Chapter 6

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3rd P.O.V.



Shinobu can be seen chasing Ataru around the classroom with chair. It turns out Ataru still hasn't given up on getting back together with Shinobu despite the fact of his habit with flirting with other girls.

Shinobu: I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS!!! Today barely started and you already acting like this is some kinda flirt test! I HAD ENOUGH!!!

Ataru: Shinobu, please calm down! All I'm asking is for another chance!

While this is going on, Y/n and Lum are watching from a safe distance. With Lum sitting on Y/n's lap and Y/n hugging her close him.

Lum: Does your brother ever take a hint?

Y/n: When it comes to Ataru and girls especially Shinobu, herself. He doesn't know when to quit since I can remember, Ataru relationship with Shinobu have been going on and off that I lost track. And the MAIN reason is he can't stop flirting with other pretty woman he sees.

Lum: *thought* Huh, remind of my ex....

Suddenly, Shinobu grabs a nearby desk and lift it over her head.


She then throws the desk at Ataru with tremendous force.

Ataru: Aaaaaahhhhh!

He quickly dodges it with the desk flying out through the window. But out of nowhere a loud yell is heard as everyone stop what their doing. They soon took notice of a large octopus like face blocking the whole classroom windows.

Ataru: Wh-What the hell is that crap?!

Y/n was curious, what's going on and decided to open a window to fly out and see. Once he was outside, he noticed writing on the sky saying "Trouble Rains Down!!".

Y/n: What does that supposed to mean?

Lum comes flying next to him and sees the letters up in the sky.

Lum: Is that meant for you, darling?

Y/n: I don't think so... I believe it meant for the person who came falling from the sky.

The two then look down seeing a whole crowd of students gathered outside already. As everyone is gathered around the tree, the teacher, Onsen came running out to see what's all the fuss is about.

Onsen: What's going on here?!

Random Student: Oh, hey teach... some guy came parachuting out of nowhere and latched on a desk.

In front of everyone was none other than the new transfer student, Mendo. As he's seen hanging upside down and holding the desk close to him before

Onsen: Uhh....

Throwing down the desk, Mendo lands on top of it perfectly before dusting himself off.

Mendo: That couldn't have gone south for someone without my reflexes.

Suddenly a loud speaker is heard coming from the aircraft's above.

Bodyguard: Young master! Is everything alright?

Grandfather: Mend~o!!!

Mendo pulled out a speaker out of nowhere as responded back.

Mendo: Everything is fine! That would have never injured me just a tumble!

Y/n and Lum land next to Ataru as they confused who this guy is.

Ataru: What the deal with this dude?

Lum: He's making such a racket.

Y/n: Not to mention very dramatic.

Mr. Onsen walk up to Mendo in order confront him, who he is.

Onsen: Hold on, you're the new transfer student?

Mendo: Yes, indeed. The name's Mendo, problem sir?

Onsen: There obviously is! What the hell are those!

He said, pointing at the aircraft above.

Mendo: Ah, yes... the family's aircrafts. What for, would it not be a disgrace to the Mendo name if I showed up late on my first day.

Onsen: Flying to school is prohibited!

This made Lum and Y/n upset as they rocks at the teacher's head.

Mendo: How interesting a desk propelled itself to me that your peasant culture is far beyond my understanding.

Onsen: Dear god, listen to me!

Shinobu: Pardon me!

They turn their attention to Shinobu as she shown to have some guilt since she was the one who threw that desk earlier.

Shinobu: I was the one threw, the desk out here.

Mendo was in disbelief.

Mendo: You? Impossible!

Shinobu: Sorry...

Mendo: I cannot believe that... to think someone as beautiful as you...

Shinobu: Huh!?

Mendo places a hand on Shinobu's shoulder as made Shinobu blush by how close he is.

Mendo: Don't pay any mind to it. Madame please smile~

The female students in the classroom felt jealous of Shinobu getting close with Mendo especially Ataru. Who was jealous the most since Mendo is putting the moves on Shinobu despite the fact that they're not dating anymore.

So, while Ataru is trying to get Shinobu attention back to him. Shinobu continues being charmed by Mendo's words. Y/n was curious on why Lum isn't over there with the rest of the female students.

Y/n: What's wrong Lum? Is Mendo not your type?

Lum: Ew! Gross! I hate those type of men! Thinking they can charm women with their looks and act like a jerk at the same time, yeah no thanks. *thought* This guy definitely remind me of my ex!

Y/n: Then what about me? I don't know if you know this but a lot of female students in my class find me charming even before I discovered I was the offspring of Ryujin.

Lum wraps her arm around Y/n's neck as she press her cheek against his.

Lum: But you're different darling! Unlike the pretty boy over there, you actually care about my feelings and who I am as a person. Not to mention an incredible lover in bed~!

Y/n: Please don't say that last part out so loud.

As Lum continues cuddling up to Y/n, Mendo took notice of the couple. He can be seen staring directly at Lum but was curios about the guy who she is with. Mendo then remembers the small box in his bag that his grandfather gave him for Ryujin's son.

Mendo: *thought* Could he be Ryujin's son that grandfather mentioned?


