wait there when Goldie left with Arjun as he said its really important.

That it when, Ansh heard some sobbing sounds nearby, he closed his eyes tightly not wanting to think that its her, no one knew his condition, how much his decision is paining him, his heart is bleeding every minute, he so wanted to go to her and make everything alright but maybe now it went just too far to do everything undone.

Unknown to him, his feet started to move towards the room, his sub concious mind and heart taking over, not able to bear her tears anymore.

Last time wanting to go to her and see her, with a hope, maybe he is showing his anger but he himself is waiting for some miracle to stop this marriage a moment and next moment seeing the glow on the faces of family members, his thoughts gets crushed and he curses himself for thinking all this.

On the other hand Uttara was crying and cursing her fate for making her fall for such a person, she stopped when she felt somebody entering the room and immediately wiping her tears stood up.

She turned and was shocked seeing Ansh standing, she dont know how to react, only the scene of their varmala was coming in her mind, she closed her eyes and let tear drops fall down her eyes.

"Uttara pleasee..." he called her and went near her taking slow steps, "Please dont hurt yourself more, we are not meant to be together. Pleassee.." he said some soothening words to her after so long but sounding like nothing less the venom to her ears.

"I know, I understood this maybe late but I did. Do you know what Mr. Ansh go get married, it wont affect me anymore (rubbing her cheeks and in a angry voice), just do me a favour don't show this face of your's to me ever again. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU SO MUCH. I HATE MYSELF EVEN MORE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH SUCH A SPINELESS PERSON. JUST F*** OFFF." She shouted angrily and pushed him outside the room.

Ansh was stunned with her outburst but only 'I HATE YOU' was revolving in his mind, he wanted her to hate him but now when she hates him he felt as someone snatched his breathe from him while on the other hand Uttara was sitting like a lifeless body in her room with tears flowing down her eyes.


"Back off Goldie" Said Arjun looking at Goldie

"What rubbish Arjun, we have exchanged garlands and within few minutes we are going to tie in this relationship" Said Goldie looking at Arjun with anger

"This marriage will happen by hook or by crook" Said Goldie looking at Arjun with a smirk...

Before Arjun could say something she left from there leaving Arjun to fume in anger..

Few minutes later,

Ansh and Sahil were seen sitting on the mandap (two different mandap's beside each other), while pandit sitting beside them were seen chanting the mantra's.

After few minutes, he asked to call the bride's...

Goldie and Mousami came down with few girls while their faces was covered with the veil till their lips, one pair of lips were showing a bright smile while another was seen with a Evil smirk

Soon the bride's were sittting beside the groom and the marriage mantra's were chanted.

Sahil and Ansh made their respective bride's wear magalsutra and sindoor and they took 7 pheras along with the vows of togetherness.

Everyone present in the hall was throwing flowers on them with a smile playing bon their lips

Swara was standing on one of the corner's with Sanskar and tears were falling down her eyes all happy seeing the marriage of her two brothers while Sanskar was busy wiping them again and again and murmering sweet things in her ears making her smile and cling onto his arm


After the tireing wedding rituals Ansh walks toward him room with absent mind...

His mind was filled with so many questions... The questions he was asking to him self regarding his deeds...

It's true he love Uttara unconditionaly and he will never ever be able to give the place of hers in his heart to someone else who is now his wife...

For his family's happiness he killed his own and his loves happiness by marrying with another girl...

His mind was filled with so many thoughts at a time..

Does he did right thing by marrying a person to whome he never loved and never be able to love...

For his family's happiness he destroyed A pious souls life and her heart..

Will she ever able to forgive him.. will he ever be able to move on with his wife forgetting his love his Uttara...

"Ouch" winced Ansh in pain as he hits on the piller while walking and aimlessly(accha hi hua😏😏😏)...

"What is wrong with you Ansh" Said Ansh to him self while rubbing his forehead...

He took a long breath and walks to his room while his heart was beating fast not knowing how to face his newly wedded wife...

As soon as he opens the door of his room he saw his bride sitting middle of bed covering her face with veil...

