Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Maheswari Mension

All of the family were present in the room while doctor was checking swara...

"Mr Maheswari i have told you before also, stress is not good for her in this condition. She may loose her baby" Said Dr Riddhima After examing swara..

"Try to keep her happy and Don't let her take stress, And i guess she is too young for this pregnancy" Dr Riddhima added..

"She is 22 doctor" Said Sanskar...

"But i don't think so, and yeah give these medicine to her" Dr Riddhima left from there leaving evryone confused

Outside the room,

Ansh was standing with tears in his eyes.

'How can I do this? This is all because of me. I was so concerned about Sanskar that I forgot what Swara is going through. She suffered much more and is still suffering. Only a few hours ago, she started to smile and live and I....i.. I snatched everything from her. I am sorry Swara. I am so sorry. This is the reason.. aaaah....' he thought this and left the place wile tears were falling down from his eyes.

Inside The Room

Sanskar was stairing his swara who was lying on the bed unconsious...

"Sanskar change your wet clothes or else you will catch cold" His mother said with concern filled voice..

"Mom i don't knw what happened to her she was happy when she left for home...  I am so bad that i couldn't take care of her.. I am so bad mom" Sanskar broke down on his mothers embaress...

"Shhhh!!!  She will be fine Sanskar..  And don't blame your self i knw how much you love her and care for her" Sujata said caressing his hairs...

"If you will be like this then who will console her huh!!!, You should be brave" Sujata said wiping his tears...

"Now go and change" Sujata added...

Sanskar nodded his head and left to washroom with his clothes....

"Don't knw why god is so cruel with her" Dida said caressing swaras hairs...

"I hope you will get all the happiness that you deserve" Dida said while pecking her forehead...

After giving their blessing to swara they left to their respective rooms...


RamTa Room

"I am tensed for Sanskar" Ram said while sitting on the bed..

"Even i am. Just hope that her past won't effect my Sanskar and their relationship" Sujata said while sitting beside him...

"You trust him" Ram said being confused

"More than my self. I knw what he said in office was just to save swara from those humiliations. And i am proud of my son" Sujata said while looking at ram with a smile..

"Than why your showing that your angry on him" Ram said looking at her

"I am not showing i am angry on him" Sujata said while making faces..

"But why" Ram added

"We had seen lotts of dreamd for our childrens marriage.. Ansh had refused to get married, dont knw why but he hate to talk on the topic of getting married.. . And Sanskar, how can he filled her maang like that" Sujata said while tears made its way on her eyes...

"Shhhh that day will come soon, we will do their wedding like we had dream't about it" Ram said wipping her tears...

"I hope so" Sujata said resting her head on his shoulder...


Swasan Room

Sanskar came out wearing his night suit..

He sit beside swara who was sleeping peacefully...

"I am sorry swara, i should'nt have leave you alone" Said sanskar while holding her palm with his..

"I promise i will protect you from all the evils" Sanskar said while leaving a gentle kiss on her palm..

"I will Heal your wonded  heart swara" Sanskar said while carassing her hairs lovingly...

"But for that you have to tell your past to me" He said while kissing her forehead...

Sanskar layed beside her stairing at her as sleep was far away from his eyes...


Ansh Room

Ansh's breathe became heavy while he was still blaming himself for swara's condition...

He started to search something in the room keeping one hand on his chest and breathing heavily.

The water started to come in his eyes and his feet slipped and he was about to fall when someone held him, he looked up.

"Utta...ara.." he managed hardly to take her name, uttara became shocked to see his condition.

"Ansh" she said and made him sit straight on the bed, she cupped his face and was becoming worried with each passing second.

"Where is your inhaler?" She asked, he looked at her breathing heavily but was not able to utter a word from his mouth, his face was shaking and slowly eyes were started to close.

She became tensed and giving him support of pillow, she herself started to search for his inhaler in every drawer and cupboard of his room.

She picked up the first-aid kit but was not able to find it. Her eyes fall on side of the table, the inhaler was lying on the floor, she immediately picked up the inhaler and came near him but paniced on knowing that it is empty.

