Echo Flowers

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I let out several broken sobs as I wrench myself out of Sans' arms after he caught me before I fell.

"WHAT THE HELL KIND OF BULLSHIT WAS THAT??!!" I scream, not caring if I woke everyone up. Pain starts to overwhelm me and my SOUL cracks under the pressure of it, sending a fierce and agonizing burning sensation through my entire body. I ignore it, hurting far too much to care.

"i-i didn't do anything-?" he responds, extremely distressed.

"YOU CAN STOP WITH THE CRAP NOW SANS!! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME REMEMBER!!!" My voice cracks slightly with emotion.

If skeletons could pale, then that's what he would've done. "wh-what?! you saw what i saw.... but that's not how *Judging someone works...."

"YOU JUDGED ME??!!" I shriek, unable to contain my anger and tears. "WHAT THE FUCK AND WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT??!!

"chara.... I'm sorry. i didn't realize you would see what I saw...." he pleads. He looks..... scared?

"Sorry doesn't cut it." I snarl, tears still streaming down my face. I hear Asriel and Frisk run into the room as I run out the back door, straight into the woods.

"Chara?" Frisk calls, confused.

"Chara come back!!" Azzy yells.

I keep running, crying so hard I can't see. In my haste I trip over a root. I go flying and land into a deep ravine-like place, Squirrelflight style. (Warriors reference)

I yelp loudly as I land on my back with a thump. The landing isn't too rough though, because I fell on something soft.

I lay there for a moment with my eyes closed, struggling to gain my breath back. I can hear something beyond my struggled gasps and sobs..... something like.... whispering?

The thought of anyone else seeing me like this, combined with the fear of the source of the whispers being not-so friendly makes me open my eyes. I sit up, blinking hard several times to get rid of the blurriness. My jaw drops at the sight in front of me.

A beautiful light blue glow permeates the air, illuminating a medium size clearing located in a sheltered ravine. The source of the light quickly becomes apparent, given that one is staring me in the face as I narrate this; Echo Flowers.

I stare at the Echo Flower in front of me, open mouthed still. Well that exlains the voices....
It's decently sized- taller than me at the moment since I'm sitting. It looks like it would be at my waist if I was standing...and I'm 4' 11".

"I thought you guys only grew in the underground," I murmur absentmindedly as I reach out a hand and stroke one of its soft petals.

"I though you guys only grew in the underground." It murmurs back. I chuckle softly and stand up. It mimics my chuckle as I run my hand through my hair, brushing out petals that had found their way there.

A confused expression makes its way onto my face as I tilt my head to the side, listening to the same echo flower. It's humming His Theme now.......

I blink. Echo Flowers are only supposed to repeat what they last hear..... by that rule, all the flowers in the clearing should be chuckling. But they aren't.

They're singing, whispering, humming, yelling, and laughing. It's almost as if each flower is saying something different....
And even though there are all these voices overlapping, it isn't loud. It sounds like a beautiful, soft medley.

I start walking through the clearing, listening to what they have to say.

One group is humming His Theme..... Another is reciting the first 25 elements of the Periodic Table..... and some flowers are just on there own, saying random things.


I stop at a group of three, listening closely. They're singing a familiar song......

"I found God, on the corner of first in Amistad. Where the west, was all but one...." They sing softly.

I stay and listen.... and strangely enough, the clearing seems to grow quieter for a second, almost as if the rest of the flowers are listening to the trio of flowers sing in soft harmony.

The trio continues to sing, "I said, 'where you been?' He said 'ask anything.' "

And then, the rest of the flowers start to join in, "Where were you, when everything was falling apart?"

Tears prick my eyes. I can relate to this song so much in ways no one could even begin to understand. I sit down next to the trio and place my head in my hands as I listen. The song takes me back to about 20 minutes ago, in which something happened that caused this latest mess I've gotten myself into....... Because yeah.....

"Lost and insecure.
You found me! You found me,
lying on the floor.
Surrounded! Surrounded!
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you, where were you?
Just a little late,
You found me, you found me....."


***Alright so in case it isn't obvious, I'll say it now..... I'm very busy with school, so updates will be slow. I actually should be doing homework right now..... but meh. pRoCrAsTiNaTiOn.

And anyways, as you see I changed the cover. Strawberry-Cindy actually suggested that I could start a cover contest. I think its a great idea!!

The rules are pretty basic. You don't steal someone's art and then call it yours. And if it isn't your work, state the artists name......

I'll probably edit these rules later or something. I'm pretty damn tired and practically high off lack of sleep, so sorry if this doesn't make sense. If you have any questions then you can ask them in the comments..... And I've never done this before so plz help meh.***

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