He took a deep breath and moves near her with slow steps..

He sit in front of her wanting to say a lott to her but his mouth was sealed..

Thinking a lott and taking courage he was about to remove her veil but to his shock,  before him she removed the veil her self and place a knife on his neck making him numb..

"Dare you touch me" She said while her eyes were burning in anger..

"You!! What the hell your doing here" Said Ansh with anger while trying to take the knife from his neck..

"Your Trapped Mr Ansh" Said his bride and smirks evily

"Where is Goldie, UTTARA and what the hell your doing here in bridle look" Said Ansh while Uttara narrowe her eyes...

"Next time if you took her name surely I will cut your toungue" Said Uttara angrily making Ansh shock..

"What the hell Uttara, Can't I take my wife's name also" Said ansh making Uttara to burn in anger seeing her idiot HUSBAND...

"You idiot I am only your WIFE" Said Uttara and freed him and throws the knife away...

"What??" Said ansh being totally numb..

"H ho how c can, it's impossible Uttara" Said ansh looking at Uttara who's face was red, not in shyness but in anger...

"And may I know why it's impossible" Said Sujata who entered the room with other family members..

"Mom" Said Ansh in Double shock

"What mom hug!!! If you ever consider me as your mom and this family as your family you will never had done this ansh, I am really dissapointed with you" Said Sujata making Ansh to bow his head..

"If you ever consider us as your family you have told us that you love uttara" Said Ram making Ansh to look at them with a shock

"What are you looking at us you moron, you were going to destroy 3 life's idiot, is this what we thought to you hug!!" Said dida and hits him while tears rolled down to his cheeks from his eyes making everyone sad and swara to cry seeing him due to her mood swings...

"Jaan what happen, Is it paining here" Said Sanskar placing his hand on her baby bump being panick seeing her sobbing..

"I am fine Sanskar.. Seeing ansh Bhai I couldn't control, you all are very bad.. why are you all scolding him hug!!" Said swara cutely between her hiccups while others sighs as they thought something happened to her...

"Shhhh don't cry.. he has done mistake that's why he is getting scold" Said Sanskar while cupping his face wiping her tears..

"Sanskar take her to room.. She must be tired after all these weddings" Said Sujata to which Sanskar Nodded..

"Mom if you want to scold Bhai than you can but slowly than he won't cry" Swara said while turning to go out from the room with Sanskar making others to adore her cuteness...

"I will think" Said Sujata and both left to their room leaving all others in Ansh's room..

"You thought we will be hurt isn't it" Said Sujata cupping his face to which he nodded like a kid with teary eyes..

"No son we will be so happy as we know our Uttara can never be able to get such a life partner like you" Said Sujata looking at Uttara..

"It's good that we got to knw about you both or else I don't know what sin have happened with my hands" Said Sujata thinking about how all these happened..

Flash Back...

While Uttara was crying badly in her room, hugging her knees a person was seeing all this with a shock..

The person walks near Uttara and put her hand on Uttara's shoulder making uttra startled..

"Mom" Said Uttara bin shock and wipes her tears

"What's all this Uttara" Said Sujata with a hope that she will say Truth..

"What mom" Said Uttara carelessly

"UTTARA ONLY TRUTH" Sujata yelled at her being Angry..

"You love Ansh" Sujata said holding Uttara's shoulder

"Yes I love him" Said Uttara while fresh tears falls from her eyes

"Are you out of your mind Uttara, how can you love him, you know very well he loves Goldie and today they are going to tie in the pious Relationship" Sujata almost yelled at her knowing half truth..

"He don't love me Aunty" Said Goldie who was passing there after talking with Arjun

"What rubbish" Said Sujata being confused

"It's true.  He loves Uttara not from today from childhood" Said Goldie making Sujata shocked

"If he love Uttara than why he told he love you and now you both are going to get marry within few minutes" Said Sujata who was still in shock..

"He think you all will be hurt and disappointed with him knowing he loves your daughter" Said Goldie making Sujata angry at Ansh thinking like that..

"Now what" Said Sujata and sit on the chair while holding her head in tension..

