Well F*ck!

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{Important Notes :- Kinda important...anyway.
First, My mind has supplied me with more ideas so this fic will probably be longer than I intended it to be.
Second, since wattpad glitched many couldn't see the previous update of this fic. Please chk it out if not done so already.
Third, I am going to be extremely busy the next few days, till 13th to be exact so I may not be able to update this story till then.
Shameless self promotion ahead:
I will probably update my WangXian fic once during that time. On that note pls chk out my WangXian fic... It's nothing like this fic tho.
OK that's about it,
Let's get on with the story}

Wei Wuxian and His Lan Zhan

Having bagged the role, Xiao Zhan's first thought had somehow been.
'I wonder who my Lan Zhan will be.'

Now call it crazy or whatever but our boy Xiao Zhan had subconsciously started calling Lan Zhan as 'My Lan Zhan'...Now obviously you will wonder if Xiao Zhan is as straight as he had claimed earlier, the answer is obviously 'Yes'....Well.... At least he had thought himself to be.
You see Xiao Zhan was completely confident in his heterosexuality.

So now the I have curbed your curiosity we will move to where The manager arrives to congratulate a very happy and excited Xiao Zhan.

"Zhan, congratulations. Have they given you any details about the schedule and date of filming?" The manager enquires.

Xiao Zhan's face falls a little at that.
"Guizhou." Xiao Zhan informs.

"Aigoo, don't worry it's only for three months." The manger says, trying to comfort the young man.

Xiao Zhan nods. Then he remembers that he was not given the cast list at the audition since he was one of the first actors to be finalized.

"Gege, any news on who is playing my Lan Zhan?" Xiao Zhan asks nonchalantly on his way to the kitchen.

The managers brows rise at the 'My Lan Zhan' , but Xiao Zhan misses it.

"Tea?" he adds before keeping a pot of water to boil.

"No Thanks. And yes, I got the list." The manager says handing over the cast list to Xiao Zhan.

As expected, his eyes first try to find the name Lan Zhan on the list.
"Wang Yibo." He says out loud.

Zhan finds the name very familiar but fails to put a face to the name.

"I remember the name... But I don't recall the face." Xiao Zhan adds.

And before the manager can answer, Xiao Zhan has already taken out his phone and googled the name.

Yes I am aware the Google doesn't work in China! But you get my point right.

"Aaaa, it's the boy from Day Day up." Xiao Zhan says smiling, "I knew that I had heard this name before! I have saved his name as Awesome legs. That's why I don't recall his.... "
'Oh dear, I should probably change his name to Wang YiBo in my phone.' Xiao Zhan thinks immediately changing the name in the contact list.

"Yes..yes. That would be him." The manage says monotonously as if he has a hundred other things to do than stand and watch a grown man smiling like a goof.

The manager turns to leave.
"See ya Zhan."

The manager misses the way Xiao Zhan's face falls.

You see once the original message had sunk in...that Wang Yibo will be playing his love interest... no.. Best friend... This is the image that had popped up in Xiao Zhan's mind.

Immediately followed by this image


'Well Fuck!... No...not in a bad way but Wang Yibo playing Lan Zhan!!!!'

"Gege, wait!"

"What now?" The manger says looking done with life.

"Gege, my Lan Zhan is supposed to be older...serious...taller...buffer! Gege, I can assure you Yibo is none! He is a good boy, but if I remember correctly, he is much younger than me.. And shorter! And he has noodle arms... How is he going to pick me up in bridal style and carry me to... " Xiao Zhan trails off when he realizes where his mind had gone... And Nope. That is not what he should be thinking about. They will not have any of those things in the show.. It's a bromance!

He stops and takes a deep breath before continuing, "Gege... I think you got the wrong list. There is no way in hell that they selected 'this child' to play my Lan Er gege...I mean My Lan Zhan.. 'Fuck' I mean Lan Zhan"

"I am sorry to disappoint you Zhan, but 'this child' has been finalized." The manager says with a hint of annoyance.

Xiao Zhan being the extremely mature and we'll adjusted young man that he is, immediately realizes his mistake.

"I am sorry for being unprofessional just now Gege. The production team obviously thought that Yibo is a good fit or they would not have selected him....I will work hard." Xiao Zhan says giving the manager his trademark beautiful smile.

'Damn...he is cute.' The manager thinks, his anger dissipating.

"See you in a week." The manager say smiling back at the man born with a smile on his face.

Lan Zhan and His Wei Ying

Having bagged the role, Wang Yibo's first thought had somehow also had been.
'I wonder who my Wei Ying will be.'

Now you must be wondering about Yibo's sexuality as well, then let me make it very clear, Wang Yibo has never really given it a thought. He has been super busy all his life.

He has been a child model, he has been a Korean Oppa and presently he is a host of a successful show and a professional motorcycle racer.

And he doesn't give a flying fuck about what other people think about him. He knows he likes ladies but who is to say he can't like men.
And if anyone wants to judge him because of that then fuck them because it's his life and he knows best what he wants...and if someday he wants a boyfriend he will get one!

Obviously today is not the day to get a boyfriend. Today, he just wants to know who his love interest in the show is going to be.

So when his manager arrives with the cast list he grabs the file from the older man and flops on the couch.
He flips through the pages till he reaches the cast list.

"Xiao Zhan." He says out loud.

And this is what pops up in his head.

'Well fuck!...in a good way obviously.'

Now for those who are wondering why this particular imagery popped up in my boy Yibo's brain was because... Yibo is a fan boy you see. And he has been following and stanning XNine from the very beginning and guess who his Bias was.. Yep.. It was none other than Xiao Zhan!
He had in fact once gone to a XNine concert... in disguise obviously.
The image that had popped up was from when he had seen his Bias smile 'like a beautiful, gorgeous, sexy ...humble man' to thank his audience.
But of course that was a secret.

It was also a secret that when 'Zhan ge' had visited the sets of 'Day Day up' a year or so back and Yibo had finally met 'the man'...Yibo's heart had gone 'Doki..Doki' ....in a totally hetrosexual way.

'It is totally normal for my heart to behave that way when looking at my bias in person...so close to me.' Yibo had thought at the time.

"Zhan Ge... " Yibo repeated.

"Ah, yes. You have met him a year or so back." The manger reminds him.

"375 days." Yibo corrects.


"Nothing.. Ammm. So when am I going to meet him... I mean the cast?"
Yibo asks looking totally unaffected.

Yibo is a cool dude after all.

"In a week. The script reading will be in Hengdian World Studio and The outdoor shoot will be in Guizhou. The shooting will be completed in 3 months from July to August." The manager informs.

Yibo's face falls.
'Zhan ge hates that weather. He will be miserable. It will be hot then.'

The manager notices.
"Yibo, I thought you would be happy. You love to hike and trek. You can de-stress by indulging in them. Why do you look sad?"

This brings fan boy Yibo back to the discussion, "Of course I am happy. I will get to work with Zha... A good team." he says giving the manager his trademark Gremlin smile.

"I will work hard." Yibo finally says before the manager leaves the young man with his thoughts.

{Note :- Yes I am aware that the story is moving at a snail's pace.
My apologies.

But if you still enjoyed it, Vote to show your support.

Also drop comments if you can spare a moment 😀

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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