After everything settled down, everyone return back to their classroom. Mendo can be seen still flirting with the female students in class while the male students look on jealous that Mendo is hogging all the girls.

Male student 1#: This so unfair!

Male student 2#: Damn pretty boy!

While that goes on, Y/n and Lum are minding their own business with Y/n reading a mange for Lum as she makes herself comfortable on his lap.

Lum: Hey, Darling... can we get some ramen on the way home?

Y/n: Of course, Lum.

Lum: Yay~!

As the two continue reading the book together, they hear footsteps coming their way. Looking up from their book, it was Mendo standing in front them with his arms crossed.

Y/n: Can I help you?

Mendo: If you don't mind me asking, what your name?

Y/n: Y/N Matoboshi. Is there something you need or-

Mendo immediately bows his head to Y/n catching everyone in the classroom by surprise. The students were left speechless and confused by what just happened as Mendo speaks.

Mendo: Is an honor to meet you, son of Ryujin!!!

Female student: M-Mendo?!

Male student: What a dramatic way to bow for someone!

Y/n: Whoa! Hey, what the big deal?! Is there a reason why you're bowing to me like this?

Mendo lifted his head as he gave a serious expression.

Mendo: Yes, there's a reason. My family is indebted to your father, Ryujin. Is because of him, we managed keep our power and wealth for many generations. He's the reason our asset reach net worth reach around five trillion dollars.

Classmates: WHAT?!?!?

Mendo reach inside his bag and pulls out the small box from before.

Mendo: I was entrusted to give this you, it's from your father. It was given to my family for safekeeping a decade ago. We were given instructions to give this you when you come of age. Please accept this gift!

Y/n was surprise to hear that his biological father left him something as he grabs the small box from Mendo.

Lum: What do you think is inside, darling?

Y/n: I have no idea but it's from my father.

Everyone in the room waited in suspense as Y/n slowly opens the box.

Lum: A bracelet?

Y/n: But it's in the shape of Ryujin in his dragon form.

Y/n decides to examine it for bit, Shinobu and Ataru came over to get a closer look.

Ataru: It just looks like a dumb bracelet to me.

Shinobu: It looks cool, Y/n! I wonder what your father meant when you come of age.

Y/n: I don't know? I guess he meant-

Suddenly the bracelet start glowing, blinding everyone in sight.

Mendo: What is this bright light?!

Shinobu: Too bright!

Ataru: Ah! I'm blind!

Lum: Darling!

The whole classroom is shrouded in bright light for a moment before its dies down.

Ataru: What the hell was that?!

Shinobu: I don't know- *gasp* Y/n, what are those?!

Y/n regain his vision but look down at his hands seeing a pair of dragon scale gauntlets.

Y/n: What the?! Where did these come from?!

Y/n examines gauntlets and sees their attach to his hands. He tries to take them off but no avail even Lum tries shocking. However, it absorbs the electricity and store it inside.

Y/n: Damn! What am I going to do? I got take these off before the teachers comes back-

Mr. Onsen enters the classroom and everyone immediately went back to their desk. Luckily for Y/n, the gauntlets disappear in a nick of time reverting back into a bracelet from before.

Onsen: The subject of today's homeroom is the matter of electing a new student president. Who would like to step up?

He asked, looking around the room for any potential volunteers.

Mendo: I will step forward!

Mendo raised his hand and stood up from his seat.

Random Student: Go on Mendo! Show us what you wish to achieve as the president! Promise to take the whole class out to dinner or something!

Mendo: Very well! I will share vision with you.

Mendo makes his way toward the front of class as he takes a stand behind the teacher's desk. He balled up his fist and slammed it onto the podium in front of him.

Mendo: First off! Disciplinary measures will be taken against students who are late!

Half of the class gasp in surprise and fear.

Mendo: Order must be maintained from the very start or everything that comes after is ruined!

He exclaimed, starting to go off rambling about what he was envisioning.

Mendo: I will find an area within the school to establish a detention centre exclusively for our class where students will be punished!

Ataru: Hey, you don't have permission to use my image!

Mendo: If students wish to leave early, they will undergo a lie detector test! And anyone caught lying will have their tongues removed!

Ataru: I feel sick!

Mendo: And finally, anyone who is caught playing hooky will face retributive justice at the hands of the Mendo private police! That's my plan! We shall eradicate these three offences and create a righter future for our class! Thank you!

Mendo slams down on the podium, breathing heavily with an intense fire in his eyes.

Random student 1#: He look totally insane.

Random student 2#: Yeah, bright future my ass!

Y/n: Yeah, he can forget my vote if he thinks I'm ok with that.

Mendo cleared his throat and began talking again.

Mendo: Oh! Before I forget, these rules shall not be apply to you fine ladies. For they should always be treated with care and respect!

He exclaimed, instantly winning the hearts and votes of the girls in the class.

Random student 3#: Our lives are going to be a living hell if gets his way.

Random student 4#: We need a rival candidate!

Random student 1#: Come on, none of us stand a chance against him!

Random student 5#: But when it comes to our class, the only guy I can think off is...

The male students direction their attention at Y/n as he look at them confusingly.

Y/n: What?

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