"Guests are here and if we cancel one Marriage I fear what if the another Marriage broke" Said Sujata being so tensed..

"No Marriage will be cancel Sujata" Said ram who entered with dida making trio shock..

"Ji but how can we let the three life's destroy knowing the truth" Said Sujata looking at Uttara

"No one's life will be destroyed.. Ansh's Marriage will happen that too today" Said ram making them confused..

"Don't look at me like that.. Goldie beta go and make Uttara ready as a bride" Said ram making them shocked.

"Ji how can we do our Uttara's Marriage like this" Said Sujata who was in so much tension..

"There is no other choice Sujata" Said dida making Sujata understand..

"Dida is right" Said Sanskar who came inside and looks at Uttara in disbelief that she hid her feeling with her brother.. it hurts him knowing his best buddy hides his feelings from him..

"Ohk.  Uttara go with Goldie. Make her ready soon" Said Sujata While giving blessings to Goldie knowing her Marriage won't happen..

"Don't worry aunty I am fine, and because of you all I got save from this unwanted relationship" Said Goldie making others to bless her being so humble

"Ohk now come with me I want to make my doll ready" Said dida and with that all left to Marriage hall while Uttara, Goldie and dida went to room to make Uttara ready for Marriage..

Flash Back Ends....

"All thanks to that girl.. she is really sweet" Said dida making Ansh to thank Goldie in his Heart..

"Sujata I think now we should leave, leaving them alone" Said dida and winks at Uttara...

Whishing good night they all headed toward their room after the tiring three back to back weddings...

Ansh close the door and locks it when they left and turns to see Uttara but got shocked as a flying pillow hits his face...

"May be they all forgive you but I won't MR.Ansh.. Because of you I suffered a lott and even I don't get chance to enjoy my wedding, so this is your first punishment" Said Uttara and throws another pillow with a bed sheet..

"I am not going anywhere, this is my room" Said Ansh as he Sense she was going to throw him out of the room

"It used to be your room. But now it's my room" Said Uttara glaring at him angrily while he gave a puppy face

"Ohh hello at least tell me where should i Sleep" Said Ansh when Uttara layed on the bed, with the hope that she will let him sleep on the bed

"As if you care about what I say" Said Uttara angrily making Ansh guilty..

"I am sorry Uttara, I know I" He was intrupted by her...

"Shut up your nonsense Mr and let me sleep" Said Uttara angrily and covers her selft with the bed sheet making Ansh feel more bad but he tried to make the atmosphere light..

"What type of wife you are, now I have to  sleep on the couch on the first night of marriage itself" Said ansh making faces while walking towards the couch..

"Wait I will show what type of wife I am" Said Uttara and poured the water jug on the couch making Ansh shock..

"I guess now you got to knw what type of wife am I, Now you can sleep on the floor comfortably" Said Uttara as Ansh looks at her with open mouth being totally numb seeing her behavior...

"Please off the lights before you lay down" Said Uttara carelessly and layed on the bed covering her face with the blanket leaving a shocked ansh behind..

Having no other option he lyed on the floor after making sure the lights are off while making thousand kind of faces...

"I promise wifey I will do anything to get your forgiveness" Said Ansh in his mind and close his eyes to sleep.

After few minutes later Uttara peeps out from the sheet and looks at the floor where Ansh was sleeping peacefully having a bright smile on his face...

She smiles automatically seeing his smiling face and covers her self with the sheet and sleeps...


Raichand Mansion

Ap takes Mausami to sahil's room after the rituals..

She makes her sit on the bed..

"Beta feel free here, now it's your home and family, And from today this is your room" Said Ap lovingly while blessing her..

"You will be our daughter first" Said Ap to which Mausami smiles..

"And from today call me Mom ohkey" Said Ap while pecking her forehead..

"Thanks Mom" Said Mausami while wiping her unshed tears..

"Ohk I should leave now" Said Ap and left the room leaving Mausami nervous...

Ap before going to her room she send sahil to his room where Mausami is waiting for him...

Mausami was playing with her fingers in nervousness.. She bit her lower lips in Nervousness when she heard his footsteps..

