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3rd P.O.V.

It was a normal day for planet earth and its inhabitants that live on it. Everything was going smooth sailing as usual until multiple large shadowy figures loom over earth surrounding the whole planet across every nation.

Amongst the many spacecraft, the one in charge of the invasion is none other than a giant man with horns as he looks over the planet with a menacing expression.

???: Hahahaha!!! Ready to cause some trouble? Come on let get on with some invading. We're going to have a real whale of a time! Hahahaha!!!


We see a boy walking on the pathway along the riverside after going to the convenient store to buy a snack. He was enjoying his second popsicle that he luckily won while holding the bag of snacks on the other hand.

Y/n: *thought* Just my lucky day! I can't believe I managed to win the jackpot back at the convenient store. Not only did I get a second popsicle, but I can also get free stuff from the store for a whole year. I can't wait to tell this to Ataru-


He was soon pulled out of his thought when he heard someone yelling. Turning his attention toward the bridge in front of him, Y/n sees Shinobu and his brother. By the look of things, he can already tell that his brother messed up again.

Y/n: Here we go again? When is Atura ever going to learn these days?

As he watches the two couple discuss with one another from a distance. Someone appeared next to Y/n catching him by surprise.

???: What's going on over there?

Y/n: Ah! Oh, it's you Cherry.

The person next to him was Cherry, Y/n known Cherry when he was a kid since he can remember. Cherry always knew Y/n was blessed with tremendous amount of luck that's why he sometimes appears next to him out of nowhere, so he can absorbs some of that luck from him. Unlike his brother, Ataru who blessed with tremendous bad luck hence his many terrible bad days or it just because he's an idiot.

Cherry: So, what's all the fuss about?

Y/n: All I can say is another lover quarrel.

Cherry: Lover quarrel?

Y/n: Their relationship... let say is complicated to say the least. One minute they would be having a lovely moment with one another, and the next Shinobu would be furious with him. Mostly because my brother doesn't know when to stop flirting with other women.

Cherry: Poor child... I sense great sadness in his future.

Y/n: Want a snack?

Cherry: Why thank you, young man.

As the two watch the couple from a distance while eating snacks. Ataru is trying his best to convince Shinobu not break up with him.

Ataru: It's a misunderstanding!

Shinobu: I know you've got your eyes on other girls, Ataru. Why not go cry-

Ataru: Hear me out! I swear on my life that my heart is for you only.

Shinobu was touch by his words was still a bit hesitant.

Shinobu: You're trying sweet talk me.

Ataru: I promise that I'm not, I've always felt this way.

Shinobu: Fine but this is your last, okay.

But that was soon broken when a women ran past them getting Ataru attention and making Shinobu very upset.

Ataru: Hi, cutie~

Shinobu: That wasn't even five seconds?! I hate you Ataru, you're the worst!

Which resulted with Ataru getting slapped across the face by Shinobu. Y/n just wince at the sight feeling bad for his brother but feel shame for him since it's Ataru own fault.

Y/n: Damn brother... welp is what you get if you're flirting at other girls after you have a girlfriend of your own.

Cherry: I sense something is coming...

Y/n: Huh?

Ataru got up from the floor still recovering from the slap as he leans against the bridge.

Ataru: Damn it! What so bad appreciating other women?

Cherry: Hold it, there young man!

Ataru: Huh?

Ataru turn to his side seeing Cherry rushing towards him.

Cherry: You mustn't throw your life away! You have to stay strong and keep it together!

As Cherry was trying to prevent Ataru from "jumping" he ended up pushing him over bridge himself making him into the cold water.

Ataru: AH! What the hell?!

Cherry: Oh... it appears I was too late, rest in peace, kid.


Y/n manage to drag Ataru out of the cold water then took him somewhere to dry off while giving him something to warm him up.

Ataru: W-What d-did you do that f-for?!

Y/n: Jeez, Cherry! Maybe next time when you're trying to save someone from committing suicide don't just jump forward at them.

Cherry: I thought I saw death looming over him for a second.

Y/n: Still don't push someone out of nowhere or someone will call the cops on you.

Ataru: T-Thanks for pulling out of the water, Y/n! When did you arrive?

Y/n: I was coming back from the convenient store from our home. And I saw your argument with Shinobu at the bridge earlier.

Ataru: You saw that?

Y/n: Yeah, and it was just sad to be honest. How many was this now? 5th? 10th? 12th? Yet, you manage to convince her to give you a second chance. But after this I doubt she'll give you anymore.

Ataru: You can't blame me for it?! I can't help myself when I see a beautiful girl in the street.

Y/n: Trust me, Ataru at the rate you're going now. You'll be single for your whole life.

Cherry: Don't forget about that faces of his, it absolute disaster!