Her eyes started to water and his condition was worsening with every second, so without thinking anything she placed her mouth on his.(😉😉😉)


Mid Night

Sanskar's sleep got disturb with the sound of sobs..

He jerked himself and looks toward swara who was sobbing and shivering

"Oh god she is having high fever" He said while touching her forehead...

Sanskar panicked knowing that her fever is increasing.

He immediately stood up and ran towards kitchen hurridely, he opened the fridge and took out cold water and placed it in a bowl.

He was all while sweating and tensed, it hurts him to see his lady love in this condition.

Truly he is person of golden heart, he can't see anyone having pain and here his love is suffering, he is feeling guilty for letting her go alone knowing her condition and mental state.

He ran back to his room and saw the sweat forming down her head, her breathing is ragged, he went towards her and slide down along the bed held her hand.

Her hands were shivering and she was murmering something in sleep, which was not clear.

He started to place wet strips on her head and was continously changing it again and again whole night.

After some time, she was  quite stable and seeing this Sanskar sighed lightly but still he was worried and kept on changing the strips.

His eyes were wet with his own tears which were reaching down his cheeks.

He slowly placed his hand on her belly.

'I am sorry, I am sorry baby. I know I am unable to protect you both, but I promise it won't happen again. I won't repeat this. Please ask your mumma to be fine soon, pleasee..' he said sobbing badly.



Swasan Room

The sunrays were not able to poke in the room as the curtains were closed...

Sanskar was sleeping on the chair itself while holding her hand...

Sanskar was in deep sleep as he slept late at night where else swara was struggling in sleep...


A big bunglow was shown...  Darkness was filled in the bunglow as it was going to be 12 at the night...

A man and women enterted in a room with a cake...

They walks towards the bed with baby steps where a girl was peacefully sleeping with a bright smile hugging a big teddy...

"Happy birthday princess" The man and women shouted when the clock strikes at twelve..

The girl woke up with a bright smile and hugs the man...

"Thank you dad" Said the girl hugging him.

"I think someone has forgotten me" Said the women with a pout..

"Even i love you mom" She said while kissing her mom's cheeks....

"Come lets cut the cake" Her Father said giving the knife to her...

"Waaooo my favorite chocolate cake" Birthday girl exclaimed in happiness...

"Happy b'day to you, Happy b'day to you SWARA"

They sung the birth day song for her when she cuts the cake...

They feed cake to eachother...

"I can't beleive that our princess is 18 now, its like yesterday only i hold her in my arms for the first time" Said swara's mother while pecking her forehead..

"Your right our princess become a big girl today" Said her father hugging swara...

"No dad i am just 18. And i will be your little baccha always" swara said while hidding her face into her fathers chest which is most safest place for her...

A smile appers on swara's lips while her eyes were still closed....

A boy was running behind a girl...

"Shonaaa stop now" Sahil shouted while panting heavily

"What happen sahil" Swara said with a naughty smirk..

"I am tired now i can't run more" Sahil said while sitting on the swing breathing heavilly..

"Now accept that you have become old" Saying this Swara laugh...

"Youuuuu" Saying this sahil runs to catch her yet again....

The whole garden was filled with their giggles and laugh.. 

This time swara was having a wide smile on her face...

'Thank you thank you Shona.. Today you gave me the best happiness of the world. I love you princess.' Sahil said to Swara keeping his hand on her belly.

'Sahil. Please don't thank me. Even I am so happy, even more than you and I love you too.' Swara said kissing his cheek smiling with teary eyes.(😉😉😉)

Soon her smile faded when she remembers the black day of her life...

"What My Sahil" This was the only word dp could uttar when he got the news of sahils accident...

Ap and swara heard him and came out from the kitchen with a worried face..

"Ji what happen" Ap asked seeing him numb..

"A A A cccident, S S Sahil" Dp said while stammering

It was a shock for both swara and ap..

Swara stumbles back hearing about sahils accident..She placed her hand on her tummy..