She can see sahil who entered the room and close the door..

Her heart was beating rapidly as he was coming near her..

"Mausami" Called sahil as he saw her, who was playing with her fingers due to nervousness..

"Go and change you must be tired" Said sahil making Mausami to breath in relief as she was not ready for it..

"Don't worry I will Never ever force you for this relation, I know you need time as well as I" Said sahil making her to feel proud on him.

"Thank you" Said Mausami and left to change the heavy bridle lehenga

After few minutes she came out and saw sahil who has changed his sherwani into a simple t.shirt..

"It's too late I think we should sleep now" Said sahil to which she nodded her head..

She sit on the bed and saw him taking a pillow and bedsheet..

"Sahil" Said Mausami knowing what he is up to.

"You can sleep on the bed" Said Mausami with a smile..

"No it's ohkey you need not to sleep in couch I will be comfortable here" Said sahil as he thought she will ask him to give the couch to her..

"I am not going to sleep there sahil, and even you aren't going to sleep there" Said Mausami making sahil surprised..

"You mean we both will sleep on the bed" Said sahil still not able to believe what she said..

"Yeah!! I trust you" Said Mausami making him to feel proud of her..

"I promise I won't let your trust broken" Said sahil waking near her..

"Good night" Said sahil and pecks her forehead..

"Good night" Said Mausami and pecks his cheeks while blushing and lyed on her side of bed leaving sahil shocked..

Sahil was stunned at her act and places his hand on his cheeks where she kissed..

He look at her who was now in deep sleep.. He smiles at her and layed on his side making sure she shouldn't get disturb because of him...


Maheswari Mansion

Swasan Room

The rooms atmosphere were different than the other two rooms..

light were off and they were sitting in each other's embarece warped in a single sheet..

Sanskar was hugging her from back while his hands were on her baby bump.. She was comfortably resting her back on his chest..

"Jaan" Said Sanskar nuzling his face on her neck making her giggle..

"Hehe😂 Sanskar please stop, it's so ticklish" Said swara laughing while her gaze was on the TV screen which was hang on the wall.

"Sanskar stop" Said swara being irritate of his teasingness..

"Ohk and good night" Said Sanskar and layed on the bed with a pout while swara got buzy watching Oggy and the Cocratches without giving any attention to her cute hubby...

She was laughing like a kid when the Cocratches do prank with oggy..

She was all enjoying the cartoon laughing while Sanskar was admiring his pregnant wife's antics...

Soon a scene came where oggy kissed Olivia making swara to open her mouth in 'O' Shape...

She gulped as her hormones ditched her..

She off the TV and looks at Sanskar with puppy face making him scared at her behavior...

"I am sorry Sanskar" Said swara while a tear drop falls on her cheeks Making Sanskar shocked...

"Jaaan.. What happen huh!! And sorry for what" Said Sanskar cupping her face with consern..

"Sanskar your not angry with me na" Said swara innocently to which Sanskar nodded his head in no.

"But you should be angry na, I know your angry.. your just telling not wanting to hurt me Right" Said swara while tears rolled from her eyes making Sanskar more worried..

"Jaan why should u be angry on you huh!" Said Sanskar not knowing what she was talking about .

"It's our first night and I am watching Oggy not letting you to do t that" She left incomplete as Sanskar placed his finger bon her lips..

"Shhhh" Said Sanskar as he got to knew what she was talking about..

"I am not going do anything jaan, see your pregnant and most importantly you must be tired after Al these rituals so how can we do it huh!" Said Sanskar making her understand

"But I want to do it" Said swara making Sanskar shocked

"To do what" Said Sanskar being shocked

"Sanskar I want you to make love with me" Said swara without any hassitation making Sanskar startled..

"Jaan. I will make love to you but it's not the right time, you know what if baby got hurt" Said Sanskar innocently making swara sad..

"Sanskar how can baby got hurt, it's just I am not pretty so you don't love me now" Said swara and starts crying making Sanskar to hit his forehead..

"Jaaan" Said Sanskar holding her Shoulder but she jerks..