Ataru wrap Cherry's face in anger with the towel he was using to dry himself.

Cherry: Sorry! What I meant to say that your physical features indicate very bad luck.

Ataru: Be quiet! It's not fair my brother has better luck than mine.

Y/n: I don't think luck is the problem here just your personality.

Suddenly the two of them hear footsteps coming their way. They turn to see it was their mother and Shinobu as they stop in front of them in a panic state.

Mother: Y/n!

Shinobu: Hey!

Y/n: Mom? Shinobu?

Ataru: Shinobu-

Ataru was smacked to side by Shinobu.

Shinobu: I'm still mad at you!

Y/n: What's going on? Why are you two in such a panic?

Shinobu: You don't know? I was getting worried about you ever since I heard the news. *thought* Since I care more about you more than Ataru.

Y/n: What kind of news?

A loud screeching sound was heard behind him as black vehicle stopped in the street.

Mother: He's over here!

Multiple men in black suit surrounds them as Ataru  got back on his feet to see what's going on.

Ataru: What the hell?

Men in black 1#: You're Y/n Mororboshi is that correct?

Y/n: Yes. Um, mom who are they?

Mother: These men are from the government. They've been looking for you.

Y/n: Me?

Ataru: Him? *thought* This should be interesting.


They all return home of the Moroboshi's residence where they found the house flooded with reporters and neighbors.

Mother: Try not to freak out, Y/n. Try your best to stay calm.

Y/n: Why? What's happening?

Ataru: Mother, you're not making sense!

As they soon entered the living room, the same man from at the beginning was sitting menacingly before them.

Y/n /Ataru: AN ONI!?!?

He then leaned down into the light as the red glow had disappeared and smiled widely at them while laughing.

Oni: Welcome home young man! Have a seat, we need to talk!

Y/n was more surprise but amaze to see a real Oni while Ataru was more scared. Grabbing a bag of bean and start throwing it at the Oni but he just laugh it off.

Oni: Alright, alright, let's simmer down.

Three Oni pop out behind him as they point their gun at Ataru to make him stop.

Oni: Sorry kiddo but I'm afraid, I'm not going anywhere. We're invaders! So, which one of you is Y/n?

Y/n: That would be me, sir.

The giant Oni look at Y/n but sees him more calm and amazed than scared and intimidated.

Oni: So, you're Y/n is that correct? You seemed more calm than scared.

Y/n: To be honest, sir! This is really exciting to see a real life Oni.

Oni: Is that so? This is surprising to hear, please sit down next to me.

Doing as he was told, Y/n sit next to the giant Oni.

Y/n: So, what brings you to this planet?

Oni: We're here to invade earth like I said before. However, we decided to give earth a chance to defend itself!

Men in black 1#: These aliens asked us to agree in one condition is part of their invasion of earth.

Oni: We want to compete in a showdown against a random human our computer picked. If we happen to lose this even we'll give up and go home.

Y/n: Me? Your computer picked me?!

Shinobu: P-please sir! Y/n doesn't stand a chance against oni! He'll die!!

Ataru: Yeah, what she said! Begone demon!

Oni: Don't worry about it! Take the Oni by horns because we're challenging you to a good old game of tag!

Ataru: Seriously? Like the kids game?

Y/n grabs a pillow across the face to knock him out.

Y/n: Idiot! Don't jinx us!

Suddenly there was a loud rumble of thunder and a lightening bolt struck the ground outside the house. It caused the house to shake and the windows to shatter as everyone was blown back.

When everything died down, there in front of everyone stood a girl that looked around to be Y/n age wearing a yellow and black striped bikini.

Y/n: Whoa...

Lum: So, I guess this guy is my opponent then huh? Hi there, my name is Lum!

She said while leaning against the door frame but she could tell that Y/n was memorized by her.

Oni: This here is my daughter! Isn't she beautiful!

Y/n: Y-Yeah...

Oni: Anyway, all you need to do to save the Earth is grab both of her horns before sunset ten days from now!

Ataru recovers quickly from the aftershocks as he sees Lum making him feel jealous that his brother opponent is a hot alien girl.

Ataru: Aw man! I really wish I was in your position
Y/n! Damn what a nice body~Forget about grabbing her horns, I'd love to be able to get my hands on-

Before he could finish that sentence, he was slapped by Shinobu once again.

Shinobu: Ugh! This is why I'm breaking up with you!

Shinobu looks back at Y/n with a concern expression as Y/n continue looking at Lum.

Y/n: N-Nice to meet you, Lum...

Lum: Same here.

Y/n: Ready to determine earth fate?

Lum: I'll make sure to win.

Y/n: Right... *thought* This is going to be tougher than I thought.

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