"We have to go xyz hospital" Said dp...

A lone tear escape from her eyes remembering the day which runined her happiness...

A white room was shown, Swara entered the room Slowly and saw a bed lying in the middle of the room.

She took slow steps, tears were rolling down her eyes and she looked scared.

She reached near the bed and removed the cover from the figure lying on the bed.....

"Sahillllllllllll" She screamed to the highest and stumbled back and collaps on the floor...

She tights her fist on the bedsheet tight. While shaking her head...

Outside Hospital.

"It was my mistake to think you as family, to accept you but you are nothing else than a black omen. I wish you will face the same we are facing now" Dp shouted at swara making her more broken..

"Remember you are the only one responsible for the death of my son. I hate you, never show your face to me ever" Dp said in a hatred tone and left the place leaving swara more shattered

Tears started flowing from swara's eyes continuesly...

"Your Daughter is one month pregnant" Said doctor after examines swara giving the biggest shock of their life to her mom and dad..

'Your daughter is one month pregnant' Doctors words rings on his mind again and again..

He looked at Swara with shocked expressions, not able to believe his ears, while Swara looked down not meeting his gaze.

"She is not like this, she can't be, she is not my daughter. She is not." He murmered and stumbled back, but Swara was still not looking at her parents...

He moved forward, he without saying anything slapped her hard.

"I am ashamed to call you my own blood." He shouted.

"Dad it is not like this, believe me." She tried to say crying, she know she did wrong but this is the first time her dad shouted on her.

"No what will you explain. Haan? Do you think I am an idiot? Get lost, get lost from my eye sight before I kill you. Get lost." He said slapping her again,

While she tried to say something to her mom Her dad left the place dragging her mother...

Her mother turns to her wanting to be with her daughter...

"Mom" Swara said slowly while tears were continuesly falling on her cheeks...

"I knw you trust me Mom" Swara mumurs to her self..

She thought no matter what her dad will always trust her and will atleast give her a chance to explain..

But no today she lost everything, everything first Sahil and now her parents.

Without uttering a word, she left the place like a lifeless body with tear stained cheeks...

Swara's breath got heavier and she was shaking badly..

Dp turned around when he heard a scream.

Ap was standing while pressing her hand on left side of her chest.

Ap : Aaaaahhhh..
(And she fall down unconcious)


An unknown place is shown, the door is mostly dark only enlightened with a dil bulb.

A person is shown laying on a bed, drips are attached to his body, a oxygen mask is on his nose.

Shabby appearance, long hairs, uncut nails.. looks like he is in same condition from last few days.

A old lady was shown standing on the gate.

"Dont know who is he? He is here from last 1 months, looks like a young man of good house but none came for asking about him. I dont know till when I will be able to care for him, I just wish that he gets fine before my death" She thought and left the place sighing heavily as again her hope lost again as the stranger still not responded.

As soon as the lady left the place, the finger of the man moves showing that the lady is hoping for something which is going to be true soon.

The winds started to blew fastly and even the eyes started to flinch of the man, his fingers were shaking.

It looks as he is struggling, struggling to get back to his life AGAIN

He shot his eyes open which looked red and tired.

A pain ran down his body and his eyes started to close again but he tried his best to keep his eyes open maybe remembering something which happened before him falling in this state.

As soon as he finished recalling all the incidents, he only uttered a word.


The same time in Swasan Room, Swara opened her eyes and murmered 'Sahil' sitting straight on the bed with a jerk.

On the other side, Ansh who was sitting in the balcony remembering his encounter with Uttara with some unknown thoughts shot open his eyes listening to Swara(😉😉😉)

To be continued..

Hey guys..!! Thank you for your response😊
We are glad to recieve it.

But its a small request from our side that - please wait for further updates before coming to a conclusion, we can't show anything in one episode so you guys have to be patient and have a little trust on writers.

And and we have given Three hints for you guys about the hidden mistry(😉😉😉). So find out the three hints by your self as we are going

Lott's Of Love 😍😍😘😘

Thank you❤

Tata bye 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝


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