"You don't love me now as I become fatty na" Swara said in-between her sobbs

"Jaan I love you and your figure doesn't matters to me" Said Sanskar cupping her face..

"Than love me Sanskar" Said swara in-between her enemy her "hiccups"

"Jaan try to understand, it's not right time for it" Said Sanskar wiping her tears but she was also stubborn..

"It's our first night and we should do it on first night" Said swara stubbornly

"Jaan listen to me" Said Sanskar making her understand which was next to impossible

"If you won't love me na than it's ohkey" Said swara with a sad face making Sanskar happy..

"I will rape you😒😒😒😒" Said swara and Sanskar become hell shocked..

"W wh attt" Sanskar was about to say further but couldn't as swara sealed him lips with her lips..

She kissed him wrapping her hand around his neck...

Sanskar tried hard to not to response as she was kissing him passionately pouring all her love in the kiss..

Sanskar make her layed on the bed confortably as she was in uneasy position letting her to kiss him..

While kissing him she opens the first two buttons of his shirt making him to open his eyes wide in shock seeing her bold act..

She broke the kiss as she become breathless..

Sanskar looks at her who was breathing heavily because of the kiss..

"Sanskar I want to feel you" Said swara while caressing his bare chest making him to groan..

"No" Said Sanskar controlling him self..

"If you won't than" swara said but left incomplete...

"Than you will rape your own husband" Said Sanskar completing her sentence to which swara nodded her head in no..

"No" Said swara with lovingly..

"Why so" Said Sanskar caressing her cheeks..

"I don't know how to rape😖😖😖" Said swara innocently making Sanskar to laugh at her ..

"You know what your too cute" Said Sanskar and pecks her lips..

"Sanskar" Swara called him while rubbing his cheek

"Hmmm" Said Sanskar looking at her with same intensity.

"Love me please" Said swara slowly yet again making him hard to control her...

"Are you sure" Said Sanskar playing with her hair..

"I trust you Sanskar" Said swara making Sanskar to smile at her..

Sanskar lens to her and locks their lips in a passionate kiss..

Her one hand roams on his bare chest and another hand sanke around his neck pulling him more on her..

After sharing a passionate kiss they broke the kiss..

Both were breathing heavily without breaking the eyelock..

Later Sanskar nuzzles his face on her neck kissing there making swara to moan in pleasure..

He bite on her neck leaving love bite making her to moan in pain and pleasure...

"Ahhhh ummm sansssskar" Swara moans feeling the pleasure her husband was giving to her and her hand moves to his hairs brushing it with her fingers..

He kissed another side of her neck with the same desire...

He looks at her who's eyes were closed due to their close proximity and the pleasure he was giving to her...

She opens her eyes when she felt his lips on her forehead..

She looks at him who was smiling at her..

"Now sleep" Said Sanskar caressing her cheeks..

"But..." Swara was about to say but was intrupted by Sanskar..

"Do you trust me" Said Sanskar placing his finger on her lips..

"More than my self" She said while pecking his finger Which was on her lips..

"So sleep" Said Sanskar and and covers them with the sheet while swara snuggle into his arms more and more..

"I love you Sanskar" Said swara and pecks his forehead..

"I love you too" Said Sanskar and pecks her lips and makes her sleep and the screen got blure...


In Morning

MouShil's Room

Mausami and Sahil were seen sleeping in each other's embrace.

Sun rays fall on Sahil's face and he moved his face towards Mausami's neck to avoid the rays.

But he opened his eyes being irritated as her hairs were tickling his face..

'Aah maa.' He said irritated before opening his eyes, but as soon as he opened his eyes he became shocked to see Mausami in his arms.

Soon he came out of the shock and was about to get up but stopped feeling a tight grip on his waist, he looked down and smiled seeing her holding him possesively.

He then stayed in the same position without moving and slowly removed her hair strands falling on her face.

He was lost in her serene morning beauty and was staring her continously.

He came back to his senses when he felt her eyeballs moving indicating she will be up soon, but before he can move she opened her eyes and was shocked seeing him so close to her.

