Chapter 24

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Pri fed him dinner and made him lay down to sleep. She came out.

Tan: Ma'am which day's flight should I book?

Pri: Sid will be discharged tomorrow evening. So we can leave day after tomorrow. If you want you can leave earlier as Sid is also not there to look after company

Tan: Sure. I will book tonight's flight for me and your's and sir's flight day after room

Pri: Er Tanya there is one more person

Tan: Who?

Pri pointed towards her.

Tan: Umm ok. I will do it

Pri: Yee thanks

Tan: No need

Pri:(to Avu) There is an important work. Come with me

Pri took Avu with her.

After 1 hour

At Malhotra Mansion

Arav and Var were sitting in tension.

Ara: Look she is not back yet what if she said something about us?

Var didn't reply anything. She was herself so tensed. Just then, they heared some sounds. They saw police in their home. They looked at each other and stood up. They were so tensed.

Police: Mr. and Mrs. Arav Malhotra

Both looked at each other.

Arasha: Y..y..yes

Police: You both are under arrest

Arasha: What? But why?

Police: For physically and mentally harassing your legal sister. Arrest them and throw in jeep

Ara: But you don't have any proof?

Police: We have complaint against you. She herself filed an F.I.R.

Var: She never listen to us

Police: Give these excuses in court

They arrested them and took them in police station. Prineet were there.

Police: You filed a case against these two only?

Pri: Yes

Var: She has manipulated our sister

Police: Put them in lock up

Pri: Thanks

Police: It's our duty ma'am

Pri: Jai Hind

Police: Jai Hind

Pri left glaring with Avu at them.

Avu: What if they got saved? They will again start same things

Pri: Don't worry nothing will happen. I need information about that orphanage

Avu nodded.

After few days, they came back to Mumbai and Sid was absolutely fine and started going to office. Avu was living Pri. They didn't let her come in front of Sid.

Pri messaged Sid.

At 5, come at clinic. No excuses.

Sid sighed and replied.


At 5, he went to her clinic. She made him sit comfortably and gave him water to drink.

Pri: See Sid, first of all calm down. Take deep breath. Relax first of all

After sometime,

Pri: I will show you a few pics. You just have to see them. Don't think anything. Don't try to think anything

Sid nodded. Pri showed him places which were around the orphanage. Sid just looked at them. After showing a few pics, she asked him to relax.

To be continued

Note: Now don't say when he saw Avu, he got attack. Then why not pics as they are also related to his past. At that time, he saw her all ofa sudden. He didn't even think. Here she first prepared him to show him something. Secondly, there are relaxation techniques. Anything related to client's past is not shown all of a sudden. It's done in controlled conditions. But I can't write all therapies. Neither I have studied yet nor you guys need to know. It's only for professionals. Hope you guys understand.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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