don't leave me... please...

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"Don't worry about me. Someone has to take care of these flowers."

"Azzy..." My face scrunches up as I start to cry again. "No..."

"Asriel." Frisk says. He looks like he's on the briink of tears too.

"Frisk, please leave me alone. I can't come back. I just can't, Okay?

"No, please...Asriel..."

"No, Frisk." Asriel shakes his head. "You don't understand." His voice cracks. "I don't want to break their hearts all over again. It's better if they never see me..."

"But it wasn't your fault, Azzy! It was mine! It was my plan; I talked you into it." I start crying even harder. "Why does everyone hurt because of my mistakes!"

"No, Asriel...please..." Frisk says again.

"...why are you still here, Frisk. Are you trying to keep me company..."

"If you won't come back, then I won't either. I'll stay with you!" Frisk insists, his face starts getting blotchy, as if he's about to cry.

Asriel stays silent for a second. Then he says, "Hey."

"Let me ask you a question." He says, looking into Frisk's eyes.

"Frisk...why did you come here?"

Frisk looks startled. "What do you mean?"

"Everyone knows the legend right...?"

Me and Asriel say it together; " Travelers who climb Mt. Ebott are said to disappear."

Another pause... and then...

"Frisk. Why would you ever climb a mountain like that?"

"Was it foolishness?"

"Was it fate?"

"Or was it...."

"Because you..."

I-i...." Frisk starts as if to answer him, and then looks away, refusing to meet his eyes.

I look at him. "Frisk?"

He doesn't meet my eyes either.

"Well...only you know the answer, don't you?"

"Frisk?" I ask again.

He still refuses to meet my eyes.

Another pause.

"I know why Chara climbed the mountain."

Mine and Frisk's heads shoot up fast when Asriel says these words.

"You do?" Frisk says with surprise.

"Yeah....It wasn't for a very happy reason." Asriel says.

"Chara?" Now its Frisk's turn to look at me.

I stare at the ground.

"I didn't fall, Frisk...." I say. Tears fall down my face onto the golden flowers in front of us.

I smile through my tears. It's all about the buttercups....isn't it, Azzy?

"I jumped." I say hoarsely, still staring at the flowers.


I shake my head and say, "Shush, he's still talking."

"Frisk...I'll be honest with you."

"Chara hated humanity."

Frisk starts, "Wha-what?!" But I don't even blink to that statement. because it's true, y'know.

"Chara?" Frisk looks into my eyes searchingly.

I shrug not looking at him. "He's right. I hate humanity."

"But I'm human..." I've never seen Frisk so hurt.

I smile weakly at that. "No you aren't. You're a kid. You're just like me. Besides, everyone deserves a second chance...." My eyes harden. "Just not her. Or them."

Asriel shakes his head and continues to talk, effectively recapturing Frisk's attention. Why they did, they never talked about it. But they felt very strongly about that."

Frisk looks at me. My expression is still stormy.

"Frisk... You really are different from Chara."

"In fact, though you have similar, uh, fashion choices...." Me and Azzy both smile wryly at that. Frisk just continues to listen with wide eyes.

"I don't know why I ever acted like you were the same person."

"Maybe....The truth is...."

"Chara wasn't exactly the greatest person."

I look up, stunned. "A-azzy...." I blink away more tears, feeling like I'd just gotten punched in the chest. "B-but...."

"But what did you expect?! I was only 11! I still am!"

That ugly voice in the back of my head decides to perk up, "ah...but Frisk is too, isn't he?"

I stare at the ground in shock. because he's right . I'd always been a piece of shit. My mother had told me that, Her boyfriend had told me that- everyone had told me that. but somehow I'd refused to believe it. I'd always thought that I could be a good person, if I just tried.

"I tried, Azzy." I croak. "I really tried."

but I guess trying wasn't enough. Because it never is.

"While, Frisk... You're the type of friend I always wish I had."

Another punch to the chest. I look at Azzy ....and smile through my tears. "You'll always be my best friend, Azzy. Always."

"So maybe I was projecting a little bit."

He laughs lightly, but still looks sad. "Let's be honest. I did some weird stuff as a flower."

He turns away again, and Frisk gives one final go at it. "Asriel, please....Come on. Let's just go home."