She in a jerk sat straight and looked at him with wide eyes, he was looking here and there to avoid embarrasment, she turned around and saw the pillow's which were making a wall between them fallen on her side indicating she in sleep threw them away, she again widened her eyes more and immediately got up murmering a 'Sorry', first he was confused but later saw the pillow lying on the floor.

He stood up next to her and held her hand in his pulling her towards himself while she was looking down embarrased.

"Good Morning." He wished kissing her forhead lightly, while she became relaxed and wished him back.

His hands which were resting on her waist slowly encircled it while her hands on his chest were wrapped around his waist, soon they were in a hug. He telling her that it was not a big deal and she breathed understanding the gesture and had a bright smile on her face


In UttAnsh room

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......" shouted Ansh on the top of his lungs feeling a huge weight on his hand, and he in a jerk sat down on his floor bed(😝😝😝)

"Eeeeee... slowly." Shouted Uttara back but with less intensity who was still standing on his hand

"Abey, mere haath se hat... todegi kya moti(My hand, are you going to break it fatty)." He said complaining and trying to push her away with his another hand, while she opened her mouth wide listening to him and instead of moving back she pressed her feet more on his hand making him to shout again, all thanks to sound proof room otherwise whole of the house would have been running towards their room and would have become the witness of Pati Shoshan😂😝

"Abey hat ja meri maa(Leave me ahhh)" Ansh pleaded while hissing in pain, while Uttara was standing and reading WHO ARE YOU? on wattpad without paying any heed to him😂😂

"Chupppp(shut up)..." shouted Uttara as Ansh was continously hissing and screaming in pain, but instead of being quite he started to shout more and cry fakely (ajeeb nautanki hai😝).

"Chup ho ja warna tera virgin khoon chus jaongi(Keep quite or else I will drink your virgin blood)." Said Uttara glaring at Ansh while he looked at her in horror. (Who are you ke side effects😂😜).

"Wait wait wait." Saying this she immediately stepped down and he breathed in relief, but very next second he shouted again as he felt a knife on his neck.

"Aaaa mummy, maregi kya chudail(ohhh Mom, Are you gonna kill me chudail)" Said Ansh being scared.

"You are virgin, right? You haven't done any hanky panky with that foldie right?" She asked pressing knife to his neck, while his eyes widened hearing her and he closed her ears listening her and chanted 'Ram Ram'.

"How could you think this? I am so innocent." He said

"And why cant I think of this? Who are you? Huhh. Idiot" said Uttara and stood up throwing the knife on couch angrily. (Bechara couch)

Ansh too stood up and immediately held her hand stopping her to move away and pulled her towards himself.

"Trust me uttu, I did nothing." He said sincerely looking in her eyes.

While she just shrugged her shoulders.

"This is what I can't you, I can never trust you. Who knows when you will be leave me again? Let it be Ansh, don't worry I won't expect anything from you, you can go and do whatever you want to do, I know me and you both are forced into the relation by mom. Don't worry. I won't be a hurdle in your life." She said and left trying to blink away the tears forming in her eyes, hurt was clearly visible in her eyes.

While Ansh felt his heart bleeding at her words, "you and me both are forced into relation." His eyes became teary and water drops fell down his eyes, he sat down with a thud as he know he is wrong, very wrong and he cant even imagine the depth of  wounds on her heart.

While Uttara cried her heart out sliding down the wall.


In SwaSan room

Sanskar was sleeping in the middle of the bed on his stomach, with his mouth open, messy hair, legs and hands in every corner of the bed occupying it(same like my bhna😍😝😂😉)

He stirred in sleep listening some unusal voices and sat down rubbing his eyes with a pout. (Ayee cutie❤😍)

His sleep flew away in a blink of second when he heard the sounds coming from washroom, he without waiting a second ran towards the washroom and saw Swara standing leaning to the door looking pale, she was about to fall down when Sanskar went towards her and held her in his arms.

She looked up at him and passed a smile while he was all worried to see her condition.

He slowly scooped her in his arms and made their way towards the bed, and made her sit on it.