He shakes his head sadly and turns away.

"There's one last thing I feel I should tell you."

"Frisk....When Chara and I combined our SOULs together... the control over our body was actually split between us."

Frisk just looks at me.

"When we got to the village...They were the one that wanted to... to use our full power."

"You idiot." I say, my lip trembling. "I didn't want you to die! But you didn't attack, you idiot!"

"I was the one that resisted."

"Yeah and a fat lot of good that did, didn't it!" I yell. "Because now you're dead t-!"

He starts to cry again. "And then, because of me, we... Well that's why I ended up as a flower."

I stop yelling. "Azzy It's not your fault....don't blame yourself....please." I whisper.

"Frisk, this whole time I've blamed myself for that decision. That's why I adopted that horrible view of the world; 'Kill Or Be Killed'."

"But now...After meeting you...Frisk I don't regret that decision anymore."

I smile a genuine smile. "I'm glad you don't, Asriel." I say. "Because neither do I."

Azzy lifts his tear filled eyes. They're blazing with determination. "I did the right thing."

"Yeah..." I say with a pained smile. "Yeah you did. It was a really stupid plan, after all. It wasn't worth it..."

"If I killed those humans...We would've had to wage war against all of humanity. And in the end, everyone went free, right?"

"No." Frisk chokes out. "Not you and Chara."

Azzy smiles sadly. "Yeah."

They are silent for a little bit.

"I still feel kind of sad knowing how long it took... so maybe it wasn't a perfect decision."

"But you can't regret hard choices your whole life, right?"

Frisk gives me a sideways glance. "Yeah."

I shake my head, a lump in my throat. "No. I will always regret that decision. That stupid plan that got me and my best friend killed... Not to mention countless children... I should have never told him the plan."

"Well, not that I have much of a life left. But that's besides the point."

"Come home, Asriel." Frisk says one last time.

"Frisk thank you for listening to me."

"You should really go be with your friends now, Okay?"

"Oh, and, please...In the future if you, uh, see me... Don';t think of it as me, okay? I just want you to remember me like this. Someone who was your friend for a little while."

"Oh and Frisk? Be careful ion the outside world, okay?

"Despite what everyone thinks, it's not as nice as here."

"There are a lot of Floweys out there. And not everything can be resolved by just being nice. "

"Don't kill, and don't be killed alright? That's the best you can strive for."

"Well see you."

"No." Frisk says. "No...that can't be it..."

"Frisk..It's over. You did it. You saved everyone!" I smile at him, walking him to the edge of the room. "And now it's time for you to go." He looks at me, dumbfounded. "What?"

"You heard me." I say. "Go on. Everyone's waiting for you."

"A-aren't you coming with me?"

"Didn't you say you didn't want to have a ghost following you around for the rest of your life," I joke.

"I don't want to leave you!" He protests.

"It's okay." I say as I go back towards Asriel.

I turn around to face Frisk. "I have to keep him company."

"Chara! You're my Best Friend! Don't leave me...please."

"Take this as a life lesson kid. Not all stories end in happy endings...and when they do....sometimes they don't work out the way you want them to..."

"No!" He cries out. "I won't lose you too!"

Something happens in that split second...but I don't know what. It went by too fast. All of a sudden, The ground beneath my feet felt firmer than it had in years, and I could smell the flowers better than I ever could.

Frisk spins me around and hugs me fiercely.

"What the hell?" My eyes widen.

Frisk lets go really quickly. His eyes looking as wide as mine felt.

"Chara... how can I touch you!!"

"I-i don't kno-." My breath freezes in my throat as I look over Frisk's shoulder.

Asriel's staring at me. Not through me. Not in my general direction. Not at frisk.

No he's making eye-contact with ME.

"Azzy?" I ask at the same time as Asriel asks, "Chara?"

And suddenly we're running towards each other and crying, neither of us knowing what happened.

"I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry," We both say at the same time.

And then we say, "Don't ever leave me again."

***Whoa....yeah totally didn't cry like, five times while writing this chapter....stop it. I can see you judging me!

This was a very emotional chapter. well, tell me what you thought about it, because I'll definitly be editing and adding some stuff to this...

Well, happy summer guys. I hope you enjoyed the feels attack I just gave you. ^.^ ***

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