She blinked her eyes looking at him assuring him she is fine looking at his tensed face, and he immediately sighed in relief and cupped her face.

"You are fine na jaan?" He asked lovingly seeing in her eyes and slowly caressing her hairs with one hand and other hand was holding her cheek, she smiled and kissed his hand lightly.

"Haan just morning sickness." she said he just nodded and tried to made her lay on the bed

He kissed her forhead and sat down caressing her forhead while she moved and kept her head on his legs and snuggled into his stomach.

"Are you fine Shona?" Asked Sanskar confused by her behaviour as she stays quiet very less😜.

"Hmm..." she just hummed lowly and snuggled more into his stomach while he said nothing and hugged her hiding in his embrace, not understanding her behaviour.



Everyone was sitting on the dining hall eating breakfast, while Uttara is cooking something sweet in the kitchen while Swara is restricted to enter inside as she is pregnant and none wants her to harm herself or the baby.

Soon Uttara too came and joined them for breakfast, everyone ate sweet and praised her. While Swara was just sitting playing with the spoon in her hand

"Swara what happen dear are you fine" Sujata asked to swara worriedly to which swara gave a faint smile

"Mom even I am not understanding, from Morning she is behaving like this" Said Sanskar not understanding Swara's behavior

"Don't worry may be moodswings, you do one think after breakfast take her out, may be she feel better" Said Sujata caressing Swara's Hairs who was lost in somewhere..

"Ohk mom" Said Sanskar while looking at swara worriedly...

"Jaan let me feed you" Said Sanskar and feed her while she eat silently without uttaring a single word making others hell worried for her...



"Sanskar now I can't walk" Said swara being tired as they were walking continuesly in the park from past 15 minutes

"Ohkey come we will sit there" Said Sanskar pointing towards a bench...

"Carefully" Said Sanskar while making her sit on the bench carefully...

"Jaan" Said Sanskar cupping her face while he was sitting on his knees..

"Hmmm" Said swara looking at him

"Are you alright" Said Sanskar looking into her eyes.

"I don't know Sanskar but I am feeling like something bad is gonna happen" Said Swara to which Sanskar held her hand

"Shhhh nothing bad is going to happen, now everything is perfect, and everything will be good" Said Sanskar to cheer her mood

"Pakka na" Said swara innocently

"Pakka" Said Sanskar and  pecks her lips slightly

"Hawwww Sanskar your so shameless, we are not in our room" Said swara while placing her hand on her mouth...

"So what we aren't in our room. No one is looking at us, Everyone is buzy here" Said Sanskar and kissed her cheeks making her to blush...

"Shameless fellow" Said swara while beating him playfully

"Only for my jaan" Said Sanskar and hugs her from side..

"Sanskar" Swara called his name lovingly

"Hmmm" Said Sanskar while playing with her fingers

"I am feeling thirsty" Said swara breaking the hug.

"Wait i will bring water, Don't move from here" Said Sanskar and Swara nodded...

After Sanskar left swara saw a box of chocolate which was hang on a tree

Her legs move there without her will while her mouth waterd seeing the chocolate box...

She went near the tree and took the chocolate box and open it without thinking anything but frowns seeing it empty...

Another side Sanskar came back with water but frowns seeing her no where...

"Swaraaaa" Sanskar call her loud which was heard by Swara..

Swara was about to go but someone put hand on her mouth...

"Sanskarrrrr" Swara Shouted at the top of her voice when A man tried to cover her mouth..

Sanskar looks here and there as he heard swara's voice but she was no where to be found and he panicks..

The man held her tightly and put her into a van And drove of before Sanskar can reach there, while laughing eveily making swara to shiver in fear..

"Swaraaaaaaaaa" Shouted Sanskar as he saw her broken Bangles on the road and the van which dissapared infront of his eyes within a second before he could do something..

"Swaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Sanskar shouted at the top of his lungs seeing the van dissaparing....

To Be Continued....

Prcp - Mask Man😈😈😈

Phewwww finally done with the weddings....

Hope you all will love it...

Do vote and shower your comments and let us know how boring was it....

6619 words😰😰😰



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